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A Nation At Risk - A Report to The Nation and Secretary of Education
22 pages (5744 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "A Nation At Risk - A Report to The Nation and Secretary of Education" presents a report that has been a strong suggestion for a paradigm change in US education.... Intellectual, moral and spiritual strengths of the people have been proclaimed as the fabric of American society.... Education is presented as a path towards this end....
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CRISPR/CAS9 in Toxoplasma gondii
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Article
CRISPR/Cas 9 system is widely used for genome engineering in eukaryotic organisms, because it helps in the rapid generation of the cell lines with the modified alleles.... CRISPR along with Cas9 acts as an auto immune system to the body, with the Cas proteins converting the foreign.... ... ... These nucleotides are inserted into the CRISPR locus, and as a result RNAs are produced....
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The Processes of Drug Registration in the Context of the United States
7 pages (1933 words) , Download 0 , Article
Having been established in 2003, SFDA sought to regulate, oversee, and control food, drug, and medical devices establishments in the context of Saudi Arabia.... Furthermore, SFDA controls the consumers' awareness concerning food, drug, and medical-related matters such as products and supplies.... SFDA's vision focuses on being the regional leader in regulation of drugs, food, and medical components while integrating professional as well as excellent services contributing to advance protection and healthy conditions in Saudi Arabia....
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Women, Gender and Chinese Women
12 pages (3454 words) , Download 0 , Article
assachusetts medical Society & New England Society (2009, p.... assachusetts medical Society & New England Society 2009, ‘Education and careers in women', Boston medical and surgical Journal, vol.... The "Women, Gender and Chinese Women" paper highlights how Chinese women were presented in society and the way they were portrayed in the past and in modern times....
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Facebook as an Access to Global Content
9 pages (2702 words) , Download 0 , Article
News stories have always generated heated conversations among individuals, sometimes forcing them to have news articles stack on bulletin boards as well as refrigerators or even shared among friends through a video clip.... Journal of the American Society for Information science and Technology....
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Same-Sex Schools Education System: Gender Bias and Stereotyping
8 pages (2207 words) , Download 0 , Article
In turn, they are more likely to perform poorly, especially in science, math and computer-related subjects. ... ?? science 333.... The paper "Same-Sex Schools Education System: Gender Bias and Stereotyping" presents the male and female students and their education at school....
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Getting Rid of the Cleaning Lady Stigma
3 pages (981 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/articles/print/volume-19/issue-10/feature/who-we-are.... om/articles/print/volume-33/issue-6/columns/turning-points-in-occupational-health.... The paper "Getting Rid of the Cleaning Lady Stigma" delves into dental cleanliness and has experienced a transformation throughout the previous 10 years....
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SCN1A Case Report and Literature Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Commonly, this predicament or malady in the medical field may also be termed as Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy (SMEI) and usually has a genetic etiology ranging between 70% and 80% patients (De Jonghe 2011), hence implying that the patients who fall in this bracket usually are the carries of Sodium Channel ?... Researches regarding Dravet Syndrome causes among patients and numerous cases, which medical practitioners usually handle in the medical field, have reported DS cases in the absence of SCNIA involvement (Dravet 2011a)....
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Coffee Wars in India - Cafe Coffee Day Takes on the Global Brands by Yoffie and Bijlani
8 pages (2528 words) , Download 0 , Article
yvonen, S & Kola, J 1998, ‘New policies, new opportunities, new threats: the Finnish food industry in the EU', in WB Traill & E Pitt (eds), Competitiveness food industry, Thomson science, London, pp.... The paper ''Coffee Wars in India - Café Coffee Day Takes on the Global Brands by Yoffie and Bijlani' is a dramatic variant of the article on marketing....
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Deconstruction of Leadership Paper on Guts
7 pages (2159 words) , Download 3 , Article
"Common Behavior Changes in Successful Organization Development Efforts," Journal of Applied Behavioral science, 22 (1986): 477-494. ... The paper "Deconstruction of Leadership Paper on Guts" highlights that Kevin and Jackie Freiberg have depicted successful leaders who have the guts to say goodbye to conventional wisdom and adopt radical policies to turn their organisations into successful models....
