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Interpersonal Communication - Essay Example

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This essay describes interpersonal communication aspects based on movie My Name is Khan 2010. It analyzes social behavior and communication skills of the main character…
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Interpersonal Communication
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Interpersonal Communication Having a good communication skill, an individual may effectively understand the information passed. Listening is an important communication skill that clears understanding of the logical linking between different ideas as well as identification, construction and evaluation of arguments. As a good listener, I am able to detect inconsistencies and other common mistakes that may be incorporated in reasoning then solve issues systematically. Effective communication skills entail good listening, non-verbal communication, team culture, consistency, clarity, and preciseness. Careful listening makes the communicator feel respected and appreciated whereas on the other hand careful listening reduces misunderstanding. A good listener shows interest to the information communicated without interrupting inappropriately and must not be judgmental. I have realized that managers need to care about their employees by keenly listening to their problems and improving on them since caring managers are likely to deliver very positive results (Barker 23-35). Listening is one of the most important skills that comprise a larger percentage of an effective communication in an organization. Good listening includes showing interest to the information being communicated by avoiding interruptions. Listening reduces mistakes while undertaking tasks given in an organization. Additionally, while speaking either in the office or in seminar, one should first allow others to speak, gather information by taking notes, and carefully think about others opinion. Before answering any question, acknowledge what other employees had talked about (Barker 35-46). Respond to the issues raised tactfully and plainly while giving practical examples and state your opinions on why you are disagreeing with others opinion. Communication is very significant in various places including businesses organizations and academic institutions. Supervisors should possess an additional communication skill since their subordinates look up to them for inspiration and instruction. Juniors communicate to their seniors via grievances and complaints. Communication with peers should be supportive, social, and secretive. Certainly, effective communication boosts employees morale thus increasing productivity (Esposito 23-37). Teamwork demands openness to new ideas, trust, and self-disclosure among individuals. Respect and support in goal achievement are also crucial while working as a team. Loyalty, sincerity, and feedback are essential in attaining teamwork goal. Reaction to anger may impose danger to the victims. In case of anger, an individual should remain assertive and approach communication with calmness. Sincerity, maturity, and soberness may promote peace. Elements of effective communication include purpose, clarity, feedback, and completion. Purpose is the main objective of communication. The information should be clear and precise. Understanding and interpretation of the information is primarily important since misinterpretation may lead to mistakes. Finally, reaction to information is the last part of elements of communication. These elements of communication are applicable both internally and externally (Barker 57-69). The role of effective communication remains integral in the workforce. However, the communication skills slightly differ depending on whom you are communicating. Workforce communication requires formal and professional communication. Effective communication skills entail good listening, non-verbal communication, team culture, consistency, clarity, and preciseness. Careful listening makes the communicator feel respected and appreciated whereas on the other hand careful listening reduces misunderstanding. Communication greatly affects the daily operations of organizations and therefore, should be used effectively and efficiently. Better communication promotes employee morale and eventually boosts organization’s performance. Every supervisor should have clear communication on what should be done from their leaders in order to avoid obstacles in operations (Barker 79-87). My Name is Khan is a 2010 movie directed by Karan Johar that includes an Indian Muslim with Asperger’s syndrome taking challenge to speak to the President and is committed to embarking on a cross-country journey. He sets out on a journey to win the heart of his true love and on his way he inspires optimism and joy in the hearts of individuals he encounters through the spread of messages of goodwill. Johar accepts that although he may look a little different because he sufferers from Asperger’s syndrome but he is just a normal human being who deserves to be listened to. The movie explains how communication may act as an important tool in satisfying belongingness and love needs (Johar Film). Johar has been able to create intimate relationships and friends through his communication skills. Khan struggles to make people understand his personality and after the death of his son and his wife abandons him, he embarks on a mission to