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The Development of Verbal Structures in L2 Arabic
4 pages (1148 words) , Download 0 , Article
.... ... ... The paper "The Development of Verbal Structures in L2 Arabic" is a wonderful example of an English article review.... Processability theory has an assumption that learners are bound to acquire the second language in a particular sequence.... The Theory ... Processability theory has an assumption that learners are bound to acquire the second language in a particular sequence....
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Applied Microbiology
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Springer science & Business Media.... Biofilms form when bacteria attach to surfaces in damp conditions and excrete sticky substances with great adhesive force that anchors the.... ... ... Biofilms are readily formed by most known pathogens and consist of extracellular polysaccharide encased micro-colonies....
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Health Ethics - Asthma Patient in APA Style
6 pages (1664 words) , Download 0 , Article
om/p/articles/mi_qa3689/is_199707/ai_n8768444 ... fter the above treatment, the patient can be admitted to medical/surgical unit for continued fluids and antibiotics.... The paper "Health Ethics - Asthma Patient in APA Style" highlights that generally, the emphasis of the significance of recognizing signs and symptoms of worsening airway obstruction early, which enables her to prevent and treat exacerbations is important....
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Primary, Intermediate Care and Public Health
10 pages (2947 words) , Download 2 , Article
"Primary, Intermediate Care and Public Health" paper argue that that nurse has a significant role in the provision of effective and appropriate health care services to the public in general but also in schemes targeting the cover of particular personal needs.... ... ... ... According to the above results the plans related to the involvement of nurses in the delivery of health care services – at least as structured – have not achieved the required results....
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Are There Serious Health Benefits from Mobile Phones
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Are There Serious Health Benefits from Mobile Phones" outlines mobile health as a term recently used to refer to public and medical health practice, which obtains support from a mobile device such as patient monitoring devices, mobile phones, PDAs, and other wireless gadgets.... Mobile devices have, therefore, been used to improve the way medical information is obtained and processed on a comprehensive scale (Olla, 2009).... Mobile applications also link health workers to medical portals, enabling them to access information on other doctors, health practices, and even facilities globally....
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The End of Digital Media Art
5 pages (1555 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The End of Digital Media Art" tells us about digital media.... Digital media art has become very popular nowadays primarily because it is absolutely based on the computer and the internet.... ... ... ... For the modern artists the use of the computer as a tool for crafting works of art have allowed him to realize or visualize his creative ideas beyond what can be allowed by his manual capabilities....
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The Popularity of the Cabinets
5 pages (2003 words) , Download 0 , Article
The cabinets displayed their owners' perception of art, science and spirituality in a physical form.... The paper 'The Popularity of the Cabinets' focuses on the cabinet of curiosities that was a personal collection of things of wonder.... They were also known as the 'Cabinet of Wonders' or the Wunderkammer....
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Media Speak - the Language of Advertising
6 pages (1668 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper focuses on the implicit and explicit meaning of the stating 'The great enemy of clear language is insincerity'.... It also attempts to explore and explain the causes and effects of the use of misleading words in language.... ... ... ... The author is defending the above-mentioned claim, as well as saying that advertisers use 'weasel words'....
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Why Marketing Through Social Media is Effective
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
It is a win-win situation since it could reach to a wider audience and is relatively cost-effective as compared to other methods of advertising such as.... ... ... Numerous people go online for just about everything, and this includes social interaction as well as sales, even more than those that go to watch television or go out driving, which makes online advertising much more flexible Social Media and Marketing With the rise of the internet as a strongly influential media format, many companies have started using it to their advantage....
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Second Malignancies in Breast Cancer Patients Following Radiotherapy - a Study in Florence, Italy
10 pages (2710 words) , Download 3 , Article
Research Article Analysis: Health, science and Medicine Research Article Analysis: Health, science and medicine Research papers focus on evidence and proof.... The paper "Second Malignancies in Breast Cancer Patients Following Radiotherapy - a Study in Florence, Italy" discusses mammographic density as the risk factor related to interval cancers....
