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Admissibility of Expert Opinion Evidence in the UK Common Law
7 pages (1824 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The technical disposition of the expert witness puts them at a better place with regard to the quality and logic of the opinion they present before the jury as they are informed more than the jury members on the topic of scrutiny. ... The study "Admissibility of Expert Opinion Evidence in the UK Common Law" focuses on the applicability and reliability of the admissibility of the expert opinion in legal procedures, with insignificant emphasis on the reliability of the evidence reliability as presented before the jury....
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Biography of Adam Smith
7 pages (2194 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In 1751 Smith became a professor at Glasgow University where he lectured on logic and moral philosophy.... This paper "Biography of Adam Smith" presents was a prominent political economist and moral philosopher.... He was born in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, in 1723.... His father was comptroller of customs and had died before his birth....
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Observation Review for a Decision Observed
6 pages (1692 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Observation Review for a Decision Observed" concerns locating the employees' cross-functionality, testing out two or three alternatives, and their market research.... The problems that were highlighted could've been reviewed and used for the same brand, rather than for a different brand....
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EBay Auctions as the Online Version of Traditional Auctions
7 pages (2200 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
EO is the process of designing, writing, HTML coding, programming and scripting of the website to increase the chances of the webpage being displayed at the top of the search engine queries for the selected keywords (Thurow, 2003).... The study "eBay Auctions as the Online Version of Traditional Auctions" provides a thorough insight into the marketplace that lends online commerce platforms to buyers and sellers, providing individuals and businesses from around the world the opportunity to interact and trade online....
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Sales Opportunities for Acme Pet Products
4 pages (1332 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
From the paper "Sales Opportunities for Acme Pet Products" it is clear that there is a viable market for all products mentioned, with Pooch Potties and SSSs the most urgently required.... The Chocolate Cat Contraceptive is a feasible sales opportunity, with the potential to generate further revenue....
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How Use of Evidence Affects Policy Making
5 pages (1619 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
.... ... ... The paper "How Use of Evidence Affects Policy Making" is an outstanding example of a case study on politics.... From the article on Hemsworth, it is clear from the understanding of policymaking and How the Use Of Evidence Affects Policy Making.... The wicked problems, according to the article influence the political sector as well as the other sectors in policymaking (Althaus, 2012, pp....
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The Break-Even Point and the Cash Flow Statement
14 pages (3646 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Break-Even Point and the Cash Flow Statement " is an outstanding example of a marketing case study.... This assignment has discussed the launch of a restaurant in London that is focused on serving healthy foods for its clients.... ... ... ... The paper "The Break-Even Point and the Cash Flow Statement " is an outstanding example of a marketing case study....
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Congestive Heart Failure
12 pages (3428 words) , Download 7 , Case Study
This case study "Congestive Heart Failure" critically uses the author's knowledge of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) to apply the knowledge learned from the literature at hand and to correlate it clinically from the case of the patient being presented.... .... ... ... More than 5 million Americans are suffering from Congestive Heart Failure and these people have been in and out of the hospital because of CHF and its clinical sequelae....
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Risk Management Cycle and Strategy of Indian Ocean Tsunami of December 2004
10 pages (2855 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Disasters associated with hydro-metereological hazards, which occurred during the last ten years amounted for 60 percent of the total economic losses.... ... ... The paper 'Risk Management Cycle and Strategy of Indian Ocean Tsunami of December 2004' is a thrilling example of the management case study....
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The United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia Gender Question
14 pages (4163 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "The United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia Gender Question" discusses that the changing face of media in Saudi Arabia as well as the quickly moving faces of the media in the UK, culture is both reinforced and changed by what we see on television and the magazines.... ... ... ... The first is a column expressing the difficulty one woman is having in listening to other women in Saudi Arabia arguing for a continuation of the status quo rather than opening up the workplace to allow women, indicating that not all Saudi women feel they are currently in the best position, nor do all Saudi women currently feel they are being oppressed....
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Complex Nursing
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
Mr.... Ian Warren is a 52 year old client who is married with two children and has been admitted to the hospital for colon resection.... He is a farmer and lives three hours from the hospital.... Bowel sounds had resumed postop and Mr.... Warren was well on his way to recovery.... ... ... ... Late the evening of the 7th of March, he had sudden shortness of breath followed by hypotension and was placed on oxygen....
