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From Evaluating a Skilled Care Initiative in Rural Burkina Faso to Policy Implications for Safe Motherhood in Africa
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay analyses the role of safe motherhood policy in reducing cases of maternal, perinatal mortality.... The theoretical framework that guides the study presented in the article is that skilled attendance is regarded as being among the most important strategies of intervention for safe motherhood....
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Respiratory Muscle Strength Effect on Linear and Nonlinear Heart Rate Variability Parameters
2 pages (632 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Respiratory Muscle Strength Effect on Linear and Nonlinear Heart Rate Variability Parameters" is to determine the Heart Rate Variability indices and the Heart Rate of COPD patients during IC and VM.... This objective is achieved by a rationale properly explained in the introductory part....
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Systems of Parenting in Roaring Tigers, Anxious Choppers by Nancy Gibbs
2 pages (553 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper "Systems of Parenting in Roaring Tigers, Anxious Choppers by Nancy Gibbs " tells that in her article, Nancy Gibbs talks of how Chua has distinguished between Asian parents and American parents.... These two cultures have a different way of bringing up children as observed by Chua.... ... ...
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The Impact of Congruency of Ambient Scent on Static Advertising Recall
1 pages (496 words) , Download 3 , Article
From the paper "The Impact of Congruency of Ambient Scent on Static Advertising Recall" it is clear that the variation of an advertisement is of importance to the producer or retailer of a product because it emphasizes the various ways in which the consumer recalls the product.... ... ... ... The use of scents to capture the attention of the consumer in the corporate sector dates back to the 1990s....
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Evidence-Based Practice Intervention
1 pages (561 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Evidence-Based Practice Intervention" states that the second study was done in order to compare the effectiveness of motor control exercises and graded activity for patients with chronic non-specific low back pain.... The study was conducted in Sydney, Australia.... ... ... ... The sample taken for the study comprised 257 healthy women whose ages lied between 18 and 40 years....
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Close Look at Hedge Funds
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Close Look at Hedge Funds" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of the major issues in the close look at hedge funds.... During the economic crisis, hedge funds made a lot of money betting that bonds based on mortgages would fall.... ... ... ... Hedge funds have a specialty of investing in highly risk stocks and bonds that would virtually guarantee profit....
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Market Segments Analysis
1 pages (442 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Market Segments Analysis" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in market segments.... Research ethics is a wide umbrella that deals with the responsible conduct of research and its entire component.... Research ethics means putting into action moral rules.... ... ... ...
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The relationship between language development and behaviour problems in children with hearing loss
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
SUMMARY OF ARTICLE SUBMITTED BY: SUBMITTED TO: INSTITUTE: DATE: 1.... STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The problem addressed in this paper is that whether or not differential language ability among children with hearing impairment is related to behavioral problems.... The main purpose of this study is to find out any relationship between language inefficiency due to hearing loss and faulty behavior among children....
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Are HIV-Infected Persons at a Higher Risk for Certain Types of Cancer Comparative to the General Population
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The research interest is comparing health outcomes in cancer incidences among HIV infected individuals and those who are not HIV infected.... The research identifies a group of subjects with HIV and variant Cancer types and an unaffected group who constitute the control group.... ... ... ... The research interests cover a number of exposures aimed at relating HIV/Aids with different cancer types inclusive of anal, vaginal, liver, leukemia, colorectal, renal, Hodgkin lymphoma, melanoma, oropharyngeal and liver....
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Nokia Emerges as India's Most Trusted Brands
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the essay 'Nokia Emerges as India's Most Trusted Brands' the author discusses Nokia's new merger with Siemens, which has provided its customers with equipment, solutions, and services for communications networks through Nokia-Siemens networks.... ... ... ... The author states that Sony is also one of the leading electronic brands in the world and was established in 1958....
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Current Issues in Health Care Administration
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The writer of this article states that health care in America faces relevant pressing issues that need immediate attention.... Statistics provided by the AFL-CIO ('What's Wrong With America, par.... 2) reveal that 47 million Americans are without health insurance.... ... ... ... Hacker ('Health Care for America', par....
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A Randomized Clinical Trial of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy versus Unrestricted Services for Health Anxiety
2 pages (622 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article reviewed in this paper is titled 'A randomized clinical trial of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus unrestricted services for health anxiety (Hypochondriasis)' involving a study done by McManus, Surawy, Muse, Vazquez-Montes and Williams (2012).... The study.... ... ... was conducted to assess the influence of mindfulness-based cognitive treatment on patients with anxiety by relating the effects of MBCT when combined with additional usual amenities (unrestricted services)....
