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Comprehensive Examination of Eclecticism - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Comprehensive Examination of Eclecticism" critically analyzes and comprehensively examines eclecticism, a process based on which a particular research study or a theory is developed. The theory developed by electric therapists is based on the findings and the evaluation of different approaches…
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Comprehensive Examination of Eclecticism
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? COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION 34 Question 1B Most therapists consider themselves "eclectic." They use bits and pieces of several theories to formulate their own mode of helping. Describe your personal theory of helping and cite three theorists who have influenced your ideas. Eclecticism is identified as a process on the basis of which a particular research study or a theory is developed. The theory or the research study which develop by electric therapists is based on the findings and the evaluation of different approaches that undertake by the researchers. Therapists and/or psychologists practicing electric therapy do conduct several researches in relation to principles along with practices that are deemed to be relevant to a certain applied psychological approach. Eclectic therapists are mostly observed to adopt behavior therapy in their approaches with the aim of mitigating problems and enhancing conflicting behavior. In this regard, developing a personal theory of helping will require ample amount of time to be devoted on the theories and the studies of other researchers or psychologists. Accordingly, a combination of different theories and approaches assist eclectic therapists in developing a better psychological therapy (Nevid, 2007). The personal theory of helping will be based on the studies and the theoretical approaches of various other psychologist or therapists. Moreover, this particular theory will also be based upon three major concepts that include dignity, equality along with respect. The theory will be effective in offering adequate information to develop a better and positive relationship in a society. In this regard, the theory will assist individuals to remain much aware and become quiet knowledgeable about behaviors that are acceptable in society along with associated legal principles and norms. Individuals acquiring vital knowledge and information about the theory would ultimately aid in developing their self-awareness and self-evaluation abilities. This would eventually support the individuals to possess a better balanced along with a harmonious life (SAGE Publications, 2013). There are three psychologists including Burrhus Frederic Skinner, Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers whose ideas and theories have influenced personal theory of helping by a considerable level. The aforementioned three psychologists have provided adequate information and facts in relation to the psychological aspects of humans and their thinking procedures. The theories of the three psychologists have provided overall viewpoints and enhanced understandings of various conditions that are accountable for behavioral change in diverse situations. Their studies have signified various aspects on the basis of which the personalities and the traits of the individuals change with the impact of their respective external environment. In this respect, the social environment and the family culture are determined to be of important aspects towards the development of the psychological conditions of an individual. Respectively, an individual with better development will lead towards a healthy psychological growth and behavior. Respectively, individuals will be able to play an effective along with helping role in performing social operations (Epstein & Joker, 2007). B. F. Skinner is an American psychologist who has developed various studies based on behavioral and psychological aspects of individuals. The ideas along with the theories developed by Skinner can be viewed to be based on differentiation, integration along with generality from the studies that conducted by previous researchers. The theories and the ideas that developed by Skinner in relation to personal helping theory are mainly grounded on practical, technical and applied knowledge. In the book i.e. ‘The Behavior of Organisms’, Skinner has provided valuable information about various aspects. These aspects include human behavior, the procedure of analyzing the behavior, different ways through which human behavior can be controlled and the methods of controlling human behavior. The study of behavioral psychology by Skinner offered immense knowledge in relation to determine human behavior and various ways through which human behavior can be controlled (Smith, 1999). In this book, human behavior has been interpreted with different aspects such as language and speech. Additionally, Skinner in the book i.e. ‘Verbal Behavior’ has signified that a qualitative approach would help in identifying the various aspects of human behavior along with the factors that are accountable for change. The book depicts the behavioral laws which provide a better understanding about various aspects that are responsible for change in human behavior. Moreover, the book provided the facts along with the