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Human Resource Function Using Technip the UK
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
According to DeCenzo and Robbins, human resource management has been defined as the organizational aspect that is concerned with the People dimension which is also inclusive of staff support.... This paper, Human Resource Function Using Technip the UK, stresses that in an era of globalization where the use of information technology has become increasingly common, a new dimension has been added to the human resource function, i....
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FedExs Rewards and Recognitions Programs
1 pages (275 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Quotes from the CEO and Corporate VP of Human Resources back this point up; People form the foundation of the company's success.... One of the greatest decisions by FedEx management was to introduce its People-service-profit (PSP) philosophy in 1973.... The paper "FedEx's Rewards and Recognitions Programs" discusses that FedEx is one of the industry leaders when it comes to taking care of its employees....
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Manchester United Takeover
16 pages (4385 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper "Manchester United Takeover" discusses the motivating factors behind billionaire Malcolm Glazer's takeover of Manchester United, the benefits of owning a club, how might Glazer's ownership affect the governance of Manchester United, the effects on brand image over the medium term.... ... ...
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Domestic Violence Scenario
10 pages (2789 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
?? According to Cooper, People feel stress and pressure when they do not have control over their lives and this is unhealthy for the body as well as the mind. ... But now, in her present depressed condition, she had no inclination to go out or meet People because she always felt a sense of fear and anxiety if she left the house, because she felt that Greta could not be left alone since she had a few falls which served to worsen her condition. ...
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The Use of Physical Force
8 pages (2422 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The use of such devices and less-lethal weapons may be fatal if used on the wrong People.... Nevertheless, the use of such devices and less-lethal weapons may be fatal if used on the wrong People or for malicious purposes.... Police officers are faced with numerous challenges including breaking up crowds in case of riots, immobilizing People to prevent damage to property, and mostly to deter crime or harm from occurring.... In numerous cases reported around the world, several People have died after less lethal weapons were used on them....
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Investment Portfolio: Volunteers of America
11 pages (3606 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Therefore, the total number of People the organization can support is: ... The factors steering this decision include the organization's scale of operations, number of People supported, and government regulations for NPOs.... ?? On the other hand, its three axes (TBL)-“People, planet, profit”-was developed particularly to help for profit firms to take note of their profits (bottom line), planet (ethical issues as ecological impacts of their activities), and People (their societal impacts)....
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The Arbitration of Jesse Stansky
5 pages (1356 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
So when People are coming from this level to any work place a little bit of behavioral effect will be reflected in the work environment also.... It generally involves a participation of two or more People.... The paper "The Arbitration of Jesse Stansky" states that generally, Jesse has proved himself as unprofessional several times....
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Employment Law: Implied Contracts
13 pages (3242 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the paper titled "Employment Law: Implied Contracts" critically discusses the statement that a survey of the leading cases dealing with implied contractual terms would suggest that the judge's decisions almost always favor the employee.... ... ... ... Johnson v Unisys Limited, 2001 is also a leading labor law in the United Kingdom and represents a case where damages were made for unfair dismissal of the employer and the nature of the employment contract....
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Accounting Management in Hotels_Final
25 pages (6884 words) , Case Study
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The location being a strategic spot for visitors from around the world, People for personal recreation as well as business activities come into the region.... This paper ''Accounting Management in Hotels_Final'' will discuss how the hotel industry remains vibrant in GCC generally and UAE particularly and the causes of increasing hotels in the recent past....
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Segmentation and Possible Target Markets
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This is because both of these drinks initially originated from the United States hence the People identify with the brand.... Behavioral aspects of the People of the United States also determine the marketing segment.... The People constantly enjoy a soft drink as compared to the other part of the world where beverages like tea possess more popularity.... Based on age, coke diet targets the young People as the major consumers of the product....
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The Market Research Toolbox
7 pages (2466 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
As one of the largest transportation company in UK, the top management of First Group has been determined in knowing why People are hesitant in the use of public transportation.... To ensure that the top management of First Group will be able to fully understand the actions and motivations of People when it comes to selecting public transportation over the use of private vehicles, it is necessary to integrate the use of qualitative research technique in the actual marketing research study....
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Business Optimization via IoT - International Business Machine
11 pages (3106 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
BUSINESS OPTIMIZATION VIA IOT + Submitted The Internet of Things is a where animals, People or objects are presented with distinctive identifiers as well as the aptitude to transmit information automatically over a system without necessitating human to computer or human-to-human contact (BESSIS 2013, 48).... This simply means that People could easily be in a position to allocate an IP address to all the things contained in the earth.... According to Kevin, currently, computers and hence internet are nearly entirely reliant on People for information....