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Brain Anatomy and Relations with Skull
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The origin of humans ought to be a topic of enormous interest to students.... There is an overwhelming body of evidence to suggest that we evolved from ape-like ancestors over a period of millions of years.... But how are we to give students a feel' for the evidence and an understanding of why the majority of scientists support the Darwinian view or something like it In this article I propose the use of casts of fossil skulls as a central feature in teaching about human evolution....
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The Female Sex as Target of Harassment and Offending
7 pages (2306 words) , Download 0 , Article
arak, A 2005, Sexual Harassment on the Internet, Social science Computer Review, Vol.... The paper "The Female Sex as Target of Harassment and Offending" states that sexual harassment, which is the most common form of offending against women in Australia, is 'one of the most extreme and effective forms of patriarchal control,' according to Kelly....
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Samsung Smartphones Patents Strategy
4 pages (1457 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Samsung Smartphones Patents Strategy" describes that it is Samsung's weak position relative to competitors as far as intellectual property is concerned, This weakness translates into a profound vulnerability and a threat to the continued success of Samsung in the global markets.... ... ...
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Accounting Management Systems in Budgeting Educational Organizations
6 pages (1985 words) , Download 2 , Article
He holds a PhD from Vanderbilt University, Nashville; a Master's in education from Tennessee state university and a bachelor's in political science from the University of Memphis.... The article "Accounting Management Systems in Budgeting Educational Organizations" focuses on the critical analysis of the ideas by Dr....
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Aging Services Agency
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Qualified administrative and medical staff work towards providing aging clientele with high-quality services in a secure and compassionate environment.... Qualified administrative and medical staff works towards providing the aging clientele with high quality services in a secure and compassionate environment.... Lastly, the Adult Health Care that offers supervised medical care including therapy, administration of medication and counseling (Orange County, 2013)....
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Usage of Flashcards in Identifying High-Frequency Words
6 pages (1671 words) , Download 0 , Article
It will give a summary of the articles highlighting the main points and give a response reacting to the article.... It will give a summary of the articles highlighting main points, give some quotes and give a response reacting to the article and how it can improve reading skills. ...
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Effects of School Uniforms Have on Students
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
nfo/articles/Case_for_Uniforms.... This paper talks that a lot of debate regarding the effects of school uniforms on students.... Wearing a school uniform even decreases chances of students from joining gangs or engaging in violence or crimes.... .... ... ... According to the paper school uniforms play a large role in masking differences in students and preventing them from forming groups related to their wardrobe....
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The Use of DDT in Malaria Vector Control
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Thie paper "The Use of DDT in Malaria Vector Control" will broadly focus on analyzing the term dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and the risks as well as the benefits associated with this term would be assessed.... ... ... ... DDT is mainly used for the purpose of controlling certain critical diseases which itself can be regarded as a positive aspect....
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Sensemaking Processes of Scanning, Interpretation and Action
6 pages (1618 words) , Download 2 , Article
The scenarios used asked a series of questions regarding scanning and interpretation, and were extremely well-researched, having been put together in consultation with health care executives, hospital strategic plans and scholarly articles on the subject.... The paper "Sensemaking Processes of Scanning, Interpretation and Action" states that the analysis of the data was thorough, with a variety of appropriate statistical tools used to measure the effects of variables, including t-tests and multivariate regression analyses....
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Menger on the Origins of Money
14 pages (3648 words) , Download 0 , Article
From here on Menger (1892) introduces the two most important aspect of this article; saleability and difference in the degree of saleability among various articles or products.... Though initially they have maintained their own thought processing but within 1920s to 1930s they have joined the mainstream neoclassical school....