tools that will be effective in controlling human behavior. Skinner has represented that human behaviors can be comprehended and interpreted efficiently through qualitative way rather than in a quantitative manner. A study of human behavior in a qualitative manner will offer a better understanding along with in-depth conceptualization of factors that are responsible for changes in human behavior. Skinner has made effective contribution in the field of determining human behavior in terms of recognizing and most importantly adopting appropriate measures to control the behavioral changes of the humans (Lyciano et. al., 2008; Morris et. al., 2005). There are certain elements that have been considered in the study of human behavior which encompass tact, mand, textual, intra-verbal along with echoic. The aforementioned variables are the factors on the basis of which human behavior is studied in a verbal context. In this similar concern, mand signifies entreaties and requests through which information are disseminated. It is a verbal operant on the basis of which a speaker states his/her requirements. Tact implies that the nonverbal procedures through which information or messages received are interpreted. The affiliation between mand and tact assists in identifying the factors such as determining external circumstances and behavioral changes of a speaker. Intra-verbal behavior is a type of verbal operant, wherein a speaker replies to the verbal behavior of other individuals in a differentiated manner. Echoic is a verbal operant in which the response of a speaker and verbal behavior of other individuals signify a repeat occurrence. Textual is a process of reading wherein a speaker read without having any implication or understanding any text. These are certain essential elements on the basis of which Skinner has recognized the psychological behaviors of individuals through verbal behavior (Sundberg, 2006). The study of Skinner has provided adequate knowledge about psychological aspects on the basis of which behavior of individual changes. Moreover, the study revealed important information about various elements like mand, tact and textual among others, which are regarded as the essential elements of recognizing human behavior and determining the changes that take place in the behavior of an individual in accordance with external stimuli and messages. In this respect, the personal theory of helping will be developed with due concern to the different elements that have been identified by Skinner in verbal behavior. Respectively, the traits and the psychological characteristics of individuals will be determined through the elements of verbal behavior. On the other hand, the contribution of Sigmund Freud has assisted in the development of the personal theory of helping, as the psychoanalysis theories have provided immense knowledge regarding internal drives along with emotions that are accountable for making developmental changes in the behavior of an individual. The theories and studies conducted by Freud in relation to the aspect of psychoanalysis depict that there are three basic elements on the basis of which human personality can be segregated that encompass conscious, preconscious and unconscious mind. The conscious mind involves the aspects that an individual is aware of or possesses adequate knowledge. Preconscious mind is a part of memory which does not remain much conscious for most of the time, but information from preconscious mind can be retrieved at any time. The unconscious part of the mind comprises feelings, memories and thoughts that are outside the reach of conscious awareness. The contents of unconscious mind mostly comprise certain unpleasant elements that include feelings of anxiety and pain. In this regard, Freud has recognized that the unconscious mind influences human behavior at large (Valdosta State University, 2013). Moreover, Freud has also stated that the mind of an individual is structured on three elements that include id, superego along with ego. The integration of these elements should be made in a smooth manner so that intrapsychic conflicts and anxiety can be minimized. In certain instances, wherein a conflict amid the aforementioned three elements is identified, an individual is determined to develop anxiety along with emotional issues. In this regard, the psychoanalysis theory also recognizes that anxiety amid individuals develop unpleasant thoughts, which should be mitigated to retain a better psychological and behavioral development. Freud has stated that there lay three major sorts of anxiety like neurotic anxiety, moral anxiety and reality anxiety. Neurotic anxiety is identified as a worry in the unconscious mind which may adversely affect the behavior along with the psychological development of individuals. Reality anxiety signifies the fear that an individual possess in relation to the event that occurs in the real world. Moral anxiety implies the fear possessed by an individual with regard to the violation of one’s own principles. In this respect, Freud has stated that in order to mitigate the problems of tension or anxiety, it is required to adopt a defense mechanism which will offer ways on the basis of which problems related to anxiety can be minimized. The defense mechanism comprises various elements that entail displacement, rationalization, reaction formation, regression, repression and denial. It can be affirmed