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Non-linear Narratives in the Hollywood Cinema
7 pages (2002 words) , Download 0 , Article
An example of the forking path structure has been used in The Blind Chance which has three episodes which concerns a young medical student Witek Dlugosz who faces various obstacles in the politically volatile period of the late 1970s.... The paper "Non-linear Narratives in the Hollywood Cinema" tells us about non-linear narrative in the artistic production....
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History as a Basic Area of Knowledge in Regard to Present Events
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 1 , Article
This is because a health facility is an institution where individuals go to seek medical attention.... As such, every one attending the health facilitates has the right to receive medical attention in reference to the position they happen to be in a given queue (Hutchings 165).... It is argued that such individuals tends to feel more superior than the rest in the queue or better still insist on requiring urgent medical attendance as compared to other individual (Seedhouse 175)....
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Episodes Of Nursing Practice
6 pages (1688 words) , Download 0 , Article
The time taken to identify and act on the right signs of a medical condition often dictates the success of the treatment of a patient.... (2010) have emphasized that education enhances the clinical reasoning ability of nurses to become competent in managing patients at high risk of developing medical complications.... The percentage of mortality among patients who experience medical complications during treatment has been linked to availability of resource in the health institution and by to staff involved in their care Clarke, 2010; Levett-Jones, et al....
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The Identification of Down Syndrome
5 pages (1636 words) , Download 1 , Article
fter the child is born with the suspected Down Syndrome disorder, the first and foremost stage in the evaluation of a child or an adult suffering from Down Syndrome who has some behavior concerns is determining whether any chronic or medical problems that are related to the behavior that is identified are present.... The more usual medical problems that may be related to behavior changes may comprise of: thyroid function, sleep apnea, deficits in hearing or vision, celiac disease, anaemia, constipation, anxiety, gastroesophageal reflux, and depression....
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Complexities and Paradoxes of Community by Carolyn M Shields
3 pages (773 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Complexities and Paradoxes of Community by Carolyn M Shields,' the author analyzes an important article that makes use of the data collected from a longitudinal ethnographic study of two predominantly Navajo schools to prompt a reexamination of the concept of community.... ... ... ... The author analyzes these aspects in the social and educational contexts of the two schools and they also identify important concepts such as the issue of bilingualism, diverse community goals and attitudes, understanding of culture, and conflicting values....
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Image of God in Man
3 pages (731 words) , Download 4 , Article
The article "Image of God in Man" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the image of God in man.... Based on the Old and New Testaments, man had been created in the image of God.... The survey is aimed to present one of the issues in society.... ... ... ... It is related to the concept that man is created in the image and likeness of God....
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Global Electronic Portfolio
2 pages (664 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Global Electronic Portfolio " discusses that generally, the computer assessment of the second language (L2) learner outcomes is a discipline that consists of computer-based testing or CBT, computer adaptive testing or CAT, and semi-adapted CAT.... ... ... ... An electronic portfolio or EP is a collection of a student's work, which is availed on the internet or stored in a CD-ROM....
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Disabilities among Adults
3 pages (853 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Disabilities among Adults" states that disabilities among adults are seen as one of the significant issues in the present-day societal context.... Developmental disabilities are one of such health complications that prevail within society extensively.... ... ... ... In some of the past research regarding this particular subject matter, it was apparent that the methods of video prompting and fading used to promote and improve the developmental skills of adults can be removed abruptly over time without affecting the knowledge gained by a disabled adult (Sigafoos et al....
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Sustainability and Competitive Advantage
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper gives detailed information about business sustainability and competitive advantage, that is defined as the means by which businesses manage to keep making money, adding value to products by providing quality products and sustain a good position among its competitors.... ... ... ... From this paper, it is clear that Sustainability had captured a great attention and debate in the recent days on the legislative agendas of many governments....
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The Uses of the University by Clark Kerr
2 pages (739 words) , Download 3 , Article
Other four-year colleges exist for students of other majors, but science and health majors can be most useful to society and to the economy.... science and technology are our greatest assets.... In the article 'The Uses of the University by Clark Kerr' the author insists that all colleges are important in shaping young people to become productive members of society, he also believes that research colleges should be receiving a little more attention....
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Locals Enjoy Affluent Lifestyles in Doha, Qatar
4 pages (1186 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Locals Enjoy Affluent Lifestyles in Doha, Qatar" states that since foreigners make up a considerable portion of Qatar's economy, it will be beneficial to the country as a whole if the government extend property privileges to them.... Also, policies must be enacted to curb rising inflation....
