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Psychology as Biologys Branch - Term Paper Example

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The research essay “Psychology as Biology’s Branch” tries to explain how one’s body systems work. There are theories and laws that have been discovered by early scientists to achieve development in this area of scientific studies…
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 Psychology as Biology’s Branch Several studies have been made to explain how one’s body systems work. There are theories and laws that have been discovered by early scientists to achieve development in this area of scientific studies. Learning a man’s body is the study of biology. Quoting the word “body” includes different organs such as the brain, heart, digestive organs and so on. However, to organize science concepts, people behind these studies made subdivision of sciences to organize different concepts. Biology and Social Science are both considered as one of those subdivisions or branches of science. Evaluating these two could sometimes confuse people for both explain human body, biology for the body processes and social for cognitive and behavioral matters. Considering psychology as part of social science, is there really a difference between biology and psychology? Furthermore, is it better if psychology would be considered as branch of biology? Making psychology as one of biology’s branches would be better enough for both focus on the same matter – life. To understand why it is better to make psychology one of the branches of biology, it is good to define the terms first. It is a good foundation for a clear understanding of the concepts. Several people define the word “biology” as something that talks about physicality. It could be the body of the animals and plants. It can also be bacteria, a protist and so on. It also includes those processes that make a system work. To define it with credibility, Biology is: the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, especially with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior. (“Biology”) To explain further the definition of biology based on the above mentioned, it is good to evaluate it words by words. Biology, as explained as “the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena…” (“Biology”) talks only about what life is. Anything that has life and every term and concept on how life works can be studied through biology. However, there are several life structures that might somehow, confuse people. Plants do have life and also animals. Unfortunately, they have parts that are different from each other but distinguish them among others. Botany is the study of plants and zoology is for the animals. Both studies have their own “specialty” or “specification” of study but both talk about what is life and its attribution. Thus, botany and zoology are subdivisions of biology. Another part of its definition is “… especially with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior” (“Biology”). These only support the first statement that it studies life, meaning, it includes the origin, growth, reproduction, structure and behavior of the matter. If the organism has its origin or beginning, then it can be studied in biology, the same with the other attributions mentioned. Behavior has issues when talking about biology. Some say that behavior should not be a part of biological studies because it is more of intellectual and cognitive matter. The question for this is, “what does work when someone behaves or simply, thinks?” – Brain. And the way someone thinks can be considered as part of those several processes that are happening inside the body and have “life”. This paper aims to reflect on the subject, “It is better if psychology is a branch of biology”. To achieve that goal, the definition of biology has been discussed above. It is good to understand the meaning of psychology now. Psychology is: The science of the mind or of mental states and processes; The science of human and animal behavior; and the sum or characteristics of the mental states and processes of a person or class of persons, or of the mental states and processes involved in a field of activity. (“Psychology”) It is obvious, based on its definition that psychology talks about more of mental matters. It deals with how individual thinks and behaves in a situation. It is another branch of science, social science. Psychology’s meaning is not so far with the one biology has. It talks about the processes that happen in one’s activity. Just like biology, it talks about life concepts and processes. It would be good enough if it is a part of biology studies rather than social studies for it is not just on behavioral aspects of life but also on its processes. Both terms are also being discussed in biology in a big matter of science concepts. Today, psychology is considered as another branch of science (just like biology). However, there are some debates that urge to make it a part of biology as well. It is for the reason that psychology deals with the study of the minds of the living ones or simply, those who have “life”. If it is not discussing life processes then, it is good to create another branch of science just like aerodynamics, astronomy, geology, climatology and so on. Psychology should be one of the branches of biology. This should be happened because psychology deals with the mind concepts. Some say it should not for it only states behavioral changes outside and processes in the mind, but the thing is what are those scientific processes inside the mind of a man? How do those processes happen? Social science somehow talks about the outside behaviors of the