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Arminian and Calvinist Views - Literature review Example

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This literature review "Arminian and Calvinist Views" discusses Calvinism and Arminianism as two different views in the Christian fraternity and evaluates their merits. It is common knowledge that occurrences in society do not just happen by chance…
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Arminian and Calvinist Views
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OF THE Arminian and Calvinist views DATA EMAIL: PHONE: SEMESTER: SPECIALIZATION: Arminian and Calvinist Views It is a common knowledge that occurrences in the society do not just happen by chance. Members of the society have different ways of explaining the happenings. The explanations may take spiritual, natural or social perspectives. This paper is interested in the spiritual perspectives of phenomena’s explanations. Spiritual explanations believe in the existence of a supreme supernatural being or a deity who control the universe. Christianity denotes a religious grouping that believes in God as a Supreme Being and Jesus Christ as his begotten son through which mankind receive salvation. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and the only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have an everlasting life”1 Christianity as a religion has two major groupings, Catholics and protestants, which are further divided into numerous groups with different doctrines. The paper will explore Calvinism and Arminianism as two different views in the Christian fraternity and evaluate their merits. Nosorto states that, “There are several notable differences between the two theologies of Calvinism and Arminianism.2 Let us examine these two views to bring out the differences and to understand them. The term Calvinism was coined by John Calvin who was a close ally of Martin Luther for a long time before they parted ways due to divergent religious ideologies.3 Calvinism is a religious viewpoint that holds five major pillars and each of the pillars have biblical backings. One of the pillars as documented by Nosorto is total depravity that states that, a man 1.International Bible Society. Holy Bible; New International Version. USA:International Bible Society Press,1973. 106. 2. Nosotro Rit. Calvinism and 2010. (Accessed April, 24 2012) 3.Norsoto does not have a freewill but only in accordance to his nature.”4 This is a proposition that man’s heart is naturally wicked and therefore cannot choose God. It is a belief that unless man is prompted by the Holy Spirit, he will remain wicked. This believes are supported by Jeremiah 17:9 that state that, the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. 5. This brings out the fact that man’s heart is wicked from creation and will remain so unless God intervenes. You cannot choose God because you are unclean but God can choose you and cleanse you; this is the essence of total depravity and lack of freewill. On the other hand, Arminianism advocates for freewill. It argues that even though man is sinful in nature, they have the ability to choose to do-good or do bad. God does not impose decisions on human beings but gives them an opportunity to make their own decisions. These decisions do not depend on nature. This position is supported by John 7:17, that states that if any one chooses to do well then they will know that my teachings are from God.6 According to Coulter, other areas of divergent opinions between the Calvinist and Arminianist perspectives are on the election to salvation, where it is conditional in Arminianism and unconditional in Calvinist, limited atonement for Calvinism but universal atonement for Arminianism and irresistible grace for Calvinism and grace that can be resisted in Armianism.7 4. Norsoto 5. .International Bible Society. Holy Bible; New International Version,817 6. International Bible Society. Holy Bible; New International Version,112 7. Coulter B. Paul. Devine Sovereignity and Human 2011 Web 23 April 2012 (Accessed April, 23 2012) How do these views relate with God’s providence? What is providence? The word providence is derived from the Latin noun providentia, ‘foresight, forethought,’ and the related verb providere, ‘to provide for, take precautions for or against something.8 According to Hornby, “it is God, or a force that some people believe controls our lives and what happens to us, usually in a way that protects us.”9 Providence is therefore a Christian belief that God provides for his people in all aspects of life be it physical, spiritual, economic and social. Woolley observes that God provides for all mankind, but he is more concerned about the His people.10 It is important to support the fact that God is concerned about all his people, be they evil or not evil. In Mathew 5: 45, the bible declares that God causes sun to rise on the evil and the wicked and rains to water both those who are holy and the unrighteous.11 Both proponents of Calvinism and Arminianism believe that God is the provider for human beings and all animals. He is in charge of life and all that is within the universe. However, the difference is that, those who believe in Calvinism are of the view that God’s providence takes the dimension of total depravity where God has predestined and controls what he provides to the human beings and as such they have no power to alter the actions of God in their lives. Those of Arminianism background also believe that God is the ultimate provider, but the difference with their counterparts is that they believe that man has the free will to choose what they want God to do for them. 8. Bowe, Barbara E. “Providence.” In Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by David Noel Freedman. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000, 1092. 9.Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000,939. 10.Woolley E. Douglas. Providence and its Implications for prayer. 2009, 8. (Accessed April, 24 2012) 11.. International Bible Society. Holy Bible; New International Version,6. . Are there merits that are associated to Calvinism and Arminianism? We will start by looking at the advantages of Arminianism. According to Edgar, “God never ordains evil but only permits it owing to the freedom of choice that is bestowed upon human beings.12 God is very rational, and he is a God of choice, that is why in Deuteronomy 30:1, the bible declares that, “behold I have set before you two things , which are blessings and curses, so choose one.” 13God is aware of the outcomes of either choice, but since he does not force people to make decisions, people are at liberty to choose for their own, for human beings to be accountable for their undertakings. The fact that human beings are at liberty to choose how to behave and how to live is good for their critical review of their religious stand. Freedom of choice that is provided by Arminianism is very important for human beings to make informed decisions. On the contrary, Calvinism advocates for total depravity which is disadvantageous, since man cannot choose their own destiny but depend on fate, and how God had predestined their lives. Another merit of Arminianism is the fact the God saves as many as he can, and he respects our free will.14 God desires that all mankind be saved since he does not take pleasure when human beings languish in sin. The bible records that he came to his people but they did not recognize him but as many who believed in him, he gave them the power to become his children.15 God is ready to save as many human beings who believe in him, and he has given mankind the 12. Edgar. Three Advantages of (Accessed April, 24 2012) 13. International Bible Society. Holy Bible; New International Version, 217. 14.Edgar. 15. International Bible Society. Holy Bible; New International Version, 103. freedom to choose from either embracing his saving grace and attaining eternal life or rejecting the same, and ending up in eternal torture in hell. This is unlike Calvinism that holds the view that people had already been chosen for salvation by God. According to Ephesians 1:11, “in him, we were also chosen having been predestined according to the plans of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.16 In Calvinism, everything had been predestined and the human efforts to reach out to God may not bear fruits since God in his divine power has already elected his people. It does not give any room for personal efforts, hence very limiting to human beings. If you belong to Calvinist theological perspective, then you are in a very challenging situation since there is nothing you can do to attain salvation. The best you can do is to lament over your unfortunate fate. Even if you lament the status quo will prevail. Thanks for Arminian’s view since it gives hopes to human beings that they can attain salvation by choice and drawing near to God. It assures us that God is always willing and ready to welcome us. When we so desire, we can move to God through his son Jesus, and our lives will be saved. In Arminianism our salvation is ultimately with our choice while with Calvinism, salvation is beyond our reach and only God chooses who is to be saved and who is to perish. Arminian religious perspective gives human race the hope for salvation thereby fostering evangelism.17 The fact that human beings are aware that they have a chance to attain salvation by their decision serves as a great impetus for evangelism. 16. International Bible Society. Holy Bible; New International Version, 217 17. Edgar Arminianism believes that there is universal atonement for sin; hence as many people who decide to follow Christ Jesus and do according to his will, shall be saved.18 Christ died on the cross at Calvary for the sake of our sins and as such, he has provided an opportunity for mankind to be saved. It is upon us to accept him or to reject him. In Hebrews 2:9, the bible records, “but we see Jesus who was made a little lower than angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.19 The point here is that Christ tasted death on our behalf, so that we may attain salvation, with the choice that Arminianism advocates for, the death of Christ is beneficial since it gives room for salvation for those who believe and decide to follow Christ. On the contrary, Calvinism leads to fatality since it fails to give hopes of salvation to the unchosen.20 Calvinism advocates