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Study and Communication Skills for Psychology - Essay Example

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The paper "Study and Communication Skills for Psychology" discusses that psychology for life is an important aspect discussed in the module that enables individuals to understand life's meaning in a deeper context. Therefore, psychology for life has important essence in people’s lives…
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Psychology for life is an important aspect discussed in the module that enables individuals to understand the meaning of life in a deeper context. Therefore, psychology for life has important essence in people’s lives. Firstly, the significant aspect provides the [personal, professional, and academic life with relevant and valuable skills. Secondly, psychology for life gives an understanding of psychological theory and evidence to help individuals develop, refine, and integrate the necessary skills for a successful life. It is a topic that facilitates students' understanding of psychology to achieve targeted success in various aspects of life.

Importantly, the module topic focuses on several aims that need to be achieved at the end of the module. Psychology for life aims to introduce various ways in which both students and other people may apply the knowledge of psychology in different aspects of life. Secondly, the module topic focuses on developing skills and knowledge concerning psychology that comes out to be personal relevant (Parson, 2018). Thirdly, an opportunity is created to reflect on their individual development, set reasonable goals, and improve on the attained experience. Subsequently, the module has the objective of teaching students how to apply psychological skills gathered to solve real-life problems that are encountered. Also, the topic enables individuals to engage in ethical interactions and be responsible for others. Another aim is to facilitate and promote activities to gain and improve self-awareness. Additionally, a chance is created for students to develop the necessary knowledge and understanding that supports academic affairs, life skills, and career skills.

Notably, psychology for life in the module is composed of six main elements. These elements include communication, psychological literacy, psychological groups, and psychological reading and writing. Ethics and diversity and psychology of change are also other factors of the psychology of life discussed in the module. The six significant elements are well-explained and illustrated by professional psychologists who help students grasp each factor's deeper meaning and concept concerning life context (Parson, 2018). Psychologists offer significant information to individuals to develop ideas concerning the roles of psychology in various sectors of life, even though one has no clue about psychology.

Communication is one of the most significant elements of psychology in life. Communication in psychology enables individuals to understand that different contexts in life aspects require diverse techniques of communication (Parson, 2018). The approach develops the confidence to establish meaningful communication to the appropriate audience with the right purpose. Communication does not necessarily mean that one has to write the information or speak; one may use the non-verbal cues to learn and express their messages. Non-verbal cues enable one to utilize their emotions while conveying psychological information to others maximally. Therefore, communication helps both the students and the public identify their strengths and weaknesses in the manner they relate with others in life. Psychology for life hence facilitates the ability to identify and understand the different functions and essence of appropriate communication in life.

Effective communication in psychology for life requires efficient and eloquent communicators. For a communicator to be effective, then one needs to make use of several important interpersonal components. Firstly, one must possess adequate self-concept, a factor that determines the relevance of communication among people. Good listening ability is another interpersonal component that enhances information conveyed since excellent listening to psychologists enables one to understand what the audience needs to hear fully. Also, an effective communicator needs to exercise the skill of clearly expressing their ideas and thoughts for the audience to get the right message the communicator intended to communicate. Additionally, a good communicator copes with their emotions, such as the feeling of anger, and expresses the appropriate feeling to the audience that is relevant to life aspects. Lastly, effective communication is attained when the communicator willingly discloses themselves in a truthful and free manner. Honest self-disclosure makes interpersonal relationships satisfying to both the communicator and the audience.

Notably, the communication block in psychology for life contains an interpersonal communication inventory that is highly applicable to social interactions in several life situations. The inventory is used as an attempt to measure general tendencies that emerge in international communications. The interpersonal communication inventory is also used as a psychological counseling tool, a teaching device, or a supplement during an interview by the management for research purposes. The process of communication is regarded as a social interaction element by the fifty-four item scale (Parson, 2018). Measurements established do not focus on the content but determines and identifies the characteristics, patterns, and styles of communication in psychology for life. Interpersonal communication inventory items are designed to provide dimension samples of listening, self-concept, expression clarity, self-disclosure, and the ability to tolerate one’s emotions. Such an instrument closely works with an article written by Dr. Myron R. Chartier, which discusses major components which make a massive contribution towards achieving effective interpersonal communications.