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Gender Issues of Modern Society
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Gender Issues of Modern Society' looks at Kate Bolick's article 'All the Single Ladies', which is an excellent source of explanation of gender, marriage and relationship issues and is a thought-provoking reading really catching the eye.... ... ... ... The author concerns herself with the problem of women being single in their late thirties....
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Reading response LN 4
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This is to mean that other forms of humor exist apart from the usual verbal humor.... It is this verity that leads to the authors indicating that cartoons can.... ... ... However, it is vital to question why visual humor has not had much emphasis and focus just as the verbal humor.... It is at this position that the authors emphasize that a lot of Reading response LN 4 affiliation Reading response LN 4 The most interesting aspect about the article is the verity that the authors attest to there existing humor in visual form....
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Should the Government Pass a Fat Tax
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Article
In this essay considers whether the government should pass a fat tax.... In these regards, the essay demonstrates that there is a connection between a tax and reduced high-calorie food consumption.... The assay demonstrates that the problem of obesity is a social and not simply individual problem....
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Fashion Trend - Prints
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The researcher of this paper discovers the trend of prints in the fashion industry.... The fashion gurus have gone wilder with this new trend --- “Head-To-Toe Prints”.... Whether it be floral, stripes, animal, paisley or retro, you name it, it's definitely IN.... It's not your eyes that's deceiving you....
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Adolescent Boys and Body Image: Weight and Muscular Concerns as Dual Pathways to Body Dissatisfaction
2 pages (607 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "Adolescent Boys and Body Image: Weight and Muscular Concerns as Dual Pathways to Body Dissatisfaction" discusses the possibility of whether or not a young adolescent boy will have body image issues when considering his weight and muscle mass.... .... ... ... To conduct the research, the researchers used students in grades 8-11....
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The New Genetics of Mental Illness by Edmund S. Higgins
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
The author of the following paper "The New Genetics of Mental Illness by Edmund S.... Higgins" will begin with the statement that proteins, which are produced as a result of gene expression, are primarily involved in the maintenance of the brain and body.... ... ... ... There are various factors that contribute to gene expression as a result of which the same genes are expressed to a different extent or not expressed at all in certain cells....
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The Origins and Social Consequences of Hukou System
2 pages (635 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "The Origins and Social Consequences of Hukou System" mainly focuses on the strategy that was applied in China to 'bind peasants to their collective-village' at the same time 'restricting entry to the major urban centers.... This is explained by the role played by the Hukou.... ... ... ...
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Childrens Understanding of Sexist Language
2 pages (642 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Children's Understanding of Sexist Language" describes that the use of sexist language affects the beliefs of children on the achievements of women, the development of different gender, and the roles of different gender in the community, and other factors affecting different gender.... ...
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Feminist Analysis of the Story Witch by Mahasveta Devi
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Article
The author of the "Feminist Analysis of the Story Witch by Mahasveta Devi" paper states that the subaltern status is inflicted on the woman by the panoptic discipline of the villagers and the method is denoted by the constant concern regarding the visual contact.... ... ... ... The play speaks entirely in support of women's rights and at a greater plain about human rights and claim equality for all irrespective of gender and completely negates the status of woman as the second sex....
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Wall Street Slides on Concerns about Iraq by Angela Moon
1 pages (506 words) , Download 2 , Article
As the paper "Wall Street Slides on Concerns about Iraq by Angela Moon" tells, a few hours after Kurdish forces took control of the oil core of Kirkuk, reporters asked Obama if he might take industrial action that might stop the insurgency that has taken over most parts of Iraq in the past week.... ...
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Bipolar Disorder as a Mental Illness
1 pages (464 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Bipolar Disorder as a Mental Illness" highlights that the deregulation in the HPA axis has been reported in all BD cases suggesting a possible causal effect.... However, further investigation into this claim is necessary to consolidate the evidence.... ... ... ... Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental illness presenting with mania of different forms of severity....
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Financial Regulation and Financial Crises
4 pages (1116 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Financial Regulation and Financial Crises" tells us about Current Financial Crises.... Economic Critics agree that the regulatory framework did not keep with the speed of financial Innovations, like such as the escalating significance of Shadow Banking System, Derivatives, and off-balance sheet financing....