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SWOT Analysis for Alpen
8 pages (2109 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The organization also should target the middle-class People with low interchange charges and low-interest rates .... he concept of the credit card was not familiar with the People of Romania.... he organization has hesitated to enter in this credit card service business due to the effect of recession, low per capita income of People and inexperience of the People about the credit card services.... The disposable income of middle class People is increasing significantly....
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Organisational Choices : Structure
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Subject: Business Organizational Choices – Structure: A Case Study on Rebuilding ABB (A) Name: Class: Presented to: Date: ABB was established in 1988 after a merger and is one of largest and global industrial engineering companies.... The company operated under the traditional complex model where it registered rapid growth in Asia and US at the beginning before a decline in growth....
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Google An Entrepreneurial Juggernaut
8 pages (2175 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
For all this to take place People have to be innovative, creative, change oriented, persistent, risk takers and should have a business entrepreneurial mind (Peter Skarzynski, 2008).... Developers engage with users (People!... As the paper "Google – An Entrepreneurial Juggernaut" outlines, innovation has become a key element in many technological developments and practice organizations....
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Toledo Specialty Glass Company
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The direct result being the attainment of a corporate culture based on the freedom of expression and the collaboration of innovative and spirited People who worked hand-in-hand in a formal entity to do what they enjoy doing most, which is designing and developing new products.... His creative inclination and drive to come up with new sets of materials for the conception of novel photovoltaic panels was significantly impressive to earn him the respect of his peers at the workplace despite the competitive and sensitive traits he had in regards to working with People who had completed their degrees....
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Tokyo Disneyland
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This study would be beneficial to the management of Tokyo Disneyland and other theme parks.... This may provide information on the best way of how to make their theme parks more marketable.... his research venue for this study will be in Japan only, specifically, in the vicinity of Tokyo Disneyland....
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Tesco's Strategic Real Estate Management
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Success of a retail business depends upon the People and how the company treats the People within the organisation as well as the customers.... Treat People as we like to be treated ... Prime Area Location Advantage: Location of a food and retail store is quite relevant in making it popular amongst the People.... The worth of real estate keeps rising as the location starts recording more number of footfalls, with People from surround areas also visiting the place....
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Theories and Principles of Marketing in Disney Employees
8 pages (2314 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The firm has grown to be recognised for its quality entertainment for People of all ages.... In the first two decades of its establishment, Disney was a struggling cartoon studio that introduced People to Mickey Mouse.... Particularly, the firm's first theme park in the United States and its great success triggered more People to invest in the theme parks.... This segment brings Disney's characters and stories to life via engaging and innovative digital experiences and physical products that inspires the imaginations of People....
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MGT Week 3 DB SA
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Respond 2Many People use rational when making hard or simple decisions.... Scholars have further dissected the rational People use in decision making to the use of positive illusions and bias availability.... This is usually works for many People but should not be used when making serious decisions since the information from which one creates a bias might be totally wrong....
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Presenting Behaviors of Patient
10 pages (2786 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Sometimes being able to talk to other People with similar challenges can help a person move towards their own recovery.... The paper 'Presenting Behaviors of Patient' presents the patient who is a 39-year-old woman who was brought into the emergency room because her husband is concerned with her behavior....
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Strategies of Innocent Drinks Company
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
In today's world, People are increasingly becoming health-conscious which makes Innocent Drinks' products become more popular among the population.... he marketing strategies largely lies in the analysis of the marketing mix factors such as the product, price, promotion, place and People (Ettenson 2013). ... People ...
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Marketing Strategies of Noir and Illuminati II
4 pages (1103 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
They focused on producing something that People would appreciate instead of “personalizing the worst of human behavior” (Leleux, 2011).... Therefore, not every person could afford such clothes, but the target was for the clients who can associate with a particular class of People.... Although there were other companies dealing with fashionable luxury clothes, some People would not want to be associated with them because they did not incorporate attractiveness in the design (Leleux, 2011)....
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Chronic and Complex Nursing Care
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Scleroderma affects People differently and there are no any predictable courses of illness, either in its progression, illness or outcome.... Being empowered refers to the state of acting with integrity so as to create a suitable environment that People can develop, competence, character and synergy....
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Cottle Taylor SWOT
6 pages (1737 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
By this only a small set of wealthy People can buy the brushes operated with battery and lastly increased cost on advertising will be against the company's nature as the company is cost-conscious.... econdly, they are not in a reach of oral health care products as the disposable incomes of People living in rural areas have $2 per day, in comparison of urban population who are wealthy and they have great purchasing power.... In addition, People with only high income consult dental professionals as they cost very high (Bruce, Moore, & Birtwistle, 2004)....
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Decision Making for Success of Acme Corporation
9 pages (2577 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Cutting Costs Without Cutting People.... whenever management makes the right decision companies perform better and attain market leadership; conversely, any wrong, misinformed, untimely and ineffective management decision is often very costly.... Hammond, Keeney & Raiffa.... ... ...
