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Ecology is Good Business
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Global environment is one of the greatest issues of the 21st century.... The advance in technology has apparently been good and bad for the world.... For the last course of the twentieth century, human population has increased with more than.... ... ... This has led to increasing pressure on the ecology and the planet in general....
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The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Lowell is entitled to recover damages for the losses that she has suffered is a thorny issue in the context of the conflict between international law and private individual rights of foreign citizens who are on board a ship that has been.... ... ...
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Economic Case for Precision Agricuture Apply to Ireland
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The author of the paper states that precision farming can be used to provide good stewardship of the land for future generations in Ireland, preserve the land's potential for multiple uses, and evaluate both off- and on-site effects of agricultural practices.... ... ... ... The goal of sustainable development is to avoid negative changes in natural resources and increase the quality of life of producers....
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The effectiveness of training and development programmes in organisation
26 pages (6500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In designing these training evaluation questionnaires, we have followed the Kirkpatrick four-level model and the Phillips Return On Investment (ROI) framework.... Thus we produce questionnaires that measure, before and after training, the main issues raised by these two evaluation.... ... ... An analysis of the questionnaires will be undertaken to determine qualitatively and statistically the effectiveness of the training programme according to the above models used....
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The Contemporary Practice Of Political Spin
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Karl Marx advocated secularism with the argument that a State could not truly be emancipated until it freed itself from all prejudices, be they communal or religious.... In his paper, ‘The Jewish Question', he states that “it is possible, therefore, for the state to have emancipated itself from religion even if the overwhelming majority is still religious....
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Bela Pinga Ltd Company
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This report will analyze the sales processing of the Bela Pinga Ltd, which is located in Commercial Street, Sheffield, receives and processes sales orders.... In the initial section, the application domain of the potential user(s) and requirement analysis of the sale office will be presented.... ...
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Assignment 4 Brief therapy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The book by Budman, Hoyt & Friedman (1992) showcases various approaches in implementing Brief therapy for troubled individuals, couples and even families.... It does away with long-term treatment usually descriptive of intensive and effective psychological counseling or.... ... ... The initial meeting has an enormous bearing on what comes later in the treatment....
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Accounting Principles
6 pages (1434 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The writer of this paper states that accounting is the profession dedicated to identifying, recording, tracking, monitoring, and reporting all the financial activity of an enterprise (Weygant & Kieso & Kimmel, 2001).... There are different branches of the accounting profession.... ... ... ... Some of these areas include cost accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, financial accounting, and accounting information systems....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
We, as human-beings, all have our own personalities and possess our own sense of authenticity.... However, this authenticity is difficult to define when we begin to confront the various demands of our society.... ... ... ... fter reading Lennon Remembers, I realized that fame is not achieved through the authenticity of that person, but is achieved instead through the process of McDonaldization, a phenomenon of the industrialized world. ...
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Global Wealth and Poverty Linked to the Capitalist World System
5 pages (1556 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Global Wealth and Poverty Linked to the Capitalist World System" state that the history of the world clearly shows, are ridden with tales of oppression by the bourgeois class who are the owner of the means through which human existence is levered.... .... ... ... Capitalism and Socialism are still being practiced undiluted, in many countries....
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An Analysis Based on Marks and Spencer Annual Reports
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This report talks about Marks and Spencer which is one of the UK's leading retailers with more than 800 stores different, of which around 620 stores situate in UK.... Marks and Spencer is the largest retailer offering innovative, high quality, outstanding value clothing and home products all over the world....
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Engineering Application
5 pages (1467 words) , Download 1 , Essay
From the paper "Engineering Application" it is clear that both commercial ADCs and DACs are available in the market today in the form of integrated circuits.... We just need to study their datasheets to find the ADC or DAC perfect for our needed application.... ... ... ... The accuracy of ADC is vastly affected by a number of errors including quantization error, aperture error, offset error, gain error, and the nonlinearities discussed earlier....
