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"Media and Children Behavior Did you think the articles were well researched and was the evidence used to vali their claims timely or d?The articles are well researched and clear to prove the statements. Every statement is evidenced by giving strong points and referring to recent researches and experiments made. The claims are explained enough to provide the information about the problems of health risks in children from the initial to the final stage. The statistics are used in such a way that it forces the reader to believe and understand the depth of the problem. 2. Chave s states on page 148 that “it is clear that heavy exposure to media violence causes an increase in the likelihood of future aggressive and violent behavior.
” On what does she base this statement? Does Wilson's article support this? Chaves puts forward this statement on the basis of experiments and statistics provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Chaves further explains that it is a scientific concept that media is not the only cause of aggressive behaviors and violence however, it is proved that heavy exposure to media violence increases the chance of future aggressive and violent behaviors. A person who is not the victim of media exposure may also be aggressive and violent in his behavior.
Yes Wilson’s article also supports the statement as he also gives evidence from different researches and experiments. 3. What is the connection between electronic media and each of the following and how is this connection evidenced; (according to Chaves) A. Obesity: Chaves provides a number of statements to prove that media exposure and advertisement of unhealthy food on television, internet and outdoor mediums is contributing to increased probability of child obesity. Children desire to eat what is being advertised in an attractive way on television, internet and videogames.
They even try to get access to that food stuff which they find in their favorite movie or video game. B. Smoking: Chaves accumulated the results of a number of studies and experiments conducted in regards to find out the role of media in increasing smoking habits in adolescents. Children take inspiration from their siblings, parents, friends, teachers and ones they really like or love. The advertisement on television, magazines, video games and internet grabs the attention of children and acts as a strong motivational force for them to light a cigarette.
They get fascinated to the glamorous way in which the advertisements are made. C. Alcohol use: Television and movies are supposed to have a great impact on alcohol consumption in adolescents. Children, who watch more television, are likely to have increased chances of alcohol consumption. Regardless of the grade of movie, media is continuously exposing alcoholic beverages as a source of fun and fashion. D. Early sexual activity: There isn’t enough evidence to prove that media is contributing to the likelihood of early sexual initiation in adolescents.
However, a cross-sectional study examines that media exposure is the cause of it, but the data is not sufficient to evidence the statement. Though, it is understood that somehow media is influencing the psychosocial environment by sexual exposure on television, music videos, internet and movies. E. Aggressive and violent behavior: Chaves provides strong evidence that television is a great cause of adolescents' violent and aggressive behaviors. Children who watch aggressive and violent movies are likely to behave aggressively and choose violent games to play than those who do not watch television or violent shows. 4. How serious are the problems that Chaves reports in her article?
The problems of smoking, alcohol consumption, violent and aggressive behaviors are severe and need attention to be solved. Media is harming the social, psychological and ethnical condition of adolescents. However the risks of obesity and early sexual initiation have good reasons but are not proved by any research perfectly. More research is required and more experiments need to be conducted in order to prove these risks. Chaves puts forward the idea of using media as a helpful technique to stop health compromising habits like smoking, drinking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity etc.
, which is also previously offered by Douglas Evans. 5. Does Chaves present convincing information for each connection or is the information seriously compromised due to lack of in-depth studies? Chaves article is of great importance in order to understand the health risk behaviors as adopted by children via media exposure. Chaves article is well organized and evidenced. The ideas and information provided are well-researched and are provided with good reasons. The article is understandable and explanatory in nature.
The claims made in Chaves article are proved according to the requirements. However some of the claims are not fully experimented and researched. 6. Chaves ends her article with the statement” Media have a very powerful influence on health behavior.” Did she make her case for you and if so why or why not? She has proved all of her claims. After reading the article, the reader gets convinced to this statement. The claims about video games and internet are rather weak in evidence but the facts and arguments provided by her convince the reader.
For example, however a little research has been made on the issue of media and early sex initiation but after reading the facts and arguments of Chaves, readers somehow accept this fact. 7. In the summary for the article by Wilson, “Media and Children’s aggression, Fear, and Altruism”, there is the statement: “Strong, evidence shows that violent television programming contributes to children’s aggressive behavior.” Briefly document the evidence provided in the article for such a statement.