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Autism and Dementia
5 pages (1350 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Currently, in the United States, there are 1-2 autistics per 1000 People while the preference for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is 6 per 1000 People.... ementia affects more than 20- 36 million People globally with prediction of doubling by 2040....
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Secondary Ticket Market
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Tradition vs.... Trend: A Case Study of Team Response to the Secondary Market Problem The secondary ticket market is not officially linked with teams or boards however, it is $10-15 billion industry, there is no way the potential such market can be ignored.... Fraud is one of the major problems of secondary ticket market; ‘scalpers' sell counterfeit tickets to customers....
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The Importance of Innovation in Engineering
5 pages (1551 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
People, now do need a computer to send an email or view a local or global map.... People can now readily access yahoo mails, get road directions, watch videos on you tube, download pictures and songs without using computer.... This paper ''The Importance of Innovation in Engineering'' tells that The word 'innovates' came from the Latin word 'in Novara', which means 'make new'....
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Socio-Psychological Aspects of Social Work
5 pages (1709 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The understanding of the present society as a world of various power centers spread over a range of locations and the role of sociology to investigate the centers of power, which make some People empowered, and others helpless.... he understanding of the present society as a world of various power centers spread over a range of locations and the role of sociology to investigate the centers of power, which make some People empowered, and others helpless.... I had always thought that social exclusion could be addressed by merely providing work to People....
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Financial and Managerial Accounting in the Wild Oats and Whole Foods
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Recently a steady rise has been observed in many American households in terms of the number of People suffering from lifestyle diseases a majority of these cases are caused by poor diet and to be specific foods that have been enriched with artificial ingredients.... Thus, it is a market segment that serves People with special needs within a particular bracket....
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Importance of Tsunami Advance Warning System
7 pages (2226 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Throughout history, there have been devastating tsunamis that resulted in the loss of large numbers of People and property.... Throughout history, there have been devastating tsunamis that resulted in the loss of both large numbers of People and of property.... Another destructive tsunami, generated by a moderate earthquake, hit the Sanriku region of Japan, in 1896, resulted in unusual tsunami waves that reached 30 meters high and killed 27,122 People (Kanamori, 1972)....
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The Case of the United Nations Global Compact
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
On the other hand, People shy away from taking risk.... This case study "The Case of the United Nations Global Compact" deals with social responsibility practices at company A and is addressed to the CEO, Julie Karabetian.... It introduces the term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and explains the concept....
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Making a Criminogenic Treatment Programme on the Example of Ruth Ellis
10 pages (3223 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
he understanding of the criminal behaviour has to integrate well with the emotional, psychological, social and cultural aspects of the way People behave in a situation.... People having more of this serotonin have been found to be suffering from these disorders.... he base of Psychodynamic approach as stated by Freud is that it tries to make sense of the relationships, experiences and how the People see the world.... What is implied is that certain People may have the same criminal motivation but all will not end up as criminals....
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Distribution of Unemployment
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
They base their argument on adjustment in People's expectation.... They point out that as soon as inflation begins to rise, People expect the prices to increase.... People realise that the increased money wages will be wiped out by the increase in inflation....
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The Entry Strategy of Motorola in China
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The present rate of unemployment in China is roughly 4 per cent which proves that Motorola would contribute to the creation of more employment opportunities for the local People (Shi et al.... Still, despite of aggressive competition, Motorola was successful in China due to its understanding of the People and the market and due to the strategies it used.... Marketing localisation, corporate culture, and employment of local People can build corporate reputation....
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The Public Higher Education in Saudi Arabia
10 pages (3030 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Up to 2002, there were only eight universities in Saudi Arabia serving close to 18 million People.... It is regarded as important in fulfilling the greatest resource in the Kingdom – its People (Ministry of Higher Education 2010, p1).... The effectiveness of education is assessed by the capability of its system to generate highly skilled People who are capable of creating and achieving social goals....
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Organizational Behavior in the Fire and Rescue Services
8 pages (2246 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
People have different tastes.... It is made obligatory on all the Counties and Municipalities to provide complete security and safety to all the People living in the areas which are under their jurisdiction.... The People within an organization aspire to work on different levels.... Some People working at the lower level want to get the post of a manager or a leader.... And some People vested with the responsibility of managing the affairs of the organization want to play the ordinary and simple roles....
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Organizational Psychology: Management Style in W.L Gore
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This can be a task since some People do not have the resilience that the company expects.... There can be questions with People's attitude towards working hours since they vary across many countries.... This gives People an ample space to handle their life issues and responsibilities without much pressure.... In addition, the company allows People to work from their homes in cases where there is need for long working hours.... Talent: Making People your competitive advantage....