man. However, biology talks about the “behind the scenes” of those behavioral changes in the mind. Those processes that happen in the mind of a man, for example, are made through the nervous system. Nervous system is part of biological studies, thus, proving that psychology should be considered also as one of the branches of biology. Psychology may somehow focus on neurological causes of psychological phenomena like how neurons work and so on thus, under the concept of biological terms or studies. Another good term to explain how psychology deals with the nervous system that is part of the biology studies is the term “neurotransmitter”. Neurotransmitter is defined as: the chemicals which allow the transmission of signals from one neuron to the next across synapses. They are also found at the axon endings of motor neurons, where they stimulate the muscle fibers. And they and their close relatives are produced by some glands such as the pituitary and the adrenal glands. (“Neurotransmitters”) As how psychology defined itself as a study of behavioral changes and processes in minds, it is pretty obvious that the term coins with the biological concept, “neurotransmitter”. Whenever someone thinks, those chemicals react to pass every message that the mind wants the body to do. The action that is external is connected with the actions of the internal. If someone behaves differently or acts upon a given situation, these chemicals in the mind also work out. If psychology would remain as a part of social science, then it only focuses on how people would interact to others. His behavior and actions among others would only be the basis of the study. Social science, if not well stated or explained, is not strongly founded with proofs of how such term exists. For example, if a man loses his family and he is very sad because of that, social science (Psychology) would explain it as being “depressed” because of what was happened. However, biology would explain the sadness as existance of little amount of serotonin in his body thus, making him emotionally and mood affected. Serotonin, as one of those neurotransmitters, if found in low amount inside the body, would give a tendency of behavioral changes such as dealing with the man’s emotions and mood. (“Neurotransmitters”) If psychology would be considered as one of the branches of biology, concepts that are related with mind would be explained deeply. Through scientific concepts and terminology, people would understand how those “behavioral changes” happen. It would be explained not just with the shallow terms that are used in social science but with deeper “scientifically” terms. The main reason why such behaviors happen would be explained well through scientific reactions inside the body. It is not that social science (when dealing with psychology) is less credible when explaining such mind matters, it is just it still has deep scientific reasons behind it, that are strong enough to explain such concepts or behavior. Life is a wide topic to study. It needs deeper explanations and proof to satisfy the needs of those people who are curious of why he acts or behave like that. Biology studies life and it has more specific explanations of life and processes occurrence. It is stable and founded with scientific studies of the early scientists. It has models that prove why things occurring in every day life, act or behave in such manner. Biology deepens the explanations. It would be better if psychology was a branch of biology. It is for the reason that biology, the study of life and or living matter (“Biology”) explains deeper concepts of the behavior of organisms. Unlike social science, which psychology belongs to, it only explains external behaviors or reasoning. However, a good point of view on assigning one root of science is that it explains deeper concepts and could have branches. It looks like a tree where there is the root (biology) and its branches (botany, zoology, etc.) that still, under the same concept of “life”. Psychology talks about concepts of life. On the other hand, biology studies life. It is important to consider deeper explanations of why someone thinks or reacts such way. As what others say, psychology is very close to the border line of biology. If psychology isconsidered as one of the branches of biology, it would be easy enough to classify it among others for it may deal with the study of mind (nervous). Concepts and terms would be explained better and deeper. Psychology is connected to biology. However, they belong to different areas of science, one in social science (psychology) and the other in natural science (biology). Both are just being connected because of the word “science” that means knowledge. To conclude, the issue of having psychology and biology as separate branches of science has already captured several minds. Some say it should be separated and others say it should not. This paper stands on “it should be” side. It is much better if psychology is considered as one of the branches of biology. This for the reason that biology talks about what is life and on the other hand, psychology talks about life concepts and processes. They are both connected because of the term “life”. It would be easy enough to distinguish such study among others if it is a part of biology. Works Cited “Biology”. Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged. 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. 21 Nov. 2012. . Web. “Psychology”. Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged. 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. 21 Nov. 2012. . Web. “Neurotransmitters”. (2009). 22 Nov. 2012. . Web. Read More
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