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Pleasant Appearance and Recruitment - Research Paper Example

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This research paper "Pleasant Appearance and Recruitment" aims to state that it is not only the attractiveness of countenance and physical beauties that pave the way towards man’s journey towards success. …
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Pleasant Appearance and Recruitment
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PSYCHOLOGY Pleasant Appearance and Attractive Physique serve as the First Recommendation for Friendship and Recruitment. Module Supervisor’s Name: Student Name: Submission Date: ABSTRACT The present study has been conducted on the foundation of the research conducted by Dion et al. in 1972, who aim to state that it is not only the attractiveness of countenance and physical beauties that pave the way towards man’s journey towards successes. The researcher aims to select forty respondents for the present study. For this purpose the researcher will send questionnaires to the selected professionals in order to obtain the accurate results related to the topic under analysis. People belonging to both the sexes and different professions and age groups will be the units of analysis for the present study. It may take one month while conducting the research and gathering and interpretation of the data relevant to the present research. After the research process, the hypothesis will be tested with statistical formulae. INTRODUCTION Every society observes division of individuals on the foundation of apparent beauty and ugliness. In other words, some individuals have been gifted with extreme beauty of countenance as well as physical attractiveness, while some of them lack loveliness and elegance in appearance. Researchers are of the opinion that pretty individuals enjoy more chances of growth in society in comparison with those who have little and no physical charms; hence, it is beauty that turns out to be supportive in respect of earning extra income for the persons bestowed with the blessing. “Researchers investigating whether there is a beauty premium to be had in the workplace have found that those they deemed the most attractive make 12 per cent more money than those regarded as less good looking.” (Dobson, 2007) Thus, society has accepted the prejudice in favor of comely people and against the ugly ones as well. Renowned poet of Romantic era John Keats has also declared beauty as the joy forever. “A thing of beauty”, according to him, “is a joy forever.” (Ode to Grecian Urn; quoted in Ishtla 2005: 337) Keats also declares truth as beauty, and beauty as truth in his Ode to a Nightingale. Hence, search for beauty has always been in the nature of humans since ever. Not only this that physical appearance increases the chances of selection in the recruitment process, but also it is attractiveness that helps the individuals in their growth in career and professional life. Companies and organizations take physical appearance in view along with qualification, intelligence and proficiency particularly while recruiting the staff for their sales, marketing and public relations departments, so that the attention of the clients and customers could immediately be captured. Consequently, the ugly individuals include in one of the few groups against whom displaying of discriminative behavior is somewhat fair and legal. Research examining attractiveness bias in hiring decisions is important because of the extensive use of subjective appraisals in employment decision making. “Given the legislation prohibiting employment discrimination based on non-job-related factors such as race, gender, ethnicity, disability and age, it is interesting that there is no legislation regarding physical attractiveness.” (Watkins & Johnston, 2000: 81) Since success and accomplishment are imperative social phenomena, the researches always strive to explore the factors behind triumphs and successes in the life of individuals. The researchers show that beautiful people have power to captivate the recruiters, managers, clients and public at large, and prove helpful in enhancing the success opportunities and pave the way for business growth in its wake. Hence, beauty certainly maintains imperative significance in the life and career of individuals. “The bias in favor of physically attractive people” Dion, Berscheid & Walster submit, is robust, with attractive people being perceived as more sociable, happier and more successful than unattractive people. (1972: 286) The theorists are of the view that it often happens that people with pleasant appearance are also good and kind at heart; on the contrary, the individuals containing ugly and awkward features also lack purity of mind and a sympathetic heart as well. However, physical beauty could not be declared as the only factor behind one’s success in life. On the contrary, there appear to be several other things that wide open the doors of opportunities for the individuals at large. In addition, history also is replete with the examples