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Importance of The Glorious Qur'an - Essay Example

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This essay "Importance of The Glorious Qur'an" examines the origins of this special book and also will summarize its main contents. It then explores the importance of the Qur’an throughout history, in earliest times, and then in the twentieth century…
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Importance of The Glorious Quran
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? The Importance of The Glorious Qur’an. GEN 102: Studies in Islamic Culture. January List of Contents. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….. 3 The Origins of The Glorious Qur’an……………………………………………………… 3 Summary of the Contents of the Qur’an………………………………………………….. 5 Early history of the Qur’an………………………………………………………………. . 7 The importance of the Qur’an in the twenty-first century and beyond…………………… 8 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………… 9 Bibliography……………………………………………………………………………… 11 The Importance of The Glorious Qur’an. Introduction. The Qur’an is the holy text which holds the fundamental ideas underlying the Muslim faith as it is practised across the world. It holds a special place in the lives of Muslims because it is believed to be the word of Allah Himself, as revealed to the Prophet, Muhammad, and written down for the benefit of all who wish to learn from it. This paper examines the origins of this special book and summarizes its main contents. It then explores the importance of the Qur’an throughout history, in earliest times, and then in the twentieth century. Finally there is an examination of the Qur’an’s impact on the world today and the prospect of its continuing influence on the world in the future, along with a summarizing conclusion regarding the overall importance of the glorious Qur’an in human history. The Origins of The Glorious Qur’an. There is a huge gap in the understanding of men and the understanding of Allah, which cannot be bridged by human intelligence. While Allah is good and merciful, human beings are easily distracted, and can achieve a mixture of good and bad things in their lives. It is perhaps for this reason that the Qur’an was given to mankind: it is a collection of revelations which are intended to guide human beings into the ways of peace and goodness. Other religions, and in particular Judaism and Christianity, also have their sacred texts, which have many elements in common, since these three religions are among the ahl-al-kitab (people of the book). The Qur’an is the particular holy book that was given to Muslims, and its name means “recitation”, implying that the prophet Muhammad did not invent the words himself, but in fact recited the words of Allah (Sonn, 2010, p. 1) Although the words of the Qur’an may have been first written down by listeners at various points in the lifetime of Muhammad, the text that Muslims now use has been carefully arranged by scholars after Muhammad’s death in 632 CE. The text is divided into 114 surah (chapters) each of which has a title, and a number of ayat (verses). It is written in Arabic, the language of Muhammad’s native land, and from the very beginning scholars have taken great care to preserve the exact and correct form of words that was used from the very beginning. A minor addition was made in the ninth century when scholars added some marks to indicate vowels, because the existence of different dialects of Arabic meant that ambiguities and differences could creep into the reading of the text in different places. (Sonn, 2010, p. 5) Muhammad himself taught believers read the text, and also learn it word for word, and be able to recite it so that the message is preserved complete and unchanged in their minds. This tradition was continued by Muslims after his death, leading to the formation of mosques and schools dedicated to passing on the knowledge of the Qur’an to future generations. Muslims treat the actual text of the Qur’an with the deepest respect, and make use of portions for decorative and ceremonial purposes. There are additional sacred texts, known as the hadith which gather together some of the sayings of Muhammad and these are often used to explain some of the mysteries contained in the Qur’an. Different branches of Islam place emphasis on different collections of the hadith and this explains why there are some variations in the way that groups of Muslims interpret and view the holy scriptures. Many different individuals were involved in recording these texts, and in arranging them, and sorting out a structure and order for studying them. They are seen as a secondary level of importance behind the Qur’an itself and are a useful source of detail and context for some of the sayings that can appear cryptic or difficult in the shorter Qur’an itself. Summary of the Contents of the Qur’an. The Qur’an contains stories and sayings which relate to the life of the Prophet Muhammad and how he became the bearer of Allah’s message to mankind. It recounts how he was an untrained and simple man, with no advanced education, which shows that he could never have written the text himself. In fact he could not read or write, and had to memorize what he was told. For twenty three years he went from place to place preaching and teaching this very same consistent message, which amounts to a light, or a path, showing human beings which way to lead their lives (islam101 website). This miracle of the revelation to the Prophet Muhammad is the first great miracle that was revealed, and from that basis all the others followed. The