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A Realistic Definition of Realism
10 pages (2908 words) , Download 0 , Report
economy does not seem to be a good example of the national interest in meeting the material needs of the population being properly maintained.... Singapore is one good example.... The open hostility of Israel's neighbours dictates their extremely realistic, pragmatic approach, one good example of which is their surprise bombing of Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981.... And noble ideals that benefit many nations can be perfectly expressed through realistic foreign policy, as the example of 19th century England at the height of its power shows....
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Designing a Marketing Strategy for a New Product over Time
9 pages (2704 words) , Download 0 , Report
fter the business analysis and probable identification of the target market the next step would be to provide some initial customers who are already using the iPhone and iPad some free samples of the new product that is going to be developed and marketed.... This work called "Designing a Marketing Strategy for a New Product over Time" describes the various factors that might have an impact on the new product development and the various factors that form part of the marketing mix of the product are discussed....
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Energy and Low Carbon Technology: Geothermal Technology
11 pages (2952 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Energy and Low Carbon Technology: Geothermal Technology" presents geothermal energy as one of the low carbon technologies that are increasingly being embraced as the solution to the fossil fuels that have dominated the energy industry for many years.... ... ... ... The two new technologies are Enhanced Geothermal System and Low-temperature and co-produced geothermal technology....
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Marketing Strategy for Tefal Store Inn Food Processors
13 pages (3736 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Marketing Strategy for Tefal Store Inn Food Processors" aims at analyzing the UK domestic business scenario with the intention to market the Tefal Store Inn food processors.... The entire marketing process will be evaluated through a series of steps.... .... ... ... The report will also be focusing on the concepts of Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) along with some noteworthy marketing mix recommendations....
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Significance of the National Insurance Act 1911
8 pages (2148 words) , Download 1 , Report
 The Independent review 13.... The American Political Science review, Vol.... This report "Significance of the National Insurance Act 1911" discusses the 1911 act that was influential albeit in an indirect and covert way to the changes in the historical understanding of big corporates within and without England more so in America with the effect of this evidence even today....
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Ways to Reduce Road Rage
8 pages (2396 words) , Download 2 , Report
The report "Ways to Reduce Road Rage" focuses on the main and efficient ways and measures to reduce road rage.... The traffic rules are intended to maintain law and order on the road.... Besides, from a wider perspective, it helps the government to maintain law and order in society as a whole.... ...
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Electrospinning Nanofibers Using M-Poss and Polycaprolactone
5 pages (1537 words) , Download 1 , Report
Electrospun fibers scanned in micrographs reveal samples with smooth surface with high content of polycaprolactone (Valle, et al).... This report "Electrospinning Nanofibers Using M-Poss and Polycaprolactone" explores the M-POSS: PCL nanofiber electrospinning in the presence of chloroform: acetone solvent in 1:1 proportion....
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Managing Corporate Change
15 pages (4344 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Managing Corporate Change" is a wonderful example of a report on management.... The paper "Managing Corporate Change" is a wonderful example of a report on management.... MIT Sloan Management review, 44(3), pp.... This study is centered on analyzing the organizational change in British Airways....
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Womanist Theology
8 pages (2016 words) , Download 1 , Report
This is because; employing the use of Bible in uncritical and at times too self-serving prohibits the community from seeing the outcome depicted by the biblical exodus event that commenced in the book of Exodus.... It is evident that there was violent destruction that swept away a whole nation of Canaanites, just as the book of Joshua describes.... Today, black liberation theologians should be in a position to conceptualize the meaning of uplifting uncritically the biblical event found in the book of Exodus as major paradigm aimed at reflecting on black liberation theology. ...
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How to Teach a Particular Language Point to a Specific Group of Students
16 pages (4190 words) , Download 0 , Report
A good example of such a word is attribute.... The author of the paper "How to Teach a Particular Language Point to a Specific Group of Students" states that some features of the English language do or don't exist in other languages and therefore might be easy or difficult for speakers of these languages to learn....
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Spotless Ltd Case
6 pages (1631 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Spotless Ltd Case" focuses on the case of Spotless Ltd.... that, in order to make alterations in the Company's Articles of association, has to consider a number of legal issues.... It has to provide all the employees with a notice outlining the intention to make any alterations.... ....
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Colleges Put too Much Stock in Standardized Test Scores
5 pages (1415 words) , Download 1 , Report
A recent cheating scandal in Atlanta public schools is a good example of the consequences of putting too much value on the goal without considering the means of its achievement.... This paper ''Colleges Put too Much Stock in Standardized Test Scores'' tells that as college admissions approach, students are moving to a point where their future would soon be determined – passing standardized tests....