of the success of individuals having least or no physical charms; even then they captured millions of hearts and minds by dint of their intellect, wisdom and foresight. Consequently, success could not be confined to charming and comely people only. The studies show that physically less attractive individuals have also played very significant role in all fields of life including logic and philosophy, art and culture, science and technology, and business and marketing. If society refused to allow the less attractive individuals in respect of render their services in multiple fields and departments, then not only this that the ugly people stopped working hard in various fields, but also the pace of progress, growth and development procedure would be in great jeopardy subsequent to the opposition of the society at large. Hence, a large number of theorists declare apparent beauty as peripheral in scope and nature. Aronson (1969: 145) submits to state that both companies and individuals lay stress upon intelligence and professional skills rather than physical charms only provided beauty can neither make technical accomplishments nor can it earn huge profit on the basis of physical charms only. Every organization is dependent of hard work, qualification and proficiency on multiple subjects, without which success could be mere dream for them. Kirkpatrick & Cotton (1951) have declared beauty as an essential thing for the successful marital relationships between the spouses. According to them, if the spouse has been blessed with physical beauty, the probabilities of separation and divorce may decrease to a great extent. Hence, physical beauty certainly determines the fate of individuals at domestic, professional and romantic levels. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HYPOTHESIS: The researcher has formulated the following hypothesis for the conducting of the present study: The more beautiful and attractive the personality of the individuals, the brighter the probabilities of the their success and penetration in organization, society, career and life CONCEPTS: The concepts involved in the present research include: i. Beauty: The term beauty simply means the loveliness, neatness and exquisiteness. In the present study the term simply stands for beauty of countenance and physical charms. ii. Organization: An organization is the group of people gathered formally in order to perform the obligations they share as the member of the organization for the accomplishment of some task or for the achievement of some goal or destination. iii. Career: Career simply stands for the occupational or professional set up that is related to the financial activities of the individuals, and serves as their recognition in respect of their earning. RESEARCH PROCEDURE Universe: Since the present research has been conducted on the subject of role of beauty in the success of individuals, the employers, employees and self-employed belonging to New York City have been taken as the universe for the present study. Sampling: The researcher has applied quota sampling for the current study. Twenty males and females each were selected from the universe. In addition, in order to give representation to different age-groups, the sample was divided into four categories. It took two months in the gathering of data. Tools for Data Collection: The researcher has applied questionnaire as the tools to collect answers from the units of analysis for the present study. The questionnaire consisted of twenty-seven questions. Pre-testing: Pre-testing is an important step for estimating the strengths as well as excluding flaws present in a tool for gathering the data. The researcher also conducted pre-testing in the present study and one manager and two employees were interviewed and slight changes were made in questions after the pre-testing. 1- Field Experiences: The researcher conducted his research while carrying out interviews to have an easy access to different professionals. Most of the respondents were amicable and friendly while making response to the questions and remained cordial in providing the details of their everyday life. The researcher felt great pleasure in conducting the research on the topic that has astounding significance on the one hand, and captures the curiosity and interest of his choice on the other. GENERAL FINDINGS OF THE RESEARCH TABLE 1 Distribution of the Respondents on the basis of category Category Frequency Percentage Employers 14 35.00% Managers/Workers 10 25.00% Self-employed 16 40.00% Total 40 100.00% Table 3 shows that two fifth of the respondents belonged to employers, followed by self-employed that make up over one third of the total respondents. On the other hand, one fourth of them were selected from managers and workers. FIGURE 1 TABLE 2 Distribution of the Respondents on the basis of their Department Department Frequency Percentage a) HR b) Finance/ Accounts c) Quality control d) Sales/Marketing e) Public Relations f) Medical/Legal/Research 8 4 2 9 10 7 20.00% 10.00% 5.00% 22.50% 25.00% 17.50% Table 5 reveals that nearly two third of the respondents