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Dedicated Community Pharmacist
3 pages (1043 words) , Download 2 , Article
A dedicated community pharmacist with over two decades' worth of experience working with a multidisciplinary team dedicated to exploring preventive approaches to medicine by bringing together medical professionals, community leaders, government representatives, and patient advocates.... As a pharmacist, I liaise regularly with local medical practitioners.... In keeping with his multi-disciplinary approach to preventive care he also reads many of the latest medical journals – indeed he is conversant with many of the latest medical developments outside our field....
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History of Special Education
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Magnificent breakthroughs resulted in the medical community in America (Daughterty, 2001, p.... medical evaluations would continue as before.... The paper 'History of Special Education' analyzes the general changes in school education and social sciences, which have been instrumental in the development of special education....
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Impact of Social Policy on Mental Health in Australia
10 pages (3069 words) , Download 0 , Article
However, this policy has led to reduction in the number of medical facilities to cater for people living with mental illness.... This has increased the financial constraints on such families, which in most case will not be able to finance medical costs for their relative living with a mental illness.... However, this policy has led to reduction in the number of medical facilities to cater for people living with mental illness....
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Standards for Math Child Evaluation
5 pages (1477 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Standards for Math Child Evaluation" highlights that children identify shapes according to how they appear.... They associate shapes with what they see around them.... Demonstration or examples provide a better learning tool for young children as they like experimenting.... ... ... ... Perusing shapes, building figures from shapes, and making a photo book furnishes kids with a chance to investigate their alternate points of view....
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Patent Litigation and the Internet
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/blog/articles/GriffithHackSmartphonesReportFinal.... This research is being carried out to evaluate and present a review of the literature on the market for cell phones, and the prospects for Samsung smartphones in the wake of the ruling awarding Apple US 1 billion dollars in its patent suit against Samsung....
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Analysis of Banker's Work Concerning Manufacturing Overhead Cost Drivers
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Even as of year 2000, the “Learning on the Internet Partnership” has already recorded that Banker wrote at least 100 articles in leading research journals in accounting and related disciplines.... The Sage Publication website identified Schroeder as the author of over 100 articles in academic journals....
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Drugs and Health in Society
5 pages (1589 words) , Download 0 , Article
Addiction grew to be an accepted scientific and medical expression.... In medical journals, addiction was still viewed as a type of craving for toxic substances – or as acute poisoning.... At the close of the 19th century, the medical experts started to use the expression ‘addiction' as both an elucidation for, and identification of the condition of excessive drug use.... This suggestion was officially recognised when the American medical Association (AMA) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) recognised alcoholism as a sickness in the 1950s (Keene, 1997)....
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Decent Healthcare for the Homeless
5 pages (1485 words) , Download 0 , Article
For some reasons, such as government policies, these individuals lack access to opportunities that can help them get affordable housing and medical care.... onvalescent Care: House of Hope has an emergency shelter in downtown Perth where medical providers and social workers provide a medical respite program for the homeless, where individuals can recuperate once they have been discharged from hospital after undergoing surgery or suffering acute illness....
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The Impact of Housing Reforms & the Real Estate Market
15 pages (4363 words) , Download 0 , Article
(Zheyu & Chunying, 2009) The particular imagery of advertisements and articles in the home decorating magazines noted by Davis above, and the references to “British” or “French” and inclusion of the word “International” in property site names in the real estate advertising from Shanghai and Beijing are simple examples of experiential cues the marketer can use to appeal to the customer's emotions....
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Leadership Styles to Implement an Initiative of Teaching Children Healthy Eating and Cookery Skills
8 pages (2560 words) , Download 1 , Article
Towards realizing this target, the involvement of nurses and doctors, among other medical personnel at leadership capacity and in leading throughout the organization and the target society is very critical. ... he evidence gathered through medical research shows that there is a link between medical engagement and organizational performance: these studies have been done by different organizations and systems, including the NHS. ... he contribution of medical personnel in service improvement and leadership should be recognised and valued ...