that the aforementioned elements will assist the individuals in lessening the level of anxiety and tension by a certain degree. Furthermore, Freud stated that individuals possessing conflicting element in their personality without defense mechanism will adversely affect physical along with psychological development (ENMU, 2013). The studies along with the theories of Freud have assisted in developing personal theory of helping through providing an efficient understanding and knowledge about various facts that are accountable for behavioral and cognitive development of an individual. Moreover, the theories will also assist in identifying the psychological aspects that are responsible for the development of anxiety and tension. Accordingly, the theories and defense mechanisms developed by Freud will aid in minimizing stress and anxiety amid individuals, so that they are able to develop both psychologically and behaviorally. Carl Rogers has developed ‘theory of personality’, which will aid in understanding the inconsistency prevailing between experiences obtained and self-concept, as the prime factor responsible for psychological disturbance in an individual. The ‘theory of personality’ signifies that various aspects of human behavior are accountable for the psychological development of an individual. There are various elements that will provide an in-depth explanation of personality theory. These elements include actualizing tendency, self-actualizing tendency, self, fully functioning person and the self along with the conditions of worth. The element actualizing tendency signifies that every human bear the capacity of developing along with maintaining different traits and values, so that autonomy can be attained. The actualizing tendency is possessed by every human. Moreover, this tendency in human is suppressible, rather being non-destructible. In this theory, actualizing tendency is determined to be the major factor on the basis of which certain factors like tension, requirements and creative tendencies are derived. In this regard, it can be affirmed that every human has the capability of accomplishing their tendencies with full potentialities. The ‘self’ element in this theory implies that humans develop experiences that are acquired from conscious along with unconscious mind. The development along with the growth of individuals will aid them to differentiate and segregate the experiences obtained from conscious and unconscious mind. Self is determined to be the central part responsible for the development of this theory. An individual acquire experiences relating to human behavior especially from interactions with other individuals and possessing greater awareness about the functioning of humans. Additionally, this element is mainly based upon social interaction. ‘Self-actualizing tendency’ is identified to be based upon actualization of the segment of experiences that possess by an individual in himself/herself. It assists an individual in recognizing the conscious traits and the personalities that are acquired by an individual. ‘Condition of worth’ is a procedure on the basis of which an individual develops his/her values and personality with due influence from other individuals. In this regard, an individual acquiring values and traits from others should be aware about the behavioral elements of humans. ‘Fully functioning person and the self’ is the other element of personality theory which reveals that positive regards acquired from other individuals should complement with self-regard, so that an individual is able to develop psychologically. It can be affirmed that the aforementioned elements are the major factors that assist an individual to grow also to develop in a psychological manner with better values and qualities (Rogers, 2012; Pescitelli, 2007). It is worth mentioning that Carl Rogers formulated ‘theory of personality’ with the assistance of the above described elements that provided adequate information in relation to conditions and values that are accountable for changing behavior amid humans. Additionally, Rogers developed person-centered approach with the aid of ‘theory of personality’, so that psychological therapy can be provided to individuals for cognitive and behavior development. This specific therapy will assist in enhancing human conditions and influencing various aspects like education, family life, community health, conflict resolution and family life among others (Nicholas, 2009; Gillon, 2005). The studies and the theories of Rogers have assisted in the development of personal theory of helping. Moreover, the different elements associated with ‘theory of personality’ have provided adequate knowledge and understanding about various important aspects that are accountable for psychological and behavioral development of an individual. It can be affirmed from a broader outlook that the aforementioned three psychologists have influenced significantly towards the development of personal theory of helping. Additionally, the studies and the theories that developed by these three psychologists that include Skinner, Freud and Rogers have provided ample information about the values, traits and factors which are accountable for the development of an efficient behavior in psychological conditions. In this respect, the personal theory of helping will use the elements, theories along with the therapies in order to develop human