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Research Methodology Methods & Techniques
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Article
Introduction Each science is based on the facts that can be received with the help of relevant and complete streams of information.... The author of this article "Research Methodology Methods & Techniques" comments on the research methods that are instruments that help in gathering sufficient information to summarize appropriate findings and make further recommendations regarding a specific problem....
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3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Failure to seek second opinion in complicated cases, or delaying needful medical intervention are indicative of deviation from standard case for which a nurse may face liability charges for negligence (Glabman, 2004; Phillips, 2013).... Some of the medical emergencies could be life threatening with little time for proper administrative consultation.... As a result, the case might warrant a resident nurse to take all practicable measures within her ability and medical judgment in the utmost effort to save life....
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Critical Review Accountability and Data Collection, including Reward and Challenge Schools
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The Accountability and Data Collection method introduced by the reforms is a good approach since it intends to bring out effectively the performance of the schools and help in evaluating them.... .... ... ... Critical Review Accountability and Data Collection, including Reward and Challenge Schools The Accountability and Data Collection method introduced by the reforms is a good approach since it intends to bring out effectively the performance of the schools and help in evaluating them....
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International Day of Tolerance
3 pages (934 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "International Day of Tolerance" discusses that it will be very important that the youth and children become the target of education as these people are the leaders of the future.... The use of interfaith discussions and dialogue is also recommended.... ... ... ... Having noted the importance and effects of tolerance, it is now time for internationally acclaimed events such as the International Day of Tolerance by UNESCO to be focused on the need for coming out with pragmatic interventions and solutions that target the present generation and generation yet unborn....
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Driven by Gary Stark
2 pages (723 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Driven by Gary Stark' the author focuses on the article by Gary Stark who has made an attempt to unify these diversities with an intention to develop a 'unified theory of human behavior'.... The author has reflected that such theory should encompass within its scope manifold issues....
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Prosopagnosia ( face blindness)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Prosopagnosia Your Name Your School Prosopagnosia Prosopagnosia came from the Greek words prosopon and agnosia.... The former means “face” while the later translates to “lack of knowledge”.... Hence, prosopagnosia is a disorder that involves the inability to discern faces.... ... ... ... The specific part of the brain related to problems in face perception is the fusiform gyrus....
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Change from Qualitative to Quantitative
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Changing a Qualitative study to Quantitative study Research Problem In the past several decades, with the growing burden of several diseases and the subsequent exponential rise in the demand for health care professionals, including nurses, there has been an observed increase in the influx of nursing students into nursing programs....
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Technology Use in Special Education: Assistive Technology
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
ther technological tools used to enhance learning include; instructional software majorly used for delivering academic skills including the subject matter content like science and history, and also the academic skills including writing and reading.... the assistive technology tools bring together the best of both of these practices....
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Noncompliance to Treatment with Positive Airway Pressure
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The study had employed a retrospective medical chart review on its design since the information on medical records are valid and were collected by health care provider compared to using research records that are gathered for the sake of giving information.... The study had employed a retrospective medical chart review on its design since the information on medical records are valid and were collected by health care provider compared to using research records that are gathered for the sake of giving information (University of Miami, 2007)....
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Family related Law
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Financial exploitation of the elders is normally conducted by trusted parties like caretakers, neighbors, attorneys, medical practitioners, pastors, bank employees, friends, attorneys and family members.... As elders become physically weak, they become more prone to bullying and physical attack....
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Australian Criminal Justice System Response to Illicit Drugs and Violence
7 pages (2255 words) , Download 0 , Article
Illicit drugs include heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and ecstasy, use of volatile substances as inhalants such as petrol, solvent, and glue as well as the use of prescribed drugs for non-medical purposes (MCDS, 2004).... Illicit drugs include heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and ecstasy, use of volatile substances as inhalants such as petrol, solvent and glue as well as use of prescribed drugs for non-medical purposes (MCDS, 2004).... The most commonly used drugs are cannabis, amphetamines, ecstasy, hallucinogens as well as analgesics or painkillers for non-medical use....