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Influence of Media on Emotional Lives of Teachers and Students in Classroom
7 pages (1675 words) , Download 0 , Report
samples of high school students gathered across various states in America were invited to post comments on a particular weekly magazine they had been asked to read couple of months before.... This report "Influence of Media on Emotional Lives of Teachers and Students in Classroom" discusses the emotional lives of students and teachers that are positively transformed when exposed to various media contents....
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Ideas of the American Indian in Twain, Harte and Yellow Bird
6 pages (1652 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Ideas of the American Indian in Twain, Harte and Yellow Bird" presents general impressions of the 'official' written accounts.... These images have traditionally linked the American Indian with concepts of murdering savages, with little to no concept of true culture, art, or human dignity....
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Inequality in China
5 pages (1399 words) , Download 1 , Report
Take for example the case of Wendie Xu the wife of a recently rich cotton exporter in Shaohui, a tiny hamlet in Chinas prosperous Fujian province.... This paper ''Inequality in China'' tells that China's affluent ranks are among the fastest growing on the earth.... Yet, there are genuine concerns that all this rapid growth of wealth may affect the Chinese social structure....
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IT's Strategic Business Role
5 pages (1541 words) , Download 1 , Report
A business selling garments for example could easily ascertain the geographical location, socio-economic status and buying preferences of its users to identify which segments are more important than others.... This report "IT's Strategic Business Role" presents various risks and supports posed by IT to a competitive edge in the business including two scenarios to support one support and support....
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3D Printing Technology in Automotive Industry
10 pages (2695 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "3D Printing Technology in Automotive Industry" describes that paper identified vat polymerization, binder jetting, powder bed fusion, material jetting, sheet lamination, material extrusion, and directed energy deposition as the main additive manufacturing techniques.... .... ... ... The production of auto parts through the use of additive manufacturing is also a green process since it is associated with minimal emissions, waste, and consumption of natural resources....
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Introduction to Education Curriculum Development Studies
7 pages (2044 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Introduction to Education Curriculum Development Studies" presents the teacher who will employ an interactive method in handling different sub-topics.... Students will be classified into groups in which they will be given sub-topics to handle.... ... ... ... Lesson plans act as blueprints on what the teacher would like to accomplish by the end of the topics....
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Key Features of Crime Policy
5 pages (1406 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, one can become a criminal because of poverty.... For example, if an act is a prohibited by the state and one does it then it's a crime ... For example, if someone advertises harmful goods to the public, then he or she will be committing a crime....
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Recommending an Overseas Market
11 pages (2986 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report 'Recommending an Overseas Market' aims to recommend Brazil as a potential overseas market for the expansion of Elfin Sports Cars Pty Ltd, which is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia.... It also discusses various macro-environmental factors.... ... ... ... Elfin has long been identified to establish its strong brand positioning by delivering an exceptional range of cars....
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Dangers of Fast Foods
4 pages (1243 words) , Download 0 , Report
avid Zinczenko in his book 'Don't blame the eater' consumption of junk foods in the US has put many kids at risk of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes as many cases are reported every year.... avid Zinczenko in his book ‘Don't blame the eater' consumption of junk foods in the US has put many kids at risk of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes as many cases are reported every year....
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National Science Teachers Association Standards
6 pages (1694 words) , Download 2 , Report
Lets take a secondary science teacher who teaches chemistry for example.... This paper is about National Science Teachers Association Standards.... The National Research Council wrote these standards in 1995, these standards were the work of 22 scientific societies and over 18,000 individuals contributed their knowledge to help produce these standards....
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Computed Tomography in Image Guided Brain Surgery
6 pages (1707 words) , Download 0 , Report
The patient safety and tool flexibility are key considerations to pursuing a particular approach out of the example three (Guthart & Salisbury, 2000).... This report "Computed Tomography in Image-Guided Brain Surgery" elucidates the CT imaging as used in the medical field and its principles....
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Government should Regulate Internet Content
5 pages (1358 words) , Download 0 , Report
One example of such attacks is the denial of service (DoS) attacks.... This report "Government should Regulate Internet Content" discusses the impact of the internet on society, government should take steps to restrict the public's access to harmful information.... In order to achieve this, the government needs to work in close collaboration with internet providers....
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Polymer Moulded Bottle Assembly
10 pages (2813 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example the bottle in the assignment page belongs to the detergent manufacturing company Aerial®.... Apart from detergents, for example, PET bottles are also used for mineral water, dairy products, fruit juices and tea among others.... Below is a figure showing an example of the impacts that this material may have on the natural environment. ...
