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Declaration of the Rights for Unborn Babies When, in the process of man’s quest to progress, that he now seems to forget what is the most cherished and important in this existence, that without it his endeavors will all be naught, it is now become necessary to assert the importance of human life and let man be reminded of its sanctity so that his folly may be tempered and let life again flourish as it has been intended by the Almighty.The right to life is inalienable, be it those who have already graced the soil of this earth or those who are yet unborn, life is a sanctity that no man take.
As it is a gift that cometh from God, so should that gift be only taken by its Rightful Giver. It cannot be violated and denied by reason nor expediency nor whatever device that man can invent to tresspass life; as the creation was made for life to blossom, so should it remain for as long as the Grace of the Lord permitteth. That when man in its folly tresspasseth such a gift, to deprive those who are yet unborn to grace the field of this earth and to breath, it is now become a duty of the faithful especially the flock of the Holy Catholic Church with the blessing of the Pope to safeguard such life, to ensure its perpetuity by asserting in all avenues the right of the unborn.
This is now necessary for when man is left to its own devices, it subject God’s Will to bring life as his preporagative and play god to elect who will be born and who will not. To prove this, let this be facts be known that the faitful may see the Light.Man in all its might wants to curb life, legislating immoral laws by legalizing abortion and contraceptives. The state itself became its victim as it disburses public fund to prevent life;It misleads the youth and the public in general that contraception is wholesome without mentioning the danger it poses to health and the mother;Their reasoning brings undue anxiety to the people in their assertion that more life will cause poverty, illness and malady which is preposterous.
The earth is bountiful to support life and if there is such poverty, illness and malady, it is brought by the same folly of man like corruption, incompetence and sheer lack of compassion towards his fellow;That the majority of those who opposes the right of child to be born, causes unjust vexation to the faithfuls, whose meekness they take advantage of, as they only reiterate the importance of life. That without that reiteration and assertion to life, even them who opposess life will not even be present to make such opposition.
Be let it known then, that we the faithfuls, of the Congregation of the Holy Mother Catholic Church, stand in steadfast, to defend those who cannot defend themselves. To not let that right to be born be trampled because they are not yet around to make themselves known. To this end, with the magnanimity of our purpose and with the blessings of the Holy Catholic Church, its Pope and all its Saints, we stake our reputation, our energy, our resources, to assert the life of the unborn that life may again flourish.
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