behavior and cognitive conditions of individuals with positive attributes and beliefs. Respectively, with efficient qualities and traits, individuals will be able to develop the aspect of human relation. Human relation is important in the lives of individuals, as it helps in developing a better affiliation with others. Accordingly, with the aspect of human relation, an individual will be capable of working in an effective manner with other individuals. It also develops a desire amid the individuals to understand the requirements, skills and the weaknesses of other individuals, so that people are able to work in groups. It is dependent on psychological and behavioral development of individuals. Moreover, working in groups will assist individuals in accomplishing their individual goals along with group objectives effectively (McGraw-Hill Education, 2013). The personal theory of helping will be based on three major aspects or phases that include identification of factors impacting psychological development, interpreting the identified factors responsible for behavioral change and psychological therapy for developing human conditions. In the first phase, individuals will be examined with the assistance of verbal behavior theory developed by Skinner. According to verbal behavior analysis, individuals will be examined on the basis of their social interaction in every aspect of their lives. In this regard, the several factors that are responsible for changes in the behavior of an individual will be recognized. In the second phase, the factors identified to be impacting psychological and behavioral development of an individual are required to be interpreted efficiently in order to determine their influence in conscious and unconscious mind. The identified factors will be then segregated in three components such as id, ego and superego. On the basis of the aforementioned three elements, the association amid the components will be recognized. In the last phase, psychological therapy will be offered to individuals revealing negative behavior and attitudes for better development of their psychological conditions. Respectively, enhancement in the behaviors and the psychological conditions of humans will assist in identifying the problems of others. Furthermore, the ‘theory of personality’ will provide active support to the individuals in performing their respective activities with respect, dignity and equality. Specially mentioning, individuals will be able to develop a better positive affiliation in society and also to retain a harmonious life with better self-awareness and self-evaluation capabilities (Padilha, 2010). Thus, on the basis of the above discussion, it can be affirmed that the aforementioned three theorists have influenced the ideas concerning personal theory of helping in the form of depicting various significant aspects relating to individual development and determining human behavior through analyzing ‘theory of personality’. References Rogers, C. (2012). On becoming a person: a therapist's view of psychotherapy. United States of America: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ENMU.(2013). Freud’s psychosexual theory. Retrieved from Epstein, R., & Joker, V. R. (2007).A threshold theory of the humor response.The Behavior Analyst, 30, 49-58. Gillon, E. (2005). An introduction to person-centred counseling psychology. Retrieved from Lyciano, C., Valverde, M. R., & Catania, A. C. (2008).Presentation of the series celebrating the 50th anniversary of the book, Verbal Behavior, B.F. Skinner.International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 8(3), 275-276. McGraw-Hill Education.(2013). Human relations and you. Retrieved from Morris, E. K., Smith, N. G., & Altus, D. E. (2005). B. R Skinner's contributions to applied behavior analysis. The Behavior Analyst, 28, 99-131. Nevid, J. S. (2007). Psychology: concepts and applications. United States of America: Cengage Learning. Nicholas, L. (2009). Introduction to psychology. Cape Town: Juta and Company Ltd. Pescitelli, D. (2007). An analysis of Carl Rogers’ theory of personality. Retrieved from SAGE Publications.(2013). Integrative psychotherapy. Retrieved from Smith, L. M. (1999). B. F. Skinner. UNESCO: International Bureau of Education, 25(3/4), 519-532. Sundberg, M. L. (2006). Verbal behavior. Retrieved from Valdosta State University.(2013). Freudian psychoanalytic theory. Retrieved from Question 2B Social norms of equilibrium tend to encourage us toward perpetuating the status quo as a preferred approach to life. Explain the ways in which norms of equilibrium can adversely affect conflict resolution attempts at the personal level and at the professional level. Social norm functions are regarded as a process of coordinating the expectations of an individual in order to ascertain his/her multiple requirements and equilibrium. There exist various phenomena of norms that include contracts, property rights, justice and communication among others. These would certainly assist the individuals to develop uniformity with respect to the behaviors concerning the maintenance of a better social relationship. Social norms comprise customary behavioral rules along with regulations on the basis of which an effective association and interaction is developed with others. Social norms often play an effective role towards the development of values, beliefs and other attributes in the life of an individual