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A Biography of Kathleen Kenyon, the Renowned Biblical Archaeologist
9 pages (2287 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Kathleen Kenyon published dozens of books, papers, and monographs, but the sheer volume of material that she uncovered in her many long excavations proved too much even for her phenomenal energy.... Added to this was the burden of a lecturing career which distracted her from the research side of her work.... In Retrieving the Past: Essays on Archaeological research and Methodology, edited by Joe D.... 0 These awards recognize not only her professional activities, but also her work in the War and her support for education in London and later in Oxford, where she became a college principal....
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Attitudes to smoking changed since the smoking ban
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This led me to put deep thought and research into what really prompts a person to start smoking, besides my story, what has been done to contain and eventually stop smoking, and what changes, if any, have been observed after the smoking bans have been imposed.... research shows that second-hand smoking causes the same health problems as first-hand smoking; diseases such as lung cancer, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, and cardiovascular diseases plague both first-hand and second-hand smokers (SHEU, 2003)....
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Sourcing Funds from Venture Capitalists, Creditors, Bonds and Equities
5 pages (1570 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Brookings papers on Economic Activity.... Blackwell Publishing on behalf of Center for Economic Policy research.... "Sourcing Funds from Venture Capitalists, Creditors, Bonds and Equities" paper presents the rationale of sourcing funds by the finance managers.... The sources of funds prevalent in Croatia and the preferred mode by Finance Managers are discussed and some discussion points are presented in this context....
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The International Mobility of Labour as a Development Strategy
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
in terms of technological development, the quality of its medical schools, its specialist training and its commitment to fundamental biomedical research.... The purpose of this paper 'The International Mobility of Labour as a Development Strategy' is to critically examine the pros and cons of the international mobility of labor as a development strategy in the 21st century....
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The Steps Taken under the Primary National Strategy in Education
10 pages (2719 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
(eds) Research in Mathematics Education, Volume 2, papers of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics.... A selected team of experts carried out research on trainee teachers to gauge their subject knowledge in mathematics.... Even the government has taken initiatives to seek professional assistance from mathematics coordinators for nullifying the impact of market-oriented educational model which is generally believed to be lacking in expertise....
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Politics and Policy in Education
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The researcher develops the following research questions that need to be answered to affirm the findings: What is education standing for?... According to Institute for Education research showed that University's admissions fees had increased by 24.... Sociological research [Online], 5(1)....
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A Biography of Kathleen Kenyon, the Renowned Biblical Archaeologist
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Kathleen Kenyon published dozens of books, papers, and monographs, but the sheer volume of material that she uncovered in her many long excavations proved too much even for her phenomenal energy.... Added to this was the burden of a lecturing career which distracted her from the research side of her work.... In Retrieving the Past: Essays on Archaeological research and Methodology, edited by Joe D.... 0 These awards recognize not only her professional activities, but also her work in the War and her support for education in London and later in Oxford, where she became a college principal....
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Identifying and Developing Strategies for People Suffering from Mental Health
7 pages (2074 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The success of this paper depends on information obtained from different research sources used to weave ideas that identify the health challenges facing the young adults in the society.... The paper "Identifying and Developing Strategies for People Suffering from Mental Health " is a great example of a term paper on nursing....
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The Challenge for International Budget Hotels in Shanghai Market
6 pages (1862 words) , Download 0 , Essay
“Theory and research methods defined”.... Findings of a two year research on hotel industry (Pine R.... (Mega essays).... International budget hotel is a place for travellers which provide basic accommodation demands, professional service at reasonable prices It boasts of economic price, cleanliness safety and convenience....
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Homosexuality & American Psychiatry by Ronald Bayer
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, to Socarides, one of the most active supporters of the TVC line, Spitzer's lack of background in the studies of homosexuality is only the sign of professional incompetence of the APA member: “Spitzer, who to my knowledge had never previously published a single article on homosexuality or the sexual deviations, had composed a position paper on the meaning and content of homosexuality” (Socarides).... In this light, it becomes evident that the changes of social norms required serious political struggle: To those who had so boldly challenged the professional authority of psychiatry it was clear that only the threat of disorder or even of violence had been able to create the conditions out of which such a dialogue could occur (Bayer 104)....
