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Six Months plan for Turkish and Armenian Students - Essay Example

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As the head of the conflict resolution expert as a university, my action plan will address the conflict between two student organizations, one dedicated to a Turkish identity culture whereas, the other to Armenian identity and culture. …
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Six Months plan for Turkish and Armenian Students
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? 6 Months Plan for Turkish and Armenian Six Months Plan for Turkish and Armenian As the head of the conflict resolution expert as a university, my action plan will address the conflict between two student organizations, one dedicated to a Turkish identity culture whereas, the other to Armenian identity and culture. The action plan will be based on a non-Dialogic perspective, an interfaith dialogue, a biblically based approach and a spiritual or mystical effort. I will take the following steps of non-Dialogic perspective in reconciling the Turkish and Armenian students’ organization. The evaluation time for the steps that I will introduce to the university will be six months (Saxena, 2009). Step One: I will advise the two student organizations to concentrate on their activities and not to meddle in each others activity as their two different organizations representing students with different interest and coming from different background. I will ensure that the two organizations exist in cohesion and that the different speakers appointed by each organization respect the identity, religion and culture of the organizations present within the University (Lederach, 1999). Step Two: I will advise the two student organizations within the university to know their purpose within the institution and that they share a common interest which is education and not ethnicity or religion. I will make them to understand that no organization is superior to the other and that the resources available within the institution are meant for their use, therefore they should strive to avoid rivalry due to the use of resources or space within the university(Lederach, 1999). Step Three: I will advise the two student organizations to have positive thoughts about each other and ignore their religious interest since the Turks are Muslims and Armenians are Christians. They put human rights values into action and treat each other like a brother for cohesion and peace to exist within the university. Step Four: I will advise the student organizations present within the university to consider changing their attitude and behavior towards each other. This will work out for both students as they will do away with the thought that either of the student organizations is more privileged than the other. I will recommend and interfaith dialogue to be used by the Turkish and Armenian student organization within the university. Step One: I will involve both the student organization in an interfaith dialogue to help them realize that in both religions, God is the source of peace and justice. This will bring them to an understanding that they should exercise the concept of peace as both their religion advocates for the existence of peace and they will be able to coexist peacefully with one another while conducting their different activities for the students they represent. Step Two: Interfaith dialogue will be inspiring to the students’ organizations as they will realize that their teachings and traditions are a source of inspiration to all. By communicating, they will learn that it is of great significance to work together for the purpose of peace and justice as times have changed and their living in world that upholds peace with esteem. Step Three: the interfaith will enlighten the two students’ organization to know that it is only God who forgives and both Muslims and Christians were called by God to offer forgiveness. The students’ organizations will immensely benefit by learning the importance of forgiveness as they will forgive each other for their past differences and effect justice in throughout their studies and stay within the university (Smock, 2002). Step Four: The two students’ organization will learn through interfaith dialogue that despite disagreeing on certain points in the doctrines, they should only offer their critics to one another when they feel that either of the organizations has violated the integrity of God. This will work towards helping them to respect each organizations right to believe in the doctrines and teachings and reconcile them to live together as one. In addition, the two student organizations will learn not to misuse or misrepresent each other’s teachings and customs (Klein, 2002). Step Five: Interfaith dialogue will reconcile the student organizations as they will be discussing on different materials ranging from peace, justice and forgiveness. They will be connected as one and will stop viewing each other like rivalries, therefore promoting cohesion and for example stop the claims speakers brought by the each student organization promote alienation of students from one another that increases the distrust of suspicion between the two sides. I will involve the following steps of a biblically based approach to reconcile both the Turkish and Armenian students’ organization. Step One: I will advise the students’ organizations to avoid their ignorance over each others faith. I will encourage them to be informed about each others faith by visiting libraries and bookstores and read introductory volumes of both faiths in their language to understand that all humans were created for the same purpose. This will work towards reconciling and integrating them as they will learn that their religions are almost similar and that they are fighting the same course (Klein, 2002). Step Two: I will also advise the two students to avoid arguments due to the religious differences since their attempts to refute each others doctrine will be inflammatory and counterproductive. I will use biblically based approach to encourage them to move beyond combative rhetoric that leads each organization encounters with each other, and also stress to them the importance of not being judgmental when faced with different situations (Smock, 2002). Step Three: I will advise the two student organizations to be prepared to answer to the different organization. I will also encourage them to discuss their different divinities and come to a conclusion that God’s nature is unlimited in both religions. This will work towards helping them solve their differences as they will be ready to sit down and solve differences by answering to the different issues they share (Saxena, 2009). Step Five: I will use the biblical approach to encourage the Armenian and Turkish students’ organization to set a good example in their way of living. They will learn that their religions do not only involve their doctrines but their patterns of behavior within the society. They will stop confronting each other as they will be aware that negative voices are not in accordance with their different teachings. An example is that will take a Christian who lives on the teachings of Christ to show them the values that they should be encouraged and those that they should be discarded within the university (Smock, 2002). Lastly, I will try to use spiritual or mystical efforts in reconciling the Turkish and Armenian student organizations. I will advise both members of the two student organizations to reconcile their personal differences. I will point to them the benefits of making sacrifices, and this will tremendously contribute in reconciling them. I will also advise them to do away with the stumbling blocks that may negatively affect their relationships and cohesion. This will involve pride, rebellion and un-forgiveness and I will advise the university to offer joint prayer for the purpose of reconciling them. The prayer will be a peace prayer and this will see them change their behavior and attitude towards one another leading to reconciliation of the Turkish and Armenian student organization. Lastly, I will advise the two students’ organization to resign to the will of God, therefore, they will able to practice both the Christian and Muslim resignation in their lives resulting to cohesion in their daily interactions with each other. However, will not use the fourth approach since most students and individuals believe that spiritual efforts are things that can only be imagined and are not applicable in a live scenario (Klein, 2002). References Klein, H. Y. (2002). At the entrance to the Garden of Eden: A Jew's search for God with Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land. New York, NY: HarperCollins. Lederach, J. P. (1999). The journey toward reconciliation. Scottdale, Pa: Herald Press. Smock, D. R. (2002). Interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding. Washington, D.C: United States Institute of Peace Press. Saxena, A. (2009). Multilingualism: proceedings of the 23rd Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics : Uppsala University, 1-3 October 2008. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. Read More
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