in order to have a sustainable social life. Additionally, social norms also assist the individuals to remain much obligated towards family along with community. In this regard, a society is required to be based on certain norms so that individuals are able to accomplish their required objectives in an efficient manner. Moreover, individuals will be facilitated with the opportunity of developing their behaviors in compliance with socio-cultural and other related aspects prevailing in a society. Consequently, individuals developing their respective behaviors in compliance with others will be able to develop appropriate traits along with personalities in order to have equilibrium in every aspect of their life (Durlauf&Blume, 2007). In order to determine that social norms of equilibrium tend to encourage individuals towards perpetuating the status quo as a preferred approach to life, it can be stated that social norms are identified to be of significant importance in the life of an individual. This can be justified with reference to the fact that social norms provide the rules and the attitudes through which individuals will be facilitated with the opportunity of accomplishing their objectives and identifying their rights in an efficient manner. Individuals with the provision of shared values and attitudes will specify them about the activities to be performed or not in certain situations. Social norms are acquired by individuals in an informal manner through making social interactions with community groups and societal members. These norms are not recognized under social obligations as there are vast and unlimited resources available for enforcing them in a society and amid individuals. Humans are intensely sensitive towards the behavior of individuals as they are surrounded with diverse identified traits along with attributes of others. On the basis of social norms, individuals are able to recognize their economic, social along with civil rights. It comprises certain rules along with regulations in accordance with which behaviors of an individual are regulated. Respectively, social norms aid individuals in developing their thoughts, behaviors along with feelings in compliance with the ethics and the beliefs of a society. Social norms are strengthened by devoting certain standards through which people of a society are required to execute their activities and develop their behavior along with cultural aspects (Prentice, 2012). Thus, these are various positive aspects of social norms which assist in developing equilibrium in the behaviors, values and beliefs amid people encouraging them towards perpetuating the status quo as a preferred approach to life. It is worth mentioning that social norms have provided certain effective rules along with regulations in order to maintain an equilibrium society and behavior amid individuals. In this regard, it can be affirmed that social responsibility is a prime concern for an entity which may include both a corporate sector and individual performing activities for providing benefits to the society. Moreover, individuals and corporate sectors are required to act in a balanced manner in accordance with the determined social norms and responsibilities. Correspondingly, entities acting according to the recognized social norms i.e. social responsibility will be facilitated with the opportunity of executing their activities for the benefit of a society in an immense manner. Additionally, individuals and corporate sectors complying with social responsibility norms will be able to develop a stability concerning the economy along with the ecosystem through their operations. Social responsibility will also assist in developing equilibrium for two essential factors that include societal welfare and environment. Respectively, social responsibility will influence the individuals and the business entities to acquire transcendence values, beliefs and ethnicities to act in a social responsible manner. In this context, it can be ascertained from the above discussion that social norms play an effective role towards the development of equilibrium behavior in a society. Furthermore, business entities with the adherence of social norms will be able to conduct their respective activities and operations ethically. Subsequently, social norms will ensure that business entities and individuals act with the motive of enhancing social development and welfare activities (Crilly et. al. 2008). In this competitive and varying business environment, business entities are often required to perform their operations and activities in an ethical along with social manner with the intention of making sustainable development and greater performances in diverse cultural environments. Moreover, business entities adopt several practices along with policies in adherence with developed social norms in order to retain an effective interrelation within and outside the organization. In this regard, practices and policies developed in accordance with social norms and business ethics will assist an entity to maintain a suitable working environment, minimizing conflicts amid employees by a certain degree. On the other hand, business entities with developed policies and practices will be facilitated with the opportunity of making greater contribution towards the development and welfare activities of societies. Contextually, business entities possessing efficient