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Religious Group Support - Essay Example

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This paper “Religious Group Support” looks at the different types of influences that normally dominate the influence a group can exert on one's life. It investigates a grouping, and report findings on whether any of these types of influence actually influenced the grouping…
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Religious Group Support
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?Running head: Religious support group Religious support group Affiliation Group influence is part of the society. Society is made up of people who need groupings for their support and encouragements in life and its endeavors. This paper will look at the different types of influences which normally dominate the influence a group can exert on one's life. We will investigate a grouping, and report findings whether any of these types of influence actually influenced the grouping. Our grouping of the discussion will involve a religious gathering which comes about often, or precisely, the church. The church grouping also known as the congregation will shed light on the understanding what group influence is all about. Local religious support group Introduction A group is a set of more people, usually more than one person, who collectively come together for a purpose that benefits them individually or collectively. It consists of group members who share common norms, beliefs, values and possesses inherent or plain informed relationships to each other, thereby have independent behavior. Examples of these groups include religious group, political group, social gathering group, as well as employee gatherings, public debate group as well as women support groups. This paper will discuss the religious grouping that forms better part of the community. This grouping falls under the group of social gathering, which involves coming together for a common purpose; to seek supernatural being's attention or intervention. Its findings expectations are very similar to the social influence in the society. It integrates the religious grouping finding with the real documented influence created by a social gathering. The paper acknowledges the different types of social grouping influences and their implications on people's lives. The types of influence installed on people normally fashion his character and behavior. The church creates an environment which people must listen to and inherit teachings and influences set by the church as the correct norm to follow. Weekly teachings expectations are delivered at a gathering which normally takes place in the church gathering. This normally takes place for the purpose of spiritual nourishment Spiritual nourishment is important to personal well-being. It helps people to realize their inner being, which includes values, gifts and strengths. Its real purpose is to make one feel strong beyond their limitations or laziness. Using spiritual nourishment may help to transform ones' strengths being channeled towards their success. It also helps in managing stress and tackleschallenges in life, which may hinder self-worth. This is important to both the community in our scope as well as the environment. This purely shows that spiritual nourishment is important in guiding ones' success together with his immediate surroundings to which he impacts on. This is only achieved through the gatherings which not only is attendance one's a week, but throughout the day’s religious people conduct such meetings. Background information Social gathering is as old as human themselves. In the past, people used to gather around for various purposes. Some of these may include religious practice, a case determination, war or epidemic alert, funeral farewell or wedding and initiation in some cultures. The social gathering was important as it brought people within the community to air their views and suggests courses of action. Individuals gathered mostly informal setting for formal issues or informal setting where family members were just gathering to share their communion. Families were gathering to give instructions to the juniors on the way of living and tackling issues about their families and relatives. Through these gatherings, achievements of many benefits come to play. These include interactions with experienced people or the head of the family and sharing personal concerns while asking for guidance and mentorship on matters of marriage and life events. Formally, when the gathering was in place, mostly it was of a political course. For instance, in England, queens and kings used to hold social meetings to discuss the well-being of the region or to just offer a political advice about war and protection. In Africa, the clan elders held meeting to offer a solution to the epidemic and relevant disturbances that may occur within the region. It was an important activity throughout the world. Through these gatherings, self-worth and identity realization is important so that people could air their concerns and views. The religious function gathering commenced long during Abraham's time, according to biblical teachings. These gathering's purpose was to correct and rebuke the sinful people and punishing them to bring sanity to the region. This was also continued during Jesus, time who was the founder of modern Christianity. He always had social gatherings which attracted millions of people. This was also evident during the prophet Mohamed's time as well as Buddha's. Religious gathering was very important during ancient times for many reasons including; answering to various calamities such as death and hunger, requesting for mercy and peace among the others. Literature review Social gathering influences personal behavior in one way or the other. Their main purpose is to create self-identity. Reasons for group formation includes, social loafing, thinking togetherness believed to bring more accurate results, and an outcry for minority influence put to attention. These reasons have led men to be more of a social being than self being. It has created