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DIAGEO --Ethical Issues Business
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Diageo is one of the largest alcoholic drinks companies worldwide.... It is active in branded beverage alcohol business on the global scale.... It is operational in producing, distilling, brewing, bottling, packaging, distributing and marketing a number of popular brands in more than 180 countries....
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Marketing Plan for a Camera Phone
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper is a marketing plan for a camera phone that is to be launched shortly in the domestic market.... The plan details the strategy employed by the company and the various mechanisms that the company is bringing to the table with respect to the market for its flagship product.... .... ... ... According to the paper the document details the product and marketing strategy that the company is planning to employ for the marketing and the distribution of the products....
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Political Instability in the Solomon Islands and Australias Relations
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Political Instability in the Solomon Islands and Australia's Relations" provides a detailed analysis of Australia's deep and longstanding relationship with the Solomon Islands to determine the various aspects of the nation's relationship with the islands.... ... ... ... The Solomon Islands, a group of islands located in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Papua New Guinea, has been undergoing political instability in contemporary history which has negatively impacted economic development in the nation....
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Considiring censorship
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Censorship is a wide topic which controls the spreading of harmful materials and public speeches in the society.... Topics such as pornography, violence and aggressive speeches which boosts terrorism and fundamentalism are normally censored by most the governments.... ... ... Though nobody questions the relevance of censorship, in some cases governments utilize this powerful tool for their own interest....
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The Phenomenology of Spirit by Hegel
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Phenomenology of Spirit by Hegel describes his philosophical approach and methods.... The paper will take up a discussion and analysis of two of the stanzas numbered 11 to 13.... The stanzas deal with the spirit or the consciousness of the mind and its relation with the surrounding objects.... ...
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European Union Law Issues
6 pages (1792 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "European Union Law Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the jurisprudence of the Community Courts, including the opinion of the Advocate Generals, regarding the locus standi of non-privileged applicants to challenge the validity of Regulations.... ... ... ... Article 230 of the EC Treaty is the main source of law which enables challenge to the validity of Community acts, by reviewing the legality of acts adopted....
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Christianity and Judaism
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Christians and Jews have more common elements in their beliefs and customs, but they strongly disagree on the issue of accepting Jesus Christ as the son of God or Messiah.... Christians believe that Jesus was the son of God, the Messiah promised by the God and human can attain.... ... ... But Jews believe that the Messiah is yet to come and Jesus Christ was not the one offered by the God....
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Causes of Obama's victory
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States was a historic event in the life of the American republic.... The fact that an African American was elected president and on a platform of “change” was heralded as the beginning of a new era in the politics of the nation....
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Compare and contrast
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The narrators of the two stories, Araby and The Loons have important roles to play.... In the former story the setting is that of Dublin while the later takes place in Canada.... In both cases the young protagonist.... ... ... The depiction and narration are both similar and different in more ways than one. ...
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Learning Math for Spiritual Development
6 pages (1691 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Learning Math for Spiritual Development" presents an emphasis on how mathematics leads to the spiritual development of a person learning it.... How society views mathematics and what they tell their children about mathematics reflects a lot about how children will take mathematics.... ...
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Government's Involvement or Role in the Marketplace - Managerial Economics
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is often assumed that left to themselves, the free market system would make sure that resources are allocated as they should be, automatically.... ... ... esulting in benefits to both market participants and society The forces of supply and demand are often assumed to be able to allocate resources in society efficiently....
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Personal emergency and disaster plan
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Students of IUB should be prepared for Natural, Accidental and Intentional Disaster Threats.... Tornadoes, blizzards and thunderstorm, followed by floods are the three major types of natural.... ... ... Though the level of precipitations is lower in Indiana than in some states farther north, the statewide amount reaches about 40 inches annually....
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The Assault on Reason by Al Gore
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Iris Marion Young, the late Professor had detailed a framework of oppression that provides a list of five facets of state power and power of the elite that keeps specific communities and classes of workers alienated and unable to benefit from the creation of wealth that is made.... ... ... The five faces of oppression, according to Professor Young are: Exploitation, Marginalization, Powerlessness, Cultural Dominance and Violence....
