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Positive Psychology Chronicle - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Positive Psychology Chronicle" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues concerning the positive psychology chronicle. Scholarly articles and discussions throughout the course gave insightful ways to view life and improve the author's positive psychology…
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Positive Psychology Chronicle
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? Positive Psychology Chronicle Positive Psychology Chronicle Scholarly articles and discussions throughout the gave insightful ways to view life and improve my positive psychology. Foremost, the discussion of positive psychology in workplace provided me with a reason to claim enhanced productivity. The assignment and research conducted in the area enabled me to get means and ways of creating a more enjoyable and productive working environment. It provided me with the guidelines that would allow me make work schedules that do not lead to physical and emotional stress. From the discussion on positive psychology at workplace, it became apparent that subtle undercurrent of negativity at workplace is destructive to the person’s psyche. In addition, it affects the ability of oneself to energize and quest to reach their potential. Achieving the goals and ultimate objectives of any organization requires an engaged and happy workforce. The discussions and assignments in this topic helps one combat the lurking degrees of frustrations that exist in workplace. The Week Two assignment helped me realize that there are usually more options for any particular set of work-related problems than appear apparent. If people give an optimistic look at the problems facing them, they become aware of the array of options that are available for solving their myriad of challenges. For instance, people who lose their jobs usually find themselves entangles in misery and disappointment. Some become distressed and emotional while others choose to focus on seeking another job while remaining optimistic with the hope of finding one. According to the readings, the challenge of positive thinking remains finding means of maintaining one’s composure and finding ways to thrive no matter the vectors life takes. The strength in positive thinking is application of optimistic view on circumstances to overcome challenges. Positive psychology at workplace helps one capture greater levels of happiness at workplace. In the long run, remaining positive in one’s undertakings at work makes him flourish (Rath, 2007). In improving one’s positivity at workplace, it is imperative to concentrate in surveying the things that make one happier and healthier rather than just concentrating on finding out about the issues that make them psychologically unhealthy. This should be a constant endeavor by the human resource management department of every institution. According to a preeminent psychologist, Martin Seligman, we have the powers to re-frame our life experiences and become more productive and happy people (Rock & Schwartz, 2007). The psychologist reveals that how individuals digest their life experiences can be instrumental in affecting their levels of happiness. Whether positive or negative experiences, level of an employee or one’s happiness cannot be determined by the events that happen in his life, but by the way he reacts to the events of his life. This class of psychology is the newest branch of psychology. It focuses on how to aid people to prosper and lead happy, healthy lives. Whereas many other branches of psychology focus on abnormal behavior and dysfunction of the human mind, positive psychology centers on helping individuals become happier (Rock & Schwartz, 2007). According to the course material and coverage, interest in positive psychology has increased tremendously over the past ten years. This has been encouraged by the degree at which people are consistently searching for information to achieve their full potential and be fulfilled. Development of positive psychology dates back to the era before World War II. This was the time when the primary focus of psychology entailed identifying and nurturing high talent, making lives of all individuals more fulfilling and productive and curing mental illnesses (Rath, 2007). The focus shifted after the World War II to treating mental illnesses. This changed over the years and psychologists of 1950s labored to develop theories and viewpoints that would revive the other two major focuses of psychology. From the lessons in positive psychology, I learnt that positivity develops resilience. It is true that there is no life without shortfalls. All people experience loss and distress at some point in life. Some losses can be mild such as getting late for a class one enjoys while others could be as massive as loss of a loved one, tornados or terrorist attacks (Reid, 2011). The manners in which people deal with these situations determine their long term psychological consequences (Rath, 2007). Resilient people stay calm in the face of calamities and are able to use their strengths and skills to cope and recover from challenges and problems. Those who lack resilience become overwhelmed with anxiety and the weight of the problems. For lack of positivity, they may employ wrong coping mechanisms. These people are slower at recovering from problems and may suffer from