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Bliss Island Law Situation
6 pages (1642 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Bliss Island Law Situation " is a great example of a law case study.... In this case, there are two parties, Julian and Anna, on the other hand, there is Bliss Island.... Julian and Anna are guests in Bliss restaurant, before they visit the restaurant they have made some inquiries about the state of the restaurant, they contact Sandra who is in charge of the restaurant....
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Treatment for Kidney Stones
11 pages (3345 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
From the paper "Treatment for Kidney Stones" it is clear that Kidney stones are hardened crystal deposits that occur in the kidney.... The stones form from acid salts and minerals.... They start as crystals or microscopic particles and eventually progress into stones.... .... ... ... The kidneys separate waste substances from the blood and pass them as urine produced by the kidneys....
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Independent Nurse Prescribing
10 pages (3586 words) , Download 7 , Case Study
The paper 'Independent Nurse Prescribing' focuses on independent nurse prescribing which had been on agenda for a considerably long time.... In 1989, the legislative recommendation for endorsing nurse prescribing came into force, and community nurses were able to prescribe.... ... ... ... Despite a sizable resistance due to its demonstrable benefits as against the conventional practice, such as, improvement in patient care, betterment of time management, and incorporation of cure and care by the nurses who could provide more time to the patients in a cost-effective manner, within the year 2000....
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Notion of Community and Its Relation to Social Context of Health
12 pages (3786 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper 'Notion of Community and Its Relation to Social Context of Health" focuses n the fact that studying the social context of health develops a sociological perspective which may be applied to health care practice and develop an understanding of health care policy.... .... ... ... The locality chosen for this research work is the London Borough Tower Hamlets....
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Pizza Hut Strategic Choice
8 pages (2344 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Salsa Charity Night - Assessing Teamwork" is a great example of a management case study.... Sexual exploitation of young children has been a common trend in our town.... In fact, stories exist of children being exploited sexually for very little amounts.... ... ... ... The paper 'Pizza Hut Strategic Choice ' is a worthy example of the management case study....
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Pregnancy and Early Neonatal Period
16 pages (4725 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The "Pregnancy and Early Neonatal Period" paper examines the case of the infant of an Australian origin.... Father is an Australian and the mother is Chinese.... The mother is of age 26 and is currently a housewife.... Doing her master's degree on Saturdays she wishes to work when the baby attains 1....
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BEA Systems Inc Management Practices
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The following case study "BEA Systems Inc Management Practices" is focused on the concept of management that has gained due popularity owing to its extended use in regards to modern business organizations.... Reportedly, the term management is observed to have emerged from the Latin term 'manus'....
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Vulnerability in the Communication System
6 pages (1825 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Vulnerability in the Communication System" focuses on the problem that the system run by the organization does not have necessary checks against information stored in PDF format because the company uses Adobe Reader and the Adobe Acrobat to access PDF files.... .... ... ... With the vulnerabilities n the two applications exposing a significant amount of data in the possession of the company, it is important for the management to take necessary measures to protect its database and other private files....
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Potential Effects of the Various Alerts Identified during an Antenatal Clinic on the Client and Her Unborn Child
11 pages (3984 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Potential Effects of the Various Alerts Identified during an Antenatal Clinic on the Client and Her Unborn Child' is a breathtaking variant of a case study on nursing.... Most women who undergo domestic and family violence or abuse often have numerous and complex needs such as mental health issues, alcohol, etc....
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Mental Illnesses: Altered Perception
12 pages (3487 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Mental Illnesses: Altered Perception" paper looks at the prevalence of mental illness, signs and symptoms of altered perception, the physical health nexus of mental health and impacts, the health practitioner and infrastructures system role in mental illness management, prevention, and solution....
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The Company Law Requirements Regarding Authority
26 pages (6608 words) , Case Study
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The paper "The Company Law Requirements Regarding Authority" describes that the factual circumstances indicate wrongful trading due to the advice given by the finance director on 15th February 2007 when securing the debt owed to John by way of a fixed charge over the factory.... .... ... ... The terms of the current floating charge stated that it would crystallize in the event of any default or enforcement proceedings against the company....
