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Global Marketing: a Decision-Oriented Approach
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Global Marketing: a Decision-Oriented Approach' looks at a key issue in discussing culture.... The degree to which a culture is conscious and open rather than non-conscious and covered has implications for how easily a culture can be studied and, in a business management context, be managed....
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Note on Deconstructing the Popular by Stuart Hall
6 pages (1707 words) , Download 10 , Article
This article "Note on Deconstructing the Popular by Stuart Hall" begins with the statement that culture is a basis upon which a group of people interpret their experience of the world and order their coherent way of life.... Stuart Hall has contributed to his work on culture and media studies.... ...
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Legal Profession System in the UK
5 pages (1501 words) , Download 3 , Article
The essay "Legal Profession System in the UK" focuses on the peculiarities of the British legal profession system that is divided into two different categories, Barrister and Solicitor.... The United Kingdom has split the legal profession system rather than a fused legal profession system.... ... ...
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Information Overload: Telecommunication
6 pages (1651 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Information Overload: Telecommunication" focuses on the critical analysis of the contemporary problem of information overload within the telecommunications sphere.... Telephones make it easier to communicate, kitchen appliances let us cook faster, and cars get us where we need to be....
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Basic Characteristics of Tax System
6 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Article
"Basic Characteristics of Tax System" describes the tax system that focuses on the revenues, which a country holds and receives.... It was till 1980 the tax system in many major countries witnessed certain risks in areas such as deciding the inflation rates, exchange rates, shares, etc.... .... ... ...
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What Criteria for Getting Grant
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Article
More and more time is spent by credit officers and credit analysts on collecting, reviewing and analyzing their customers' financial statements.... The most commonly used tools for analyzing customers include financial ratios, customizable ratios, peer-group comparisons, and custom reports.... ....
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House of Lords Tort Judgment
5 pages (1611 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "House of Lords Tort Judgment" highlights that on the example of cases considered in it, according to the law of tort, the police do not owe the citizenry a general duty of care, on account of the requirements of public policy; such immunity cannot be assumed in each and every instance....
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Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives
5 pages (1430 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper "Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives" presents the ideas of sociologists that are diverse but they can still be grouped according to the similarity of their theories which the put forward.... In this article Functionalist and Conflict, perspectives will be discussed.... ... ... ... Marx ends his explanation stating that the time will come when the working class people will realize the extent of their oppression and exploitation....
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Plummer Vinson Syndrome
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The object of analysis for the purpose of this assignment is Plummer Vinson Syndrome that is characterized by a trio of symptoms – dysphagia, iron deficiency anemia and esophageal web.... It is commonly seen in adults, more prevalent in females and rarely seen in children or adolescent.... ...
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The New Meaning of Quality
6 pages (1712 words) , Download 0 , Article
According to research findings of the paper 'The New Meaning of Quality', the systematic methods of defining the quality, measuring the performance of quality, creating transparent systems, involving customers and suppliers in operations go a long way in continuously meeting the quality requirements of the customers....
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Concept of Sexism in the Twenty-First Century
6 pages (1684 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Concept of Sexism in the Twenty-First Century" focuses on the critical analysis of the sexist stereotypes about men and women, the devaluation of women as full persons, and the double standards for men and females.... It also presents the views of Teay and Estrich on the respective laws....
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Descriptive Statistics and Central Tendency
5 pages (1384 words) , Download 0 , Article
The main purpose of the paper 'Descriptive Statistics and Central Tendency' is to find out the levels of evidence-based practice and intellectual capacity of the rural nurses as well as, their levels of empowerment at the workplace.... The study was carried out through an online survey.... ... ... ...
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Importance of Following Orders
5 pages (1390 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper ''Importance of Following Orders'' Orders refer to authoritative instructions that should be followed.... It is mandatory to follow orders in every aspect of life.... Every profession has specific orders that need to be met.... Failure to do so can lead to serious consequences.... ... ...
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Debate Surrounding the Standard and the Non-Standard English Language
6 pages (1785 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article called "Debate Surrounding the Standard and the Non-Standard English Language" describes the variants of the English language.... This work argues that Standard English is not superior to Non-standard English and the reasons for why this is the case.... The author outlines the differences between them, their peculiarities....