Arabic language does not make he and she terms which automatically imply natural gender, and the Qu’ran does not imply that God is a male person, or father figure, as in some other religions. The Qu’ran is full of references to both men and women who are regarded as equals befor Allah, and many of its teachings deal with matters which are of particular interest to women, such as women’s rights to dignity and respect, and to fair treatment in marriage, divorce, and family life. Modern scholars appreciate the verbal beauty of the Qur’an which is preserved in the language of the desert-dwellers of Arabia. These were a people who were poor in terms of wealth and possessions, but very rich in their ability to ponder deep issues and discuss the deeper meanings of life. It is said that those who first heard the eloquent recitation of its contents were mesmerized into immediate submission to all the requirements of Islam. This is not the same as the fanciful writings of the poets, since the Qur’an says “And We did not give Prophet Muhammad knowledge of poetry, nor is it befitting for him. It is a message and a clear Qur’an.” (Quran 36:69). This is a tougher requirement for the reader or listener, because it is all about absolute honesty and accuracy, with no flowery embellishment or trickery (islamreligion website). This is a very good quality because it means that it is accessible to all kinds of people, and even children when they are very young can begin to benefit from it when they start to learn sections by heart, while at the same time the smartest scholars can spend their whole lives investigating the deeper meanings contained in the sacred text. Ingrid Mattson explains that these apparently disconnected features of the Qur’an are constructed in his way with a special unity and purpose: “Together these legal judgements, prayers, and narrative passages form a unity by virtue of their status as God’s words, revealed to the prophet Muhammad (Mattson, 2008, p. 4). The style of the writing has a focus on stories and events that human beings can relate to, as well as a repeated emphasis on the ninety-nine attributes of Allah. The verses of the Qur’an often make statements which end in the phrase “for God is…” followed by one of these ninety-nine attributes (Mattson, 2008, p. 41). This encourages readers to reflect on the attributes which are perfect and good, and to apply this example to the lessons that are in the Qur’an, and also, by extension, occurring in the reader’s everyday life. This means that the Qur’an teaches people about how to live, and at the same time, teaches them about the nature of Allah, which is beyond complete understanding, but which can be seen at work in the world if people learn how to look for it. It is said that the Book of Allah can be compared to the sea because it contains so much precious life-giving food for the soul. It is likened to the ocean because people who are not experts in interpreting its meaning are like young children who just gather small items such as pebbles or shells from the seashore, while those who have spent many years studying it can bring up “the highest philosophy, wisdom and rules of a perfect way of living” (Allah & the Holy Qu’ran website, 2012) These precious pearls are valuable for guiding people in their daily lives, and they are gathered by imams, who then use them in their teachings in mosques, or in scholarly books, so that they can be passed on to others. Early history of the Qur’an. From the beginning, the Qur’an was accepted as the supreme source of guidance on moral behavior. The earliest rulers in the Arabian states derived their legal and social rules from the Qur’an resulting in a perfect marriage of state and religious authority. There was no conflict between what is right in terms of the law, and what is right in terms of religion, because the laws were derived from study of the religious scriptures. Dutton calls the Qur’an “the backbone of Islamic law” (Dutton, 1999, p. 157) and explains how the legal writings in Islamic states, called fiqh (deep understanding) were derived from the example set by Muhammad in his lifetime, and the key text of the Qur’an: “Thus in all compendia of fiqh, from whatever period, we find the same basic discussions on the same basic subjects – the prayer, zakat, hajj, inheritance, marriage, divorce, riba, testimony, blood-money, etc – precisely because these were the issues raised by the legally relevant Qur’anic prescriptions” (Dutton, 1999, p. 157). The distinctive features of Islamic society in the Middle Ages and early modern period were all derived from Qur’anic teachings, including the dietary rules on refraining from unclean animals and alcohol, the avoidance of financial practices based on making interest, the protection of the weak and obligation to pray five times per day are all examples of the discipline and moral uprightness of early Islamic society. This set Muslims apart from other groups in the regions where they lived and determined the standards on which the great Caliphates were built. Clashes with other religions, notably with the Christians during the period known as the Crusades, largely came about because Muslims insisted on keeping to these traditions handed down to them, and refused to compromise or change their ways as a result of pressure, sometimes in violent forms, from aggressive members of other faiths. The scholarship of Muslims extended into the arts, mathematics, astronomy, medicine and many other fields, bringing many benefits to mankind, and inspiring the spread of Islam across large areas of the globe. In this period the Qur’an