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Evaluate the Incident Investigation,Medical Surveillance and the Training at a Restaurant
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The main aim of incident investigation is therefore to find out what happened, its cause and to give preventive measures so that the incident does not happen again.... Incident investigation requires reporting of.... ... ... The purpose of incident investigation and medical surveillance programs is to prevent any incidents which may come up as a result of a hazard, correct the hazard so as to prevent a recurrence and also to obtain This article involves evaluation of incident investigation, medical surveillance programs and the training at Winn- Dixie restaurant....
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Description of Psychodynamic Therapy
7 pages (2052 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Description of Psychodynamic Therapy" tells that study was first introduced in the year 1874 by a German scientist referred to as Ernest Wilhelm von Brucke through the principle of thermodynamics, in publication on physiology, he asserted that living things are energy systems.... ... ... ...
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Current Framework for Dicom Annotations and Viewer
6 pages (1709 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Current Framework for Dicom Annotations and Viewer " discusses that securing the workflow will remain to be the best technique to secure DICOM.... For a successful project one needs to work with potential providers and IT for security options.... ... ... ... Without overstating anything, none of the risks is a reason to disenchanter someone from building a project that is very secure for clinical practice....
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Challenges That the Bendigo Bank in Tambellup and Cranbrook Faces
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Challenges That the Bendigo Bank in Tambellup and Cranbrook Faces" discusses that the bank was set up because of two women, Vicki and Brown, exhibiting an inherent feature of most social entrepreneur- that is the non-individualized nature of the management of these ventures.... ... ... ...
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Strategies for Maximizing Customer Equity
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In principle, this logic and argument points to the direction that this is a aim of being self-critical on the part of the management of the Ace manufacturing company in order to try to understand and contextualize the reason as to why their sales and revenues must have dipped in the recent past (Lee, 2014)....
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Strategic Management of Construction Projects
12 pages (3631 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Strategic Management of Construction Projects' is a thoughtful example of an engineering and construction case study.... The focus of this paper is to check out the book Building International Construction Alliances by Roberto Pietroforte.... I am trying to find international cooperation between medium-sized construction firms....
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Googling Out of Control
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
It beats logic to force a computer programmer to be strapped in a neck tie the entire day and all he will do is seat before his computer screen the entire day.... This paper "Googling Out of Control" focuses on the fact that when the company was founded by two students in 1998, Google was at that time just another innovative solution in the offing....
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Theoretical Concept of Business Information System
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Theoretical Concept of Business Information System" will give a critical analysis and review of CPS, regarding its use of technology.... CPS uses poor technology even in this era when technology is on the rise.... CPS depends on the very old and manual ways of doing things.... ... ... ...
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Strategic Management of Southwest Airlines
5 pages (1565 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The "Strategic Management of Southwest Airlines" paper looks at the mission statement, vision statement, and values of Southwest Airlines, a local airline operating within the USA but now branching out regionally starting with Mexico and the Caribbean.... ... ... ... Depending on just one company for its needs would be detrimental to its interests, in the same way, that taking a risk on financial derivatives without hedging could be disastrous for its fuel costs....
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Metabical: Positioning and Communications Strategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug
5 pages (1517 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper "Metabical: Positioning and Communications Strategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug" examines a prescription drug for individuals that are suffering from a metabolic disorder.... This drug was researched on and produced by the Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals (CSP).... ... ... ... CPS should place into consideration the concerns raised over new weight loss drugs and focus on providing solutions to solve any problems that may arise....
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Top Management of the AIG and Ebay
2 pages (586 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
It is evidently clear from the following discussion "Top Management of the AIG and Ebay" that according to Jake DeSantis's letter, the AIG top management was initially ethical when it paid out the bonuses to its financial division's employees.... ... ... ... For eBay to remain successful and maintain their financial performance, they need to develop an effective strategy to deal with competitors in the main Asian markets....
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Applying Information Technology Systems in Manging a Sports Club
14 pages (3899 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In this paper "Applying Information Technology Systems in Manging a Sports Club", an understanding of the utilization of IT for the improvement of a business system towards the advancement that they would likely want to garner from the market that they are trying to serve shall be discussed.... ... ...
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Ecological Systems Theory
7 pages (2054 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
This case study "Ecological Systems Theory" discusses two theories form the fundamental basis for some of the practical issues in the social context, Indeed, parents should be protective and secure the development of their infant development behavior.... ... ... ... However, the environment created by parents is crucial in developing the child behavior....