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Contrast of Security Threat Assessment and Risk Assessment When Countering Terrorism Attacks
5 pages (1633 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Miller and Byres,(2005), state that the research papers that are present in the world today have focussed more on discussing the weaknesses that are present in control of the system they have abandoned the aspect of relative risk implementations of certain aspect within the risk assessment structure....
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Globalization Effects upon Power and Responsibility of Firms
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Globalization Effects upon Power and Responsibility of Firms.... ... lobalization has drawn manifest impacts upon different aspect of businesses and many philosophies and phenomenon exists within the business world got new directions in the era of globalization.... ... ... ... Globalization.... Effects upon Power and Responsibility of Firms....
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Use of COBIT as Corporate Governance Audit Methodology
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The research project is targeted to evaluate the feasibility, strengths & weaknesses of COBIT framework when deployed as an Internal Auditing System for IT Governance as a part of the overall Corporate Governance system of an organization.... eed for research ... he research objectives and directions of this project are based on the analysis of COBIT as a framework for information systems used by organizations and businesses.... Here in this research, the advantages of using COBIT are delineated along with a literature review of changes in IT systems and introduction or uses of COBIT in various organizational settings....
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Role of Librarians in Teaching and Training in Ili: Information Literacy Instruction
8 pages (2192 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Chicago, IL: Association of College and research Libraries.... Librarians are also require to create online instructional material that is aimed at different users of information that can be easily accessed by those seeking answers to their problems, research or essays.... he trainers and institutions expect that they are familiar with research methods, ability to evaluate information and retrieve it, add value to the information.... Library research success: Designing an online tutorial to teach information literacy skills to first-year students....
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Human Resource Portfolio
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Human resource management demands creative strategies and techniques to value an effective organizational development.... Managers must have in-depth knowledge and understanding of workers' roles and functions to ascertain institutional sustainability and completion of tasks.... ... ... ... Human Resource Management....
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Abraham Lincoln as a Trait, Situational, and Transformational Leader
9 pages (2387 words) , Download 0 , Essay
urther, regardless of the trait approach containing extensive research to defend the fact that leaders have exceptional traits than non-leaders, it draws some failures.... herefore, despite embracing extensive research on training and development, the situational approach theory contains some weaknesses.... Thus, lack of such strong substantive research raises eyebrows on its theoretical basis (p.... Further, Burns later published research about Charisma and describes it as a special gift that certain individuals possess that earns them capacity to do extraordinary things (p....
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Applied Principles of Value Management and Engineering
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 7 , Term Paper
There are industry groups like the United Kingdom's Construction Industry research and Information Association (CIRIA) which provide guidance documents (Uren and Griffiths 2000, cited in Christini et al, 2004, p.... contacted us and asked our professional services to conduct value management and value engineering studies.... We have been in this business for years, delivering professional service and expertise to companies and organisations in improving their strategic plans and in the conduct of value management and value engineering studies as we have vast knowledge of concepts and methodologies on this area....
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Crime Prevention, Disorder, and Community Safety
13 pages (3543 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author of the "Crime Prevention, Disorder, and Community Safety" paper dissects the evidence about allegations of this generation's punitiveness.... The author identifies whether there is evidence that the public and policymakers are becoming more punitive.... ... ... ... Harsher sentencing and increased use of imprisonment, 'three strikes and mandatory minimum sentencing laws; 'truth in sentencing and parole release restrictions; 'no frills' prison laws and 'austere prisons'; retribution in juveniles court and the imprisonment of children; the revival of chain gangs and corporal punishment....
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The Differences between Big Organizations and Small Family Owned Businesses
10 pages (2670 words) , Download 2 , Essay
om/papers/mittools/intro.... Market research deals with the gathering of information about a market's size and trends.... Organization or small company usually undergoes market research to change their current strategy to improve the growth of their business.... Family-owned business market research is usually discussed by the family members who are a member of the company.... Comparison of Market research between Small Family Owned Business and Big Organization Introduction A family business is a company owned, managed, and operated by members of one or several members as employees, but in smaller companies, the top positions are often allocated to family members....