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Considering Censorship
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The very mention of the word censorship evokes instant uncomfortable reaction.... Mostly, it is associated with the suppression of the human spirit as man, the unique creation of God, is a rational animal that has the inherent tendency to rebel against anything that challenges human spirit and holds up progress....
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Differentiation Between White Collar and Street Crimes
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper describes the prevalence of white-collar crime.... Technological advancements provide opportunities for an increase in white collar crimes.... Frequent white collar criminals commit crimes without anyone ever knowing.... The discrete nature of the white-collar crime is further thought to be a predictor of an increase in this form of crime....
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Treating Juvenile Criminals as Adults
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
This research will begin with the statement that while the main purpose of the adult criminal justice system is to punish the criminal according to the level of his crime, the supposed aim of the juvenile justice system is to apply rehabilitation or mentoring to juvenile offenders in order to prevent further crimes and change their delinquent behavior....
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Human smoke by nicholson baker
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The book is a forthright idealistic book.... The quality of the book is in no doubt as it was written by an author that received the National Book Critics Circle Award.... ... ... Human Smoke started in 1892 as the author described Alfred Nobel's experiments with explosives.... The author explained that Nobel thought that the explosives would promote peace not knowing that it would have some catastrophic effect on the world years The book ends in 1941....
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Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
An author of this paper seeks to analyze the foundation of the New Testament.... The goal of this paper is to critique the claim that four gospels featured in the New Testament convey the message that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life that whole mankind ought to rely upon.... ... ... ... The whole New Testament is founded on the idea that Jesus is evidently the Messiah, the Son of God, the world had been expecting for centuries....
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Human Rights Issues
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
      The current United States government led by President Barrack Obama is facing criticism for not applying rightly the conscience of Human Rights to its activities relating to international policy.... Critics however are satisfied with the changes made in United States.... ... ... Bush related to the detention and interrogating schemes of the terrorist suspects....
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Memory and its contribution to understanding consumer behavioral change. (Psychology in marketplace)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A consumer is guided by certain beliefs and ideas, which he incorporates into his theme of buying the goods and products he desires.... The understanding involves the way a consumer goes ahead.... ... ... Perception is the way a person looks at the outer world with cognizance to his own beliefs and experiences....
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Systematic Training
6 pages (1807 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Systematic Training" presents that every organization strives to improve its competitiveness and enhance business.... To achieve this, effective training of the firm's employees is highly essential.... The productivity and efficiency of employees will not remain constant at all times.... ...
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Bellingham City budget cut
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The city's administrators have been reducing the city's annual budgets since 2008.... This has affected the city's economic activities.... Many departments have had to.... ... ... The police department in Bellingham City police is one of those departments that are facing a lot of challenges due to these budget cuts (Calvin, 2008). ...
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1920's Prohibition
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Term Paper
‘1920's Prohibition', also referred to as The Noble Experiment, is a period in American history, when the sale, manufacturing as well as transportation of alcohol were totally banned all over the country.... With the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment in 1919 and the.... ... ... Although, Prohibition was actualized with ‘noble' intentions, it does not pan out the way as expected....
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Disease Faces Changes with the Change of the People's Culture
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper describes certain diseases, which cannot be full, understand if a cultural explication is not allowed.... There is some disease which either posses a cultural root or cultural catalysts and so the disease cannot be treated without considering the cultural connections.... ... ... ... Diseases can be of several types like a communicable disease, noncommunicable disease, endemic disease, epidemic disease, and etc....
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The Origin of Geisha
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper "The Origin of Geisha" focuses on the fact that Geisha is a word that is commonly used in Japan to refer to female entertainers.... It literally means art and men were the first to be involved in geisha for their art of dancing, singing, and poetry.... ... ... ... The geisha quarters in Japan are found in Tokyo and Kyoto....
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Death and Dying Rituals in Islam
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
The author of this paper claims that in Islam there is a strong belief among Muslims that there is a life after death and that had Heaven and Hell exists.... The belief that there is an afterlife has led the Islamic faith to compartmentalize their thought.... ... ... ... We would be discussing the third phase which pertains to death and afterlife....