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The Juvenile Delinquent Jamie
14 pages (4112 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "The Juvenile Delinquent Jamie" highlights that issues surrounding Jamie include his delinquent behaviour like his truancy, drug use and abuse, and his stealing.... Other issues also include his depression, suicidal ideation and his difficulty in concentrating in school.... ... ... ... The paper used selective and interpretative literature review and analysis to assess the available reports....
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Global Finance Inc Security Policy
10 pages (2738 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Global Finance Inc Security Policy" gives a detailed composition of GFI security policy, its formulation and the implementation process.... The security policy contains a set of principles proposed and adopted by the organization as a guideline to determine the course of action.... ....
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E-Commerce Sports Store Website Design
6 pages (1578 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "E-Commerce Sports Store Website Design" presents the e-commerce sports store website that will deal with defining the design viewpoints in terms of the design languages chosen and the various design concerns according to the website users, requirements, and functions.... ... ... ...
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Alexander Luria's Psychological Conflict
10 pages (2779 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The higher self (thought processes) strives to exist with humanity and peace, guided by logic and reason.... From the paper "Alexander Luria's Psychological Conflict" it is clear that the stress of not being able to reach desired goals can easily increase one's reluctance to follow the higher mental faculties, and resort to a lower level survival-oriented mode of operation....
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Difficulties in Treatment of Dysphagia
10 pages (2927 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The study "Difficulties in Treatment of Dysphagia" analyzes the issues concerning the major difficulties in the treatment of dysphagia.... In the cases of dysphagia and dysarthria during and after stroke, the patient observes difficulties regarding swallowing, sleeping, writing, and speaking.... ...
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Cardiac Arrest and Its Neurological Effects and Use of Mild Hypothermia to Improve Neurological Outcomes
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study aims at identifying the most appropriate cooling apparatus and the duration of applying hypothermia as numerous approaches to inducing hypothermia have been tested successfully.... The study can ideally be conducted in hospitals which are located in highly urbanized areas.... ... ... ... Induction of hypothermia by purely pharmacological means is also under current investigation....
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Ryanair's Strategies of Change
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper 'Ryanair's Strategies of Change' tracks the success story of the airline, which managed to become the most popular low-cost carrier in Europe.... This occurred due to the strategies of change, cost reduction measures based on reducing the impact of the threats and improving its weaknesses....
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A Simple Profit Maximization
10 pages (2873 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
eown, A, J 2003, Foundations of finance: the logic and practice of financial management, Beijing, Pearson Education Asia Limited ... Every business owner takes a risk to introduce products or services in the market with an aim of making profits.... Thus, profit is the reward for taking a risk to enter a....
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Business Management
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Business Management" discusses some common sources of finance employed within different organizations and critically considers the sources of finance of Vodafone.... It is important to take a look at some sources of finance commonly used in most organizations.... ... ... ... If the business functions within a sales environment, then it requires more finances when it comes to improving its services and acquiring more innovative stocks or products to be offered....
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How to Motivate the Employees in Your Company
20 pages (5830 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
With computer programming, marketing, and research as the main activities Facebook is involved in, employees are normally outsourced at the prime of their careers.... 114-116).... On the other hand, employee retention or reduction of employee turnover differs from company to company and requires strategic....
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Methodology, Explanation of GGM, GLS and Endogeneity Analysis
8 pages (2316 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Methodology, Explanation of GGM, GLS and Endogeneity Analysis' is an outstanding example of a statistics case study.... Generalized Least Squares (GLS) longitudinal panel regression with robust standard error is carried out to test the research hypotheses.... GLS is a technique for estimating the unknown parameters in a linear regression model....
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Critical Analysis of the Examination of Emotion
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In such a situation, instead of systematic, rational thought promoted by Marxism, a different kind of emotion based logic also get at work.... The paper "Critical Analysis of the Examination of Emotion" presents that humans are group animals rather than isolated individuals.... Jean-Paul Sartre has observed that a large majority of individuals may show the tendency of abandoning rational thought and accepting....
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Critical Problem in the Nordstrom Company
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper 'Critical Problem in the Nordstrom Company' focuses on the Nordstrom Company which is one of the stores that have registered growth from a small retailer to a renowned one with branches in different states.... The company places emphasis on the need for quality customer service.... ... ...