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Drugs and Crime
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
(Lyman & Potter 2007) When considering endorphins in terms of drug abuse medical researchers have noted that synthetic drugs create a shot of endorphins to the individual's mental receptors creating a temporary feeling of euphoria.... A number of medical researchers argue that the synthetic drugs can permanently alter the individuals' mental receptors so that after prolonged use of drugs such as cocaine, the individual's mental state is permanently altered, making it that much more challenging to refrain from further usage....
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The United States Constitution
7 pages (1815 words) , Download 3 , Article
The Constitution, which had replaced the articles of Confederation, details the rights and privileges that the people of the United States are entitled within the restraint of the law and are still in use today as much as they had ever been, with the first ten articles being known as the Bill of Rights.... The Constitution, which had replaced the articles of Confederation, details the rights and privileges that the people of the United States are entitled within restraint of the law and are still in use today as much as they had ever been, with the first ten articles being known as the Bill of Rights....
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The Gynecologic Oncology Group
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The researcher states the Gynecologic Oncology Group relies on an open-source database powered by Ingres Corporation for storing the data they need as well as indirectly communicating with experts from medical institutions around the world.... From the database, they are also able to share their medical publications and allow their peers to review them....
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Self-awareness and Career Management: Mobility and Job Embeddedness
6 pages (1786 words) , Download 1 , Article
On the other hand, mobility in the field of engineering and science refers to the movement of particles.... On the other hand, mobility in the field of engineering and science refers to the movement of particles etc.... "Self-awareness and Career Management: Mobility and Job Embeddedness" paper describes the concept of mobility and job embeddedness and explains how these concepts can help us to analyze how graduates might move around the world when managing their careers....
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Central Processing Unit Design
11 pages (3241 words) , Download 0 , Article
The greatest supercomputers are running a huge number of quad-center processors in parallel to do significant counts for such applications as atomic weapons reenactments, radioactive rot recreations, climate reproductions, high vitality material science figurings and that's just the beginning....
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The Limitations of Charter Schools
6 pages (1774 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper ''The Limitations of Charter Schools'' tells that charter schools are getting widespread public attention and praise because some schools deliver better learning results than public schools.... Waiting for 'Superman,' directed by Davis Guggenheim, exposes the weaknesses of the American public education system....
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Technology for Better Results and Comparative Analysis of EDPA and FDPA
8 pages (2381 words) , Download 3 , Article
l; (2009); Designing Training for Process Control Simulators; A Review of Empirical Findings and Current Practices; Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics science; 10(6); pp.... The article "Technology for Better Results and Comparative Analysis of EDPA and FDPA" focuses on the critical analysis of the importance of additional drills or technology for better results in the examination....
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The Effectiveness of HRM Should Be Assessed Only by Financial Measures
6 pages (1768 words) , Download 1 , Article
Human resources management (HRM) is the art and science of dealing with people at work for the optimum achievement of individual, organization and society's goals.... "The Effectiveness of HRM Should Be Assessed Only by Financial Measures" paper presents the affirmative and negative sides of this statement and concludes that it should be done but by means of improving the overall worth of its people resources as they perform their respective roles in society....
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Philosophical and Political Writings by Martin Heidegger
5 pages (1430 words) , Download 0 , Article
Special classes on racial theory, German culture and military science are conducted and attendance to such classes is compulsory.... This article "Philosophical and Political Writings by Martin Heidegger" discusses influence by the tenets of Nazism, when he tackles philosophical truths....
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Asian Communities in US
4 pages (1251 words) , Download 0 , Article
One of the very important reasons is that of something called as 'Asian parents Syndrome' (Online Education articles, n.... or immigrants are labeled as the ‘brains' of colleges (Online Education articles, n.... One of the very important reasons is that of something called as “Asian parents Syndrome” (Online Education articles, n.... Asian parents cannot simply compromise that their children are not the best among everyone, and therefore, this drives the children to work harder (Online Education articles, n....
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Information Overload: Telecommunication
6 pages (1651 words) , Download 0 , Article
This people are playing at science using the same basic framework of real scientists to deduct facts and conclusions, but their standards are much lower and they are much more easily swayed by extraneous information.... The article "Information Overload: Telecommunication" focuses on the critical analysis of the contemporary problem of information overload within the telecommunications sphere....