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The Irish Republican Army
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The author of this paper states that for several decades, Northern Ireland has been overwhelmed by various political conflicts and military tensions.... History can attest to the multitude of battles that the Irish have witnessed.... There seemed to be an endless struggle of people in this land.... ...
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Renaissance Movement
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The essay highlights особенности Renaissance movement.... It changed the habitual social pattern and reformed a science, literature and art, philosophy and music.... Instead, it created new patterns of color scheme, theme, motif, and formation.... The author tells about Leonardo da Vinci's life and art....
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An Overwhelming and Unreasonable Fear of an Object: Phobias Exist in the World
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper describes people that have phobias that last their entire life.... Furthermore, having a fear of taking a test or speaking in public does not result in some of the physical and psychological ramifications that a phobia is capable of causing.... A phobia is something that can greatly alter or disrupt the life of an individual....
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When an American Meets an Arab
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper intends to give an insight into my interactions with the American delegates while working with a UAE based Telecom Company.... I must say that to an ordinary person not used to cultural variations, situations marked by cultural diversity may give way to some agony.... ... ... ... This essay demonstrates that in the contemporary globalized world, business is about adjusting to and accommodating a mosaic-like environment marked by varied cultural peculiarities towards things and issues....
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Science fiction
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
At a time when concept of artificial intelligence and robots are no longer a dream, it is only human nature to explore what lies ahead.... A close look from the last two decades of the twentieth century.... ... ... Advanced technologies in the form of computer and Internet have opened newer possibilities to connect and interpret....
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Do we send too many people to prison
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
A lot of states in the US have defined mandatory sentences with specified minimum durations that are irrespective of the judge's discretion to be merciful towards the accused.... “Three strikes” laws that had initially been formulated for the life-long imprisonment of the.... ... ... Harsh sentences have been proposed not only for the people who deal in illegal drugs in the war on drugs, but also the ones who have sold prescription drugs against the law....
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The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This paper 'The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster' talks about a current event related to families that have occurred in Japan and how the event has affected and continue to affect families.... It also provides the views on what would have happened if the same occurrence happened in the US....
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The Impact of Technology on Business
6 pages (1653 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "The Impact of Technology on Business" shows how changes in technology and population have played a significant role in the UK economy.... ... ... ... The other significant effect of population changes related to the UK'S economy is about the increase in house prices.... An increase in population in the UK mostly because of immigration has resulted in an increase in demand for more housing facilities (Chapman, 2011....
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Public administration
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The overall happiness is always determined by the outcome of the action putting all the consequences into consideration.... The term can also be described as any action in which.... ... ... With reference to the discussion questions given, this paper will assess the how a person can encompass morality in their day to day lives to make the world a Guided by morality, an individual is usually obliged to do good even if that good is contrary to the law set by specific persons....
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Economic Expediency of Holding London Olympic Games
6 pages (1671 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Economic Expediency of Holding London Olympic Games" argues against the necessity of spending large amounts of money on the London Olympics.... Olympics victories often develop nationalism and pride.... Moreover, these victories are symbols of developments in the country.... ... ... ... Olympics provide an opportunity for the host nation to demonstrate their financial, infrastructure development, and technological abilities whereas for the participating nations, it is only a sports event to exhibit their abilities in sports and games....
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Banning Smoking & Its Fight on the Hill
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research is being carried out to evaluate and present the issues including the history of smoking, supporters against and of smoking, the negative effects of smoking, smoking demographics, smoke-free laws, and policies and legislation in their way from smoke-free laws.... This research will begin with the statement that whether smoking should be banned or not, is a controversial topic that is debated in nearly all forums and health meetings worldwide....
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Objections to Studying Political Psychology and Responses
5 pages (1403 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Objections to Studying Political Psychology and Responses" bases argument from Houghton's ideas on Political Psychology to do a critique.... Scholars appreciate the role of political psychology in shaping the world's view and understanding of politics, behavior, and contemporary issues....
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