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Understanding the Complexity of Human Behavior - Essay Example

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The paper "Understanding the Complexity of Human Behavior" states that complex modes of behavior can be explained by factors such as environmental changes, ethnicity, and social status. Diversity in human behavior may be influenced by factors such as age, religion and gender. …
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Understanding the Complexity of Human Behavior
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Understanding the Complexity of Human Behavior Insight on human behavior is found in various disciplines including science, philosophy, history, and cultural customs. Behavioral scientists study human interactions from a variety of perspectives such as psychology, political and economic perspectives. They look for continuous patterns in human behavior and try to explain these consistencies in a scientific way. Behavior results from complex processes and interactions between the person and their environment (Hemelrijk, 2002). The environment plays a major role in shaping behavior as one is constantly adopting environmental factors that form and influence how they act. For instance, if one changes their job to a new field, they may have to adopt a very different way of life to fit in the new environment (Jackson, 2005). Complex modes of individual behavior Complexity in behavior results from the inherent complications of human being in that their moods and feelings change constantly. Behavior will change as constantly as the changes happening in a person (Newstrom& Davis, 1998). People are never satisfied in maintaining their status quo. Once they have achieved a certain goal, they modify their behavior to achieve higher goals.Interactions between a person and their environment may result in complex behavioral modes. The environment is very dynamic and changes with time. Because the environment influences individual behavior, people have to change to adapt to their surroundings. This continuous modification of behavior results in various human complexities. It thus makes it hard to study human behavior with certainty as what is currently accepted as appropriate behavior may go to extinction due to changes in the environment. Environmental changes may influence behavior positively or negatively. Where a person may blend in and accept changes without straining, they may be receptive to change and adopt it quickly. At times, it may be difficult for one to adapt to environmental circumstances. The stress involved may lead them to resenting change and thus form negative behavior such as displaying aggression and anger and even resistance. Cultural practices may also cause complexities on individuals. Human behavior is affected by hereditary traits and cultural experiences as they interact within the societal community. The cultural setting includes interactions with family, peers, and the entire community. Customs and traditions influence one’s orientation by affection how they receive and process instructions and thus shaping the learning process. People in the same culture display similar behavioral patterns like body language and speech. Such patterns are so deeply embedded in their mind that they function without one’s awareness. Different cultures display different behavioral patterns. Interactions between people of different cultures through trade, intermarriages and political affiliations results in formation of news behavioral patterns. What is consider as acceptable behavior patterns change with different cultural orientations (Barkow,Cosmides&Tooby, 2001). Social interactions affect the complexities of an individual. One will adopt certain behavioral patterns displayed by a group so that they may fit in with the other group members (Irvine, 2009). Each group normally has a range of acceptable behavior with at times certain standard for subgroups such as children, different genders, and age groups. Unusual behavioral displays are shunned as antisocial or offensive and thus punishable. Normal behavior may change with different social groups, what is acceptable as appropriate in one group may be distasteful in another group. As people have a strong need for affiliation, they may have to change their behavior patterns constantly to fit into various social groups. Social classes may cause one to modify their behavior tobe seen as belonging to a certain class in the society. The social class a person is born in affects their language, tastes, and interests and influence how they perceive the world around them. Social stratification affects the opportunities and challenges that one may experience and thus affect their path in life such as religion, career, and marriage. The ease of changing one’s social class may be influence by place and time. Some people rarely change their social classes while others have ease of mobility due to factors such as education, technology, and business. Change of social classes can make a difference between being in a sidelined social class and joining a status quo social group through establishing new territories such as new enterprises and forming important affiliations. Technological advancement may result in complex human behavior. Technologies lead to better and faster communication, new lifestyles, and ease of travelling. Consequently, adoptions of new ideas such as fashion, food, and leisure activities enhance behavior modification and formation of complex human interactions. Complex modes of group behavior People voluntarily join groups that share the same interests such as political affiliations, religion and club membership. The groups influence how a person views themselves and others in the group. Groups have rules that members subscribe to and regulate their behavior. Rules may be formally written and followed strictly or informally implied by observation of how others act. Formal groups solidify the acceptable behavior through a reward system of praises and giving gifts to reinforce positive behavior.Group cohesion plays a major role in forming group behavior. Members of a group will modify their attitudes and image to maintain cohesion and avoid conflicts. Attitudes to other groups may involve stereotype of treating all members of the group as displaying similar behavioral traits and having selective observation of behavior in other groups. Stereotyping may lead to negative behavioral consequences by displaying a narrow perspective of interpreting the environment. Group behavior does not amount to summation of individual behavior of members. For instance, it is impossible to comprehend modern warfare by aggregating behavior of individuals. One may portray different behavior while watching a soccer game with friends that when they are having a family dinner at home. Several children can vandalize a building yet individually, they are helpless. An adult may be more philanthropic as being a member of a religious group than when acting in individual capacity. Groups offer companionship and acceptance of carrying out of a similar interest without apportioning blame on an individual for undesirable outcomes. Social conflict may lead to complexities in-group behavior. During conflicts, group members display different behavioral traits based on how they are wired to handle conflicts. Group leaders make and lay down rules that are followed in solving the disputes within the group. Proper and peaceful handling may influence positive behavior while improper handling of the conflict situation may lead to formation of antisocial behavior as each member justify their actions and blame the others (Nybakk, E., et al., 2009).. Economic and political environment may influence behavior adoption and modification. During hard economic times, groups combine their efforts and share resources so that no member may suffer alone. Acceptable behavior of cooperation and philanthropy may be adopted cohesion as members of different ethnic communities display enmity, and aggressive behavior. In addition, flexibility of the group may influence the complex behaviors adopted. Groups interact with the environment constantly and must adapt to changes in the environment for their survival. Flexible groups easily adapt the changes and can acquire different behavioral patterns with ease. These result in development of complex behavior that may be negative or positive depending on the environmental factors under consideration. The diversity of human behavior The diversity of human behavior means that people portray different behavioral patterns across a wide continuum. Factors such as age influence. Children display dependent behavior while young adults are aggressive, quick to act and impatient. Old people tend to be wise and careful displaying high levels of patience. All these behaviors are observed within the same social setting among people who follow same cultural practices (Greene &Kropf, 2011; Heimlich &Ardoin, 2008).  