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Module 6 DQ1 and 2
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
There are three separate areas of that subject that will be discussed here; physical, technical and data redundancy.... Physical security concerns the.... ... ... Such preventive measures as security guards, passkeys and identification tags, locked equipment, and keeping an eye out for unauthorized people are all facets of physical security....
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Advanced Dental Hygiene Practitioner
6 pages (1755 words) , Download 0 , Article
The criteria for the advanced nurse practitioner included that the education level be more than that of Bachelor of science in Nursing (BSN), and the role of the advanced nurse practitioner was founded on the knowledge and skills of the public health nurse.... For this purpose the memo intends to look at the current status of the delivery of oral healthcare in the United States of America, the role that could be played by ADHPs, models employed in medical healthcare delivery that are applicable to the delivery of oral healthcare, the advantages that employment of ADHPs would bring, the educational and skill development requirements of the ADHPs, and the perspective of the authorities on the use of ADHPs....
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Global Warming: The Greenhouse Effect
8 pages (2185 words) , Download 1 , Article
Although science has identified a radically changing climate as the result of human activity, many will not admit it to themselves.... Living in the Environment: An Introduction to Environmental science.... The "Global Warming: The Greenhouse Effect" paper defines the greenhouse effect and explains how naturally occurring and man-made gases affect it along with examples of the consequences of these forces....
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Analysis of Abdominal Surgery, Pain, and Anxiety: Preoperative Nursing Intervention by Lin and Wang
7 pages (1934 words) , Download 0 , Article
Finally, the operative and post operative data was collected from the medical records.... These participants came from a medical centre at Southern Taiwan.... The "Analysis of Abdominal Surgery, Pain, and Anxiety: Preoperative Nursing Intervention by Lin and Wang" paper analizes the article that answers the question of how preoperative nursing intervention assists in the reduction of pain in abdominal surgery that results because of anxiety....
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The Potential Contribution of the 2010 Soccer World Cup to Climate Change by I. Otto and E.T. Heath
9 pages (2621 words) , Download 0 , Article
For instance, the authors seldom use of articles written in 2008 and 2009.... The paper "The Potential Contribution of the 2010 Soccer World Cup to Climate Change by I.... Otto and E.... .... Heath" is a delightful example of an article on environmental studies.... We critique an article by I....
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Maltreatment and the Developing Child
7 pages (2116 words) , Download 2 , Article
In generally accepted terms, medical specialists emphasize that nature or genes are responsible for the basic wiring plan, the formation of the cells, and the connections between the different brain regions (Oliver, 2007).... Journal of the National medical Association, volume 82 (117), pp....
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The Homeless Just Need a Fighting Chance
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
Meyer and Evans plan is in helping the homeless in their community's population of 280,000 people by falsely qualifying them to obtain medical care from Ridgefield and other shelters.... They intend to provide fictitious home addresses while spreading word around town that the managers of the local shelters are denying the homeless people medical care.... This will occur when accounting for and raising the funds incurred by the homeless when attaining medical care from both institutions....
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Psychology of Music: Music Therapy of Depression
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The purpose of this literature-based study is to explore published methods of music therapy as possible treatment options for depressive and dysphoric symptoms in adolescents with chronic medical conditions.... Adolescents with chronic medical conditions have a higher risk of depressive symptoms than their healthy peers.... These symptoms affect the quality of life of these adolescents and negatively impact the medical condition.... dolescents with chronic medical conditions....
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Sociology and Me
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Article
My mother wanted me to take up political science, however, I wanted to be a writer instead.... I was born on the 11th of November,1968 in the house of my uncle, Andrew Golson, a medical doctor in North End, Boston.... CHILDHOOD I was born on the 11th of November, 1968 in the house of my uncle, Andrew Golson, a medical doctor in North End, Boston....