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News feature story
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
More than 20,000 applicants for immigration to Australia will have their applications for migration rescinded and their payments refunded at a cost of about fourteen million dollars.... This is after changes resulting from the immediate cancellation of the Migration Occupations in Demand List program in Australia....
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The Recruitment Process
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
Recruitment is an essential component in the functioning and operations of any given organization.... Recruitment is usually done upon release of advertisements concerning various job positions.... An organization that has good public image often receives large number of applicants.... ... ... ... The public service especially requires a human resource service that caters for its extensive and intensive requirements in its line of product and service offering....
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Company and Securities Law - Duty to Care and Diligence
9 pages (2415 words) , Download 0 , Article
The directors are required to abide by all the rules and regulations when performing their duties.... The paper "Company and Securities Law - Duty to Care and Diligence" states that Lucy and Karen did not carry out any independent assessments to determine the reliability of the information provided to them and this, therefore, makes them in breach of section 189....
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Which Agency is Enhancing Global Development
9 pages (2296 words) , Download 2 , Article
This requires every individual to have some knowledge of computer studies that has proved to be very economical in performing any duties.... This article "Which Agency is Enhancing Global Development" discusses globalization as simply the spreading of particular philosophies, ideas, technology, and governance all over the world....
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Investment Decision Making
11 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Article
Applying nonfinancial selection criteria to investment decisions has existed for over 100 years.... As evidenced throughout this essay, sustainable development is emerging as a "value driver" that relates positively to share price appreciation, and that has utility within investment decision making....
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Child Soldiers in West Africa on Security in Europe
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay discusses that in today's era, West Africa has an impression of anarchy, civil war, less human rights, corruption.... There are certainly many factors, which have contributed to the backwardness and bad situation faced by the countries like West Africa.... ... ... ... The aim of this paper is not to focus on the child labor issue, but specifically child labor in form of soldiers' issue....
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Extent to Which Public Policy Influences the Courts in Deciding
14 pages (3616 words) , Download 1 , Article
"Extent to Which Public Policy Influences the Courts in Deciding" paper argues that English courts have the tendency to allow tort liability unless it is less than that margin of error which demonstrates the tendency to defer to standards which are set by the profession itself or regulatory bodies....
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Critique of R v Kennedy EWCA Crim 685
11 pages (2688 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Critique of R v Kennedy EWCA Crim 685" highlights that generally speaking, the case law depicts considerable confusion.... The Kennedy case finally made its way to the House of Lords.... This august body examined the case from a number of perspectives.... ... ... ... Bosque injected himself with heroin and lost his life....
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Children with Disabilities in American Schools
13 pages (3572 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Children with Disabilities in American Schools" presents students with high incidence disabilities that are the most common among youth and children with disabilities in American schools.... These groups majorly include students that have learning disorders, etc.... ... ... ... Hearing impairment, also referred to as deafness, refers to the condition that a person gets when their hearing is affected....
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Child Development: Participants and Method
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
ynthesis of the articles ... In the paper 'Child Development: Participants and Method' the author focuses on the two studies, which showed depression in two developmental stages: Infants and adolescence.... In the first study, Gartstein and Bateman studied the influence that mothers who were depressed had on their infants....
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Success of the Irish Government and the European Central Bank
7 pages (2048 words) , Download 1 , Article
However as per the policy makers, the positives of this policy were that the big banks will not collapse and will be back in business soon and start performing their normal credit and loan cycle.... The article "Success of the Irish Government and the European Central Bank " discusses the impact of the government's macroeconomic policies has been that the country's exports have risen as compared to the other economies of the EU....
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The Role of Women During World War II
7 pages (1941 words) , Download 0 , Article
After the war, a grateful nation and thankful private sector had to ease the women out of th eworkforce, not because the women were not effective in performing their tasks, but because the men who were coming home from the war needed to have work to come back to.... This paper ''The Role of Women During World War II'' tells that women of the 21st century have proven to be exemplary multi-taskers of our era....
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Evaluation and Planning of Idead for a New Test for the Disagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
7 pages (2134 words) , Download 0 , Article
There are high performing bench-top assays, assay cards with the required reagents and a portable reader where prototype algorithm is possible through automation and quantification of the software being used (Mabey 2004). ... The writer of the paper 'Еvаluаtiоn and Рlаnning of Idеаs for а New Test for the Diagnosis of Аlzhеimеr's Disеаsе' states that if the invention of the new test for Alzheimer's disease is successful, the product will have a very high demand and this confirms the commercial viability of the product....