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Decision Making with Managerial Accounting
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Decision Making with Managerial Accounting" focuses on the fact that managerial accounting, also known as Management Cost Accounting refers to the process through which organizations determine the number of resources needed to undertake its mandate.... .... ... ... The variance is established with corrective measures being undertaken to ensure that the original plan and decisions are aligned to the prevailing conditions....
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Impacts of Neo-liberalism on Regional Development in Australia
6 pages (2013 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
(2009) Excavating the logic of British urban policy: neoliberalism as the ‘crisis of crisis-management', in: N.... This paper "Impacts of Neo-liberalism on Regional Development in Australia" explores the effects of neoliberalism on the local development policy in Australia.... From the 1990s the federal governments have favored more the role of market forces, rather than direct engagement in regional development....
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IKEA: Furniture Retailer to the World
8 pages (2147 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "IKEA: Furniture Retailer to the World " highlights that IKEA like any other business had its share of success and failure.... Its success was in the fact that they were able to maintain good quality products at a much lower price and kept increasing their customer base.... .... ... ... IKEA is one of the most successful retailers in the world....
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The Success Story of Michael Kors
7 pages (1931 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Success Story of Michael Kors' is a dramatic example of a marketing case study.... The luxury goods industry is a fascinating area of business, a more comprehensive definition of which includes products and services and the sector itself is considered as really different from others....
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease, which affects the lungs and airways of the victim resulting in wheezing and difficulty in breathing.... COPD is mainly caused by smoking although working in an environment with poisonous fumes could lead to its onset; due to genetic, differences some people are also more prone to it....
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The Law of Contract
9 pages (2553 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper entitled 'The Law of Contract' presents a man who has been led to expect shall come to pass and that what has been promised to him shall be performed.... In simple words, the Law of Contract determines the rights and obligations to be made and executed.... ... ... ... When one person signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing anything with a view to obtaining the assent of that other to such act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal....
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Pre-merger Status vs Post-merger Status of Daimer Chrysler Company
12 pages (3337 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Because of the globalization of the marketplaces companies experience fiercer rivalry, increasing cost strains and the need to adjust business.... ... ... The paper 'Pre-merger Status vs Post-merger Status of Daimer Chrysler Company " is a great example of a management case study.... Today's financial system becomes progressively more influenced by the endlessly increasing globalization....
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Disadvantage and Disadvantage of Islamic Banking and Conventional Banking
15 pages (4045 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Disadvantage and Disadvantage of Islamic Banking and Conventional Banking' is a comprehensive example of a finance & accounting case study.... Musharakah is considered as one type of Shirkat-ul-Amwal which generally means sharing.... In terms of business, it is a joint enterprise whereby the parties share the profits and losses....
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Happiness and Intimate Relationships
34 pages (8500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This study, Happiness and Intimate Relationships, was carried and out and our investigation helped us take a closer view of the factors of love and happiness are intertwined with our intimate relationships and how they in turn impact on our lives.... Happiness is central to human existence.... ... ...
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Graphophonic and Orthography Analysis of the Text
6 pages (1682 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the following paper "Graphophonic and Orthography Analysis of the Text" will begin with the statement that the first few words met in the text are 'I come from TimoR' which if analyzed, show a number of incorrect guesses (miscues) made.... ... ... ... In nearly every case, the reader majorly changed verb for verb and noun for a noun....
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McDonalds - the Coffee Spill Heard Round the World
4 pages (1099 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "McDonalds - the Coffee Spill Heard Round the World" highlights that under no setting should businesses be responsible for the carelessness of the clients.... Instead, we trust our justice system that it will hold customers into account, in case they are at fault.... ... ... ... One of the essential issues in the Susan Liebeck case was that she was not advised on the coffee temperature, either by a McDonald's staff or any writing on the coffee cup....
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Caffe NERO Performance Objectives
11 pages (2973 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper ''Caffe NERO Performance Objectives'' tells us that Caffe NERO is a UK-based coffee house brand.... The store has expertise or specialization in the creation of -quality Italian coffee.... The operation of the store is based on a simple philosophy of providing good quality foods and superior services to the customers....
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Bioethical Consideration of Maternal-Fetal Issues
6 pages (1647 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Bioethical Consideration of Maternal-Fetal Issues" highlights that medical doctors need to observe the ethical concerns of the diagnostic procedures.... Such issues may include respect for the patients' autonomy for cases that medical concerns differ with what the patient requires.... ...
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