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Political Fundamentalism
5 pages (1342 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Political Fundamentalism" presents Engulfing Pakistan, penned by Sheraz Khurram Khan.... He works as a Special Correspondent for ASSIST News Service in Pakistan.... Sheraz has pointed out the fact that within Pakistan, Islamic militancy is a problem from all angles.... ... ... ... It just does not come to an end all said and done....
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Why Banning Hosepipe Use is a Poor Solution to a Water Shortage
6 pages (1659 words) , Download 0 , Article
Davidson cites the Agriculture Department claiming that at the beginning of 2012 there were 91 million heads of cattle in the United States, which is the lowest level since.... ... ... The paper "Why Banning Hosepipe Use is a Poor Solution to a Water Shortage" is a great example of an article on macro and microeconomics....
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The Failure of the Accounting System
4 pages (1337 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Failure of the Accounting System" highlights that the global financial crunch has played its part in plummeting demand for various items in the economy and in turn, it has resulted in the closure of many businesses and unemployment which has multiplied the economic problems.... .... ...
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Global Talent Management by Collings and Mellahi
8 pages (2179 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Global Talent Management by Collings and Mellahi" says the concept of talent management has been of interest to many academicians and practitioners.... One of the main limitations of talent management is that there is a lack of clear definition along with clearly defined boundaries.... ...
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Israeli Sanctions
5 pages (1270 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article ''Israeli Sanctions'' discusses the reaction to previously announced Israeli sanctions against Palestine pointing out three distinct viewpoints.... The new Palestinian Prime Minister provides the Hamas point of view that Israel's new sanctions will have little to no effect upon the Palestinian Authority....
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An Animals Place by Michael Pollan
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article 'An Animal's Place' by Michael Pollan deals with the interesting topic of animal liberation which has now grown as an influential movement working for the freedom of animals.... The article reminds us of the importance of animal liberation.... ... ... ... Significantly, the growing and increasingly influential movement of philosophers, ethicists, law professors, and activists recognize the rights of animals as the great moral struggle of our time and this article offers an essential overview of the topic in general....
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Risk and Uncertainty in Project Management Decision-Making by Karolina Koleczko
1 pages (338 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Risk and Uncertainty in Project Management Decision-Making by Karolina Koleczko" discusses the concept of risk management in projects.... One article related to this topic is Risk and uncertainty in project management decision-making written by Karolina Koleczko (2012).... ... ... ... The differentiation between uncertainty and risk described in this paper is important since it helps project managers understand how to respond to each in order to effectively manage risks in a project....
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Japanese International Female Students Experience of Discrimination
1 pages (426 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Japanese International Female Students Experience of Discrimination" is a delightful example of an article on social science.... The paper "Japanese International Female Students' Experience of Discrimination, Prejudice, and Stereotypes by Bonazzo and Wong" is a delightful example of an article on social science....
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Business Strategy and Organizational Structure
1 pages (344 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Business Strategy and Organizational Structure" compares the international division organization structure and the geographical organization structure.... The article has clearly brought out the advantages and disadvantages of the two kinds of structures.... ... .... ... ... For multinational enterprises to expand, they need to determine the kind of organizational structure to be used....
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Concept Mapping for Complex Thinking by Bob Coulter
1 pages (377 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article 'Concept Mapping for Complex Thinking by Bob Coulter' deals with the problem of teaching as it exists today with regard to the process of teaching having the primary purpose of giving students a collection of facts and trying to create easy means by which those facts can be retained by them....
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Human Resource Planning
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
In reference to Human Resource Management book by Bohlander and Snell 15th edition, it is evident that the authors subject their topic on Human Resource Planning.... This mainly targets the requirements that facilitate integrated plans within a firm.... .... ... ... There is also an emphasis on global and domestic competition, which has made HRP virtually mandatory....
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Modeling cancer biology
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
Kristine Cobb explains, citing evidence from joint experiments by mathematicians and biologists, how mathematical models are transforming the fight against cancer.... The article points out that the mathematicians' works are rarely referred to or put to use by.... ... ... For example, Dr.... Natalia Komaroa models the inactivation of APC tumour suppressor gene, the initiating event in colon cancer, for estimating the Article Review Cobb, Kristin....
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A Causal Relationship Between the Commodity Prices and the Stock Index
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
In this article, the author focuses on the impact of the decrease in the prices of different commodities as well as a decrease in the yields of bonds on stock exchanges throughout the world.... The author states that due to falling in the prices of commodities various stock exchanges.... ... ... ...