policies will be able to maintain better social interaction and most vitally can diminish conflict situations at large (Dimitriades, 2007). Social norms can also be recognized as one of the effective elements for resolving conflicts amid individuals representing different cultural and social groups in a society and business entity. It can be affirmed in this regard that conflict resolution is a process of mitigating conflict situations in a peaceful manner. In this regard, conflict amid social and cultural groups can be mitigated through developing effective communication of ideas and beliefs that hold by them with the assistance of collective bargaining. On the other hand, it can also be viewed that there are several situations or circumstances, wherein conflict resolution with the assistance of social norms have adversely affected the resolution process (Deutsch et. al., 2011). It is worth mentioning that social norms of equilibrium can adversely affect conflict resolution attempts both at personal and professional level. This can be justified with reference to the fact that conflicts may arise with the provisions and implementation of social norms on the basis of certain human-rights standards amid individuals and corporate sectors towards the accomplishment of predetermined targets. Social norms of equilibrium can be identified to pose threat to individuals of society at the personal level through raising ‘conflict of interest’. In this regard, social conflict may arise amid individuals due to self-interested behavior. It can be affirmed that the cultural along with the social aspects relating to a particular community might differ on the basis of ethics, traditions and religious beliefs among others. In this respect, a society comprising diverse cultural people may pose challenges and raise conflicts for developed social norms with regard to ethnic violence and interest conflict. Conflict situations at the professional level may arise due to biasness, favoritism and depriving confidence along with cohesion that prevail amid the individuals residing in a society. The social along with the economic environment of a country can be recognized to be changing on a continuous basis due to various factors such as diverse culture, increased level of globalization and changing preferences of people on a global context. In this respect, social norms are required to be modified according to the changing economic conditions in order to maintain a stable social environment or otherwise, conflict situation may arise due to existing social norms and interest of the people (Haider, 2009). Social norms of equilibrium are determined to have great influence on the development of a society and in shaping the behavior of individuals. Social norms are devised and implemented with the intention of preventing conflict situations. On the other hand, it can also be apparently observed that social norms often adversely affect conflict resolution process at certain times through the acceptance of adverse or violent actions that are performed. Contextually, social norms that have been formulated and implemented in a society are principally based on certain standards and regulations on the basis of which individuals are required to behave and execute their activities. However, the implemented norms may not correspond with the attitudes and beliefs of an individual, as these norms might vary with the attributes of social along with cultural group. The developed social norms can be accepted or discarded by one specific social or cultural group, resulting in generating conflicts amid them. The aforementioned factor may develop conflict situations amid different social and cultural groups, adversely affecting the conflict resolution attempts both at personal and professional level. Conflicts arise amid individuals and corporate sectors due to traditional beliefs and violent behaviors that include maltreatment, partner violence, suicide, youth violence and community violence among others. Respectively, individuals and business entities develop opposing behavior along with attitudes for the developed and implemented norms and regulations in a society (World Health Organization, 2009; Cole et. al., 1998). In the conflict resolution procedure, there are certain factors such as competitive orientation, inappropriate resolution process and disagreement with determined norms that might adversely affect the process or intensifies conflicts amid individuals and business entities of a society. In the present competitive business environment and changing social as well as economic conditions, social norms are often determined to develop a perception of win-lose situation or competitive scenario, promoting individuals to execute their activities in a self-motivate - manner. Consequently, individuals will conduct their operations with the motive of accomplishing their self-requirements and objectives. In this similar context, individuals will act without concerning the influence of their behavior on others in order to achieve their needs. Moreover, individuals will also disregard social norms under the influence of self-centered motives. The changing global environment and social norms are ascertained to increase complexities relating to behaviors, policies along with values amid individuals representing different cultural groups. Therefore, the developed social norms are ineffective in meeting