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Staffing Report (final project for the HRM class )
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Assignment Name Byline Date Walmart Company Description There are few American companies that have had such significant impact and influence on the world as Walmart has had.... According to Walmart's official website, this discount retailing giant pulled in over $405 billion on their merchandise which includes clothes, groceries, office supplies, tools, furniture, toys, electronics, and pet supplies ("Walmart corporate," 2011)....
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The Songs from Beuern by Carmina Burana
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
In this paper, the author demonstrates one of the most popular Medieval songs and poems.... Also, the author describes the medieval lyrics which are associated with the song are based on the ideology of losing in life and the tribulations which occur.... ... ... ... The category of the song is one which belongs as a love song, specifically because of the sentiment which is offered....
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Offenders Facing the Death Penalty
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Offenders facing Death Penalty Introduction The offenders in prison have long been categorized into blacks and whites.... They can also be categorized in terms of Hispanic and non-Hispanic.... The Hispanic population consists of many races like Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican and others.... ... ... ...
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Indian Cuisine
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The preparation of many Indian dishes takes a lot of time for instance; cutting vegetables requires the whole day, the spices are pounded using a stone while one is required to sit patiently by the fire for hours on end.... Apart from the taste and the flavor, most of the spices used in Indian food have medicinal purposes (Dubey, 2)....
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About the Country Cuba Policing
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Cuba was a part of Spain until 1902, when they got independence from United States after the Spanish-American War.... Cuba is a group of islands which lies between the oceans North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.... .... ... ... To the north-west of Cuba lies United States, to the north Bahamas, to the east Haiti, to the south Cayman Islands and Jamaica and to the west lies Mexico....
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Teachers as Agents of Social Change
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Coursework
The idea of this paper "Teachers as Agents of Social Change" emerged from the author's interest in how education influences different domains of social life.... In this sense, it not only influences social change but also acts as an agent of social change.... ... ... ... Schools convey meaning and conditions that shape our lives and take control of us....
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Paul Cezannes Modulated Primitivism
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay explores Paul Cezanne's and Primitivism.... Paul Cezanne led an artistic life of isolation.... He had few exhibits during his lifetime but is considered today as the forerunner of modern painting.... He was misunderstood during his lifetime and his techniques stemmed from Impressionism....
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The Consequences of Stratification
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the paper “The Consequences of Stratification” the author analyzes noneconomic consequences of stratification and the reciprocal effects of these consequences.... He demonstrates processes of cumulative advantage and disadvantage that are sometimes referred to as social reproduction.... ... ...
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How Far the Concept of A Single Middle Class In Modern Britain
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper discusses the perseverance of class-traverse approaches and the sustained utilization of the word 'class' itself, as proof that Britain has been unsuccessful to adopt the further modern - or 'post-modern' - advancement to life originated in such that it seems classless societies like the US....
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Early Childhood Development
8 pages (1939 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The development center the author of the paper "Early Childhood Development" chose to observe and participate in was CB and in the following paragraphs is a breakdown of what this facility does and the theories of child development it promotes.... ... ... ... Within any early childhood development facility, there must be a strong foundation in order to promote independent individuality and development....
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Cultural Diversity in Contemporary France: Acceptance or Assimilation
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While French policy does not officially recognize the existence of minorities - instead all are simply considered citizens of France - the reality today is that many minorities in that country believe they are treated as second-class citizens.... .... ... ... There is a feeling that the native French population has not truly accepted them....
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The lack of self-esteem and poor physical self-image
8 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay explores the effects of self-esteem and physical attractiveness on romantic behavior.... It is believed that once a strong sense of trust is developed between partners in a relationship it enables a person to view their partner's motivations, in addition to their own.... ... ... ... This research will begin with the statement that the lack of self-esteem and poor physical self-image are the main reasons why many romantic relationships go sour....
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The Ecological Approach and Social Disorientation
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Chronological accounts have asserted that Shaw and McKay made monumental contributions to the evolution of Chicago model.... These scholars had a keen interest on how collective forces influence felony, a field of study that was somewhat disregarded by preceding scholars.... .... ... ... Their line of attack was anchored on the fact that social disorder is an outcome of communal disorientation....