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Critique of Globalization and Trans-Nationalism
6 pages (1630 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example in US employees' unions are up in arms against the outsourcing being resorted to by many IT companies, manufacturing companies, Banks, insurance companies etc.... This report "Critique of Globalization and Trans-Nationalism" discusses globalization policies without much thought about their actual preparedness for the onslaught of MNCs are bound to be adversely affected in the long run....
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Muscle Mutants and Sports Nutrition Supplements
5 pages (1557 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, female bodybuilders who use steroids will often take on male characteristics such as large and defined muscles, facial hair and increased body hair, decrease in breast size, amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycle), deeper voice and development of an ‘adam's apple'.... This report "Muscle Mutants and Sports Nutrition Supplements" discusses the biological term 'anabolic steroid' that is not unfamiliar to most....
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How Workable Are Market-Based Solutions to Environmental Problems
6 pages (1764 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, governments may authorize limits on allowable pollution for a certain location and utilize market-based policy instruments like tradable permits to apportion the acceptable emissions in a cost-effective and ecologically aware manner.... This report "How Workable Are Market-Based Solutions to Environmental Problems" discusses challenges in implementing Market-Based economic instruments that have already been laid down and looking at the feasibilities, it is more likely that the benefits will be overshadowed by the challenges....
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Business Level Strategies: Ford Motor Company
5 pages (1422 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, India and China are emerging markets for the midsized sedans.... This report "Business Level Strategies: Ford Motor Company" assumes that Mulally asked for the advice from a consulting firm in which I am working and the consulting firm ask me to assist Mulally.... Mulally's task of rejuvenating Ford Company was a daunting task....
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Cloud Computing of the Design and Purchase of IT Hardware
10 pages (3593 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Cloud Computing of the Design and Purchase of IT Hardware " shows the various benefits, risks, and risk mitigation measures that are involved when cloud computing is considered by the company.... The report includes an overview of the models of cloud computing and evaluates the benefits, risks....
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Securitization of Migration Impact on the Protection of the Rights of Refugees
10 pages (2685 words) , Download 0 , Report
The shift of migration as human security threats, along with other numerous threats, for example, narcotics trafficking, is unsettling.... real world example of the conservatization of the general public could be the situation of Greece, with the expanding impact of the neo-Nazi association "Χρυσή Αυγή" (Golden Dawn) succeeded in the Greek society.... For example, lack of dignity and respect, difficulties in accessing asylum, increasing numbers of tortures on migrants, no access to jobs and social activities and no access to private and family life....
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Asian Action Cinema and Hollywood
8 pages (2409 words) , Download 1 , Report
review of Film & Video (2011): 65-69. ... "A review of Yellow Future: Oriental Style in Hollywood Cinema.... Quarterly review of Film & Video 28.... review 10.... review 10.... The paper "Asian Action Cinema and Hollywood" delves into the impact of Asian action themes and its general impact in the entire sector, particularly in Hollywood....
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A Summary and Explanation of the Greenhouse Effect Phenomenon
6 pages (1828 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''A Summary and Explanation of the Greenhouse Effect Phenomenon'' tells that the greenhouse effect is a thermal process by which solar radiation from a star is trapped upon a planetary surface in the form of heat and then absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases.... he actual heat energy is again radiated outwardly....
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Healthcare Delivery
8 pages (2103 words) , Download 9 , Report
ata on patient treatment and outcomes are needed for clinical functions, quality assurance, utilization review, business planning, and administrative and public health purposes.... This report "Healthcare Delivery" focuses on health informatics that deals with the resources, devices and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval and use of information in health and biomedicine....
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Dark Matter and Dark Energy
8 pages (2175 words) , Download 1 , Report
Physical review, D 84: 063503.... The author of the paper 'Dark Matter and Dark Energy' states that other theories, such as the backreaction theory, are being developed to explain the gravitational effect between two objects.... Astrophysicists are experimenting on the relationship between two objects having their own gravitational pull....
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Advantage and Disadvantage of Integrated Learning
10 pages (2749 words) , Download 1 , Report
Technology in currently part of the lives of the students for example most homes in the united kingdom are either connected to internet enabled devices or computers.... Design technology for example ensures the learner is well equipped with skills, understanding and knowledge.... Integration of design technology in the learning process has made it easier to create innovative minds at the early stages of development for example the kindergarten stage....
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Analysis of Next Company and Mens WareHouse Company
10 pages (2730 words) , Download 1 , Report
The paper "Analysis of Next Company and Men's Warehouse Company" underlines that the company that is identified through profitability analysis as the better-performing company is similarly the one that delivers better figures using the common-size financial statements and the trend analysis.... ... ...
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Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut
6 pages (1994 words) , Download 0 , Report
ection Two: Literature review 5 ... ection Two: Literature review ... It also provided a review of the various services it offered including free customer delivery services that gave it a competitive edge above the rest. ... Pizza Hut Franchise review.... review of Marketing Research....