Wilson in his article has emphasized on the fact that television plays an important role in increasing the aggressiveness of the children. And to prove this fact Wilson has given in different evidences. Wilson in his article has given in the example of different scientific researches taken out by the researchers. These researches clearly show that the programs to which the children are exposed are violent in nature. It further tells that the children adapt to the conditions and behavior they are exposed to.
This adaptation is referred to as Social Cognitive Theory. This explains the fact that children are inspired by the superheroes portrayed by the media. And these super heroes are of a violent nature. This provokes the children to act in a violent nature as suggested by the Social Cognitive Theory. Similarly to prove this fact experiments were taken out to check whether the children who watched violent movies were aggressive than the children who did not watch them. Huessmann carried out another experiment in which children were monitored for many years.
These children were divided into two groups. One was the one which did not watch aggressive movies while one was the one who was exposed to a lot of aggressive movies. This experiment showed that the children who watched aggressive shows were more aggressive in their life than the children who did not. These experiments clearly illustrated that the children who watched these kinds of movies were more aggressive than the children who did not. 8. Do you believe that watching television will give a distorted or unrealistic picture of the world to children and adolescents?
Do you have personal experience with this cultivation theory? Do you and your family see the world as a dangerous place? Media exposes violent aspects of every matter in order to catch the attention of viewers. The heavy exposure of violence is creating a threat in the minds of younger people. They start thinking about the things which may never occur but are enough to frighten them from the world, strangers and even their own relatives. These highly violent programs create a psychological effect on the children's perception of the world and they start suspecting others to be criminals, kidnappers or cruel in nature.
The violent programs also make the children adopt habits of a violent nature. I personally think that cultivation theory may be right if we consider that violent programs and news create short-term fears among children and doesn't actually change their attitude about the world. I am a regular viewer of news channels and movies and regardless of being so much connected with media throughout the day I do not feel any fear or fright in living at a particular place in the world. 9. Does Wilson think there is too much violence in our society?
Does she offer evidence of there being too much violence in our society? How long has there been too much violence in our society? Wilson gave strong evidences that violence is very common in today's world. Wilson observed that news is the most common mean of media which exposes violence. This argument clearly shows that according to the writer our society is full of violence and aggressive behaviors since the news exposes the real but exaggerated picture of our society and crimes. The exposure of such crimes and violent behaviors are resulting in violent and aggressive attitudes of youth and is continuously harming our society.
This violence has been increasing ever since media has started to expose violence in almost every program from the movies for youngsters to the news channels. Since the late 90's, media has made the kidnapping incidents its major subject. Kidnapping is one news topic that the media tend to sensationalize. Since the late 1990s, the number of stories about child kidnapping in the news has been on the rise. In 1997, for example, 40 percent of juvenile kidnappings were perpetrated by a family member, 27 percent by an acquaintance, and 24 percent by a stranger. 10. Explain the difference between the social cognitive theory and the information processing theory .
Which has more validity for you? Social Cognitive Theory states that children react in the same way as they watch others. For example, if a child observes his father or elder sibling hitting an animal with a rod or brick, sooner or later he would act in the same way. It means that this theory conveys the idea of imitation, i.e. child imitate those people whom he idealize or like either they are his family members, relatives or some cartoon or movie character. On the other hand information processing theory states that children store whatever they observe and eventually expose them through their actions.
According to this theory, children memorize certain scripts and use them in future when they find any similar situation as occurred in some movie, videogame or news. I consider social cognitive theory more valid because being a parent I observed many cases when my children imitated or picked up my habits. 11. Do your children watch cartoons? I do not have any young children. They used to watch violent movies/cartoons but they are not violent/ aggressive in their actions. However, they used to talk about the movie/cartoon characters they liked but they never tried to experience those actions when they stepped in their adulthood. 12. On page 101, the statement: “The television violence aggression link turns out to be larger than the link between lead exposure and children’s IQ.