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The Role of Local Development Frameworks in Influencing the Real Estate Development Process
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This paper aims to discuss the role of Local Development Frameworks in influencing the real estate development process.... There are indications that the local authorities are given more scope than they currently possess in order for development proposals to have merit-based decisions.... .... ... ...
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Aims of Education
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Everyone has an aim-whether teachers, parents or children (Marples 1999).... General aims should expand the view in order to make a broad and more flexible observation portraying the never-ending connections of learning activities.... Teaching and learning should simultaneously lead into other things. ...
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Health Promotion in Hillfields
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
In this assignment, the health profiling of the area of Hillfields in the locality will be done to identify the extent of opportunities for health and lifestyle improvement in that locality.... This area was chosen since this is a small locality with recent developments and a structured attempt to improve the health of this area....
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Teen Pregnancy in New York
8 pages (2251 words) , Download 3 , Essay
An author of this essay aims to address the issue of pregnancy among girls ages 11-16 in New York.... Furthermore, the essay will discuss the health risks associated with early pregnancy.... Finally, the writer attempts to investigate the measures of teen birth level reduction.... ... ... ... The United States has the highest rate of pregnancy amongst teenagers than any other developed country, for example, Canada, England, Wales, Sweden....
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The Relationship Between Smoking and SelfEsteem
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Throughout the years there have been numerous studies that examined the possible connection between smoking, and in broader terms, substance abuse in general.... Specifically, many studies have focused on the possible connection between individuals with low self esteem and their decision and/or lack of decision to smoke....
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What Were the Reasons for the 1905 Revolution in Russia
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Russia's feudalist political system had been perpetuated for more than three centuries and as other European countries such as Great Britain flourished through their industrial revolutions.... The writer of this paper analyses what were the reasons for the 1905 Revolution in Russia.... ... ... ... The Russian Revolution of 1905 was caused by an inevitable confluence of the obsolete Russian feudal system and the majority of their modern populace, who revolted because of long term issues like incompetent czars and the dilapidated social structure along with immediate causes like the Bloody Sunday massacre and the Russo-Japanese war....
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Collaborative Problem Solving Model
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
society's specific needs of time might determine the trends in educational research.... The current interest in cooperative learning springs from two contemporary factors One, the realization that competitive educational environment encourages students to compete with one another rather than to cooperate with one another and Two, the evidence that suggests that cooperative learning, if properly implemented, can contribute positively to academic achievement, social skills, self-esteem, and social integration....
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The Burden of Love, the Bonds of Sisterhood
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The death of a child must be the most tragic loss a family can ever experience.... When that child is a beloved sister, only one year older than the girl left behind, the living sister must find her own way forward, some method of dealing with the pain of loss and the realization that her life and position in the family have changed utterly....
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Shaken Baby Syndrome and National Awareness
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This review discusses an analysis of shaken baby syndrome and national awareness.... The review considers the damage to the brain it could acquire depends upon the forces and the duration of the shaking or related violent causes.... The review focuses on description, symptoms, treatment of Shaken Baby Syndrome....
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International Management: For an Organization Expatriates Represent a High Cost Investment
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The author concludes that expatriates may be a high-cost investment for most companies but if recruited for the right reasons and given the right plan, they will prove very beneficial for the corporations in the long run, while also adding to their own experience and learning process.... .... ... ...
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Contrarian's Guide to Leadership
8 pages (2011 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Contrarian's Guide to Leadership" researches contrarian approach as a fresh and unique view to leadership, one that is highly contingent on the context of every given situation.... There is no predictability, no boxed-in thoughts.... ... ... ... Throughout history, society has borne witness to countless leaders who have inspired and uplifted others to go beyond the limitations of their abilities....
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The True Purpose of the Gulags
8 pages (2440 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "The True Purpose of the Gulags" determines to what extent the government agency that administered to penal labor camps of the Soviet Union was under Stalin Death camps rather than labor Camps and evaluates the true purpose of the Gulags under the rule of Stalin.... ... ... ... The investigation will cover the development of the Gulags, how they were used for different purposes, what work people were made to do in them, who were put in the Gulags, and how many people died....