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How to Gain Energy and Feel Stronger by Sarah Kovatch, M.F.A., Melinda Smith, M.A., and Jeanne Segal
1 pages (355 words) , Download 2 , Article
The discussion seeks to answer the question: Does physical exercise reverse symptoms of aging?... Whether a person is healthy generally or managing illness well, one still needs to get exercise for good health, boost fitness and improve confidence.... ... ... ... Studies have documented that an active lifestyle is very important as one grows old....
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Resolving Cultural Differences
2 pages (695 words) , Download 0 , Article
It highlights the problems people encounter when trying to fit into their new societies; especially in cases where they find themselves.... ... ... These conflicts in culture make people feel out of place and lose confidence, thereby affecting their productivity.... The author goes ahead to present a solution The paper 'Resolving Cultural Differences" is an impressive variant of an article on sociology....
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The Role of the European Central Bank in the Pan-European Debt Crisis
2 pages (661 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "The Role of the European Central Bank in the Pan-European Debt Crisis" was published in the Wall Street Journal by Emese Bartha on January 12th, this year, which discusses the debt situation of Spain and Italy.... Euro has been the center of global financial attention since last year....
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The Impact of Corruption on Liquidity, and Foreign Equity Investments in International Capital Markets
3 pages (781 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "The Impact of Corruption on Liquidity, and Foreign Equity Investments in International Capital Markets" presents the seriousness of the threat posed by corruption across the globe.... The detailed explanation of different spectrums of its impact is fundamental documentation.... ... ...
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Health Outcomes of Adults 3 Months after Injury
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The study included 48 subjects recruited from universities, general hospital and a sports clinic and who had suffered unilateral musculoskeletal injury at least 9 months earlier and had not received any medical or physical treatment during the previous 6 months.... This paper declares that an Injury is a major form of public health burden and there has been a rise in healthcare expenditure due to injury....
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Strategic management
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The increasing costs of medical treatment as well as the new regulations therefore have made it more difficult for EMC to operate with maximum efficiency.... It is also important to note that the merger with any other HMO will also provide an opportunity to gain access to the larger base of medical and health care services providers such as physicians and nurses....
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Fat and Happy: In Defense of Fat Acceptance by Mary Ray Worley
2 pages (707 words) , Download 2 , Article
The essay 'Fat and Happy: In Defense of Fat Acceptance by Mary Ray Worley' begins by exaggerating commonly mistaken notions of how and why being fat is a personal, social, and medical liability, then provides evidence and examples for each to show why society developed the perception.... The author states that fat is not a serious personal, social, and medical liability, and therefore should not cause unhappiness, according to Worley....
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Ability to Provide Local Self-Government of Hong Kong
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Ability to Provide Local Self-Government of Hong Kong" discusses the reality of the 'one country, two systems' approach to the Hong Kong situation under Chinese authority.... It accentuates the importance of Hong Kong's example because it shows the central authority.... ... ... ... The paper discusses the situation with delegate selection in Hong Kong....
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Adult Learners in Online Learning Environments by Hsiu-Mei Huang
3 pages (826 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper 'Adult Learners in Online Learning Environments by Hsiu-Mei Huang' is qualitative as it tries to analyze the impact advanced online technologies have on adult learners.... Adult learners are used as the focus of the paper as they have experienced the traditional learning system.... ... ...
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Coffee Price Hike Sours Brew
4 pages (1204 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Coffee Price Hike Sours Brew" focuses on the increasing costs of business, implying that not only the apparent rise in coffee beans but also utilities, rent, etc attribute to the hike in the prices.... The objective of this analysis is to apply relevant economic concepts.... ... ... ...
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Hong Kong Police Clash with Hundreds Protesting WTO Summit
4 pages (1092 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Hong Kong Police Clash with Hundreds Protesting WTO Summit" discusses that globalization's impoverishing effects could be attributed to increased competition, trade, government borrowing, etc.... These factors have variable effects depending on the government's management.... ... ... ... Content-wise the article is short and does not include a lot of details, just the gist of the issue, understandably because it is a news article and does not need to bother with economic jargon, as opposed to business or financial pieces....
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Whos Cheap by Adair Lara
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The object of this paper is Who's Cheap, an interesting article by Adair Lara, who writes about a skirmish out of the eternal battle of the sexes.... In her article, she argues whether paying lies in the male domain, citing examples from her own life as well as her friends' experiences.... ... ... ...
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Inflation:causes and solving
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The summary of the article helps to define inflation as a persistent rise in prices that cause the purchasing power of a nation to significantly drop.... This is a normal economic syndrome as long as the annual rate or percentage remains comparatively low.... ... ... ... Once the percentage rises over a pre-determined level, it is considered an inflation crisis....