for limited atonement of sin.21 According to Hebrews 10:14, it is recorded that by one sacrifice he has forever made perfect those who are being made holy.22 The phrase those who are being made holy stands for those who have been chosen by God for salvation. Calvinism does not give hopes to the entire human race that they will receive the saving grace of God, but only to the chosen ones. There is no need of evangelizing if those who are to be saved are already chosen by God. Even if you preach, to them they will not be saved because God has already chosen those who are supposed to attain eternal life, and the others, those who are not chosen, should just wait for 18. Nosorto 19. International Bible Society. Holy Bible; New International Version, 246 20. Edgar 21. Nosorto 22. International Bible Society. Holy Bible; New International Version, 252 everlasting torment in hell. It is clear that Calvinism only promotes fatality. You have not been chosen by God, and there is nothing you can do about it. According to, there is nothing that happens by chance and everything is within the plan of God.23This statement promotes the Calvinist view that even if you try to acquire salvation or any other providence from God like protection and good health, if it is not in the will of God, your endeavors are futile. It is a very restrictive view point that forces human beings to fit in to the plans of God as he had predestined. It appears that Arminianism has numerous advantages due to the fact that it emphasizes on the ability of human beings to choose whatever relationship they desire to have with their creator, God. It utilizes the principles of knock and the door shall be opened unto you, seek and you shall find, draw near to God and he shall draw near to you.24 However, this freedom of choice can be misused by human beings as we all know that human beings do not want to come out of their comfort zones. Choosing to follow God may mean that they relinquish some earthly pleasures that are against the will of God. Due to the fact that it is freedom of choice, many will not choose that path of God hence increased levels of pervasiveness. Let us examine a potential advantage of Calvinism. According to, “Calvinism does not teach easy believes, and it does not give unwarranted assurance. Does it assure true Christians? Yes, because we recognize that salvation is of the Lord, and it is the Lord who keeps us.” 25 23.’s Providence1If God controls all things, how can our actions have realmeaning? What are the decrees of God? 2011. (Accessed April, 24 2012) 24. Prentis.Arminianism Vs Calvinism. (Accessed April, 24 2012) 25. What are some of the Practical Benefits of Calvinism. Bulletin Solutions. 2012. (Accessed April, 24 2012) Calvinism has a merit of not assuring believes of what may be elusive. Yes, you may choose God but you cannot be sure whether or not God has chosen you since issues of Christianity are not by sight but by faith. You cannot even be sure that the way you are relating with God after choosing Him is a way that pleases him. I believe one is safer when he or she has been chosen by God rather than them choosing God. Due to lack of certainty, Arminianism may appear appealing but may mislead the people. There has been a lot of debate about Calvinism and Arminianism. The main distinctive idea between the two views is that Calvinism advocates for total depravity and lack of freewill while Arminianism basically about freewill. Total depravity is a religious notion that God’s providence upon human beings occurs as per his plans and that the lives of every mankind had been predestined, and they can never change it. On the other hand freewill gives mankind freedom to exercise their right to make informed choices and decisions. It is of the view that we can either choose to obey and believe God or to reject him, but God is always ready to shower us with his providences if we choose him. Arminianism appears more appealing and many people believe it. More research still need to be conducted on these views to find out the most appropriate one. Works Cited What are some of the Practical Benefits of Calvinism. Bulletin Solutions. 2012. (Accessed April, 24 2012) Bowe, Barbara E. “Providence.” In Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by David Noel Freedman. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000. 1092. Coulter B. Paul. Devine Sovereignity and Human 2012 (Accessed April, 23 2012) Edgar. Three Advantages of (Accessed April, 23 2012) Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. International Bible Society. Holy Bible; New International Version. USA:International Bible Society Press,1973. Nosotro Rit. Calvinism and 2010. (Accessed April, 21 2012) Prentis.Arminianism Vs Calvinism. (Accessed April, 23 2012) Woolley E. Douglas. Providence and its Implications for prayer. 2009. (Accessed April, 23 2012)’s Providence1If God controls all things, how can our actions have realmeaning? What are the decrees of God? 2011. (Accessed April, 22 2012) Read More
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Arminian and Calvinist Views Literature Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 Words.
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