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Personal Cultural Identity
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The purpose of this assignment is to become more aware of the impact of my own family history and values on the expectations I have for myself as a teacher and for the teacher I teach.... The paper has three parts.... First, I discuss my cultural and ethnic background.... ... ... ... Second, after I conduct an interview with one of my elders, I would offer my reflections on how the knowledge I gained from the interview impacts on my role as a teacher....
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Transcendentalism: Literary Origins in America and Influence
8 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
An essay "Transcendentalism: Literary Origins in America and Influence" claims that there are transcendental philosophies which can be traced to Immanuel Kant's German Idealism and the English Romanticism of writers such as Thomas Carlyle and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.... ... ... ... Transcendentalist literature espoused a higher spiritual reality, a reality which could be used to live our lives in this young experimental country called America differently and more vibrantly....
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Unemployment in Third World Countries
8 pages (2104 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
In the paper 'Unemployment in Third World Countries' the author discusses 'third world' countries, Vietnam and the Philippines, which belong to the list of nations having the highest population below the poverty line.... Many people are not capable of meeting their own and family's basic needs.... ...
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Competitive Advantage in Hong Kong Hotel Industries
8 pages (2134 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research "Competitive Advantage in Hong Kong Hotel Industries" aims to find out if environment-friendly practices can affect the economic performance in Hotel industries in Hong Kong.... Also, this will also tackle on why Hong Kong needs to adopt environment-friendly practices to uplift the revenues of the aforementioned industries and why is it important to adopt these schemes....
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Chinese Literature: Poet Tao Yuanmings Philosophy About His Poetic Style And Lifestyle
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Tao Yuanming possessed a unique philosophical way of living, thinking and writing in a poetical manner due to which he was used to make wiser justifications each time he intended to write.... ... ... ... Tao Yuanming also known as Tao Qian excelled at living rural life and writing poetic literature....
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The Situation of Horace and Wynona
8 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "The Situation of Horace and Wynona " describes Horace and Wynona who married in 1980 and purchased Manor House for their matrimonial home.... Besides, Horace provided the deposit for the house and the rest of the purchase was through a loan that was secured by a first mortgage.... ... ....
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Do Women Have Better Color Vision than Men
7 pages (1876 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Color is an important phenomenon - a psychological reaction to brain stimulation.... Color vision is the competence of an individual or machine to discriminate materials based on the wavelength of the light they reflect or release.... When men and women assemble, they in consequence presents, two worlds-his and hers....
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Comparing two main characters from the Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Chinua Achebe, a Nigerian writer opines, "People go to Africa and confirm what they already have in their heads and so they fail to see what is there in front of them.... The main characters of the novel The Poisonwood Bible, would be absolutely one of those people visiting Africa.... ... ... ... However, Chinua Achebe will be surprised to see characters like Leah, for she differs from his above stated concept....
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Can Franchising as a strategy help organization gain market share globally case study as Starbucks
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are two major characters in the process of franchising, a franchisor and a franchisee.... A franchisor is the individual or company that owns a trademark or a brand name it provides certain support to the Franchisee, the individual or the company which uses the trademark or the brand name.... ...
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The conception of freedom
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Hannah Fosters “The Coquette” and Olaudah Equiano's “ The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano” both give a insight to the constrictions of life in the 18th century.... reedom is an underlying issue with both authors that affected life not only during the 18th century but in modern times as well....
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American history-us constitution
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The History of the United States of America (USA) can be presented in the context of a defined timeline from the year 1000 to the year 1904.... In effect, US history can be traced back to the year 1000 when Leif Ericson discovered Vinland (New England).... The most popular date in American history is probably October 12th 1492 when Christopher Columbus discovered the 'New World'....
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Environmental Policy
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
People are reminded of a serious “shift of origin” like condition of the planet when researchers declare that the rising temperatures due to global warming will harm the wine industry in the regions of California or the decreasing ICE CAP for polar bear survival.... ... ... ... In this study, as following from the title, we will restrict ourselves to the democratization going on in environmental policy making in the UK and we will also follow what are the practices and the principles, that apply there for the successful policy making and execution towards a safer tomorrow....
