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The Relationship between Depression and Criminal Activity - Research Proposal Example

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The main objective of this research "The Relationship between Depression and Criminal Activity" is to find out how depressed individuals perceive their surroundings so as to develop techniques for preventing health-related crime within the city of London…
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Research proposal on Depression and crime Submitted by Research questions In order to meet the objectives of the study, the researcher has designed the questions that will be addressed in the research process. The researcher will try to find out whether the depression related to crime. Other questions would be: Who commits the crimes and why? Does depressed individual committed criminal act and why? How many crimes are committed within the city of London and are there hot spots? How many of those crimes are related to depression? What is the amount of money lost, recovered or at stake? What are the solutions to this crime? Introduction The relationship between depression and criminal activity has received great attention in literature. Two studies identified negative emotions like depression to be a motivating factor for this criminal behavior (Agnew and Broidy, 1997; Selock and Piquero, 2004). Other social investigators have found cases of people who are unemployed turn to crime (Hirschi and Gottfredson, 1990). Several officials who deal with offenders believe that unemployment is the main reason why people break the law (Nicholas, 1986). Donnellan et al., (2005) mentioned that people with low self-esteem are likely to display criminal and aggressive behaviors. Ehrlich, an economist, believed that crime is associated with unemployment due to decrease in utility for legitimate work which causes a decrease in opportunity cost of illegitimate work (Ehrlich, 1973). Marxist a political economist contended that the brutalization of the unemployed by capitalists is responsible for crime (Engel, 1969). Mannheim, concluded after his extensive research that while in some parts of the country, there was some correlation between unemployment and crime figures, in others parts, even high unemployment rates did not cause any increase in a tendency for people to commit crime (Nicholas, 1986). However, there are scholars who argue that depression is not likely to be responsible for the delinquent behavior of an individual. This is because depression decreases a desire and energy to act (Agnew, 1992; Broidy and Lisa, 2001; Piquero and Mazerolle 1997). While there have been extensive studies of the relationship between depression and criminal behavior, the existing studies have considerable number of limitations. First, most of the studies done in the past are descriptive. The studies are usually based on the observation that depression problems are common among the imprisoned individuals (Agnew, 1992; Wallace et al., 1998; Silver et al., 2008). Second, most previous studies use cross-sectional data rely on a limited number of controls to give account for differences across population to show relationship between crime and health disregarding other factors like poor parenting and financial stress. Although such factors may be having independent effect it is possible that they may be correlated to each other. Finally, most of the research done previously used data obtained from non-representative populations such as prisoners. Even though, the studies conclude that there is a link between depression and crime, the generalization of the results is unconvincing. Rationale of the study Criminal behaviors have been a major concern across the world. Moreover, more studies are currently being conducted in many parts of the world; however, they are being hindered by unavailability and inconsistency of crime data. The policy makers are only interested with its relationship with the economic. It cannot be concluded that crime is the most important subject, the fact that it affect many people and that citizens are griped with fear due to rising cases of crime. Crime not only results in loss of property but it also causes misery loss of life and mental anguish. It is possible that many people don’t report crime, such that there is really more crimes being committed than those which are reported. Aims and objectives of the study The main aim for this research is to find out how depressed individuals perceive their surrounding so as to develop techniques for preventing health related crime within the city of London and therefore making the city the safest place to trade. The objectives are to collect comparable data, analyse them so as to obtain a true solution to the current problem. The study provides a platform for sharing of the information, so as to know the real cause of crime among the depressed persons, and thereby reduce loss of property but it also minimize misery, loss of life and mental anguish. Methodology The study began with reviewing literature that deals with depression and crime and its effects on the economy of the country. The information is undertaken from different type of sources of literature on business crime which includes internet, media reporting on crime, books, articles and reports, analyzing case – law libraries, internet and journals. The present research methodology is designed to meet the objectives of the study. The exploration of the existing body of knowledge of the topic was divided into different areas and helped to focus on a particular research subject. Since there is abundance of literature dealing with crime, the literature are selected based on the present topic of reliability of the information and the specific sub-topics. The main focuses are how, who, why crimes are committed, the number of crime and the frequency of crime, the effects and the proposed solution to the crime. The key words are as follows: Depression and crime Survey on victimisation Methodology of research study Sampling techniques in research The research method has to be realistic; therefore a strategy is essential. The limits of time and feasibility of the research are also considered. Moreover the ethics and availability of data and information for the research topic are also taken into account. Quantitative approach involves gathering and analysing quantitative data using statistical methods. It helps to find out the precise measurement, knowing trends or changes overtime and comparing trends or individual libraries or units (Ritchie, 2004). Qualitative approach involves collecting qualitative data analysed through interpretative methods. Usually both approaches are incorporated into the research. There are two types of strategy which can be used to collect data and information (De Vaus, 2004). The two strategies are interviews and questionnaires, but according to the time limitation interview will be more proper for this research. The interviews considered are semi-structured or unstructured and is carried face-to-face or over the phone. The choice of