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Toward a More Effective Enterprise by Robert L Katz
5 pages (1289 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Toward a More Effective Enterprise by Robert L Katz" is an outstanding example of a business article.... The article talks about the convectional beliefs that enterprise is organised and administered upon such as profits, profit determinants, policy planning, program formation, a delegation of responsibility, and duties of superiors and of subordinates....
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The Importance of John Maxwell's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
8 pages (2080 words) , Download 0 , Article
Leadership is a skill or quality through which an individual can guide a group of people for accomplishing success in a community or in an organisation.... The concept of leadership has been introduced in the civilization a long way back.... According to observation, it has been.... ... ... The paper "The Importance of John Maxwell's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" is a good example of a management article....
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Rogerian Argument on The Chinese in all of Us by Richard Rodriguez
6 pages (1693 words) , Download 3 , Article
"Rogerian Argument on The Chinese in all of Us by Richard Rodriguez" paper focuses on the article about the author's perspective on multiculturalism.... He puts forward a different argument as opposed to the mainstream view.... He thinks that there is no such thing as multiculturalism.... ... ... ...
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Debate Surrounding the Standard and the Non-Standard English Language
6 pages (1785 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article called "Debate Surrounding the Standard and the Non-Standard English Language" describes the variants of the English language.... This work argues that Standard English is not superior to Non-standard English and the reasons for why this is the case.... The author outlines the differences between them, their peculiarities....
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The Impact of Virtual Worlds and Online Gaming on Education and Training by Pursel and Bailey
5 pages (1511 words) , Download 3 , Article
The author will argue that the article presents an intriguing, but yet problematic piece of research.... S\he will show that implementing elements from video gaming can create a digital e-learning divide which may cause some e-learners to completely deny the quality and effectivity of any online courses....
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Managing Neutrality And Impartiality In Workplace Conflict Resolution: The Dilemma Of The HR Manager
9 pages (2376 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "Managing Neutrality And Impartiality In Workplace Conflict Resolution: The Dilemma Of The HR Manager" further describes the implications faced by the HRM in the recent world while keeping control over the employees of the company.... ... ... ... I have strict orders to engage my whole staff in this reform....
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Principles of logisties management
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
It is commonly known as DKSH.... The organisation is an outsourcing partner of various business entities and supports them to develop their business.... They are prominently into three sectors of business these are.... ... ... The other sectors include the healthcare and the technology (4DKSH, n....
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Bringing the Environment Down to Earth
7 pages (1794 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Bringing the Environment Down to Earth" summarises the article by Forest L.... Reinhardt, the main components of which include company management, shareholders consultation, competitor and management, government concerns and regulators.... ... ... ... The issue of environmental revolution has had many companies adopt new management and operation strategies that would keep the companies in business amid environmental and other risks....
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Queuing Theory for Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems
5 pages (1427 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Queuing Theory for Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems" entails the application of the queuing theory within the semiconductor.... Traditional queuing theory can't be used in the semiconductor manufacturing systems since it has many disadvantages in its application.... ... ... ... Queuing theory can't be used in the semiconductor manufacturing systems due to the failure of the traditional theory in the reduction of the cycle time....
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Barriers to Prisoners Reentry and Social Costs of Recidivism by Weiman
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article, titled 'Barriers to Prisoners Reentry and Social Costs of Recidivism by D.... .... Weiman', sets out to evaluate the impact of a prison record/experience on former inmates' opportunity of getting employed in high-end or low-end labor markets.... ... ... ... The author puts forth arguments from the demand and supply sides of the labor market paradigm to demonstrate the barriers that former inmates face in their quest to reenter the job market, as well as how these barriers contribute to increased cases of criminal recidivism....
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The Case Always Knows Better
5 pages (1428 words) , Download 2 , Article
"The Cat Always Knows Better" paper focuses on the article "How to think more like a cat.... ... ... nd overcome your worries" by Leahy who suggests that people have been evolving for many centuries and reinventing copies of themselves.... He states that along with evolution, man also evolved emotional content....
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Nortel Company
5 pages (1459 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Nortel Company" tells us about a Canadian multinational telecommunications and data networking equipment manufacturer headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.... Nortel's revenue totaled $2.... 8 billion in the first quarter ended March 31, down just slightly from $2.... 9 billion a year earlier....
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Reflecting on Practice by Arthur M. Langer
1 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
As the paper "Reflecting on Practice by Arthur M.... Langer" outlines, the article has presented the results and findings in a comprehensive and clear manner.... Results gathered through interviews have been very well summarized, making it easy for readers to follow and understand.... ... ... ... The purpose of the study and the research question has been clearly stated in the introduction....
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