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The Idea of Reason and Democracy
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Idea of Reason and Democracy Democracy or the provision of freedom of speech, education, religion and a lot more are one of the greatest gifts endowed to mankind.... This is because of the fact that it fulfills the purpose of man being made with intellect and free will to function fully through freedom or democracy....
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The Yellow Wallpaper and Advice to Young Ladies
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The points out that the domination of women – often limiting their abilities, potential and their role within the society are evident.... Such a situation is an issue that should be addressed in a substantial manner, if women are to be given fair treatment and playing ground for achievement and realization....
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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Term Paper
The writer of the essay "Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)" suggests that victims of the PTSD experience the trauma when they come across people, things, or images that are related to the stressful event in some way.... To reduce the suffering, patients tend to avoid such people and things.... ....
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Modern variations of the Panopticon
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Modern Versions of the Panopticon Table of Contents On Foucault's Panopticon as a Disciplinary Power Mechanism 3 Works Cited 9 On Foucault's Panopticon as a Disciplinary Power Mechanism The thesis of this paper is that the panopticon can be a reciprocal process with some interesting dynamics, where two parties in a pair can play the role of both the observer and the observed for each other....
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Leadership: Trustworthiness and Ethical Stewardship
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Coursework
The author of this paper examines the concept of leadership, trustworthiness and ethical stewardship in particular.... Corporate leaders are increasingly faced with issues related to a lack of trust and non-committal behavioral attitudes observed amongst employees.... ... ... ... If leaders are found to be trustworthy, the level of trust amongst the employee's increases....
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Corporate Communications
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A team skill is part of professional skills that is expected from employees to apply in the work place when employers recruit them.... Therefore, educational institutions are expected to cooperate in providing opportunities required for the development of professional skills.... ... ... ... This leads to successful preparation of the students to work effectively in the workplace....
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Comparison of the characters in Sleepy Hollow
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The signing of the will should signify calmness because of the preparation for the future, and yet the music that plays diegetically produces a suspenseful mood, which serves as the foreshadowing of the horror genre of the story.... In the scene where Van Garrett (Dirk Van Garrett) runs for his life, the music becomes more upbeat, as if he would escape, but he does not....
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The molecular mechanisms underlying differential gene expression control during Animals development
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The molecular mechanisms underlying differential gene expression controls during Animals development Name Tutor Course Date Introduction The molecular mechanisms that control gene expression are crucial for cell differentiation and development of an animal.... ... ... ... These molecular processes are post-transcriptional regulation and epigenetic processes....
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The Legal Implications of Hotel Management
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The paper presents the start-up process of any business which involves legal procedures.... These legal procedures involve the laid rules and regulations that govern the scope of the business.... Many business firms are always guided by these laid down legal procedures.... ... ... ... The management system of the firm determines the output of the firm....
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Ecosystems and How They Work
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Ecosystems and How They Work Name Tutor Institution Course Date Abstract The role of ecosystem is to provide the goods and services that satisfy human needs by way of natural processes either directly or indirectly.... Ecosystem functions are perceived as the subset of ecological processes and ecosystem structure....
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Strategic Human Resource Management
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The author of this paper "Strategic Human Resource Management" focuses on the factors affecting the means by which the human resource manager integrates with key salary issues.... Reportedly, one of the most difficult aspects of HRM is determining how pricing for labor will take place.... ... ... ...
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Binary approach to evil
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Evil is defined as any intention to behave in ways that lead to harm, destruction or dehumanizing innocent people.... It can also be understood to mean using one's systemic power to permit others to conduct abuse or harm on one's behalf.... It can be summarized as knowing better but doing worse....
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Littleton Manufacturing Case Study PowerPoint presentation
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Speech or Presentation
Littleton Manufacturing Case Study Name Institution Introduction Located in rural Minnesota, Littleton Manufacturing got founded in 1925.... Littleton manufactured precision-machined and custom-made goods from special metals for a variety of industries.... Littleton, however, became acquired by Brooks industries in 1942 (Whiteside, 1994)....
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