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My opinion about Alternative Worlds
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Also, the dynamic nature of the world means that there are various trends that are likely to define the future of the world.... This could be in relation to the.... ... ... In this paper, I review the concept of megatrends and how they are likely to influence the future, the governance gap, and finally different world scenarios which are bound to arise as a result of the aforementioned Megatrends describe the major and progressive changes that will define and shape the world in the near future....
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Demand for Private Health Insurance in Chinese Urban Areas by Ying Et Al
5 pages (1766 words) , Download 0 , Article
While the key interest is to address the problems inherent in the healthcare economics sphere, this paper "Demand for Private Health Insurance in Chinese Urban Areas by Ying Et Al" reviews the work in which focuses on the nature of health insurance in urban areas of China.... ... ... ... The issue of public health, over a couple of recent decades, has been one of the great concerns of health sectors of different countries....
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London Safety Plan
6 pages (1409 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the paper titled "London Safety Plan" critically evaluates the risk management processes and the role of the national policy in managing offenders and reducing fire-related risks.... This will be done in comparison with the London Safety Plan.... ... ... ... The London Safety Plan has also been managed in many other areas in concurring with some of the national policies like diversity and the establishment of a determined workforce....
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Microeconomics Theories and Businesses and Markets Behaviour
5 pages (1682 words) , Download 0 , Article
In the "Microeconomics Theories and Businesses & Markets Behaviour" paper, the author evaluates the behavior of businesses and markets in consideration of conventional microeconomic theories such as the law of supply and demand, price control, market structure, etc.... ... ... ... The house prices in Britain rose by more than £11,000 during 2009 and according to a housing economist, Martin Ellis (2009), the demand has increased because of the low-interest rates and decline in property prices....
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Freedom of Economic
5 pages (1447 words) , Download 0 , Article
The writer of the paper 'Freedom of Economic' states that this is a business competitive edge that has been observed to offer engineering with an ability to concentrate on tasks that are critical to their growth and their respective economies at large.... ... ... ... Economic freedom is the freedom to prosper without economic intervention from an economic authority such as the government....
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The Implicit Prejudice Psychological Analysis
5 pages (1394 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "The Implicit Prejudice Psychological Analysis" focuses on the critical analysis of the psychological aspects of the article The Implicit Prejudice by Sally Lehrman describing how people are influenced by stereotyped thinking and prejudice when forming opinions about other people.... ...
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Healthy Children - Strengthening Promotion and Prevention across Australia
6 pages (1722 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'Healthy Children - Strengthening Promotion and Prevention across Australia' aims to outline the importance of socio-cultural factors where breastfeeding decisions of the mother is concerned, highlighting the problems that occur in an average breastfeeding mother and finally try.... ... ...
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Reasons for the Chinese Communists to Gain Power in 1949
5 pages (1444 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Reasons for the Chinese Communists to Gain Power in 1949" presents the reasons that lead the communist party to hold power in 1949, studying the way the models of the party and influential employment have developed among the dynamics of China's Communist government.... ... ... ... Communist regimes exist and expire with the evolution of different Communist parties....
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Rapid Measurement of B-Type Natriuretic Peptide
6 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Rapid Measurement of B-Type Natriuretic Peptide' aims to determine the predictive power of measured B-type natriuretic peptide levels in patients with dyspnea, where measurements are taken concomittant to patient admission in the emergency room.... ... ... ... The study is prospective, which means that measurements of peptide levels are taken on patients with dyspnea as they come into the emergency room, rather than relying on existing data from previous studies, or from the medical records....
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Human Circadian Rhythms
4 pages (1309 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Human Circadian Rhythms" encompasses an overview of clinical disorders that are caused or affected by circadian or diurnal rhythms.... Circadian rhythmicity is an important determinant in the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of clinical disease.... ... ... ... Due to the difficulties in conducting the necessary experimental work, it remains unknown whether ~24-h changes in pathophysiology or symptoms of many diseases are causally linked to endogenous circadian rhythms or to other diurnal factors that change across the day....
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Metacognition in Human Activities
5 pages (1662 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper under the headline 'Metacognition in Human Activities" focuses on the fact that metacognition is knowledge or awareness an individual possessed of his or her own mental processes.... It is the ability to monitor, regulate, and direct oneself to the desired end.... .... ... ... Metacognition refers to one's own consciously thinking ability, how they work and also the ability of the reader to monitor his or her own reading comprehension to use the reading strategies accordingly....