setbacks for longer than their resilient counterparts. Another important lesson I have learnt in the need to remain resilient in the face of turmoil and life difficulties is that resilience does not erase difficulties of life or stress. Instead, the virtue gives people the strength to tackle problems head-on and move on with their lives as they overcome adversities. For instance, exemplification of the characteristics of resilience helped many people overcome the difficult moments that followed the Hurricane Katrina Disaster and the 9/11 attacks (Rath, 2007). The aftermath of the two disasters showed that people can sometimes portray characteristics that not only allow them to overcome tragedies, but enable them to prosper beyond life challenges. Some people are born with the ability to remain unflappable in the face of challenges. According to many psychology experts, these traits are not limited to the few individuals born with the traits. The trait is quite common and anyone can be trained to become resilient and composed in the face of adversities (Rock & Schwartz, 2007). A deep study of positive psychology reveals that those who focus on the negative experiences in their lives fail to draw energy and lessons from them. These people become pessimists as an evolutionary necessity and end up under-representing their success. At some level, they give up on their quest to be happy (Rath, 2007). They rest their power to be happy entirely on the fate of the world and makes themselves completely out of control of their happiness. Such people forget that their internal script and inner convictions are more important in defining their happiness than the happenings in the world around them. Short-lived emotions contribute to the development of tendency to feel either negative or positive and development of broader “effect” (Mauss, Savino, Anderson, Weisbuch, Tamir, & Laudenslager, 2012). From Week Four Assignment on Positive Psychology Chronicle Submission, it is apparent that happiness has different meaning from one person to another. After exploring all popular definitions and opinions given on the probable meaning of happiness, it is sensible to conclude that it is the state of being satisfied. People look for happiness and satisfaction from others and organizations. Everyone has a need and longs to be satisfied. Despite these deep aspirations, everyone at one point in life falls short of his own expectations. Everyone struggles to find happiness. Some go to the wrong places while others succeed in getting happiness in the right places. Positive Psychology tools helps give individuals the tools they need to get enduring happiness. The chronicle submission discusses important lessons one can learn from Satisfaction with Life Scale, Strength Finder Assessment and Positivity Assessment. Positivity assessment test tool is a lab-tested framework that enables one to acquire a healthier, flourishing and more vibrant life. The tool is based on the fact that experiences of positive emotions broaden one’s mind. A broadened mind has more resourceful ways of becoming resilient to adversity and effortlessly attaining what one could have otherwise thought impossible. With positivity, one learns to see new possibilities and finds it easy to connect with others. One finds it easy to bounce back after setbacks and becomes the best version of himself (Mauss et. al., 2012). One gets a ratio upon taking the assessment. The test gives an adequate and accurate input on positivity ration. In addition, the test is imperative as it helps those who take it to find a self-evaluation of their mood and find out how feel. Whenever one feels stressed and worried, it is important to incorporate the assessment to help deal with issues with more positivity. Satisfaction with Life Scale is the other test that is deemed relevant in evaluating one’s position in satisfaction in life. Upon completing the life scale test, I concluded that my life was averagely happy, but with goals that need accomplishment. The score I had for the assessment was 29. This score showed that I was satisfied with my life. It gave a satisfactory and accurate output that I was satisfied with my life. Although the test revealed that I was satisfied with my life, there were a few things I needed to accomplish. One interesting and new finding is the challenge to the popular notion that success brings happiness. For this reason, people have often used all the wrong ways to look for happiness. They often work against the functioning of the brain while seeking happiness. People have erroneously searched for success in their quest for happiness. Psychologists reveal that the process should be the reverse. Happiness causes success, and not the other way round (Snyder et. al., 2012). There is an intricate and interesting hormonal and psychological relationship between success and happiness. Happiness stimulates the brain to release dopamine, dopamine activate the learning centers of human beings. This helps people to absorb the information around them. The result is that people thereafter learn more efficiently. Effective learning leads to effective working, bringing them closer o realizing their potentials. In order to remain happy and in the right course for achieving one’s goals, there is need to avoid frustrating oneself. It would not be helpful to strain oneself in pursuit of happiness. People must be mindful not to shift the goal post for happiness further off