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Increasing Learning Management System Adoption in Saudi Arabia
8 pages (2031 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Increasing Learning Management System Adoption in Saudi Arabia" states that universities and other higher learning institutions should come up with policies in various areas as follows.... First are policies that define how learning technologies are designed or acquired and implemented....
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Audit and Control Security Technology
7 pages (1854 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The other advantage is that installing the hardware and programming is simple and straightforward and it does not put the data in existence at a risk.... This case study "Audit and Control Security Technology" analyzes audit and control security technology used in banks as well as the aspects attributed to the technology....
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 8 , Case Study
It is also slightly different from CBT in that its philosophical roots are in Hegelian dialectics where the strict logic of either/or is replaced by an acceptance in the form of both/and (Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis).... The paper 'Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)' provides a clinical case study of the ongoing psychotherapeutic intervention in the life of a patient named Karen, a 36-year old single unemployed woman, only recently identified as suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder....
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Commercial Law - Abe Transport Pty
6 pages (1790 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
From the paper "Commercial Law - Abe Transport Pty " it is clear that Rob was doing what he was entitled to do and his activities were within the employment scope and contract as he was reversing his truck up the loading bay when he accidentally backed over his brother.... .... ... ... Generally, as observed in the Melbourne Magistrates' Court during a tour of the court to observe and study court proceedings and the setup, I was perplexed by the sublime sense of lighting, which permeates the court building and the architectural developments, which exhibited the French Romanesque style....
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Human Communication and the Language of Advertising, Toyota
5 pages (1716 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Peirce was a theorist of logic, language, communication and the general theory of signs.... The paper "Human Communication and the Language of Advertising, Toyota" highlights that Toyota, being a progressive organization, does not stop with a simple ad for its products.... They use a print and interactive program to expand coverage through an extended media campaign....
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The Cultural Relationship between the United Arab Emirates and France
11 pages (3016 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Program related services include TV services that are directly related to one or many video programming streams.... Using these services, the users can obtain data related to the programming as well as the advertising content to play and bet options or interact with other viewers of the same program.... Dedicated services include the standalone services that are not related to any particular programming stream....
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Case Analyses: Sycamore Pharmaceuticals and The Boy, The Girl, the Ferryboat Captain, and the Hermits
4 pages (1143 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Case Analyses: Sycamore Pharmaceuticals and The Boy, The Girl, the Ferryboat Captain, and the Hermits" paper analizes the case that was all about the upcoming backlash against the Sycamore Pharmaceuticals after proceeding to market its Osteoporin product with full knowledge that its effectiveness is obscure....
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Definition, Organisation, and Creation of Botnets
7 pages (1890 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
racking the botmaster – the logic behind this method is to find the botmaster and shut him/her down hence cripple the entire botnet (Hucaby, 2011). ... The paper "Definition, Organisation, and Creation of Botnets" portrays botnets as a major problem facing networks, devastating the economy to the extent that if they are not checked they could lead to a shutdown of online business....
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Analysis of Samsung with Respect to the Industry, Competitors, and Value Chain
20 pages (5240 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Each of these has a reason and logic behind it.... The paper 'Analysis of Samsung with Respect to the Industry, Competitors, and Value Chain" is a great example of a management case study.... Modern times are driven by technological innovation and digital equipment.... All around us, we see the omnipresence of digital devices....
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Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper 'Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists' shall first analyze the formative components which are necessary for the formation of a contract.... Secondly, after assessing the relevant law, these principles will be applied to the current scenario.... ... ... ... The author looks at the relevant contract law principles in order to ascertain the current state of the law in Ireland....
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Parenting and Support Needs of a Multi-Risk Family
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper discusses assisting families, which live within environments with multi-risk factors such as family violence, poverty, mental illness, teen parenthood, and drug abuse entails that paraprofessionals and professionals must work together in order to provide the most appropriate possible interventions....
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Strategies of Banks and Other Financial Institutions Theories and Cases
7 pages (2225 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of this case study "Critical Success Factors of Barclay Card" gives detail information about a variety of theoretical and international business frameworks appears to have facilitated the success of the Barclay card since its inception in 1965.... ... ... ... The contemporary society is characterized by business operations undertaken on a global perspective....
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Anazlyzing George Bush's speech
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Bush also uses logic fallacy, when he created an impression that the war against Sadam Hussein was over when the reality was that he was diverting attention from ailing economy of the United States.... In his speech about the Iraq war, George Bush is on a mission to reassure not only to the citizens of the United States, but also to the entire world that America and other supporting nations have taken control of the war in Iraq....
