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Controversial Issue Between Evolution and Religion - Term Paper Example

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For a lengthy period of time, a number of controversial issues between evolution and religion have been identified. In itself, evolution has been factored in as an issue of debate. …
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Controversial Issue Between Evolution and Religion
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? Controversial Issue between Evolution and Religion Supervisor: For a lengthy period of time, a number of controversial issues between evolution and religion have been identified. In itself, evolution has been factored in as an issue of debate. However, the effort channeled to see to it that instructional approaches address the inherent controversy between religion and evolution- as theories on the existence of the world and its inhabitants- is quite minimal. It is for this reason, therefore, that this paper aims at shining light to the specific areas between the two theories which make various groups (the scientists and those embracing Christianity) to engage into a heated debate. It is also imperative for the general society to get to understand the shared grounds as well as the areas of divergence between these theories. In ensuring that the existent controversy is clearly highlighted, there a number of questions which this paper aim to answer. These include how does creationism disapprove evolution? What misconceptions are there about evolution? and, How is the evolution theory in conflict with religion? In answering the above listed questions, this paper avails an overview of the theory of evolution according to various scientists, including Charles Darwin, Charles Bonnet, Charles Lyell and Dawkins. The paper also compares and contrasts evolution with different religions including Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. According to religion, it is believed that there is a Supreme Being (GOD) and that existence is divine. On the other hand, science relies entirely on natural causes as the source of existence. Both religion and evolution avails a believable explanation of the peaceful co-existence of the universe. This makes it quite challenging to conclude which of the two is really true. Nevertheless, the theories are equally important. Besides there being some areas of discord between the theories, there are shared grounds. For instance, it has universally been agreed that the earth is round and not flat and that it is continuously revolving around the sun. The peer-reviewed reference materials used in this paper offer the information needed in realizing the goal of this paper. It is crystal clear from these sources that there is a need to embrace science following its ability to avail detailed explanations of phenomena which would otherwise not have been so explained without scientific assistance. Introduction Science is the “knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world based on provable facts” science revolves around analyzing evidence. Religion on the other hand, is defined as having faith in the existence of super natural being. (Hornby, 2010) There has been remarkable controversy on the facts brought about by these two theories on the existence of the world and all that is in it. The theory of evolution has caused conflict with religious bodies especially Christianity from time in memorial. Before this paper continues to explain any further, it will define some of the words it is likely to encounter in its making. Theory: According to (Paula, 2011) theory is the best explanation a scientist can give to a set of facts. A theory that has been proved scientifically carries a lot of weight. A satisfactory theory should be researched on, tested, explored and back up evidence should be available. Defining the word theory is crucial because when tackling this paper proficient knowledge of creationism and evolution is undeniable. It is vital to note that these two processes are theories which explain the existence of the universe and all species found in it. Creationism theory: The creationism theory claims that the world and all the species in it were created to showcase the love that God has. Creationists claim that God made it all. The forms of life found on earth were to co-exist peacefully and enjoy everything given to them by God. Species have never mutated since creation. Organisms were created intentionally to fill specific spaces as God intended and were given hereditary machinery, which helps them to adopt to certain changes in the environment. The creationists who are more religious argue that there is no truth in sciences like evolution, geology and astrophysics, among others. Creationists claim that all their arguments can be traced back to the starting formula. Creationism depicts that God is the ultimate answer. This theory appraises negativity as it teaches positive thinking and self esteem so as to have a healthy society. Scientific theories are mostly negative, and keen to note what will happen and what is not going to happen. How creationism disapproves evolution: The existence of complex organs of which no simpler versions of it ever existed could nullify the evolutionists’ idea of evolution. When a human eye was experimented on to find its simplest version, nothing could be proved out of it. Scientists are fond of using micro organisms, which are mostly microscopic, and sub cellular to explain evolution. Why would they not use a complex organism to explain mutation and predict its product? There can never exist an organism which can merely exist because it wants to benefit other species and not benefit itself. Evolution notes that there exist some organisms which existed to mutate and form new versions of it. These are just a few arguments among others which disapprove the evolution theory. Evolution on the other hand, is complicated. According to (Harris, 2007) not many people understand this theory in detail. This is understood as mutation of species from elementary to complicated forms influenced by