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The Meaning of Personal Leisure and Its Role in Life
6 pages (1765 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Bailey and Fernado, (2013) opines that lack of appreciating the environment has resulted to some People degrading the environment, destroying wildlife and killing of animals perceived endangered like the Rhinos, in search of treasure parts like the horns and tusks for socio-economic activities.... People travel and tour various sites, places and destination to spend their leisure times and participate in recreational activities (Kleiber, 2012).... On the same note, with increased globalisation, recreational facilities are diminishing at faster rates and People's free times are taken up by social technology....
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A Theoretical Framework
6 pages (1580 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
inship is the study of links between different People that is based on descent, adoption or marriage (Vigdis, n.... For example, kinship in the African society codes not allows women to inherit children from their husbands or other People.... Many People are still practicing circumcision as a sign of adulthood....
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Customer Service in the Largest Telecommunications Companies in the Sultanate of Oman
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
According to Koumar (2008), measure of sales, the number of People in relation to them taking into account other services such as technical ability, knowledge, as well as pricing requirements may establish strength of relations with customers.... Paul (2008) stated that People who possess positive experiences in corporations' customer service department are likely to inform two or three other People regarding the experience, as Consumer Affairs website successfully established; therefore, superior quality customer service serves as a source of endorsement for organizations....
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Sustainable Organisations: Coca-Cola
9 pages (2613 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The main problem, however, is that in spite of all the talk that is going through all forms of media currently, there are less than enough People who feel that it is their responsibility to tackle the problem at hand.... oca Cola Company does not fully understand how much the People were willing to trade-off some of the most important resources in the environment for the products the company produced.... At this point, quality leadership is another crucial factor that the company ought to have considered since the relationship between the community and the People would have been promoted and such issues affecting them addressed. ...
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The Effectiveness of Leadership Strategies
9 pages (2561 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
As such, leadership is of crucial importance to the success of a project since it is essentially about motivating People and eventually getting things done through them.... he earliest leadership theories are referred to as Great Man theories that were based on a premise that leaders are outstanding People who have inborn traits predestined to lead.... 1- this is the bottom level of the maturity scale and People at this level lack knowledge and skills as well as confidence to work on their own and need to be pushed to do a given task ...
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The Infection Risks That Are Associated with the Second-Hand Clothing and the Household Linens
10 pages (4117 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Mostly, the most affected People are women and children, since their second-hand clothes bought from these markets are densely infected by pathogens thus increasing the chances for unhealthiness to the victims.... Mostly, the most affected People are women and children, since their second hand clothes bought from these markets are densely infected by pathogens thus increasing the chances for the unhealthiness to the victims. ... The study was supported by the People around the place where there were very negligible obstacles for the conduction of the study. ...
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Strategies of The Chase Cardmember Services
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Therefore, if People switched their demand from credit cards to other more reliable techniques, it would cause adverse impact on credit card industry as a whole.... The paper "Strategies of The Chase Cardmember Services " states that in general, the Chase Cardmember Services offered ranges of products such as Visa and MasterCard products which contained cobranded cards, agent bank cards, and very minor secure cards....
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External Environment and Internal Strategies of Quimica Del Atlntico
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In deed to sell paints to a huge industrial client, it is usually important to set up at least two People per a plant that are able to make in situ all the necessary changes to the formulations and to supervise the systems of paint application.... The paper "External Environment and Internal Strategies of Quimica Del Atlántico" discusses that the alliance had its own advantages which include allowing the companies to venture easily into foreign grounds with foreign cultures....
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Panera Breads Strategy, Financial Analysis of Companys Condition
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In effect, the menu intends to fit the needs of People who did not have time to eat in conventional restaurants with the foundation and core product of the company being freshly baked bread.... The paper "Panera Bread's Strategy, Financial Analysis of Companys Condition" highlights that the company's revenues have grown over time....
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The Issues of Medicating Kids
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Doctors and the pharmaceutical industry have made People believe that there are myriad of pills that virtually cure all types of diseases.... Doctors and the pharmaceutical industry have made People believe that there are myriad pills that virtually cure all types of diseases.... Pavuluri further adds that People should visit pharmaceutical after behavioral therapies are done (Park, 2011).... The diagnosis of ADHD has made many People administer drugs to their children....
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An Emergency Response Plan in Sainsbury's Supermarkets Limited
17 pages (4210 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It has installed a fire detection and sound alarm system to alert People in case of a fire or leakage of gas including refrigerator coolants.... he hazard list is represents the hazard that are present at the Sainsbury Supermarket, and includes the lists of People and properties that might be harmed in the event of an accident caused by the hazard, the risk rank, control measures put in place by the supermarket to mitigate the risks, and further auctioned needed to prevent the risks. ...
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