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Digital Media and Political Campaigns
5 pages (1472 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Digital Media and Political Campaigns" discusses social media as the latest viral medium of the campaign.... Politicians have immense control over what to display and what to hide.... Since social media is a forum that is looked upon by the youth.... ... ... ... In this evolving world, it might not be right to finish up, acknowledging the cases of Obama throughout 2008 races, 2012 decisions, and the viral feature of Kony throughout 2012 that media is compelling, and to a great degree viral....
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Community and Public Health
6 pages (1647 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Community and Public Health" is a great example of a Health Sciences and Medicine Article.... The structure of the local government in the United States is largely based on the unique legislation adopted and applied by each state.... Municipalities and counties characterize each of the 50 states as units of administration....
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Effectiveness of a Hospital-Wide Program to Improve Compliance with Hand Hygiene by Pittet et al
5 pages (1348 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article " Effectiveness of a Hospital-Wide Program to Improve Compliance with Hand Hygiene by Pittet et al" tackles the issue of handwashing - with the soap and alcohol-based solutions in dispensers.... the use of bedside hand rub dispensers did encourage better hand hygiene for hospital staff....
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The Problem of Low Voter Turnout in the United Kingdom
8 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper stresses that election campaigns around the world are costing so much money and time to plan, prepare, and execute.... But instead of the voter turnout going upwards, the global trends shows a decrease in voter turnout in most established democratic countries.... .... ... ... As the discussion, The Problem of Low Voter Turnout in the United Kingdom, declares voter turnout is the proportion of the eligible voters who actually cast their votes or ballots during an election....
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Why is Media an Important Academic Discipline
8 pages (2219 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article 'Why is Media an Important Academic Discipline?... shows the place of media in education as an academic discipline, it is examined how media can affect a person and how, accordingly, it will affect students in the academic process.... ... ... ... Accurate, ethical journalism is essential to cultural growth, political awareness, and therefore the economic stability of nations and the world....
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Hybrid Engines and the Power of Advanced Fleet Vehicles
7 pages (2064 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of this paper states that global warming is real, at least according to the vast majority of scientists and all available peer-reviewed scientific research.... Evidence to the contrary has been presented but appears to be less credible.... ... ... ... Greenhouse gasses produced from man-made air pollutants such as the leading contributor, automobile emissions, is causing widespread concern demonstrated through events such as the Live Earth event that occurred earlier this year and the release of Al Gore's film in 2006 entitled An Inconvenient Truth....
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History of Child Soldiers
7 pages (1873 words) , Download 1 , Article
"History of Child Soldiers" paper argues that child soldiers today have become a reality, and are likely to continue to play a big role in future warfare.... Child soldiers are no longer viewed as powder monkeys or drummer boys.... Child soldiers are being used right on the front line.... ... ... ...
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Social Economic Development and the Human Resources Management
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Such development statistics and process are outlined in various newspapers, magazines and periodical articles.... This article stresses that mainly socio-economic development can be referred to up gradation of social, political, and technology used in the operational in order to increase welfare of stakeholders....
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Appraisal of Cardiac Patients Knowledge and Use of SLGTN Paper by Fan M-I, Mitchell, and Cooke
6 pages (1789 words) , Download 0 , Article
om/cochrane/clsysrev/articles/CD005156/pdf_fs.... The author of the "Appraisal of Cardiac Patients' Knowledge and Use of SLGTN Paper by Fan M-I, Mitchell, and Cooke" paper analizes the study that was to look at the patient's characteristics that influence their level of knowledge and use regarding SLGTN....
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Public Relations in the Fashion industry
8 pages (2227 words) , Download 4 , Article
The designers and developers spread general articles and reviews through public relations agents which discuss the product specifications and features and get attention to the uniqueness of the product lines.... The author of the paper "Public Relations in the Fashion industry" will begin with the statement that the luster of models walking down the ramp in new clothes designed specifically for a season or occasion stays as a fond memory for all those who have visited a fashion show....
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Lexicon System on the Aspect of Vocabulary
9 pages (2538 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Lexicon System on the Aspect of Vocabulary" tells that the different components of language range from tenses, articles, and pronouns.... The different components of language range from tenses, articles, pronouns among others.... This enables us to know which part of the brain is used to process the meaning of the word, a form of a word, and the morphological structure of words....
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Masculinity and Gun Violence
6 pages (1904 words) , Download 1 , Article
om/tibbetts/study/articles/SectionVI/Kingston.... The paper "Masculinity and Gun Violence" states that from a Marxist feminist perspective, modes of production are exploitative, leading to the creation of class societies.... This has contributed to the increase in gender inequality and violence against women....