in the distance upon accomplishing each life goal. Pushing happiness beyond the cognitive horizon can be detrimental to realization of true happiness, and therefore success (Mauss, Savino, Anderson, Weisbuch, Tamir, & Laudenslager, 2012). While it is unrealistic for people to assume that they may never experience negative feelings and disappointments, a more positive approach can help people through such experiences. It is imperative that one keeps his goal posts reasonable and gives himself some time to feel the worth and happiness of achievement before hiking his dreams. Appreciative Inquiry In the view of Gervase R. Bushe, Appreciative Inquiry (AI) refers to a framework of studying and changing social systems. It is about coevolutionary search for the best in individuals, their organizations and the world around them (Mauss, Savino, Anderson, Weisbuch, Tamir, & Laudenslager, 2012). The broadest focus of AI involves a systematic discovery of what life entails in a living system when it is most effective, most alive, and most constructively capable in ecological, economic and human terms. It involves the system of asking questions that strengthen a system’s capacity to heighten positive potential apprehend and anticipate. Centrally, AI involves mobilizing inquiry through crafting unconditional positive questions that often involves thousands or hundreds of people. The arduous task of intervention in AI gives way to speed of innovation and imagination instead of criticism, negotiation, spiraling diagnosis, design, dream and plans for new discoveries. AI fundamentally seeks to build a constructive union between a massive entity and a whole people. The framework seeks to create a reconciliation of what people talk about as their past and the reality of their present. it explores the actual achievements of individuals against their potentials, strengths, strategic competencies, elevated thoughts, assets, innovations, opportunities, high point moments, stories, benchmarks, possible futures and visions. AI takes all these together as gestalt and seeks to work from accounts of positive change core in everything it does. The framework assumes that every living system has several untapped and inspiring, rich accounts of positivity. It links the energy of the core directly to any change agenda and democratically and suddenly ensures changes that were never thought possible. In the coursework, AI was explored in a direction of laboring to solve challenges associated with work. From the course work, it was evident that remaining optimistic in the verge of adversities and work-related challenges can be fundamental in working out solutions. Negative and pessimistic people have impeded capacity to solve their problems (Fredrickson & Losada, 2005). This becomes evident at moments when one loses a job. There are two possibilities when faced with such life quandaries. Foremost, one may decide to take a negative and pessimistic view of the situation, thus blur his focus on the possibilities of accepting the present situation. He becomes disillusioned and loses focus on the possibilities of getting back his life on track. Alternatively, one could take a positive view of the situation, accept the prevailing conditions and devise means of keeping live livable (Fredrickson & Losada, 2005). Happiness and Emotional Intelligence According to the journal, The Pursuit of Happiness can be Lonely, people who seek happiness become overly lonely. People who care too much about their selfish interest and happiness are often kept away from building healthy relationships with others. One of the ways of adapting to the demands of remaining happy against the need to remain sociable and build healthy relationships is realization that happiness does not come from success. Emotional intelligence refers o the ability of one to express and control his emotions, and the capacity to respond, understand and interpret other people’s emotions (Mauss, Savino, Anderson, Weisbuch, Tamir, & Laudenslager, 2012). According to John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey, emotional intelligence is "the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions" (Mauss, Savino, Anderson, Weisbuch, Tamir, & Laudenslager, 2012). Emotional intelligence is imperative in ensuring one’s happiness in consideration of the four factors it possesses. Foremost, emotional intelligence involves perceiving emotions. The first step of understanding emotions accurately perceives them. This involves understanding facial expressions and body language in addition to verbal language. Secondly, for one to obtain full happiness from ensuing emotions there is need to reason with the emotions. This involves using the emotions to promote cognitive activity and thinking (Rock & Schwartz, 2007). Next, there is need to understand the emotions. This involves understanding the probable cause of the ensuing emotion and what it might mean. Finally, one has to manage his emotions to get maximum happiness from emotional intelligence. Finding one’s Strengths According to the chronicles, finding one’s strengths is as important as developing them. One cannot develop strengths he has not realized. The initial step in developing oneself is by recognizing and enhancing his strengths. Neuroscientists explain the relationship between human brain and optimism, hope and other aspects of positive psychology. According to Sceier and Carver, an individual produces expectancy about