the cultural values, standards and beliefs of different cultural groups, making the method of conflict resolution much more ineffective. In this regard, the social norms acting as a conflict resolution method will further intensify the conflict situation in terms of restricting an individual towards accomplishing his/her objectives. Subsequently, the social norms developed for minimizing hostile situations will have an adverse impact on the behavior along with the attitude of individuals in their personal as along with professional life (Wall &Callister, 1995). The norms that are developed and implemented in a particular society can pose threat in terms of developing conflicts amid individuals on the path of their cultural beliefs, attitudes, requirements and interests if the conflict resolution policies are not structured and formulated appropriately. In this respect, inappropriate conflict resolution process will negatively impact the cooperation and the trust of individuals towards the norms and the values developed. Additionally, the norms with miscommunication and without cooperative manner will negatively affect the policies undertaken in the conflict resolution process. Respectively, individuals will act in violating the developed social norms in a more intensified way with the aim of accomplishing their respective objectives (Gorodnichenko& Roland, 2011). Societies are based on the individuals who belong to different culture and possesses diverse moral and beliefs. In this regard, social norms are required to be developed in accordance with the needs and the preferences of different cultural people in order to maintain equilibrium. It can be affirmed that the social norms may adversely affect the conflict resolution methods, which in return may increase aggression amid people due to the formation of hostile relationship with different groups of people. The hostile relationship amid individuals will certainly generate crucial challenges in conflict resolution attempts at personal along with professional level. In this respect, the conflict resolution process cannot be conducted in an appropriate manner as the needs and the requirements of the people belonging to different cultural groups cannot be fulfilled without their cooperation, trust and support. Additionally, devising and implementing policies on the basis of the requirements of the individuals or a specific group will intensify the conflict situation with other individuals or groups. Correspondingly, the difference in the values along with the beliefs of different cultural people is the major driving aspect affecting the adoption of social norms (Hassert et. al., 2008). Thus, it can be comprehended from the above discussion that conflict is an integral nature and characteristic of human behavior. There are certain norms on the basis of which individuals are required to act and behave in order to maintain equilibrium. However, individuals interacting with individuals belonging to other social and cultural group may develop opposing attitudes and behaviors with regard to their interest. The developed social norms depicting the values, beliefs and ethnicity on the basis of which individuals should act may oppose the beliefs and the attitudes of individuals of one or other cultural group. In this context, the developed norms may satisfy the needs and the requirements of individuals of one particular cultural group or may be inappropriate for other groups. Respectively, the developed conflict resolutions may intensify the conflict situations amid individuals of different cultural groups. These are the various ways on the basis of which social norms of equilibrium adversely affect conflict resolution attempts at personal along with professional level. References Cole, H. L., Mailath, G. J., &Postlewaite, A. (1998).Class systems and the enforcement of social norms.Journal of Public Economics, 70, 5-35. Crilly,D., Schneider, S. C., &Zollo, M. (2008). Psychological antecedents to socially responsible behavior. Retrieved from Dimitriades, Z. S. (2007). Business ethics and corporate social responsibility in the e-economy: a commentary. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organizational Studies, 12(2). Durlauf, S. N., &Blume, L. E. (2007).New palgrave dictionary of economics. Retrieved from Deutsch, M., Coleman, P. T., & Marcus, E. C. (2011).The handbook of conflict resolution: theory and practice. United States of America: John Wiley & Sons. Gorodnichenko, Y., & Roland, G. (2011).Understanding the individualism-collectivism cleavage and its effects: lessons from cultural psychology.Publication, 1-29. Hassert, D. L., Kelly, A. N., Pritchard, J. K., &Cautilli, J. D. (2008). The licensing of behavior analysts: protecting the profession and the public. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention, 5(2), 1-57. Haider, H. (2009). Community-based approaches to peacebuilding in conflict-affected and fragile contexts.Issues Paper, 4-40. Padilha, M. (2010).Personal theory of helping. Retrieved from Prentice, D. A. (2012).The psychology of social norms and the promotion of human rights. Retrieved from Wall, J. A., &Callister, R. R. (1995).Conflict and its management.Journal of Management, 21(3), 515-558. World Health Organization. (2009). Changing cultural and social norms that support violence. Retrieved from Read More
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