The second aspect of psychology for life entails psychological literacy. Psychological literacy enables students to apply principles learned from psychological research in a wide range of real situations. Psychological literacy is an insight and reflection of an individual's behavior (Krause, 2013). The reflection also focuses on mental processes on an individual and other people. Once individuals can reflect on their behaviors, they make maximum use of the principles in their social, relationships, personal, and work issues to understand life and create a suitable community for everyone.

Also, psychological literacy is an approach that enables one to identify fundamental concepts in psychology and have the capacity to make use of psychological knowledge. One gets the opportunity to satisfy their professional, personal, and social needs to adaptively put learned psychology into practice (Hicks, MacDonald, & Martin, 2017). In some cases, psychological literacy is defined as the ethical application of skills acquired in psychology. Psychological literacy, therefore, creates literate citizens in terms of psychology in different aspects of life. Psychologically literate citizens possess ethical and social responsibilities in communities since they are critical and scientific thinkers who have been enlightened through undergoing psychology classes.

Importantly, psychological literacy is a factor that identifies and promotes many other different elements of literacy relevant to real-life situations. Statistical thinking is one of the literacies developed by where individuals attain the capacity to understand and manipulate data according to life expectations (Krause, 2013). Secondly, one gathers critical thinking skills to use when in need of making essential life decisions. Information literacy is another benefit of psychological literacy where one can understand the information provided to them and interpret it accordingly. Additionally, cultural literacy enhances an individual’s understanding of the cultural beliefs, norms, and practices embraced in societies. Notably, communication skills also evolve from psychological literacy since one understands the importance of possessing interpersonal skills to strengthen relationships with other people based on the communication aspect. Lastly, literate citizens understand specific knowledge contained in every subject of life.

Psychological literacy highlights the important knowledge of psychology which every individual need to apply in life. Brain dump also referred to as the small group activity, is a key knowledge of psychology. Brain dump contains the brainstorming stage, which captures many ideas as possible and the critical stage that decides on the ideas that should be considered the most important in the list (Hicks, MacDonald, & Martin, 2017). The second important knowledge of psychology is the review or edit list. It is a list that identifies the correct and incorrect psychology knowledge to promote psychological literacy.

Students and other people in the world hold certain psychological misconceptions concerning psychological literacy. Notably, the misconceptions have not been proved by psychologists, and therefore individuals are encouraged not to dwell much on them. The major misconception is that when students first engage in psychological studies, they are often equipped with inaccurate and incomplete knowledge and beliefs concerning psychology's fundamental concepts (Kirschner, 2017). Such inaccurate beliefs include ideas such as psychology is a matter of common sense. Surprisingly, some students believe in psychological literacy myths; for example, people are either left-brained or right-brained. Individuals only make use of 10% of their brains in critical thinking and reasoning.

The psychology of groups forms the third aspect of psychology for life learned in the module. The psychology of groups is an aspect that is determined and focused on togetherness to enable each individual to achieve their life goals. Performing relevant activities with other people are identified as a fundamental part of spending both personal and professional life. Psychological research indicates that the results of group-based tasks are often influenced by factors such as the roles undertaken by individuals and the processes followed by the group members to perform the tasks. Therefore, the psychology of groups provides students and the public with an opportunity to reflect on their behaviors in the collaborative activities performed (Mathieu et al. 2o17). As a result, members of the group develop key strategies to engage in effective activities with others. Networking is important to every individual who focuses on achieving great things in life since one acquires adequate knowledge to handle possible life challenges.

