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Behavioral Expectations and Consequences for Misbehavior - Essay Example

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In the paper “Behavioral Expectations and Consequences for Misbehavior,” the author analyzes functional behavioral assessment, an approach that incorporates a variety of techniques and strategies to diagnose the causes and to identify likely interventions intended to address problem behaviors…
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Behavioral Expectations and Consequences for Misbehavior
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To help students learn to monitor their own behavior, students will receive verbal recognition from me when behavior models expectations. Students will also be able to earn points for the entire class when they are on task, maintaining appropriate interactions and noise levels. Students will earn time weekly. To learn problem-solving skills, we will have regular class meetings. If students have an issue they need to resolve, teachers will keep a log available where they can enter agenda items to be discussed at the next class meeting.

The goal is to have the students learn strategies to help them solve problems with the teacher as facilitator. Teachers will also provide parents with a weekly note home regarding their child as a means of keeping them in touch with what is going on in the classroom. Student involvement is normally intense with a final eureka experience at the moment of discovery, a natural reinforcer of the learning experience. Students are apprised of school behavior policies through personal visits and advance notification of behavioral expectations and possible consequences by counselors/administrators at the beginning of each semester.

Consequences will fall within a range and will be determined by the appropriate school official. Disciplinary action will depend upon the severity of the misbehavior, previous behavior and interventions, and the circumstances surrounding an incident. In schools today, students are often addressed as passive learners, merely participants in their educations, as opposed to partners. Opportunities for meaningful and significant student involvement in education planning, school leadership, and self-governance are primarily offered to gifted and advanced students only and even then with a reservation from the teachers and administrators.


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(Behavioral Expectations and Consequences for Misbehavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words, n.d.)
Behavioral Expectations and Consequences for Misbehavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words.
(Behavioral Expectations and Consequences for Misbehavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words)
Behavioral Expectations and Consequences for Misbehavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words.
“Behavioral Expectations and Consequences for Misbehavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words”.
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