interdependence of many people. It noted that those who feel sidelined or intentionally banned from appearing on social gatherings or endeavors experience trauma and stress (Baumeister & Bushman, 2011). Facts have shown that the main purpose for developing correctional facilities was to create an environment that will desist people with decayed morals be quarantined in and cut from social gatherings and events. The social influence occurs on different occasions. One being noted is the church services and meetings. The church influences people to conform from their way of livelihood to a way described by them as the acceptable way of living. These acceptable way of living just to mention few may include, resisting adultery and fornication, offering respect and love for other people, loving and adhering to God' teaching and so on. The church achieves this through many mediums. However, different types of social influence are discussed; According to Kelman (1958), social influence has three main influences on a person. These include; compliance, externalization and identifications. With these, a person is able to be transformed and persuaded to adhere to specific conditions set. Influence will be achieved through any of these categories. Compliance is described as the ability of people to be in agreement with others, though they still have their ideas locked (Baldoni, Cao Son, & van Riemsdijk, 2008). Six principles according to Cialdini, works to allow people effectively comply with others request. They include; liking of friendship, commitment and reliability, reciprocity, scarcity, social validation and appeal to authority. These would form an effective way of acceptance to comply. For instance, when liking a person who is within a friendship circle, he can easily influence one to comply with a situation. Similarly, with reciprocity, people always have the urge of payback a favor. This shows that when one has a bond to pay, they would easily consider complying with one's need to pay back. Internalization on the other hand stands for the person accepting the norm, they agree both with others and with one's self (Cox & Lightfoot, 1997). A message is delivered to the groupings and each person deliberates to put it into action by understanding much bit of it and later produce an outcome. Identification is when a person accepts because they like the person. In a group setting, people are either unknowingly encouraged or knowingly talked to take up a certain action. An example of this wonder is the way person embraces celebrity's advice. This type of influence has been well used by marketing departments in companies. For instance, a company that produces a martini drink always uses the singer known as Sean Paul to market the drink. The drink usually appears in his music videos. As the individual has a lot of followers, during his tours, people could get hold of the drink and consume it, that the celebrity also takes the drink. The fan shows the urge form an identity to the individual. This type of influence is very effective Ideologically, Conformity is another type of influence of socialism. It reiterates on a change of belief, thinking or behavior in a certain way, to be approved by a group as its norm. People's ways of thinking are generally changed to imitate the group members who have formed the correct universally accepted norm of behavior. Type of conformity influence is normative and informational influence (Mugny & Perez, 1991). Normative influence is a type of influence enforced on people to conform to a certain behavior to win acceptance while informational influence is one’s acceptance of information accepted as a reality (Baumeister & Bushman, 2011). Conformity influence is very effective especially when the size of the group increases. This is to say, when the group's people are large in numbers, they can easily influence an individual. For instance, a large rock concert in town which might be attended by a particular person of gothic culture would easily influence an individual to dress in their way of dressing while attending the same concert. They would also be influenced to do whatever they do while in concert, examples include smoking, drinking or screaming to the artists.The two main reasons why people conform to a particular situation is the need to be correct and the need to win others' love. Minority influence is the pressure felt for most members in the group to accept the minority behavior and belief. These have been very effective especially in the recent years where the world has opened its ears to them. Social effects have been realized to this effect's including many social innovations (Mugny & Perez, 1991). The minority influence is very common in the political arena. It is most effective if the individual upholds the consistency, appealing and flexible. Loss to any of the three results to loss of credibility. It is very important for people to take into account the position of the minority. This would encourage great thinking and innovation would result out of this. Self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that causes it to be true, due to a feedback from belief and behavior. This will render one with expectations. These could be about the behavior of others and about one's own behavior (Jones, 1977). An example is the belief that one will lose weight if he stops eating much. Others believe that when they pray hard, definitely they will go to heaven. Self-fulfilling prophesy is important in society as it allows for people to work towards their goals to sustain the credibility of prophesy. Persuasion is the process where an individual guide other individual to accept and adopt his thoughts and beliefs. An example is when a Christian provides a Muslim reason why they should become Christians. If he, the Muslim, agrees, persuasion would become eminent. Resistance on the other hand is to adopt a view contrary to the one on the table, maybe as a reaction towards freedom of behavior. According to Breckler, Olson, & Wiggins (2006), this would occur when one resists a persuasion to do something contrary to his needs. An example would be that the Muslim