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Ethnicity and Housing
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
esidential segregation has been a matter of debate and research for several years.... s approaches besides market practices develop, policy architects and equitable residential consultants need consistent research on patterns of segregation, as well as factors that could contribute to the housing disparities in the quality of the residential areas.... The best philosophers debate that the housing consequences of minority ethnic populations should not modestly be equated with accommodation need if they are the outcome of voluntary selections and, hence, do not need a professional, approach or political response....
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Sexual transmitted Infection
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
or the interventions to be effective, intervention mechanisms need to be well designed, long term and research based.... research also needs to focus on management of chlamydia particularly in men because most research dwells on women.... Host immunology, bacterial antigens, duration and role of pathogen role during and after infection with chlamydia should also be the focus of research (Taylor & Haggerty, 2011).... Indian Journal of Medical research, 138(3), pp....
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The Overall Strategic Plan for Blackberry
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 10 , Research Paper
research has however shown that if RIM wants to continue its dominance in the market, it needs to market its devices more over in Asia and Europe (Rhandawa et al, 2009). ... The paper attempts to develop a HR strategic plan for this organization based on its overall strategic plan....
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Social Policy in Australia
8 pages (2332 words) , Download 0 , Essay
uchanan, J 2008, 'Values, research and industrial relations policy: recent controversies and implications for the future dialogue.... Parliamentary Library research Note; 6(2005-06).... This paper "Social Policy in Australia" studies social policy under the governments of Howard, Rudd, and Gillard....
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Interventional Strategies to Decrease Nursing Student Anxiety
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Qualitative research explores human experiences or perceptions and presents findings in diverse formats.... Qualitative research Appraisal Qualitative research Appraisal Introduction The paper chosen for critique is a pilot study by van der Riet et al.... Qualitative research explores human experiences or perceptions and presents findings in diverse formats based on conceptual models or theories as defined by Parahoo (2006).... (2015) can be categorized as qualitative research....
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Curriculum Development for Inclusive Education
11 pages (3018 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Curriculum Development for Inclusive Education" is about the approach that seeks to the students' potential.... It is an effort that ensures diverse learners are exposed to several teaching strategies that come to them as individual learners.... ... ... ... The level of this scheme of work is at English Speakers of Other Languages Entry 3....
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Existence and Abuse of Unequal Power as a Factor of Violence by Men against Women
20 pages (5476 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
In order to provide a better conclusion about the aforesaid aspects, various secondary research studies, articles and literature would be vital to be taken into consideration4. ... The research article of Fergus (2013) clearly highlighted that owing to the widespread social perception that men are more dominant amid the two genders and thus they have the right to abuse women influence the behaviour of the former towards possessing a violent attitude and behaviour against women....
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Science for Informed Citizens
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It also encourages students to articulate science values and accept the ethical principles embedded in science research.... Its research practices are autonomous because their methodologies should be unencumbered by political, religious and other non-cognitive interests....
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Television, Ethnicity and Cultural Change
24 pages (6418 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Television, Ethnicity and Cultural Change" discusses minorities as a group that does not constitute a dominant voting majority of the total population within society.... It may not necessarily a numerical minority as it may include any group.... ... ... ... The term "minority" typically refers to a socially subordinate ethnic group (maybe in terms of language, nationality, religion, and/or culture)....
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Fashion as Material Cultur
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Basically, earlier research on clothing discloses the aspects of culture that can be explored in the clothing's material culture.... Cultural norms, forms, ideals, mechanisms, history, everyday communication, and social distance are all available to the scholar of material culture by means of research on clothing.... Using research findings on perception, Konig stressed that sight was the main sense used by human beings (McCracken, 1990)....