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The Evolution of the Nursing Gender Stereotype
6 pages (1708 words) , Download 1 , Article
This is the rationale behind the nursing profession as being both an art and a science.... United States Army, Office of medical History, Office of the Surgeon General, Falls Church.... "The Evolution of the Nursing Gender Stereotype" paper states that the nurse stereotype of being a profession only for women will drastically change now that the number of male nurses continues to grow and now that they have come to realize that the nursing profession offers bigger options....
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New Knowledge and Innovation of RLK Media
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'New Knowledge and Innovation of RLK Media' the author provides the case where the CEO of RLK was given an ultimatum as the company was not doing well.... The research and development department wanted more time to launch something innovative.... ... ... ... The author of the paper states that the company has never outsourced before and this makes the technical team apprehensive about the capabilities and the protection of intellectual property....
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E-mail and social media investigations
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Article
Numerous ways are used to obtain the information fraudulently such as through scam emails that lure individuals into communication that leads to obtaining sensitive information.... ... ... Spear phishing is an email scam that has the aim of obtaining access to sensitive information to a specific group or organization through trusted e-mails E-mail and social media investigations E-mail and social media investigation Question Phishing involves a criminal activity that aims at gaining sensitive information in a fraudulent way....
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Typical Methods Used in the Media
8 pages (2203 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Typical Methods Used in the Media" tells that media spin is usually used in a derogatory sense, meaning providing through the media a biased portrayal of an organization or an event in one's favour.... The spin is used as a public relations exercise, most typically by governments.... ... ...
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High Blood Pressure in African American Women
7 pages (2047 words) , Download 3 , Article
The author of the paper "High Blood Pressure in African American Women" will begin with the statement that high blood pressure is the leading cause of coronary heart disease and stroke among African American women compared with other groups despite the advances in HBP management.... ... ... ... This paper aims to find out how African American women with hypertension understand their condition and the strategies they use in managing it....
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Lady and the Monster by Mary Poovey
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Article
The author examines Mary Poovey's article entitled ''My Hideous Progeny': The Lady and the Monster', which presents her argument that the distinctive narrative style used in Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein allows her to express her ambivalence regarding her ideas about writing.... ... ... ... In writing such a horror story, Shelley was embodying the very idea of self-assertion by putting a public voice to her story, yet by couching it in terms of the first-person narrative, she was also able to distance herself from these events just as the evil effects of the monster are distanced from its creator....
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Social and Physical Aspects of Human Understanding
9 pages (2890 words) , Download 3 , Article
Aquinas' theory is entrenched in religious thought from the Catholic Church of the 13th Century; where science, theology, philosophy and politics where within the church's domain and the central belief is that man was created for God's purpose and life and death was His domain.... Journal of Dance Medicine and science, 8, 11-18....
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Design Thinking as a Methodology for Innovation
6 pages (1686 words) , Download 1 , Article
Heidelberg: Springer science & Business Media ... Heidelberg: Springer science & Business Media. ... The "Design Thinking as a Methodology for Innovation" paper examines this strategic tool for business leadership.... It is heuristic because it creates its own rules that enable business leaders to solve the marketplace and the production factory mysteries....
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Health Issues for Older Adults
13 pages (3646 words) , Download 0 , Article
For facilitating in the process of dressing, articles of clothing were laid at some times that were to be worn.... This article "Health Issues for Older Adults" shall discuss briefly the previous medical and social history of Joseph Williams and his major health issues.... revious medical and Social History ... In this paper we shall discuss briefly the previous medical and social history of Joseph and his major health issues....
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Acoustic Emission as a Powerful Non- Destructive Technique
9 pages (2666 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/p/articles/mi_m0BFW/is_4_99/ai_101174120... With the accelerating speed in the growth of intelligent information, sensor and data acquisition technologies, combined with the rapid advances in intelligent signal processing techniques, a healthy growth in the application of AE in many engineering, manufacturing, processing and medical sectors is to be expected....