may decide not to become the Christian being asked. He would therefore stand his ground and declare that he is not changing his religion. This is very important when safeguarding one's belief. Persuasion and resistance are almost two equal forces against each other (Knowles & Linn, 2004). Obedience is a form of influence that is enforced by an authoritative figure. There is no much room for negotiation. Contrary to the direction normally result in somewhat punishment (Baumeister & Bushman, 2011). However, there are factors that may hinder obedience from taking place according to Classic Milgrim's studies. They include; the line of the authoritative figure issuing the demand, victim's proximity, information which perceiving that not questioning obedience is unsafe, allowing people to know that the choice they make is their expected outcome and presence of defiant models. The strength of social influence is achieved by several factors, some of which the discussion is achieved below. They include; ‘social impact theory', ‘weapons of influence' formed by Ciliandini, social status, unanimity, music and performing art influence, emotion and culture. These give an insight to the strength which could be applied for socially influence to become effectively realized. The social impact theory is explained using three rules which are denoted below. The first rule implies that social influence emanates from some sort of social forces, defined by its source's strength, the size, in some way of the foundations and the imminence of the event. The second rule acknowledges that influence increases with the number of sources. Lastly, the targeted number also affects social influence and impact. Music and performing arts are also very influential tools. Through music, a message is normally delivered. This message could be destructive or constructive. Influence is however achieved if for instance, listeners decide to listen to the lyrics of the song. Music is very active especially to the young people in the society. Other music played at social functions and gathering also is also received by many people who are in that concert. A messageabout the song that may influence people includes music confirming that the individual is a statesman, also called the national anthem. Culture is very active in influencing social beings. Socially, culture is very important in shaping up society. It creates social cohesion and identity. Through culture, individuals are taught how to behave and act around certain people. For instance, office culture demands that individuals must be well groomed and formally dressed before getting to work. This normally is a result of culture in the society and it had to be adopted by many. Culture may also influence may also influence one's behavior. For instance, the American culture clearly shows that it is different from a Mexican culture in the way people carry them out. American gets together with each other freely as compared to Mexicans. This is attributed to the cultural difference of the two locations. The church has always been embraced by conformity influence, thanks to the obedient congregation, whichdescribes congregation as a religious gathering which has turned the social norms in both positive and negative way. A familiar case of informational influence that went bizarre was in Jonestown where 914 people committed suicide when their religious leader asked them to do so, believing that it was the end of the world (Baumeister & Bushman, 2011). This was as a result of more than one type of influence running through their minds. For instance, identity influence played its role in this menace. Individuals did that action in recognition of the priest whom they all adored. Conformity played its role as an individual's way of thinking was altered and them all committed suicide, believing they will be accepted. The importance of group influence cannot be overstressed. This however is not a substitute of ones thinking capability. Studies have shown that individuals fail to think in their own way when they get into a group. Other studies have shown that groups can result in destruction depending on the motivation factor. Influential individuals will always get their way into people's hearts and mind to try and influence decisions made or ought to be made by an individual. Research methodology Instruments used Instruments used included Books and articles which were reviewed to come up with a concrete literature regarding the social groupings in the society. Observation schedule was created for the purpose of data collection from the congregant and the stakeholders. Informants My findings were achieved byboth direct observation and responses from faithful individuals within the gathering and the choir. Data collection procedure Information was gathered in the library. A visit to the local church was conducted to view how gathering respond to the psychological needs of gathering. With permission from the choir master, a visit of one of their practice sessions was conducted. Observation of the proceedings was conducted. Data was filled in the observation schedules. Findings and discussion The church is a social setting where social gathering takes place.The Christians, who form the congregation in the church setting, are very committed to the religion. This commitment influences their way of thinking, behavior as well as their actions. The church is very much concerned to individual behavior change. The group grounds its teaching to conformity. These include the information given to the church followers every Sunday. The congregants are compelled to be obedient to the teachings provided and adhere to them. Disobedience will act as cruelty to the group and may lead to undesirable consequences. The grouping believes that the authority is mandated by the higher power to set rules, and the congregants should follow their lead regardless. This thought is very influential among can therefore be termed as subject to obedient influence. Individuals in the grouping are very optimistic about their futures. They believe that good deeds will reciprocate good results at the end. This has been