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Analysis of Google Inc vs Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Case
7 pages (1888 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Analysis of Google Inc vs Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Case" paper analizes the case in which the high court found out whether, in publishing deceptive advertisements, it was possible for the online search engine itself to be responsible for the 'deceptive or misleading behavior'....
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Amazon's Recovery Procedures in Case of Disaster - Response, Resumption, and Restoration
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Amazon's Recovery Procedures in Case of Disaster - Response, Resumption, and Restoration" concern plan of activation procedures, rollback guidelines to ensure the affected operations return to the standard operating state, recovery and technical response flow, recommended personnel, etc....
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Analysis of the Case Regarding the Use of the Jointly Owned Property
3 pages (881 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Analysis of the Case Regarding the Use of the Jointly Owned Property" paper argues that the spiritual perspective regarding this case is that; suffering is part of strengthening the faith of the individual, and the loss should not dampen Barney's spirit but should increase his resolve to forgive Carl....
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Misrepresentation of a Material Fact
6 pages (1610 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Misrepresentation of a Material Fact" states that if Mr.... Manifredi continues to set up the business and starts activities within the premises, he will not later be able to seek legal redress either for terminating the business or being compensated.... ... ... ... In this case study, the main aspect of a legal perspective is a misrepresentation of fact under common law....
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Managerial Self-Awareness In High-Performing Individuals In Organizations
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Classical Greek philosophers articulated a powerful guiding principle in two words: Know Yourself.... The paper "Managerial Self-Awareness In High-Performing Individuals In Organizations" discusses the importance of self-analysis and self-development in the context of a manager.... ... ... ... Bristow (2001) analyzed the list of characteristics which made managers competent at their jobs....
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Comparative Analysis of the United States and Chinese Cultures
10 pages (2900 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Hofstede's theory is based on his perception of culture as “collective programming of the mind” and therefore can be universally attributed to a given group of people or country (Jameson 2007, p.... Globalization has led to increased interaction between people from different cultures especially because many organizations that were operating on a domestic scale have sought to increase their presence into foreign territories....
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Printing Organizational Change
4 pages (1141 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
ewspaper Association of America 2004, Facts Figures and logic, ... rg/Topics-and-Tools/Audience-and-Circulation/Research/2011/~/media/NAACorp/Public%20Files/TopicsAndTools/AudienceAndCirculation/Facts-Figures-and-logic/Circulation-FFL-2003.... The paper 'Printing Organizational Change' is an outstanding example of a business case study....
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Information Systems and Operations in an Organization
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Most of the organizational systems are found to be vulnerable due to problems such as improper use or crime damages that occur in the hardware, errors of programming and installation that occur within the software, disaster related circumstances such as power failure, floods and fire....
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What Strategy Can the Plaintiff Choose to Pursue a Case against the Defendant for Breach of Confidence
11 pages (3047 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "What Strategy Can the Plaintiff Choose to Pursue a Case against the Defendant for Breach of Confidence?... argues that most tort cases and those concerning defamation and libel are generally heard in the civil courts, however, the extent of the claim that victor wishes to make will determine the Court in which the case is filed....
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The Saudi Arabian Political System
19 pages (5343 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Saudi Arabian Political System" will discuss the political reforms that the monarchy has made since 1992 and address the reasons behind the introduction of the reforms.... The paper will begin by addressing the political system of the kingdom.... ... ... ... The paper will quest to provide an overview of local empowerment in India, Indonesia, and the Philippines and its impact on the government system of the country....
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Contract between Bob and Mr Spokes
6 pages (1895 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Contract between Bob and Mr Spokes " is a perfect example of a law case study.... Legally binding forms contracts usually consider a series of factors.... Some of the most considered factors include the aspect of the offer and an alternative aspect of acceptance.... Further, a contract is considered fit if the parties involved are in a stable state of mind (Collins 2003)....
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Corporate Travel Company - Management
14 pages (3859 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author indicates that using the language of risk does generate a shared understanding between the IT and the business managers as the former can convey business logic and costs of varied IT management approaches and technological systems while the latter can similarly use it to explain to IT managers on preferences attributed to operational enterprise and technical needs using language they can easily comprehend and process....
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Strategic Management at British Airways
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The planners are responsible in the process of organization and strategic thinking by programming strategies enabling effective implementation, formalizing ongoing strategic awareness, using scenario and planning techniques and searching for new competitive opportunities and strategic alternatives. ...