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Tesco and Sainsbury's
10 pages (2819 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, Sainsbury's embraces the continued influence of online business in terms of advertising, which helps the supermarket to widen its market and to increase its volume of sales.... For example, the supermarket utilized mobile technology in the distribution services, which allowed customers to choose their preferred products easily.... For example, the supermarket shows a commitment towards the reduction of energy consumption and the reduction of greenhouse gasses....
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Labor Union History
7 pages (1963 words) , Download 3 , Report
Collins, "Race, Roosevelt, and Wartime Production: Fair Employment in World War II Labor Markets," American Economic review 91:1 (March 2001), pp.... Labor unions are associations of workers that strive to improve the economic and working conditions of workers.... They use contract negotiations called collective bargaining to negotiate over wages and working conditions....
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Troubleshooting, Diagnosis and Maintenance for ENLD Air Bottle and KAM
5 pages (1332 words) , Download 0 , Report
An effective model for troubleshooting is available in the supplier manual book to optimize the running of the system.... An effective model for troubleshooting is available in the supplier manual book to optimize the running of the system.... This report "Troubleshooting, Diagnosis and Maintenance for ENLD Air Bottle and KAM" focuses on equipment that requires proper cleaning, inspection, maintenance and replacement of the parts that have worn out....
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Bussines Accounting
4 pages (1280 words) , Download 0 , Report
A text book of business finance, East African Educational publishers Ltd.... This paper ''Bussines Accounting'' tells that facility is provided by banks to customers when a firm makes the payment from its business current account more than the available cash balance in the store....
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Benchmarking as an Organizational Change Procedure
4 pages (1345 words) , Download 1 , Report
The benchmarking book: A how-to guide to best practice for managers and practitioners.... The paper "Benchmarking as an Organizational Change Procedure" states that the human resources of the company are faced with almost overwhelming challenges – difficult work and a whole lot of it....
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Philosophy of Economics
10 pages (3316 words) , Download 1 , Report
elly, E 2013, International organ trafficking crisis: solutions addressing the heart of the matter, Boston College Law review, 54, pp.... J 1987, Market-inalienability, Harvard Law review, 1849-1937.... This work"Philosophy of Economics" describes a legal market for transplant kidneys from live donors....
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Reestablishing the Wyndham Worldwide Brand Identity
7 pages (1795 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, in case of hotel group only, there exists 16-17 large hotels which makes consumer choice difficult.... This report "Reestablishing the Wyndham Worldwide Brand Identity" focuses on a leading global industry engaged in hotels, vacation planning and rental business that has adopted a stakeholder-oriented marketing strategy to restructure their brand image....
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English Legal Systems and Skills
7 pages (1787 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "English Legal Systems and Skills" focuses on the case that was an allegation that the claimant had sexually assaulted a fifteen-year-old schoolboy who was undergoing a short period of work experience at the school where the claimant had been newly employed as music assistance.... .... ...
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Global Warming: Electricity Generation from Fossil Fuels
6 pages (1707 words) , Download 1 , Report
The author of "Global Warming: Electricity Generation from Fossil Fuels" paper argues that electricity generation will need to increase around the world to sustain the lifestyle in advanced economies and to lift people out of poverty in developing economies.... ... ... ... Electricity production from fossil fuel power plants is the largest single source of carbon dioxide emissions that cause global warming....
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Ethiopia: Insurers, Bankers Cautious, Despite Reforms
5 pages (1289 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Ethiopia: Insurers, Bankers Cautious, Despite Reforms" presents the current economy of Ethiopia that is heavily relying on the exports of crops such as coffee, hides, and skin.... In the coffee end, the country should immediately move away from growing normal coffee.... ... ... ... Fair Trade Coffee sells in the open at double the price per pound and the companies involved in this revolution invest a lot of their money in the local farms to improve the pay and working conditions of the farmers and workers in the industry....
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Analysing of the New Opportunity of Adding Bottled Drinks to the Range of Products of Fizbiz
4 pages (1208 words) , Download 1 , Report
"Analysing of the New Opportunity of Adding Bottled Drinks to the Range of Products of Fizbiz" paper identifies whether the project has to be financially justifiable and if the addition of the new product to the range creates higher levels of revenues and profits for the company.... .... ... ... The initial investment, as estimated in the given data, amounts to £ 6,292,000....
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Environmental Education and Environmental Policies
8 pages (2041 words) , Download 3 , Report
These attitudes were brought into greater focus by the 1962 publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, a critical review of the devastating effects that man and technology can have on the environment (Haskin).... This report outlines the main historical aspects of environmental education and environmental policies....
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