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ASSIGNMENT SIX - Coursework Example

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The experiment was focused on inter-group conflict as well as cooperation. Moreover, the study was guided by two hypotheses, which were: When individuals are brought together in a group…
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Question One The Robber’s Cave Experiment was carried out in 1954 by Muzafer Sherif and his colleagues.The experiment was focused on inter-group conflict as well as cooperation. Moreover, the study was guided by two hypotheses, which were: When individuals are brought together in a group with common objectives and goals, they tend to create hierarchical structures as well as roles within the group (, n.p). The second hypothesis was that; if two in-groups are brought together under conditions that entail competition and hostility against the out-groups, they tend to create standards of operation.

The significance of the study is based on creating an understanding to various factors associated with social and psychological group conflicts.Question TwoDiscrimination, prejudice and stereotyping are related by the fact that they are all arising from psychological and social processes. They usually originate from interaction between persons experiencing differences with regard to their social and psychological facets. One of the effects of these types of behavior is that they create a sense of stigmatization.

Additionally, they may also lead to creation of varying social structures with distinct social classes.Question ThreeAt one time, I was exposed to discrimination in regard to my gender orientation when I went for an interview for a job position that is usually associated with men. This incident had a great negative impact on me and I felt hatred towards the opposite sex. If this kind of discrimination is allowed to continue in future, many women may be demoralized and discouraged from participating in social as well as economic development activities.

Work Cited"The Robbers Cave ExperimentMuzafer Sherif et al (1954)." Robbers Cave experiment Muzafer Sherif psychology. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. .

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