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The Use of CCTV Technology
7 pages (2004 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "The Use of CCTV Technology" discusses CCTV, a TV system that provides for monitoring, and this system cannot be accessed by the general public but monitoring is done at a central station, primarily for surveillance and security purposes (Rousse, 2012).... ... ... ... In today's world where the crime rate is increasing, the need for CCTV has increased....
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Johnson and Johnson Convicted of Bribes
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
They were hidden by 10 percent price increases marked on such drugs and medical supplies.... Brides were used to pay for the expenses of doctors going on medical conference trips.... What Johnson did in bribing the doctors in Greece, Poland, and Romania was to serve up the greatest good, their pharmaceuticals, and their medical supplies for the greatest number of medical buyers in these countries....
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Industry Project: Solutions
5 pages (1496 words) , Download 2 , Article
Solutions articles http www.... Out of the six constituents UNEP will put into practice constituent 3C of IW science Conference- and element 4 (Management of Data).... The paper 'Industry Project: Solutions' presents a summary of the sector of construction engineering physics and classifies openings for progressions that will profit people all together, in addition to managers, institutions of learning, skilled engineering establishments and particularly professionals....
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School Phobia Issues Critique
8 pages (2457 words) , Download 0 , Article
Issues to be factored during the interviews include history of the onset of the condition, physical examination, medical history of the child, mental status, substance abuse history, associated stressors and peer relationships.... The article "School Phobia Issues Critique" focuses on the critical analysis of a concise understanding of school phobia....
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Cost to Bring a Drug to Market
9 pages (2034 words) , Download 0 , Article
) medical expenditure has been inflating at the rate of 4-5% annually per recipient. ... The article "Cost to Bring a Drug to Market" aims to describe the progressive change in the R&D pharmaceutical environment and the R&D processes effect and to explore information and provide a detailed in regard to NCEs development and discovery of the drug....
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What Makes PPP Different
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay discusses that at PPP, students create the paths to their own learning, so it is customized to their needs, abilities, and interests.... PPP faculty and staff understand that students have a multitude of concerns in their schooling and have anticipated their need to be heard.... ... ... ...
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Influence of L1 over L2 and L3 Acquisition
2 pages (752 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Influence of L1 over L2 and L3 Acquisition" focused on determining the different ways in which varying/different language systems interact in the mind and affect either the linguistic development, performance, or both of the person/individual concerned.... ... ... ... It is quite essential to state that the article covers a study whose main aim is to find out if L2 (second language) has a greater impact on the L3(third language) lexicon of the learner/candidate who has attained a higher level of second language proficiency and also has had significant exposure to it....
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Globalization of Nursing Practice
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
During this period, she spent $20 on transport and medical services and at the same time she lost $20 of her income as she did not work.... This shows that the expenses on medical services are based on one's income.... This is different from America, as expenses on medical services do not reflect one's income.... This means that the nation spends less amount of its income for medical services that have resulted to scarce and distant health services especially in poor villages (Jones & Barlett Learning)....
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Health and Hospital Management During Hurricane Katrina
7 pages (2001 words) , Download 0 , Article
iven the condition that the ambulance services can expand towards an out-of-hospital, medical care service to a certain extent than simply pre-hospital medical care, they can significantly append to functionality of the health and hospital systems.... This article "Health and Hospital Management During Hurricane Katrina" observes the presentation of health and hospital management hurricane Katrina identifies challenges faced by custodial institutions in that disaster, and above all looks into the role of ambulances during that catastrophe....
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Calmodulin as a Calcium Binding Protein
1 pages (386 words) , Download 4 , Article
"Calmodulin as a Calcium Binding Protein" paper focuses on this protein which is known to be present in both animals and plants.... The protein comprises 148 amino acids and it possesses four sites which are referred to as 'domains' where calcium can attach.... .... ... ... A structural quality that differentiates calmodulin from other proteins is the trimethylation of its 115th amino acid (Ganong 2005)....
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