inform the American president that he is not a criminal because he is a Muslim. He is able to communicate his thoughts precisely and engages in meaningful conversations across different cultures and population. Khan has mastered the art of self-scripting his thoughts before he commits himself in a task that involves interactions with multiple people and always rehearses the dialog he will use in selling his beauty products (Johar Film). It is apparent that Khan understands the art of communication because he tends to remove the barriers before he begins any dialogue. This makes him mix easily with people from different cultures and with different populations. Khan successfully talks in monotonic voice without displaying facial expression and body language while talking (Johar Film). Understanding and appreciating the film requires a lot of patient. The film is funny and very sad because it brings both tears of happiness and sorrow respectively. The film is indeed made with a lot of sincerity, ambition, and conviction and it grapples with most urgent and fraught issue facing humanity (Esposito 35-46). The milder form of autism impairs his social communication skills thus giving him some odd behavior pattern because he is unable to stand loud sounds or the yellow color (Johar Film). He cannot rotate stones obsessively and cannot easily hug someone and even though he is far from crazy, he can move to the beat of different drummer. Despite lacking nonverbal skills, he made the movie much better and people understood his communication. Regardless of the mild autism condition, Khan relates well with people of all ages because of his ability to communicate and pass his intended message. Khan helps people in Wilhemina to repair their Hurricane struck town where he shows great attention while listening and he maintains eye contact (Johar Film). Interestingly, he does not seem to understand people’s feeling towards him and he does not pay attention to his brother who attempts to contest him marrying Mandira. Another side of Khan is invasion of people’s privacy when talking to them especially the first time he approached his wife, Mandira, he tells her about his information regarding her previous marriage. Although Mandira feels violated and does not want to engage with Khan in further conversation, he uses his communication skills such as sincerity to win her heart (Johar Film). Khan also possesses repetitive behaviors and he likes being very eloquent and have his thoughts heard. He often repeats his thoughts before he acts, for instance, when his step dies in the hospital from erupted spleen, he repeated the word, “eruptered spleen, I have to look that up” (Film). He continued with the repetition until he found the definition. On the other hand, his repetitive behavior is evident when he goes to meet the American president where he says, “I need to meet the president.” Another unique aspect of Khan is sensitivity to sound and he wears ear plugs when he goes to work and when furious, he shakes his head furiously and pace around until he finds a solution. Shaking his head furiously and pacing around are Khan’s own way of reacting to issues and are some of the signs of nonverbal communication (Esposito 45-58). Khan has made the movie very successful by delivering the message about global stereotype on Muslims and the Islamic religion and showed the effects of 9/11 on Muslims as well as their suffering due to the disaster. The movie has also showed how autistic people can deal with the disorder and indicated that just because an individual suffers from autism; it does not mean that they cannot communicate efficiently. Self-concept issue is eminent in the movie especially the cultural differences and self-evaluation. People think that Khan comes from a very different culture because he is a Muslim and that he is affected by his health condition. Khan is willing to see himself different from what people perceive him to be. He uses repetition to make his message heard. He monitors his self-behavior to fit in the American situation because he feels that Americans think that he is a terrorist. Khan’s religion prompts him to disclose that although he is a Muslim and his name is Khan, he is not a terrorist. He understands the significance of self-disclosure in his communication because he wants to be heard. Part of Khan’s personality is formed from the disorder making him not understand jokes in communication. When his wife asks him that she is dying to cut his hair, he responds by saying that his wife should not die and that he wants her to cut his hair. He seemed to have not listened to his wife at first because he was interacting with someone else because he later came into his sense when Mandira, his wife attended to him (Johar Film). Although he did not connect well with his audience while advertising his products, he later learnt the art of connecting with them through the help of his wife. He later attends to visual images to enhance his communication skills such as how to fix objects. The movie greatly connects with communication skills that were taught in class. Works Cited Barker, Alan. Improve Your Communication Skills. London: Kogan Page, 2013. Internet resource. Esposito, Anna. Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and Enactment: The Processing Issues. Berlin: Springer, 2011. Print. Johar, Karan, dr. My Name is Khan. Fox Star Studios, 2010. Film. Read More
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