sampling is influenced by the need to cover larger section of the population. The sample will be stratified by the size and the position of house, so as to improve the statistical accuracy of the survey estimates. Such a design would accommodate extensions of survey across the country from small enterprises to large enterprises, as well as boost local survey (Ritchie, 2004). To better improve on the precision of the information systematic sampling would also be applied, for example, at least 5 of the convicted persons from each offense category would be selected. Ethical aspects The researcher will conduct the research activity morally by ensuring that all research ethical codes are wholly adhered to. In this perspective, the researcher will not only ensure that the participants are informed of the main objective of the research study, what their contribution involve and how the results would be used, but ensure that their participation is voluntary prior to the research process. Such approach will also enhance the richness of the data collection since semi-structured, in-depth interviews would be used to collect the data. They would be informed through a phone call, telegraphs and letters. Information sheet proves to be beneficial as the participant would read at his or her own phase. They would then be asked to give suggestions on the how the situation can be improved. The interview questions which are based on the purpose and objective of the study allowed the participants to talk about their experience freely (De Vaus, 2004). Accordingly, the researcher will adhere to confidentiality requirements; this will be achieved by assuring respondents of that their confidentiality will not be compromised. Their responses will not be compromised at any instance. The interview will also be treated with highest discretion; the participants will also be told in advance, what is expected of them during interviews. Most importantly, the researcher has full knowledge of intellectual property of other people’s work; and hence all the informational materials that will be borrowed from foreign sources will be fully cited in the list of references, as well as ensuring that honesty prevails throughout the research process. The potential risks that are most likely to be encountered by the participants who may have been target by criminal individuals for exposing both the participants and the offenders and victims, unless the information is in public domain. Such a risk can be reduced by not exposing the identity of the participant. To ensure willing participation and informed consent, the participants would be assured of security would include the license or the letter from the authority. The participants would be given the address and the contact through which they can air their complains. Sensitive information which may arise in the course of the study would be handed over to the investigative authorities that are better equipped in dealing with such information. Data management and protection Voice or Videos recording can be used to store the data obtained only with the permission of the interviewee. Such information can be stored in CDs or flash and kept in a secured environment. The information or the identity of the interviewee will remain confidential so as to protect the security and privacy of the person giving the information. This can be done through hiding the real identity of the participant. Research schedule Attempt will be made however to stick to the overall framework which scheduled in the table below. Activity Estimated Timeframe Develop research objectives 1 day (21st April 2014) Plan research protocol 2 days Write research proposal 1 week Supervision session 2 days (2nd - 3rd May 2014) Working on feedback 3 days Design the tools to be used like questionnaires 4 weeks Recruit participants 2 weeks Translate tools into local language 4 week Collect data 1 week Transcribe recordings and translating 2 weeks Preliminary analysis field 3 days Supervision session 2 days Working on feedback 3 days Prepare for presentation 2 days Complete analysis 1 week Prepare report 1 week Bias and reflection Bias occurs if systematic errors are introduced into the study during design and sampling, as well as during analysis. Bias can be introduced into this study in three ways: 1) during planning of methodology of research; 2) sampling methods and choices of the participants; 3) when assessing and analysing the data obtain from the research. Biases can be reduced in design and analysis of the research. Random selection of participants for recruitment would also assist in reducing bias. Other ways include reducing biases when performing stratified sampling, avoiding misclassification of data and using multivariable analysis, randomized controlled sampling. The sources of biases can also be recorded so as to obtain a better picture and come up with a better conclusion. References Agnew R., 1992. ‘Foundation for a General Strain Theory of Delinquency’ Criminology 30 Broidy and Lisa M., 2001. ‘A Test of General Strain Theory’ Criminology 40 De Vaus, D., 2004. Surveys in Social Research. London, Routledge Brent D., M., Kali T., Richard R., Terrie M. and Avshalom C., 2005. Low Self-Esteem is Related to Aggression, Antisocial Behavior, and Delinquency. Psychological Science Ehrlich, I., 1973. Participation in Illegitimate Activities: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation. Journal of Political Economy Dave M. and Sara M., 2011. A Cure for Crime? Psycho-Pharmaceuticals and Crime Trends. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Mazerolle P. and Piquero A., 1997. Violent Responses to Strain: An Examination of Conditioning Influences. Violence and Victims 12: 330 Nicholas K., 1986. The social effects of unemployment in Teesside, Manchester: Manchester University Press Parker M., 2012. Alternative business: outlaws, crime and culture, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge. Ritchie, J, 2004. The Applications of Qualitative Methods to Social Research. In Ritchie, J. and Lewis, J. (eds) Qualitative Research Practice: a Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers. London: Sage Silver E., Felson R. and Vaneseltine M., 2008. The Relationship between Mental Health Problems and Violence among Criminal Offenders. Criminal Justice And Behavior p. 420. Teplin, L. A. 1990. The prevalence of severe mental disorder among urban male detainees: Comparison with the epidemiologic catchment area program. American Journal of Public Health, 80(6), 665. Wallace, C., Mullen, P., Burgess, P., et al. 1998. ‘Serious criminal offending and mental disorder. Case linkage study’. British Journal of Psychiatry, pp, 480 Walklate S., 2012. Handbook of Victims and Victimology, Routledge The Mayor’s Office of Policing And Crime (MOPAC), 2014. MOPAC Business Crime Strategy: "Protecting Jobs and Growth in London” as found on the website:,d.ZWU on 1st May, 2014 Tobias Gerhard, 2008. Research fundamentals, Bias: Considerations for research practice, Am J Health-Syst Pharm, Vol. 65, Nov 15, 2008. Obtained from:,d.d2k on 1st may 2014. Read More