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The Role of Personality Traits in Predicting Future Job Performance
7 pages (1951 words) , Download 1 , Article
Analysis of the data gathered and presented confirmed the existence of a connection between being proactive and performing well on the job.... This article "The Role of Personality Traits in Predicting Future Job Performance" describes personality traits and how they can be used as predictors of future job performance....
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Objective of Auditing and Audit Procedures
8 pages (2071 words) , Download 1 , Article
Furthermore, performing calculations to determine the value of note receivables is required.... The article demonstrates potential audit risk associated with observation.... The following are the potential audit risks associated with physical observation of different equipments and observation during audit examination of manufacturing and distribution sites of the client....
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Lisp Programming Language
8 pages (2143 words) , Download 0 , Article
The multi-paradigm, compiled, and high-performing language was invented by John McCarthy in 1958 during his time in Massachusetts Institute of Technology.... The writer of the paper 'Lisp Programming Language' states that as a major benefit of Lisp it is used in the explorative nature of assignments with active semantics....
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Community Serrvice in Sichuan Provincial Commitee
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
n 2003, Sichuan had "88 workmanship performing troupes, 185 society focuses, 133 libraries and 52 exhibition halls".... In the paper 'Community Service in Sichuan Provincial Committee ' the author discusses the extraordinary distinction in the landscape, the atmosphere of the territory....
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Globalization and Social Division
10 pages (2518 words) , Download 0 , Article
It is quite amazing that their children who were not so well performing return to their home countries with degrees.... This article "Globalization and Social Division" discusses globalization which refers to a situation whereby people carry out trade beyond their country's boundaries....
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Education in Saudi Arabia
9 pages (2440 words) , Download 0 , Article
This is based on the belief that learning and actions when performing different duties in society should be based on Godly values and the teachings of the Islamic religion.... The paper "Education in Saudi Arabia" is a great example of a report on education.... The policy touching on education in Saudi Arabia is pegged on the common ideologies in the religion of Islam, which is the dominant religion in the country....
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World Trade Organization: The Doha Mandate and the Geneva Talks
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
1: After reading both the articles, do you think that the Geneva talks in 2008 prove that the WTO failed to liberalize agricultural trade ... This paper has two parts.... Part I analyses the roles and objectives of the WTO.... It explores the various subjects such as agriculture, services, transfer of technology and so on....
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Financing Greece and European Union Economy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The goal of this article is to briefly state the issue of the financial crisis in Greece and how it affects the EU economy.... Moreover, the article "Financing Greece and European Union Economy" provides a discussion regarding miscellaneous proposals to resolve the issue.... ... ... ... One of the problem areas in the EU pertains to the financial problems of key members such as Greece, which act as a weak link to the Union and which threaten to undermine the stability of the European currency and the general economy....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
In case of public schools, the role of improved administrative procedures in all aspects is very critical as better administrative procedures can bring a.... ... ... In today's educational environment, comparatively less attention is being given to improve the working of public schools as compared to private schools which is one of the main reasons Therefore, the need of today is to explore the importance of restructuring the administrative procedures in terms of improved policies and legislation in improving the performance of public school teachers and students....
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Personality in Computer Games
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Computer games have gained enormous popularity in spite of many dedicated gaming machines like Play Station, Xbox, Nintendo and the WII.... This popularity has amassed over several decades of creative game development and adding extra features that attract the PC users that force them to keep on buying these games....
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Disability in the UK: Measuring Equality by Purdam
5 pages (1295 words) , Download 0 , Article
dentify 4 journal articles that would be useful to follow up this reading.... This paper "Disability in the UK: Measuring Equality by Purdam" reviews the evidence in the data of surveys conducted on the lives of disabled people in the United Kingdom.... There is wide inequality for disabled people with regard to health issues....
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Media and Communication Globalization
13 pages (3403 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article ''Media and Communication Globalization'' explores the globalization of communication and media.... The main driver of the globalization of media and communication is the multinational corporations.... The globalization of communication and media has helped a lot in the creation, and distribution of the content....
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Sign Language Communication
11 pages (3121 words) , Download 2 , Article
"Sign Language Communication" paper discusses the different types of sign languages while outlining the merits and demerits of sign languages.... Sign languages are ridiculous and challenging as any oral language, regardless of the common delusion that they are not actual languages.... .... ... ... The signing system is normally used together with sign language....
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