natural factors. This theory was originally created to explain the Linnaeus Taxonomy, which classifies animals and plants in a hierarchical in the years (1707-1778). The structures in the taxonomy include the kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genes, and species. It is vital to note that these structures evolved long before the evolution theory. The owners of these structures were naturalist who unknowingly acknowledged the existence of evolution. The species classified under these structures is not by coincidence that they have almost the same features as creationists would put it. The consistency is an alarming sign to prove that it is not by coincidence. The early naturalists also proved that the animals and plant, which resembled the other, were located at the same place geographically and were close to one another. Note that the species have shown a resemblance which this paper could term as a biological resemblance and now the species were exhibiting geographical resemblance. This caused confusion to early scientists and that why the theory of evolution was developed to explain why the species resembled each other so much and found in the same geographical space at the same time. It is no doubt that the evolution theory explains it best. Creationists would probably say that “God intended it to be that way” without giving any prove to their statement. Another probable explanation would be that God reused previous designs to come up with new species. What about the destinations of these species? Why are they located in the same geography? Evolution offers the best and undeniable explanations for these occurrences. An overview of the evolution theory by Charles Darwin Charles Darwin contradicts naturalist on their belief that species cannot mutate to bring forth wholly different products. In his book origin of species, he goes on to admit that some naturalists believed that all species change over time (mutate). Lamarck, a scientist in time published works which claimed that all species including man were products of mutation from a common descendant. Geoffrey saint-Hillarie notes in his various works that conditions of nature could be responsible for species to change from one form to another while others remain to be the same. Dr. W. D. Wells acknowledges the fact that there is the existence of natural selection. The above significant figures in scientific matters especially in evolution encouraged Charles Darwin to come up with his convincing theory of evolution which has bought about numerous conflicts in the society. Most species seem to be slightly different from their parent species simply because the conditions the mother specie was exposed to could be quite different from the one the product specie has been raised in. Food could also be a cause of mutation in certain species. For instance, the wheat that was grown centuries ago is not the same one that is cultivated today. It has mutated due to natural causes, e.g. climate to give quite different species and also produces varieties. (Charles, 1979) Misconceptions about evolution There are people who misunderstand this theory. Many people attribute evolution to human kind only. They claim that humans are the most evolved species in the world. There are several environmental factors that favored the development from man from the previous ancestor specie which include the African savannah, the Venezuela caves and the many other factors. This does not mean that the human species is distinct from the others. Another misconception is that the theory of evolution attacks religion. It is helpful to note that the scientist who came up with the evolution theory was attacking some beliefs which were not correct and misleading. It is factual that some religions associate humans and animals. This includes the ancient religions. (Buddhism, aboriginal, Judaism, and Greek ancient religions) People say that the human race is as a result of random chance; evolution is not based on random chance. Certain environmental aspects favored certain traits to bring forth evolution. Some people believe that evolution cannot produce new species but can only change existing ones. Evolution is a continuous process which stops at nothing in favorable conditions. Therefore, microevolution overtime leads to macroevolution and this leads to development of new specie. Darwinism is immoral: is another misconception of the evolution theory. Darwinian evolution theory makes use of the following word; “survival for the fittest” which sounds more of a policy. This theory is not a policy. It is a theory which has been scientifically proven which has nothing to do with morality. Darwinism is a world view. This statement is not correct. It is not some kind of religion. It only educates the world on facts that have been assumed long before, and are still being assumed. It does not dictate on how one should live his life. It just explains the origin of life. (Harris, 2007) Evolution vs. Creationism Creationism has totally failed to prove its facts in its creation story, therefore, unfit to be science. There are religious scientists who have totally ignored to try and find out where the facts are hidden in their claim that the universe and all species found in it were created. Could this be because there is nothing like creation? They cannot explain the earth controlling mechanism, and the behavior of the controlling mechanism. In a nut shell, religious groups are likely to sum up the whole argument as “GOD” who cannot be explained. This makes the whole creationism theory vague scientifically. Despite this fact, about a half of the population in America still believe in the creationism theory and propose that it should be incorporated in the learning institutions. How the theory of evolution causes a conflict with religion Between the years 1720 to 1793, Chares Bonnet was the first scientist to write a book suggesting the evolution process. This was closely followed by another scientist Charles Lyell in the years 1797 to 1874. Lyell cemented some facts about evolution which had been primarily suggested by Charles Bonnet. Charles