an encouragement to the faithful individuals so that they conduct themselves with discipline expecting higher returns at the end. They therefore practice self-fulfilling prophesy. Religious leaders are very persuasive. They have the power to see that their teachings and requests are followed to the latter. They persuade their faithful congregation to follow the Christian way of conduct and acceptable behavior set by them is crucial. Ironically, religious leaders are not always questioned. Resistance to the information given is minimal even if guidance is given contrary to individual's expectation. An offering is made to resemble sacrifice, and a so called ‘bounty harvest’ will depend on the persuasive nature of that individual in that particular place. Minority influence very much experience in a religious setting. Few leaders will come up with a program which the congregation will adhere to. However, popular sentiments are very important for minority influence to be effective in any social gatherings, and the church setting is not an exception. The priest and the church leaders make decisions based on their support as a minority in the congregation and yet very influential. Christians are very compliantwith each other. They readily receive instructions and act upon them. To this effect, the ministers with their persuasive charms are always influential owing to this compliance of the congregation. Demands are made and the congregants are swayed to follow and ensure every other individual does the same. Other Christians are very keen and they agree with the setting of the messages received during church services and meetings. They internalize the word taught and grasp it as their own, and reflect upon them. They are therefore influenced by the message given and act upon what might be required. Identification type of influence is also very lively in the congregation. Some choir members admitted that they attend the church services just to listen to the popular pastor preaches. They swear that the teachings they get from the individual is ‘touching’ and ‘life changing’. They therefore love being identified with the pastor as their hero. Conclusion People in groups are often influenced by the group members or the group leader. This has led to people either depending too much on others advice or them being denied the ability or make their own decisions. It is therefore important that individuals first examine themselves before giving into group demands and pressure. On the lighter note, groupings are very important since they offer moral support to the individuals. In our study, through the church meetings, choir practices and bible studies are avenues where these can be achieved. They offer guidance and instructions which provide a basis or foundation of their faith, hence belonging. It is therefore important to encourage such settings in basis of the mentioned. A social gathering is very influential in individual's lives. This is achieved by different types of influential activities. They include, minority influence, conformity, compliance, obedience, persuasion, reactance and self-fulfilling prophesy. These are achieved through social gathering conducted within the society. Some of these gatherings includes, social hall gathering, political gathering, religious gathering, and women support groups gathering. Through these, a high level influence is possible through communication provided to the group individual. It is therefore important for one to understand his place before they are easily swayed to make hasty decisions. References Reactance Theory. In S. J. Breckler, J. Olson, & E. C. Wiggins (Eds.) (2006). Social Psychology Alive (pp. 299-300). Stamford: Cengage Learning. Baldoni, M., Cao Son, T., & van Riemsdijk, M. B. (2008). Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies V. New York: Springer. Baumeister, R. F., & Bushman, B. J. (2011). Social Psychology & Human Nature. London: Cangage Learning. Cox, B. D., & Lightfoot, C. (1997).Sociogenetic perspectives on internalization. London: Routledge. Jones, R. A. (1977). Self-fulfilling Prophecies. London: Routledge. Knowles, E. S., & Linn, J. A. (2004). Resistance and persuasion. London: Routledge. Mugny, G., & Perez, J. A. (1991). “The” Social Psychology of Minority Influence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Table 1 Table showing the result achieved when attending the meeting in the church Type of influence tested Finding description Conclusion Conformity Behavior change is key Normative standards are set Influence on thinking The Church congregation is subject to conformity Obedience Teaching revolves around obedience thereby expected Congregation members are obedient to their superior’s advice and requests; thereby they are bound to obey. Self-fulfillingprophecy Expectation of an outcome out of a course They believe of an outcome from the good deeds done. Persuasion Try to persuade individuals to take up certain courses of action The individualis persuaded to believe in the faith This influence is present especially to the new congregation members so that they accept religion Reactance Resistance to the view contrary to the group’s belief is not allowed Decisions made by authority is binding and questioning is not expected. No reactance to a situation is expected whatsoever. According to the teachings, it is believed that authority should not be questioned Minority influence They areinfluenced by information Religious leaders may be the minority in the congregation The minority have the say in religious functions Internalization The formation of values that shapes man is evident Individuals belonging to the group are encouraged to adopt Individuals are receptive and they grasp information Compliance People respond to requests and teachings provided positively Group members comply with the set in the information and teachings provided regarding their lives Identification The pastor is adored and is a role model to everyone Perceive to identify themselves with the Christ They uphold identification as the backbone of their religious belief Read More
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