Ethnicity influences development of human behavior. The practices that a person is exposed to may influence their learning process and thus their way of life and how they will be treated. People of different ethnic groups display different forms of behavior based on their social orientation. For instance, different racial groups portray different kind of behavior and attitudes. Behavioral traits ascribed by different races are culturally determined rather than, between the behaviorsof other ethnic settings (Queralt, 1996).  Gender is a factor that distinguishes the behavior of male from that of female. Children learn gender based roles at an early age. A male is not supposed to play with dolls while the female should not play soccer. During their lifetime, children are taught societal expectations of their behaviors. Girls are taught to be polite and patient while boys should be playful and loud. These behavioral traits persist even in old age with men displaying machismo while women display calmness and gentleness. There is a huge difference between how men and women behave even in offices.Men display aggression and authority and rise in position very quickly. Women on the other hand are meek and gentle, always agreeing with management. They take long to rise up the corporate ladder and even so, they rarely rise past middle level management. People that subscribe to different religions show different beliefs and practices. A very religious personwill follow his doctrines and if anything happens against such beliefs, he will behave differently from a person who is not religious. Behavior is affected through fear;highly religious people fear the consequences of turning against their religion. They will act in a certain way that other people do not. In addition, social classes orstatus influences diversity. People of high social status may be confident and authoritative. They interact with others in the same social class; they shop in the same areas and go to similar recreation facilities. They do well in business and rise up the corporate ladder. People from low status quo are timid and pity themselves. Their self-esteem is low and they mostly end up being servants. These two groups, though they have similar ethnicity have diverse behavior based on their social orientation. Education and literacy levels distinguish different behavioral traits. Graduates are more knowledgeable and handle situations with wisdom. They are sharp and objective in thought and actions. Illiterate and semi-illiterate are timid and fear taking up responsibilities that will expose them. They feel small and sidelined and thus rarely stand out but are comfortable with being subordinates (Prochaska, 1979). Impact of human behavior diversity Cultural and social factors may affect health provision. Social determinants of health include poverty levels and socioeconomic status. Poverty is an exposure, which influences the health of people in families, neighborhoods and the organization. Poverty hinders access to proper medical care and the situation is worsened where a person may come from a poor family and reside in an impoverished neighborhood (Harrison, Mullen & Green, 1992). The influences of cultural and social factors on heath issue have both time and place dimension. The context in which these two variables operate is known as social cultural environment. Human diversity within an organization may be used to increase productivity and team performance. The different characteristics and traits displayed may be tapped to increase team performance and goal achievement (Stacey, 1996). Recognizing and appreciating diversity in behavior may lead to coordination of diverse efforts to achieve a common goal. Team performance will be enhanced through people contributing in the areas they are best suited for. Celebrating diversity of team may lead to appreciation of individual strengths by members of a firm and thus increase their motivation and cooperation. Communication may be hindered where ethnic diversity is too large. Different communities use different ways of communication such as syllables, signs and symbols. Communities may use similar symbols but have different messages. Lack of integration of diversity may lead to misunderstanding and hinder provision of important services such as health and other social services (Petty &Cacioppo, 1986; Prell, Hubacek& Reed, 2009). Embracing diversity thus require learning of basic behavioral traits such as communication to allow provision of important services. It may help to use standard symbols and signs of communication to facilitate provision of important and critical services. Diversity may lead to creativity and innovativeness thus influence technology development and societal growth. With diversity, there is a lot of synergy and talent may be tapped for the benefit of the entire community. Human behavior diversity means that some people are quick doers while others are great thinkers. Some are good at management while others have great innovative ideas. A combination of these behavioral traits produce synergy that lead to better services such as health and social services. Discovery of new treatments and medicine may result from technological advancement and thus increase efficiency in provision of health services. Societal conflicts may result where the community may have challenges in managing behavioral diversity. Such conflicts arise where the society does not embrace its diverse talents and people are intolerant of each other. Hostility and anger may emerge with devastating consequences of wars, death and mass destruction of property occurring. It is important to manage diversity and positively influence its acceptance to avoid harmful consequences. Social cohesion will be improved where human behavior diversity is embraced and seen as a desirable thing (Goodwin, 2012). A society that has diverse talent and work together is more equipped to handle the challenges it may face. In provision of health and social services, a cohesive society supports these two critical services by voluntary of talent and other resources to ensure that all members can access these services when they need them. Therefore,human behaviors develop from complex interactions various factors that influence group and individual actions. Complex modes of behavior can be explained by factors such as environmental changes, ethnicity, and social status. Diversity in human behavior may be influenced by factors such as age, religion and gender. Diversity if well embraced will result to social cohesion, team performance, and creativity. If not well managed, diversity may result inconflicts and misunderstandings that may block communication and hinder provision of crucial health and social services. References Barkow, J. H., Cosmides, L. E., &Tooby, J. E. 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