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International Baccalaureate and Freedom
20 pages (5707 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "International Baccalaureate and Freedom" focuses on the International Baccalaureate Programme which is currently positioned at the core.... It acts in response to what educational organizations are trying to attain: creativity and critical thinking abilities.... .... ... ... The IB program creates an international web of educational organizations where educators and students from substantially diverse cultures can get to know each other, at IBO symposiums or through concerted efforts....
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Status of Health Systems
14 pages (3833 words) , Download 1 , Essay
A research by the South African Demographic and Household Survey (SADHS) (Tsoka, Le Seur& Sharp, 2003, pg.... According to a research by the Health Sciences research Council (HSRC) in 2010, the percentage had gone up to about 97%.... A research carried out by Carnegie Mellon University shows that culture plays a substantial role in prenatal care.... With references to the research results, it ends up concluding that a regions cultural beliefs and practices play a significant role in prenatal care....
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Rise of the Gentry and The Agrarian revolution
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As I will demonstrate in later part of my research, France also experienced a Malthusian check, even though there was short sea between the two countries This essay explores the evidence on emergence of a non-feudal class, known as the gentry to Tawney2, and the role it played in industrial revolution.... This research also present the evidence that this non-feudal class rose in the context of: an economic atmosphere in their favor; an opportunity to ascend that was presented primarily through the dissolution of the monasteries; decline of the aristocracy and the centralization of the monarchy; and changing religious atmosphere that became encouraging for entrepreneurship and profit maximization....
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Pupil Voice in the learning institutions
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
According to Rudduck (2008), students should, and are capable of participating not just in the upgrading or development of their learning environment, but also, in the research as partners, in examining issues, of learning as well as, others pertaining to and around the school.... According to research on Improving Learning through Consulting Pupils, the potential of consultation is discussed by pupils as a strategy for directing a more partnership oriented relationship in the process of teaching and learning (McIntyre & Rudduck, 2007)....
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Choice of Methodology: Quantitative or Qualitative
17 pages (5163 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Choice of Methodology: Quantitative or Qualitative" discusses a combination of the two approaches that would not yield any especially useful or meaningful data but would actually compromise the quality of the data obtained, whether qualitative or quantitative.... his paper is a preliminary document about a research project based on gender and leadership in education management.... wo possible methodologies which are appropriate for this type of research are both broadly classified as surveys, since they both include interfacing with a number of research participants (Rosenthal & Rosnow, 1991; Habermas, 1988; Kerlinger, 1986; Neuman, 1994; Reinharz, 1992b)....
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Does Entertainment Media Have a Positive Effect on Society
5 pages (1370 words) , Download 0 , Essay
ommunication research 27 (3), 409-431 ... ebate continues between health professional and psychologist on the effects of entertainment media on the society.... The paper "Does Entertainment Media Have a Positive Effect on Society" is an outstanding example of a social science essay....
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Lord Chief Justice Sir Edward Coke: The Greatest Defender of the Common Law
12 pages (3176 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Lord Chief Justice Sir Edward Coke: The Greatest Defender of the Common Law Essay 3,245 words of Introduction Generally, research on the life and works of Lord Chief Justice Sir Edward Coke has highlighted rhetoric, controversy, and disputes.... This research report critically assesses the background biography of Lord Chief Justice Sir Edward Coke.... Based on the Elizabethan era are Coke's description of law as the judges' shared knowledge, a perspective which supports his judgment in Bonham's Case, and his professional capacity to re-evaluate the historical background of the common law, which allowed him to transform medieval England's law into principles tailored to a growing economy and evolving society....
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Appreciating Madame Tussauds Wax Figures
30 pages (7415 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper titled "Appreciating Madame Tussaud's Wax Figures" paper compares the wax figures shown on this website.... In describing the figures (Robin Williams, Johnny Depp, and Denzel Washington ), using what the author has learned about Aesthetics, Art History, and Art Criticism.... ...
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Community Health - Role of Nurse
8 pages (2710 words) , Download 0 , Essay
ccording to recent research by Johnson (2007) one in every six adult Australian males suffers from clinical depression and teenagers and elderly men have higher rates.... Larson, The World Health Organization's definition of health: Social versus spiritual health, Social Indicators research Volume 38, Number 2, 181-192. ... ?,  Laureate Institute for Brain research.... This would mean that in order for a person to be correctly treated the medical practitioner would need to be aware of, and sensitive toward the cultural views of the person, especially in the context of the healthcare professional....