” What is the basis for this statement? Is there a link between IQ and lead exposure-how much lead exposure? The evidence provided by Wilson to prove that television plays an important role in determining the aggressiveness of a child is the base of the statement mentioned above. Different experiments and researches taken place have clearly illustrated that watching violent shows on the television alters the thinking of a child. It makes the child more socially aggressive in the future. Yes, there is a link between IQ and lead exposure.
According to a research conducted if children are exposed to a large quantity of lead their brain can get damaged. Their ability to think and concentrate can also be affected if they are exposed to lead. It can lead the children’s brain to perform hyper activities and therefore move towards the path of aggression. The blood of the children should not get concentrated over 9 deciliters. 13. Can the media have a positive effect? How? Media, itself is not useful or harmful but it is its use that makes it positive or negative in nature.
Media influences the emotional development of children. However it is observed that if the news or program is presented in a serious and threatening way, children start terrifying from that particular occasion or thing. On the other hand if the program contains humor and presents, even the most severe matter, in a light way children get the idea but do not fear from that particular matter. Hence, it can be said that media can have a positive effect if used in a proper way. It can help children learn empathy, unity, brotherhood and acceptance for others.
Proper guidance and careful attention should be given to the children's need and interests while choosing a program, video game, book or magazine for them. 14. So, what is a parent to do according to Wilson? Wilson suggests that parents must watch ethical movies, programs and news with the children and must explain them the brighter side of the story. They must always guide them to distinguish between right and wrong. Parents are the source who can increase the benefits of media and reduce the factors that negatively affect children and their physical condition and psychological behaviors.
Parents must not merely tell them that a particular action is negative but also persuade them to think and understand the whole matter. This action would help the children increase their thinking and judging ability. Parents may help children from escaping their fears if they explain them about the special effects used in the horror movie or game. According to Wilson, parents must monitor and help children get rid of fearful, unhealthy and negative influences while connected to any kind of media.
Parents are an essential part for the children in getting negative or positive lesson from media. Parental guidance is necessary for helpful and useful outcomes as a result of media usage by their children. 15. What does this information mean to teachers and behavior management? Should we ignore some behaviors because “the television or video game or computer or movie made me do it? The study of these articles gives a clear picture of possible reasons for the aggressive and violent behavior of children in their classrooms.
If teachers explore any such behavior in the classroom by any or most of the students, he/she must try to interact with them and must know the reason for that behavior. In order to give them a positive view about that particular game, news, program or movie the teacher must enhance the emotional understanding of others pain or damage. Teacher must provide them with the moral lesson of that piece of news or program. However, not a single negative aspect or reaction from children should be ignored as this negative action may turn out to be a real disaster in future.
Every negative reaction must be stopped and opposed immediately. 16. Overall, what was your impression of the articles-did you find them of any value? Did either article influence you to change your mind about children’s behaviors and how might you approach such things as aggression, obesity, altruism, smoking, etc.? Both articles carry their own importance. These well-researched and well presented pieces of information provide a deep knowledge about the media's influence on children's behavior.
The articles clearly reveals that media is an important part of children's life and play a vital role in their progress –mental and emotional-. On the other hand media may also adversely affect children's behavior, intake habits and physical and mental health. The only way to protect children from mental stress, negative image of world and social and cultural failure is to guide them and protect them from the negative views of media exposure. These articles gave me the concept to keep a watch on children even if they are watching some animated movie or cartoon.
I truly appreciate the works done by the writers and now I believe that both physical and mental exercises are necessary for children. They should be taken to parks, playgrounds and must be kept in touch with people rather than just media. Parents and teachers must always remain alert about the activities and interests of children and any of their negative actions must not be overlooked. These steps would reduce the likelihood of aggression, smoking and obesity risks. Bibliography: Barbara J. Wilson. Media and Children’s Aggression, Fear, and Altruism.
Children and Electronic Media, 2008 vol. 1 Soledad Liliana Escobar-Chaves and Craig A, Anderson. Media and Risky behaviors. Children and Electronic Media, 2008 vol. 1
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