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Interior Architecture in Context
7 pages (2028 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
As the building was given a formal restrain that resulted in a canonical form, they established their own logic in this design, although the Ricola warehouse was built with reduced dimensions.... While there have been many buildings thereafter designed by these architects, their earlier projects like the Ricola , had expression of their logic as architecture being a conspicuous structure, as the density of the horizontal elements in this building responded to the criteria related with the natural gravity....
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Analysis of Employement Law Cases
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The author of the"Analysis of Employment Law Cases" paper analyzes the provisions of the employment law which ensure several rights to employees and protect their interests.... A contract can be either express or implied; and if it is express, it can be either oral or written.... .... ... ... In our problem, Fred had been provided with the facility of selecting a substitute for himself, from the list approved by the company, whenever he was desirous of proceeding on leave....
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The Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Online Shopping Environment - Amazon
36 pages (9238 words) , Case Study
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All of us are dependent on the internet in some way or the other.... It can be in the form of checking and sending emails, or accessing banking accounts or for other to connect with other people across.... ... ... The paper "The Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Online Shopping Environment - Amazon" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study....
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Evolving Identities in the Media Project
5 pages (1427 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Further a simple logic of the process can be traced - the consumer sees his/her ideal, who, for example, uses a certain brand of goods and hence there appears an association "product-dream", the customer buys this product from a desire to simulate the ideal image.... The basic motive of the paper "Evolving Identities in the Media Project" is – the commercials respond to the changes of society and represent the 'popular' types of social identities within this society....
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Cast and Steel Iron in Building Construction
8 pages (2460 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper 'Cast and Steel Iron in Building Construction" focuses on the fact that construction has a long history, particularly in England construction had been a great business, where the United Kingdom remained and remains a pioneer for other countries.... .... ... ... In the earlier days iron was used for construction, mainly cast and wrought iron was in use....
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Managing Your Aspirations
6 pages (1533 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
ost of the software companies in the world hire people with skills in programming and software testing.... The paper 'Managing Your Aspirations' presents every individual which has an aspiration to achieve a desirable job that can bring growth and success.... Most of the companies are multinational and there are possibilities to learn from the experience of different people....
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Law of Contract: Jatinder and Riz
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The logic of it is that otherwise postal offers would be completely unreliable as the offeree could never know if a withdrawal had already been posted.... This case study "Law of Contract: Jatinder and Riz" discusses a valid contract that has been concluded between Jatinder and Riz....
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Teenage Male Athletes and Suicide
12 pages (3629 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Teenage Male Athletes and Suicide" paper covers the male athlete aged 13-19 and the risk factors of suicide, barriers to change, negative outcomes of health risks, prevention, and the handling of such individuals.... This age group is mostly in high school and is faced with increased pressures.... ....
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Suffering from a Schizophrenia
8 pages (2782 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Suffering from a Schizophrenia" discusses that the paper has explored existing research regarding the causes of these disorders such as genetics, environmental influences, abnormal brain structure, and other pre-existing medical conditions.... ... ... ... The family Therapy treatment approach focuses on the improvement of treatment adherence and deterrence of relapses and rehospitalization; while, Cognitive Remediation intends to improve neurocognitive functioning....
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Medical Negligence
7 pages (1937 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Medical Negligence" focuses on assessing the merits of the precedent established in the Bolam case and arriving at a conclusion as to why it is not relevant.... The study involves an examination of the standards that have been accepted in other countries on medical negligence.... ... ... ...
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Legal Aspect of Nursing and the Ethics of Nursing
7 pages (1768 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
From the paper "Legal Aspect of Nursing and the Ethics of Nursing", healthcare providers (nurses, physicians, and physician assistants) have tremendous responsibilities.... It is vital for a nurse to be aware of the lawful aspects that supplement the delivery of care in the industry of healthcare....
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Need and Potential Risks of Strategic Alliances
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The scope must be aligned with a clear logic for value creation.... According to the following paper, alliances are complex business decisions that are established between two or more entities.... Business alliances vary in their styles, from contractual obligations such as licensing, shared resources and competencies, to collaborative approaches that include mergers....
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Requirement and Contents of a Contract
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
urthermore, the consent can't be deemed to be common except the parties be in agreement on the same object and in the same logic.... The paper "Requirement and Contents of a Contract" is being carried out to provide a report on issues like requirements of a valid and binding contract, terms and contents of a valid contract, breach of contract, and remedies available for a breach of contract....
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