Important behaviors that one needs to reflect in a collaborative group determines the success of the psychological group. Building a positive and working relationship is one of the behaviors individuals embrace in the psychology of groups. An excellent relationship enables one to know the team members individually and assess their strength in performing the assigned tasks effectively. Being real is another appropriate behavior in a collaborative group that helps one understand the imperfections of other members and therefore acquire a chance to understand each other when one makes a mistake. Significant strategies that may be implemented by an individual to enhance the psychology of groups include maintaining good communication with each member of the group and encourage feedback given. Managing possible conflict is another strategy that helps keep the group strong and committed (Mathieu wet al 2017). Notably, networking is important since it facilitates sharing power among the group members, and sharing knowledge means sharing power. A circle of trust is also enhanced through networking with the appropriate individuals.

Another element of the psychology of life is the psychology of reading and writing. Reading and writing form the fundamental elements of academic life, mostly to students. In academic studies, students are expected to consult a wide range of academic texts to adopt a relevant writing style. Psychology of reading, therefore, introduces students to the key psychological finding concerned with writing, effective reading, and skills related to note-taking. Students also have the opportunity to learn more and acknowledge the importance of recognizing sources of ideas and skills. Psychology of reading and writing enables students to gain the needed experience in structuring and supporting academic arguments (Lindeblad, Svensson & Gustafson, 2016). Notably, comprehensive learning on reading and writing techniques eventually improves students' skills in creating effective academic writings that are well-punctuated, contain effective paraphrasing, well-referenced, and composes of well-reasoned arguments.

Without a doubt, the psychology of reading and writing has a great contribution towards valuing and supporting the work of authors, which entails providing students with the relevant information to improve their skills and knowledge in the psychology of life. Giving credit to the academic sources used, therefore, is useful in several ways, such as adding one's credibility in conducting effective research on the assigned topic and handling it ethically. Secondly, it is a way of appreciating the original author for the good work and encouraging them to continue offering more significant information (Lindeblad, Svensson & Gustafson, 2016). Once a student recognizes the original author's efforts when using academic sources, one can avoid plagiarism in their writing. Lastly, another importance of giving sources credit is to provide readers with additional resources that they can access for further reading if in need of more information and adequate understanding.

Ethics and diversity are another factor of the psychology of life that tirelessly sets up a conducive environment to promote all aspects of life. The discipline of psychology has made continuous progress in indicating the importance of ethics and diversity and strengthening them in numerous areas of life, such as the digital, social, and professional sectors. Ethics enables one to identify and work on the valuable personal values which promote ethical conduct in society. Personal values are important in private and professional life since they contribute to the development and maintenance of the sense of identity in life. As one considers their values and identity, one can reflect on several viewpoints concerning life issues, diverse perspectives, and various behaviors from different people that seem different from one's values.

Importantly, ethics and diversity provide one with values that guide them in engaging in a healthy work relationship with others. Embracing diversity is another aspect of promoting personal values since one feels appreciated considering that they hold different beliefs and practices. Once an individual strengthens the important values performing essential activities in life becomes an easy task since an ethical process is a followed and effective outcome achieved. Ethics enables one to uphold the appropriate conduct desired by everyone in life (Hodgetts et al. 2020). In some cases, ethics provide the required code of conduct standards for people to understand what values they need to embrace and what not to. Additionally, the right ethical values and behaviors promote an ethical working environment hence improving productivity. Consequently, ethics enables one to manage opposing views and conflicts from other people effectively. In doing so, an individual can engage in an efficient relationship with people from different domains.

Lastly, the psychology of change contributes to the psychology of life in a significant way. The psychology for change creates an environment that forms motivation to adjust for a person's life; hence many people are attracted by positive change that occurs in life (Maio, Haddock, & Verplanken, 2018). In this element, individuals understand how psychology contributes to a positive change in people's life. Therefore, how psychology brings change is through the increase of self-understanding and insight. Learning more about psychological constructs which include personality dimensions helps in understanding oneself, individual motives and behavioral patterns. Understanding the human nature is another change caused by psychology where one gets to know about their natural urges and internal forces that may include aggression and sexuality. Subsequently understanding motivation used for purposes of goal setting helps individuals accomplish great things in life trough applying action-planning approach.