were been taken from HR, sales, marketing and PR departments, while one third of them were selected from other professions. Main reason behind giving priority to these professions was the nature of work that was required for the topic selected for the present research. FIGURE 2 TABLE 3 The Respondents’ Opinion regarding Recruitment Policy Most Important Factor for selection as employee Frequency Percentage Qualification Professional skills Reference/Recommendation Experience Pleasing Appearance Intelligence & brilliance Commitment Favoritism Confidence 36 35 21 28 34 26 16 6 26 90.00% 87.50% 52.50% 70.00% 85.00% 65.00% 40.00% 15.00% 65.00% The above table shows that respondents considered qualification as the strongest factor for selection against a post or job, followed by professional skills and proficiency. Hence, beauty and physical appearance come at third position, though an overwhelming majority takes this factor into serious consideration during recruitment. FIGURE 3 TABLE 4 The Respondents’ Opinion Regarding Promotion Policy Most Important Factor for selection as employee Frequency Percentage Qualification Professional skills Reference/Recommendation Experience Pleasing Appearance Intelligence & brilliance Commitment Favoritism Performance 26 36 12 34 19 37 25 13 38 65.00% 90.00% 30.00% 85.00% 47.50% 92.50% 62.50% 32.50% 95.00% Table 7 shows that an overwhelming majority of the respondents consider performance, intelligence & brilliance, professional skill and work experience respectively for career growth and promotion. Hence, beauty and appearance have been given least importance in this respect. FIGURE 4 TABLE 5 Significance of appearance and Beauty with reference to Department Department Frequency Percentage g) HR h) Finance/ Accounts i) Quality control j) Sales/Marketing k) Public Relations l) Medical/Legal/Research 33 14 11 29 37 13 82.50% 35.00% 27.50% 72.50% 92.50% 32.50% Table 8 reveals the very fact that appearance and beauty certainly counts in the departments that contain more probability of public dealing. It is therefore an overwhelming majority views physical beauty very important in public relations, sales & marketing and human resource (HR) departments. However, beauty means least in quality control, finance, legal and medical departments, according to the present research. FIGURE 5 SUMMARY & CONCLUSION The final chapter has been created to analyses whether there is any relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The research has been articulated by concentrating upon the significance of appearance in penetrating into the organizations as well as climbing the career ladder. The universe for the present research was comprised of the employers, employees, self-employed and workers of London City. Forty respondents were interviewed in all during the research process. As soon as the research process was completed, the data was tabulated and statistical tests were applied to interpret the results. The analyses and interpretation of results rejected the hypotheses established for the present research. According to the research findings, an overwhelming majority of the managers and workers have displayed their loyalty towards their profession and organization. Similarly, the management displayed their liking and attachment with the intelligent, honest, hardworking and efficient employees and workers. The industrialists and managers affirmed that hard working and laborious employees and workers have higher probability of promotion and growth. Somehow, they did not refute the imperative significance of beauty in man’s career altogether. The respondents affirmed that the employees and workers belonging to divergent racial, religious, regional and ethnic groups certainly take advantage of their appearance particularly while dealing with clients, customers and co-workers even. To conclude, it appears apparent that the most essential source of the individuals’ growth is dependent of friendly environment, encouragement from superiors, impartiality, hard work and outstanding performance. Beautiful professionals can get job opportunity by dint of their charms and comeliness, but they cannot grow in career provided they are not intelligent, proficient and result oriented. REFERENCES: Aronson, E. (1969) Some Antecedents of Interpersonal Attraction. 143-177; quoted in Dobson, Roger. (2007) Beautiful people earn 12% more than Ugly Bettys. The Independent, Aug 2007 Dion, K. K., Berscheid, E., & Walster, E. (1972). What is Beautiful is what is Good. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 24, 285-290. Kirkpatrick, C. & Cotton J. (1951) Physical Attractiveness, Age and marital Adjustment American Sociological Review 16 81-86 Singh, Ishtla. (2005) The History of English Literature: A Student’s Guide Hodder Arnold London ISBN10: 0-340-80695-8 219-358 Watkins, L. M. & Johnston, L. (2000) Screening job applicants: The impact of physical attractiveness and application quality. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 8, 76-84. Appendix QUESTIONNAIRE DEPARTMENT OF ---------------- UNIVERSITY OF THE ---------------------------- Serial No. --------------- Date of Interview--------------- Name: (Researcher) Roll No. ------------------- TOPIC: WORK-LIFE BALANCE OF BEAUTY THERAPIST PART A 1. Name of the Respondent: ----------------------------------------- 2. Age: ----------------------------------------- 3. Address/Area/Place of work: ----------------------------------------- 4. Education: ----------------------------------------- 5. Marital Status: a) Never married/single: ----------------------------------------- b) Married: ----------------------------------------- c) Divorced: ----------------------------------------- d) Separated: ----------------------------------------- 6. No. of Children: a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) More e) None f) Not applicable 7. Occupation: a) Self-employed: ----------------------------------------- b) Employed: ----------------------------------------- c) Partnership: ----------------------------------------- d) Other: (please describe) ----------------------------------------- 8. Total Monthly Income: a) ≤ £ 400 ----------------------------- b) £ 400---£ 700 --------------------------- c) £ 700---£ 1000 --------------------------- d) £ 1000---£ 1300 --------------------------- 9. Total professional work experience: a) ≤ 3 Years ----------------------------- b) 3---8 Years ----------------------------- c) 8---13 Years ----------------------------- d) 13---18 Years ----------------------------- e) ≥ 18 Years ----------------------------- PART B PERSONAL AND DOMESTIC RESPONSIBILITIES 10 What are the professional responsibilities at office? a) Management --------------- b) Legal c) Accounts d) Clerical e) Consultation f) Attending guests and visitors at office g) Finance h) Marketing & sales i) Labor and toil j) Others (please mention) --------------------- 11 What is the most stressful duty at office? k) Management --------------- l) Legal m) Accounts n) Clerical o) Consultation p) Attending guests and visitors at office q) Finance r) Marketing & sales s) Labor and toil t) Others (please mention) --------------------- 12 What do you thing is the most interesting professional duty? u) Management --------------- v) Legal w) Accounts x) Clerical y) Consultation z) Attending guests and visitors at office aa) Finance ab) Marketing & sales ac) Labor and toil ad) Others (please mention) --------------------- 13. How do you spend leisure time at home? a) Internet surfing b) Watching TV c) Reading books/periodicals/journals d) Listening to music e) Decorating and maintaining home: f) Gossiping with family members g) Gardening h) Sleeping i) Other (please mention) 14 Which type of internet websites appeal you most? a) Quiz/ IQ tests b) Informative c) Political d) Fashion e) Automobile f) Socioeconomic g) Brands h) Cultural i) Historical j) Religious k) Related to your profession l) Romantic m) Other (please mention) n) None of the above o) Not applicable 15. Are you satisfied with your employer/employees/colleagues/staff members? a) To a great extent b) To some extent c) Not at all 16. What is the most important factor for recruitment against a job in your opinion? a) Qualification b) Experience c) Intelligence & brilliance d) Hard work e) Efficiency f) Commitment g) Command over work and responsibilities h) Professional skills i) Physical appearance and beauty j) Favoritism k) Other (Please specify) 17. Do the beauty of countenance and pleasant appearance play role in selection against a post? a) Very much b) To some extent c) Very few only d) Not at all 18. Do you consider beauty while recruiting/getting recruited? a) Certainly b) To some extent c) Not very much d) Not at all 19. Do you consider beauty while entering into friendship with sub-ordinate/co-worker/colleague? a) Yes b) No 20. Do you consider beauty while entering into friendship with colleague belonging to opposite sex? a) Very much b) To some extent c) Very few only d) Not at all 21. Do you consider beauty while entering into friendship with colleague belonging to same sex? a) Very much b) To some extent c) Very few only d) Not at all 22. What is the most important thing to climb the career ladder? a. Qualification b. Experience c. Intelligence & brilliance d. Hard work e. Efficiency f. Physical charms g. Commitment h. Command over work and responsibilities i. Professional skills j. Favoritism k. Recommendations l. Other (Please specify) 23. Do you undergo stress or strain during? a) Yes b) No c) To some extent d) Not at all 24. Does strain occur? a) During dealing a beautiful person b) During dealing an ordinary person c) During dealing an ugly person d) All of the above e) None of them 25. Are you suffering from any of the following diseases? a) Diabetes b) Blood pressure c) Asthma d) Cardiovascular e) Stomach/ Lever Problems f) Other (please specify) g) None of the above 26. Do you agree with the maxim that beauty is a strong recommendation for success? a) Yes b) No c) To some extent d) Not at all 27. What suggestions do you recommend to make a powerful work-life balance? Read More
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