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Sex Segregation of Occupations in the World - Assignment Example

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The author of the paper "Sex Segregation of Occupations in the World" defines preconceived notions about gender as liable to intentional bias. Employers should avoid basing their evaluation of employees on race or making decisions because of careless bias or stereotype…
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Sex Segregation of Occupations in the World
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Employers should not take advantage of misperceptions to defend their discriminatory actions or decisions because this does not remove the resulting taint of discrimination.

Training for an employee being moving to another country for work would include cultural and linguistic training, orientation, and mentoring provision (Wilson, 2010, p. 77).  For host nations with different cultures, the expatriate and relocating family members should receive cultural training before leaving to avoid any cultural misunderstandings as the assignment commences. Language training should also be provided to relocating family members and expatriates for professional and personal achievements at work. Orientation to assignment details should also involve both the expatriate and family members to enlighten them on information regarding benefits, compensation, safety and security, allowances, and relocation issues (Wilson, 2010). When in the host country, the employee and his family should be connected to a dedicated contact person in the host nation. This immensely improves the employee’s efficiency and also enables the employee and his relocating family members to assimilate into the host country's norms and cultures.

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