Improved communication and establishment of empathy is another change that results from psychology. Individuals have the opportunity to learn about topics which includes non-verbal communication styles and emotional intelligence approach to facilitate connection of people on a deep and emotional level. Psychology of change therefore gives one a chance to reflect on their experiences of change and transitions contributed by the psychological adjustments. Relevant adjustments bring respectful skills development and essential learning activities that offer great help in the work life. Psychology of change is often associated with psychological theories which facilitate and support crucial changes in life (Maio, Haddock, & Verplanken, 2018). Therefore, the psychology of change combines different disciplines that channel change management activities towards achieving the desired psychology for life elements.

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Also, an effective communicator needs to exercise the skill of clearly expressing their ideas and thoughts for the audience to get the right message the communicator intended to communicate. Additionally, a good communicator copes with their emotions, such as the feeling of anger, and expresses the appropriate feeling to the audience that is relevant to life aspects. Lastly, effective communication is attained when the communicator willingly discloses themselves in a truthful and free manner. Honest self-disclosure makes interpersonal relationships satisfying to both the communicator and the audience.

Notably, the communication block in psychology for life contains an interpersonal communication inventory that is highly applicable to social interactions in several life situations. The inventory is used as an attempt to measure general tendencies that emerge in international communications. The interpersonal communication inventory is also used as a psychological counseling tool, a teaching device, or a supplement during an interview by the management for research purposes. The process of communication is regarded as a social interaction element by the fifty-four item scale (Parson, 2018). Measurements established do not focus on the content but determines and identifies the characteristics, patterns, and styles of communication in psychology for life. Interpersonal communication inventory items are designed to provide dimension samples of listening, self-concept, expression clarity, self-disclosure, and the ability to tolerate one’s emotions. Such an instrument closely works with an article written by Dr. Myron R. Chartier, which discusses major components which make a massive contribution towards achieving effective interpersonal communications.

The second aspect of psychology for life entails psychological literacy. Psychological literacy enables students to apply principles learned from psychological research in a wide range of real situations. Psychological literacy is an insight and reflection of an individual's behavior (Krause, 2013). The reflection also focuses on mental processes on an individual and other people. Once individuals can reflect on their behaviors, they make maximum use of the principles in their social, relationships, personal, and work issues to understand life and create a suitable community for everyone.

Also, psychological literacy is an approach that enables one to identify fundamental concepts in psychology and have the capacity to make use of psychological knowledge. One gets the opportunity to satisfy their professional, personal, and social needs to adaptively put learned psychology into practice (Hicks, MacDonald, & Martin, 2017). In some cases, psychological literacy is defined as the ethical application of skills acquired in psychology. Psychological literacy, therefore, creates literate citizens in terms of psychology in different aspects of life. Psychologically literate citizens possess ethical and social responsibilities in communities since they are critical and scientific thinkers who have been enlightened through undergoing psychology classes.

Importantly, psychological literacy is a factor that identifies and promotes many other different elements of literacy relevant to real-life situations. Statistical thinking is one of the literacies developed by where individuals attain the capacity to understand and manipulate data according to life expectations (Krause, 2013). Secondly, one gathers critical thinking skills to use when in need of making essential life decisions. Information literacy is another benefit of psychological literacy where one can understand the information provided to them and interpret it accordingly. Additionally, cultural literacy enhances an individual’s understanding of the cultural beliefs, norms, and practices embraced in societies. Notably, communication skills also evolve from psychological literacy since one understands the importance of possessing interpersonal skills to strengthen relationships with other people based on the communication aspect. Read More

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