attaining a goal when the goal is of sufficient value. Optimistic people are hopeful and deal with difficult situations in positive ways (Mauss, Savino, Anderson, Weisbuch, Tamir, & Laudenslager, 2012). Summary of the Lessons and Chronicles From the unit coverage, important points can be gathered from the literature covered and discussions in class: If people give an optimistic look at the problems facing them, they become aware of the array of options that are available for solving their myriad of challenges. For instance, people who lose their jobs usually find themselves entangles in misery and disappointment. Positive psychology at workplace helps one capture greater levels of happiness at workplace. In the long run, remaining positive in one’s undertakings at work makes him flourish. In improving one’s positivity at workplace, it is imperative to concentrate in surveying the things that make one happier and healthier rather than just concentrating on finding out about the issues that make them psychologically unhealthy. Positivity develops resilience. It is true that there is no life without shortfalls. All people experience loss and distress at some point in life. Some losses can be mild such as getting late for a class one enjoys while others could be as massive as loss of a loved one, tornados or terrorist attacks. From Week Four Assignment on Positive Psychology Chronicle Submission, it is apparent that happiness has different meaning from one person to another. After exploring all popular definitions and opinions given on the probable meaning of happiness, it is sensible to conclude that it is the state of being satisfied. In order to remain happy and in the right course for achieving one’s goals, there is need to avoid frustrating oneself. It would not be helpful to strain oneself in pursuit of happiness. People must be mindful not to shift the goal post for happiness further off in the distance upon accomplishing each life goal. Pushing happiness beyond the cognitive horizon can be detrimental to realization of true happiness, and therefore success. My Life Plan My life plan details descriptions of my decisions, hopes, intentions and dreams for my future. Having learnt positive psychology in a detailed and comprehensive manner, I hereby write down a personal life plan that will work well in guiding my dreams in personal and professional undertakings. So far from assessments of positivity and satisfaction, my rating is impressive. I believe that if I keep on the same track of satisfaction and positivity, I will be able to achieve what I have always desired to attain in my life. From satisfaction reports, the scores showed that there was a general entity of satisfaction although there was desire to fulfill more in my life. This life plan gives an instructive and clear guideline that provides clarity on priorities that will keep me glued to my dreams and avoid swaying off the focus. Step 1: Understanding of My Needs From today on, I understand that the first step to ultimate happiness is fulfilling my emotional, mental and spiritual needs. In addition, there is need to fulfill my physical and material needs as much as possible. These needs include: 1. Feeling connected to a spiritual and religious organization 2. Being surrounded by loved ones 3. Gaining more independence in what I do and not being influenced by other people all the time 4. Living debt free life 5. Achieving better grades in my studies 6. Be able to save Step 2: Identification of talents and strengths Identification of my threats and talents will go a long way in ensuring I capitalize in what I can do best. So far, I know I am empathetic. I have strength in finding myself in other’s shoes and encouraging them to build them up. My ability to share and encourage people is a possible reason to cause of having many loved ones around me. I have strength in social sciences and languages. Performing well in these will cover for poor performance in applied sciences and mathematics. Step 3: Considering my Hopes and Dreams 1. I hope to fall in love and marry a person of my dreams, have children and have a happy family 2. I also hope to succeed in my studies, land a good job and be successful at it. 3. Additionally, I hope to constructively be involved in devising solutions for communal problems 4. I hope to help the vulnerable in the society at possible all possible levels and changing the lives of people for the better References Rath, T. (2007). Strengths finder 2.0. New York, NY: Gallup Press. Rock, D., & Schwartz, J. (2007). The neuroscience of leadership. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 16(3), 10-17. Retrieved from Snyder, C. R., Lopez, S. J., & Pedrotti, Jennifer Teramoto. (2011). Positive psychology: The scientific and practical explorations of human strengths. New Delhi, India: SAGE Publications. Reid, D. (2011). Mindfulness and flow in occupational engagement: Presence in doing. The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78(1), 50-6. Retrieved from Fredrickson, B. L., & Losada, M. F. (2005). Positive Affect and the Complex Dynamics of Human Flourishing. American Psychologist, 60(7), 678-686.doi:10.1037/0003-066X.60.7.678 Mauss, I. B., Savino, N. S., Anderson, C. L., Weisbuch, M., Tamir, M., & Laudenslager, M. L. (2012). The pursuit of happiness can be lonely. Emotion, 12(5), 908-912. doi:10.1037/a0025299. Retrieved from Read More
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