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The King Philips War
8 pages (2292 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/general/articles/paradoxicaltrinity.... The paper "The King Philip's War" highlights that wise leaders would not act based on assumption, rumor, or intuition but based on thorough research, facts, and a good balance, reasonable, and equitable decision, said Professor Steven Morreale of Walden University....
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How to Improve Childrens Learning and Development
9 pages (1951 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "How to Improve Children's Learning and Development" is a perfect example of a report on education.... A program plan covers the details of what should be done in a program and how it will be done and by whom it will be done.... ... ... ... Another activity that can be used to improve personal, emotional, and social development is letting the children do something on their own....
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Collaborative Commerce Application in the Travel Industry
7 pages (2016 words) , Download 1 , Article
om/articles/2006/09/11/business/opec.... The article discusses what is the effect of the Five Forces Model on the viability of the travel/tourism industry and how can Porter's model help us understand this industry.... ... ... ... Tourism is a dynamic industry and in a constant state of change....
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UFO Existence
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Article
om/channel/chasing-ufos/articles/five-good-reasons-to-believe-in-ufos/ ... In the paper 'UFO Existence' the author analyzes pros and cons theories of UFO existence.... There have been several incidences where some people have claimed to have sighted UFOs and even several countries have developed UFO research and reporting centers....
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Changes In School Security Policies
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/articles/5210/20140328/school-administrators-at-fault-for-avonte-oquendos-disappearance-report.... The paper "Changes In School Security Policies" describes what the increased cases of schools insecurity have raised concerns about the capabilities of schools to offer protection of children in cases of threats, both at school and while in transit to and from school....
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Psychological Skills Usage
8 pages (2353 words) , Download 0 , Article
Running Head: Psychology Research articles ... From the paper "Psychological Skills Usage" it is clear that cell phone conversation and in-person conversation with other vehicle occupants are different for as the vehicle speed increases, the driver tends to cease from participating in the conversation....
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Firefighting Tactics and Forensic Awareness
7 pages (2050 words) , Download 0 , Article
om/fire-attack/articles/1315403-Firefighting-tactics-to-beat-21st-century-fires ... This article "Firefighting Tactics and Forensic Awareness" focuses on fire fighting tactics and the speed of response.... An effective firefighter is one who considers the changing dynamics of a structural fire....
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Negative Impact of Social media on Education
8 pages (2284 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "Negative Impact of Social media on Education" examines the use of social media which must be controlled because it affects the student's performance, leads to cyberbullying in schools, escalation of violent behavior, poor health, and concentration in class, and poor social life.... ...
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Safety Awards Programs, Advantages and Disadvantages
7 pages (2158 words) , Download 0 , Article
om/expert/articles/2001/prichard04.... The writer of the paper 'Safety Program Management, Advantages and Disadvantages' states that Safety awards programs offer an advantage of reducing lost time injuries, OSHA recordable injuries and costs of workers' compensation and they proactively discourage numerous fraudulent claims....
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Global Warming: The Greenhouse Effect
8 pages (2185 words) , Download 1 , Article
The "Global Warming: The Greenhouse Effect" paper defines the greenhouse effect and explains how naturally occurring and man-made gases affect it along with examples of the consequences of these forces.... The greenhouse effect is a term that describes an increase of the average global temperature....
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What Russia Teach Us Now
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
rg/articles/2005/mar2005/russ-m11.... In the article 'What Russia Teach Us Now?... the author turns to an analysis of Russia involvement in the exploitation of the natural resources in the Central Asian region.... Through this analysis, he shall see that in fact, the West can learn from Russia....
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Social Networks
7 pages (1909 words) , Download 0 , Article
The textbook author portrays the concept of graphical centrality in structures of social networks but at same time there is a lot of similarity between his study and that of other two scholarly articles simply because of the fact that it has been able to highlight the pros and cons that are linked with social networks....
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Religious Education Resource Package
6 pages (1998 words) , Download 1 , Article
This is a website that links the visitor to numerous articles dealing with different aspects of the Sacrament of Conversion.... This paper ''Religious Education Resource Package'' tells that the sacrament of conversion is also referred to as the sacrament of penance, confession, penance, forgiveness, or reconciliation (Ellis, 2008)....
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