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Understanding the consequences of prostitution and the sex slave industries on the victims helps to gain the means to understand how to treat the conditions developed during that time, which can include, Post post-traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, Self-Image issues, and inability to maintain normal healthy relationships in their lives.
Child sex trade is common in developing countries, while prostitution is an industry prevalent in the United States, as well. Victims may either be sold by the family, have run away from abusive families, or were kidnapped into the industry. These facts alone can be traumatic enough. Then add upon that, possibly, years, of STDs, physical, beatings, potential rape, and loss of general basic rights and freedoms can create a truly fragile and mentally damaged group of young people (Busuttil, 2011). The psychological damage present in victims of the sex slave or prostitution industries can be quite extreme they are 3 times more likely to suffer from suicidal thoughts or tendencies (Green, 1994).
Although the majority of the prostitution and sex trade industries focus on females, however, young boys are, also, quite prevalent in the industry. One study showed that in Pakistan, truck drivers who are away from their families for long periods, 95% will engage in sexual relations with young boys during their travels (Busuttil, 2011). While prostitution and the sex trade are primarily women of all ages, adult males are seldom sold specifically into the sex trade, nor do they often opt for prostitution as a gainful means to supplement their need for food and income. Children, by and large, are far easier to manipulate and control. The psychological effects, as mentioned, are relatively shared equally among girls and boys; self-image issues, low self-esteem, depression, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, inability to form proper relationships, and, very often, PTSD. In boys, there is an interesting psychological side effect that seems to be exclusive among young males who grow into adulthood in the sex trade or prostitution environments. Because these young males are catering to male customers they are forced into homosexual sexual experiences. As adults this can create confusing sexual issues for these young men. They can become quite confused as to their sexual identity (Jung, Song & et al., 2008). Are they gay because they engaged in homosexual intercourse even though they may be heterosexual by nature? This problem can be incredibly devastating to a developing male psyche.
The issues of prostitution, child sex slavery, and the sex trade industries in general have been, and continue to be, a global tragedy, Unfortunately, there is often not nearly enough necessary funding to implement the needed task forces to more proactively address the issue through law enforcement, as well as, provide the necessary medical and psychological counseling these victims when freed may require. Until there is greater efforts are taken to eliminate the industries, improve the options available to runaways and those who are seeking a “way out,” of the industry, and the necessary psychological intervention offered to aid them in overcoming the traumas they have inevitably experienced.
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