Darwin’s scientific blow on evolution set the ball running up to date when he published his renowned book Origin of species. This happened in the year 1859. Currently, evolution is a concept that has been widely accepted even in churches. They have established schools which teach about evolution. This could only mean that they have accepted the fact that evolution occurred or they are just confused. Religion vs. Science As noted in the introduction, science is dedicated to proving events with facts and evidence. It notes that occurrences come to pass due to natural causes. Religion on the other hand, believes in a Supreme Being and divine existence. Religion, just like science has been transmitted from generation o generation, either in written form or orally. Most of the content in the religion segment is acquired mainly by an individual who has been commissioned by a supreme being to spread a message to mankind. A religion may have single or multiples of deities who are in charge of the universe. Human beings worship them and give them gifts. Science and religion often conflict especially in areas like evolution and creation. A number of religious people believe that they are right while science proves to the people the truth through analyzing facts. Some of the areas where religion and science conflict other than in evolution Cosmology, geology and astronomy: According to many religious bodies, for Christians included, the universe is about 10,000 years while a big number of scientists disagree with this fact. They claim that the universe existed about 5 billion years ago, and evolution was the source of everything found on it. All species have a common ancestor. Linguistics: Christians believe that in the event of coming up with the Babel tower, people were able to adopt different languages. Scientists disagree with this story. Medicine: There are some religions which believe that healing is an entirely spiritual affair and restrict usage of modern medicine among its members. Others believe that medicine is just treatment, but their supreme being is the one that heals. Most religions look at abortion as murder. They spearhead serious punishment by the state to people who practice it. Scientists claim that life begins after birth and abortion is the best choice at times. Religious bodies believe that people live because a supreme being has allowed it to be so and the being has a right to terminate life whenever he wishes it to be so. Scientific facts state that death is a natural occurrence which happens to all living things. Human sexuality is another sensitive issue that is causing significant conflict between science and religion. To most religions, homosexuality is a serious evil and unnatural. Scientists claim that homosexuality is a normal occurrence, uncommonly natural and could be as a result of types of genes. Modernism in the 19th and 20th century has adversely encouraged religious bodies to accept some scientific facts which they have incorporated into their doctrine. Religion, science and the current society According to (Pew Researcher Center: Religion a Strength and Weakness for Both Parties, 2005), politicians are finding it challenging to incorporate religion in their campaigns. Literary speaking, the republican party in America protects religious values while the democrats give citizens to choose what they want to do with their own lives. In spite of this conflict, a research carried out indicate that Americans almost a half of the Americans accept the fact that species evolved from a common ancestor over time while the rest of the half declare that species have existed from time in memorial in their present form. The other half believes in God and his powers. Dawkins and the concept of “God” Dawkins, challenges the fact that a supreme being exists and is in charge of all events that take place in the world. Religious people, notably, Christians believe that this Supreme Being intervene in case of calamities, he rewards and communicates. Richard claims that it is no different for two patients who are sick if one receives prayers and the other one does not. Nature takes the upper hand in healing of both patients. He goes on to pose a serious question; can religious people prove the religious phenomena scientifically? The theory of God is totally an illusion. (Richard, 2006) The concept of Evolution and creationism and how it is being perceived in most of the American schools As noted above, a half of Americans believe in the evolution theory, but a majority of Americans (64%) encourage creationism should be taught along with evolution theory in public schools. These include liberal democrats, secular, and the people who accept natural selection theory. 26% oppose this sentiment, while 47% support evolution to be taught and not creationism, while 38% propose that creationism should be taught rather than evolution. Change and continuity between science and religion Science has its own ambitions and so does religion. Evolution and creationism theories have to keep changing to remain true to their claims. Religions have to relate their ancient of day’s wisdom to solve modern issues. It is exceedingly compelling that currently; religious people and physicians could come behind closed doors to talk of a sensitive issue like cloning. (Peters, 2012) Islam and evolution Shanavas, a Muslim faithful tends to defend the theory of evolution by providing proof. He goes on to say that it is essential for all Muslim faithful to be alert and keen to scientific methodologies, and be rational in thinking. Muslim accepted the theory of evolution with much ease in the medieval times. They took it to be a divine explanation of human existence. Famous religious philosophers like Ibni Khaldun acknowledged evolution when he explained the evolution in minerals which evolved to produce seed which produced plants. In turn, plants evolved to trees and vines. Snails evolved to sea animals which eventually brought forth human beings. Human beings are unique because they can think and have a conscience. He acknowledges monkeys to be close relatives to human beings. Human species