served as a unifying force, binding Muslims together in their common reverence for the sacred Arabic scriptures. Although the Qur’an has been translated into countless languages through the centuries, there is an insistence that every believer should learn the scriptures in their original, archaic form, in order to appreciate their beauty and meaning in a true and authentic way. Even non-Muslims have been influenced by the Qur’an, including the great German scholar Goethe who wrote that the Qur’an “enforces our reverence – Its style, in accordance with its contents and aim is stern, grand, terrible – ever and anon truly sublime – Thus this book will go on exercising through all ages a most potent influence” (Goethe, quoted in Hughes, 1994, p. 526) The importance of the Qur’an in the twenty-first century and beyond. Since the late twentieth century the attention of the world has been gradually refocusing on Islamic nations, and many questions are being asked about the tensions that exist between modernism, with its more secular approach to life, fundamentalism, and its connections with terrorism, and the ancient traditions of Islam that have endured over many centuries. It is in the nature of the holy scripture that it is both simple, and deep, able to be applied to any circumstance that arises, but requiring some of the best minds to interpret its meaning in each new context. In modern times universities and mosques provide resources for application of Islamic beliefs to modern challenges. Unlike some religions, Islam does not change its content to fit the fashions of human history. Its strength is in its adherence to the eternal truths that were revealed once and for all to the chosen prophet. This does not mean that other knowledge is useless. Muslims are active in every conceivable field of research and scholarship and they gladly use their knowledge to relieve suffering and live good and productive lives. The whole point about Qur’anic teaching is that it forms the critical foundation stone for all other kinds of learning. Thanks to its moral teaching, it provides a stabilizing influence to guide mankind in all his new endeavors. Nasr comments that in the twenty-first century “after over a century of retreat and sometimes recapitulation before the West, many people in the Islamic world are now again seeking in various ways and modes to turn to Islam, so that there is without doubt a “revival” of one kind or another associated with Islam in many Muslim lands” (Nasr, 2010, p. 260) There has been evidence recently of uprisings in North Africa, for example, where political parties which have a strong reliance on Qur’anic values are gaining in influence, such as in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood’s FJP party has just gained an overwhelming victory over liberal and secular parties. (BBC News online, 21 January, 2012) Conclusion The Qur’an has had a long history and its influence continues to guide Muslims through the challenges of the modern world in many countries. From the very first teachings of the prophet Muhammad himself, to the more formal written scriptures, and the commentaries and teaching books written to explain its meaning, there has been an unbroken chain of reverence for the special revelation given to Muslims. Despite many social, economic and political changes that human nations have to face, the Qur’an remains constant. It provides the security of well-tried traditional values, and the considerable challenge of moral standards which most people find both difficult to achieve, and fulfilling to aim for. There is every sign that the world needs to be reminded of these ancient moral values, so that nations can live in peace with each other, and brotherhood and sisterhood can prevail across the world. True Qur’anic teachings are based on respect for all human beings, and a desire to follow a righteous path, resisting temptation and keeping a faithful eye on the spiritual requirements of prayer, fasting, pilgrimage and good deeds instead of the decadent and harmful lusts of the body for pleasure, money and all kinds of excessive behavior. The Qur’an contains many timeless warnings and recommendations which can protect believers from negative consequences. As the Islamic world looks to the future it will continue to rely on these values to deal with issues such as poverty, sickness, political unrest, and the dangers of Western secularism, which increases people’s desire for many things, but does not deliver even minimum standards of development for many millions of people across the world. Bibliography Allah & The Holy Qur’an Website. 2012. Available at: BBC News Online. “Egypt’s Islamist parties win elections to parliament.” January 21st 2012. Available at: Dutton, Yasin. The Origins of Islamic Law: The Qur’an, the Muwatta’ and Madinan Amal. London: Routledge-Curzon, 1999. Hughes, Thomas Patrick. A Dictionary of Islam. Chicago, IL: KAZI Publications, 1994. Islam101 website. “The Holy Quran- an overview.” 2012. Available at: Islamreligion website. “The Beauty and Eloquence of the Quran: Part 2 of 2.” Avaialable at: Mattson, Ingrid. The Story of the Qur’an: Its History and Place in Muslim Life. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008. Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. Islam in the Modern World: Challenged by the West, Threatened by Fundamentalism, Keeping Faith with Tradition. New York: Harper Collins, 2010. Sonn, Tamara. Islam: A Brief History. Second Edition. Malden, MA: Wiley, 2010. The Qur’an. (in English). Available online at: Read More
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