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Escobar's Post-Development
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
This change took place to ensemble the strain of the new development order, which relied significantly on knowledge and research that could offer a reliable picture of the state's economic and social problems.... "Taking Post-development Theory to the Field: Issues in Development research, Northern Thailand....
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Discuss two different public policy case studies
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Introduction Public policy management has emerged as an important tool in governance, changing the role of government steadily, with increasing emphasis being laid on the overall manner through policy and planning, and engaging the nation's public in the policy affairs.... ... ... ... In the meantime, policy planning and development has increased in complexity, with different departments laying claim to a particular policy, or one level of government laying claim to the development of that policy....
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Learner Training and Learner Autonomy
9 pages (2668 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The inclination is to select 'semi-popular' texts (the writer communicating with a wider audience, for instance in scientific journalism) rather than 'academic' texts (the writer communicating with students of the subject, for instance in a textbook; or with his/her peers, for example in a research paper) though it is the latter the student will have to read and not the former....
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Effect of Using Digital Game-Based Learning
9 pages (4055 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This book is based on a compilation of papers submitted during the International Conference on the foundations of Digital Games.... A research into the effect that expertise on video games has on the strategies used for divided visual attention of college students illustrated this argument (Gros 29).... In the research, the assessment of the divided attention measured the response time of the participants in two events with probabilities that are varying and occurring on two different positions on a computer screen....
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The Role of Computers in Childhood
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay has been concluded by stating the steps required in further research in the field and it also puts forward the suggestions so as the maximise the boons of computers on childhood while minimising the banes.... The interaction between the man and the machine, the role of automated commands in facilitating and regulating the professional and personal routines of the day, all has since last few decades turned to be an inevitable reality....
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Education in China and America
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Scholarly research denotes that American students spend only seven hours in school during the weekdays whereas as a Chinese student, I used to spend stay in school spending most of my time studying at times even until 10.... Name Institution Course Instructor Date Education in China and America Education remains a controversial issue in the society....
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Human Communication And Modern Technology
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Human Communication And Modern Technology" discusses Turkle's research regarding the relationship between the people of today and the many technological devices keeping them constantly occupied.... Alone Together documents the research of Sherry Turkle, a clinical psychologist and professor at MIT, regarding the relationship between the people of today and the many technological devices keeping them constantly occupied.... They are the perfect examples of how digital natives that I know are whether the person is a student, a homemaker or a corporate professional....
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Change Management Issue
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the course of his research, Kant provides people with two main formulations of the categorical imperative.... n the past few decades, many companies have changed their attitude toward professional ethics.... The object of this essay is to define whether or not a particular ethical theory can be applied to a particular situation at work....
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Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Any career or profession must be guided by a set of professional principles that would ensure the safety, security, and protection of their clientele.... The objective of the essay "Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics" is to assist one in refining problem-solving capabilities that organizations already possess for use in business ethics applications....
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The Rise of Blogs in Media
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The place where I decided to start was to look at what was involved with the research and requirements for completing the blog.... The first was the ability to research different concepts in an alternative way.... However, offering research and taking the standpoint of commentary or highlighting the information is as important....
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Gloria Steinem
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Her writings and speeches have impacted the way women's issues are perceived and understood in the last half a century or so.... Alongside Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug and.... ... ... Born on 25th March, 1934 in mid-western state of Ohio, Steinem had a difficult childhood.... Her father was an antique dealer and as a result traveled frequently, while her mother Her grandmother Pauline Steinem was a revered suffragette in her day....
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Coccidioidomycosis Valley Fever
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper seeks to use journal articles and boos to discuss the epidemiology, pathogenesis, types, diagnosis, treatment, complications, and use in biological warfare of Coccidioidomycosis.... professional guide to diseases.... Coccidioidomycosis, or valley fever, is a disease that normally affects one's lungs....
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