is a result of mutation from the monkeys. Muhammad al-Haytham supports the same view as Khaldun. A Muslim geologist by the name of Al-Biruni clearly notes that human beings are a product of long time mutation from pure species to give forth complex human beings. (Shanavas, 2005-2012) Despite of all this freedom, Sunnis in Turkey were against the evolution theory. This led to all its followers to be prosecuted. It is necessary to note that despite the fact that the evolution theory exists, it does not undermine the theory of existence of God in the universe. It is unknown how many years it took for a simple organism to come into existence after a long period of chemical and physical processes. As this took place, so did the natural laws and conditions continue to evolve too. It is up to the scientists to discover such facts and bring them to the understanding of man. Scientists are not in charge of inventing natural laws, but they research on them to understand. It is their responsibility to put every bit of information and to come up with a valid fact which can convince people. It would be wise to understand that the laws of nature existed long before life. Scientists can only explain the nature by giving facts and theories. It is unfair that many religious bodies undermine the facts given by scientist through the evolution theory, even though the evidence available is overwhelming. Some religious people refuse to accept the fact that they evolved from monkeys and apes. They would rather accept evolving from something else and not the monkey family. Shanavas goes on to rebuke those individuals who oppose scientific facts because of emotions which have been long cultivated by doctrine and dogma. Arrogance has been a serious source of problems in the past. To beat the problems, people need to embrace scientific facts into their lives. Verse 15:26, of the Quran notes that human kind was created from mud. Could this depict the evolution period? The creator of Muslims started creation from tiny microscopic substances in the soil. This led to scientist acknowledging that clay could be the origin of life. Human species is evidently the most evolved specie in the world. (Shanavas, 2005-2012) Buddhism and evolution Buddhism was used as a reconciling bridge between the worldly concept of evolution and the spiritual concept of creation. It openly welcomed the thought of evolution into its doctrine. The doctrine of Buddhism is closely linked to science. It provided a platform of mixing the eastern and western ancient traditions with modernity. In the 1890s, America was in a controversial situation when the evolution theory was brought forth. This theory was seen as an attack to the popular Christian faith which confused its followers about the existence of a supreme being. Suzuki is the figure behind Buddhism especially in the west. Together with many others like Carus, he took upon himself to translate most of the Buddhist dogma into the English language. They made sure to modify it so that it could welcome new and reasonable ideas of scientists like the theory of evolution. Most Americans preferred a religion that made sense and answered their questions more significantly. The Buddhist dogma is based on natural phenomenon, which is verified by scientific experiments and research. Buddhism embraced evolution theory and attracted a number of followers. Suzuki, Carus and others who constituted the Buddhism doctrine made sure that it based its facts on scientific evidence. There are no myths, and superstitions in Buddhism and it does not fully rely on the existence of God. (Verhoeven, 2001) Conclusion The two theories which explain how the universe came to be still co-exist peacefully. As usual, scientists are remarkably flexible. They welcome hypothesis which they experiment on. If the experiments do not yield positive results, the assumption is dropped, and they give reasons why they dropped it. Science is a process that advances every minute due to self correcting. Religion, especially those with a sacred doctrine (Christianity) are not flexible and do not welcome new ideas in their doctrine easily. They believe that their doctrine is unchangeable. Fortunately over the years through scientific experiments and analysis, whether religious or theists, every one now believes that the earth is rounded, and not as flat as it was believed to be, the earth goes around the sun and not the other way round, lightning and thunder are due to electronic charging in the skies and not caused by satanic powers, some diseases like epilepsy is a disease just like any other, and it is not caused by demonic possession, and many other assumptions which caused a lot of confusion. Thanks to science. Many of the world’s famous religions like Islam and Buddhism have found it in their religion to explain evolution. Christianity is still rigid on creationism. It will be remarkable to note that science should exist and be embraced by everyone as it explains a lot of a phenomenon which without scientific help the truth cannot be known. References Ahmed, M. (2012, September 20th). Discovering Islam. Retrieved September 21st, 2012, from Charles, D. (1979). The origin of species. New York: Gramercy Books. Harris, S. J. (2007). An introduction to Evolution vs. creation debate. Creationism vs. science . Hornby, A. S. (2010). Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 8th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Paula, K. (2011, August 24th). The Washington post:Evolution threatens Christianity. Retrieved September 21st, 2012, from Peters, E. (2012). Change and Continuity. Zygone:Journal of religion and science, Volume 45 . Pew Researcher Center: Religion A Strength And Weakness For Both Parties. (2005, August 30). Retrieved September 20th, 2012, from Richard, D. (2006). The God Delusion. Geart Britain: Transworld Publishers. Shanavas. (2005-2012). Islamic theory of evolution. NewYork: Brainbow press. Verhoeven, M. J. (2001). Buddhism and Science: probing the boundaries of faith and reason: issue 1. Religion East and West , 77-97. Read More
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