While there have been extensive studies of the relationship between depression and criminal behavior, the existing studies have considerable number of limitations. First, most of the studies done in the past are descriptive. The studies are usually based on the observation that depression problems are common among the imprisoned individuals (Agnew, 1992; Wallace et al., 1998; Silver et al., 2008). Second, most previous studies use cross-sectional data rely on a limited number of controls to give account for differences across population to show relationship between crime and health disregarding other factors like poor parenting and financial stress.

Although such factors may be having independent effect it is possible that they may be correlated to each other. Finally, most of the research done previously used data obtained from non-representative populations such as prisoners. Even though, the studies conclude that there is a link between depression and crime, the generalization of the results is unconvincing. Rationale of the study Criminal behaviors have been a major concern across the world. Moreover, more studies are currently being conducted in many parts of the world; however, they are being hindered by unavailability and inconsistency of crime data.

The policy makers are only interested with its relationship with the economic. It cannot be concluded that crime is the most important subject, the fact that it affect many people and that citizens are griped with fear due to rising cases of crime. Crime not only results in loss of property but it also causes misery loss of life and mental anguish. It is possible that many people don’t report crime, such that there is really more crimes being committed than those which are reported. Aims and objectives of the study The main aim for this research is to find out how depressed individuals perceive their surrounding so as to develop techniques for preventing health related crime within the city of London and therefore making the city the safest place to trade.

The objectives are to collect comparable data, analyse them so as to obtain a true solution to the current problem. The study provides a platform for sharing of the information, so as to know the real cause of crime among the depressed persons, and thereby reduce loss of property but it also minimize misery, loss of life and mental anguish. Methodology The study began with reviewing literature that deals with depression and crime and its effects on the economy of the country. The information is undertaken from different type of sources of literature on business crime which includes internet, media reporting on crime, books, articles and reports, analyzing case – law libraries, internet and journals.

The present research methodology is designed to meet the objectives of the study. The exploration of the existing body of knowledge of the topic was divided into different areas and helped to focus on a particular research subject. Since there is abundance of literature dealing with crime, the literature are selected based on the present topic of reliability of the information and the specific sub-topics. The main focuses are how, who, why crimes are committed, the number of crime and the frequency of crime, the effects and the proposed solution to the crime.

The key words are as follows: Depression and crime Survey on victimisation Methodology of research study Sampling techniques in research The research method has to be realistic; therefore a strategy is essential. The limits of time and feasibility of the research are also considered. Moreover the ethics and availability of data and information for the research topic are also taken into account. Quantitative approach involves gathering and analysing quantitative data using statistical methods.

It helps to find out the precise measurement, knowing trends or changes overtime and comparing trends or individual libraries or units (Ritchie, 2004). Qualitative approach involves collecting qualitative data analysed through interpretative methods.

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The Relationship Between Depression and Criminal Activity Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 Words.
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