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The New Meaning of Quality
6 pages (1712 words) , Download 0 , Article
Harrison Department of Management science and Information Systems, Penn State University An Introduction to Supply Chain Management ... According to research findings of the paper 'The New Meaning of Quality', the systematic methods of defining the quality, measuring the performance of quality, creating transparent systems, involving customers and suppliers in operations go a long way in continuously meeting the quality requirements of the customers....
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Should In God We Trust Stay the USA Motto
8 pages (2266 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Should In God We Trust Stay the USA Motto" focuses on whether or not 'In God we Trust' should remain America's motto, or if the line 'Under God' should be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance.... Over the past few years, there is a noticeable resurgence of religious beliefs seeps into the United States government....
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The Need for Multi-Cultural Diversity in the Nursing Practice
8 pages (2184 words) , Download 2 , Article
Without just saying that it was her responsibility to keep her patients as comfortable as possible without pain, the nurse could have addressed this patient's cultural beliefs on medical care with respect and introduced the western health beliefs by explaining pathophysiological benefit and effects the treatment has.... hinese patients may have a low tolerance for diagnostic tests, as they may expect medical professionals to be experts who can give treatment immediately....
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Ethical Dilemmas in Extreme Prematurity
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Article
o resuscitate or not to resuscitate an infant below 25 week gestation on the threshold of viability is the question that confronts the medical community, parents, and the government with increasing frequency due advancements made in neonatal and fetel care.... This law in the US mandates that the states should establish procedures to curb the cases of ‘medical neglect' and instances of ‘withholding treatment' in case of premature deliveries.... Clearly CAA tilts the balance towards medical jurisprudence over familial bonding....
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Online Learning Tools and Techniques
11 pages (3161 words) , Download 2 , Article
Roed, Horwitz, and Worde's articles discuss that individuals behave differently when conversing online as compared to the situation of communicating face-to-face.... Number Week 9: Learning Online /LL In week 9, we discussed Roed, Horwitz and Worde articles and were able to learn that individuals behave differently when conversing online as compared to the situation of communicating face-to-face.... Week 10: Social Web By going through McLoughlin, Lai, Popa, Moskaliuk and Moskaliuk articles in week 10, we were able to realize that he traditional techniques to learning and teaching are generally based on the prepackaged education equipment, fixed deadlines and criteria and assessment tasks defined by the teachers....
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My Second University: Memories from Romanian Communist Prisons by Stroia S & Dusleag D L
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
When the Communists took over Romania in 1945, Stanciu Stroia, a medical practitioner, refused to join the communist party.... hen the Communists took over Romania in 1945, Stanciu Stroia, a medical practitioner, refused to join the communist party.... The sentence also came with the eviction of his family from their property and confiscation of his medical practice.... Dusleag, also a medical doctor....
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Strategic management
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
There can be opportunities specially in terms of offering comprehensive services under one roof because most of the players are focused on providing specialist services and are not clearly focused on universal medical services under one roof.... physicians, medical professionals, healthcare supplies etc.... The fact that RRMC was not able to procure some of the supplies required for essential procedures therefore outline that due to demand and supply dynamics of medical supplies suppliers, they are yielding more power....
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Legal and Regulatory Issues about the Practice of Architecture
5 pages (1427 words) , Download 2 , Article
"Legal and Regulatory Issues about the Practice of Architecture" paper focuses on the architecture discipline that requires art and science to be considered effective.... ased from the discipline's description above, architecture is a discipline that requires both art and science to be considered effective....
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Legal Research and Literacy Skills
6 pages (1365 words) , Download 0 , Article
For example, SOSIG or Social science Information Gateway offers separate link to law research.... The paper "Legal Research and Literacy Skills" highlights that it has been argued by the proponents of the act that the differences between marriage and civil partnership are negligible....
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