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Criminal Justice: Offending Behavior - Essay Example

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This paper talks that developing topologies have been presented by different studies of the criminal activities through multidimensional perspectives. In order to explain variant aspects of the criminal behavior the researchers have analyzed many approaches. …
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Criminal Justice: Offending Behavior
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? Offending Behavior Number] Criminal Justice: Offending Behavior Introduction: Offensive behavior and criminal activities have been the important subjects of research. Developing topologies have been presented by different studies of the criminal activities through multidimensional perspectives. In order to explain variant aspects of the criminal behavior the researchers have analyzed many approaches. However, psychological explanations of the criminal behavior are major contributors that allow learners understand offending behavior of individuals deeply. Also, theoretical explanation is an efficient manner to highlight the reasons behind differentiated criminal behavior that interrupts various aspect of society and create problems for all community members. This paper aims to discuss learners understanding of the theoretical explanation of offending behavior. We shall also highlight the context of treatment, institutional, community, and home regarding risk assessments and recidivism. Understanding Criminal Behavior: Studying and understanding criminal behavior is highly important as it contributes to pinpoint the root causes of criminal activities and emerging trends of criminality among youth. Additionally, criminality has been a major destructive issue at the global level that needs attention of professionals to stop the destruction of societies and lives of individuals (Francis, Soothill, & Fligelstone, 2004). Understanding criminal behavior includes analysis of types of activities, influences of factors on criminals' behavior, and approaches to summarize distinguishing criminal records to identify separate behaviors of male, female, young and old criminals (Francis, Soothill, & Fligelstone, 2004). Further, understanding of criminal behavior is also very important because there is an emergent need to decrease the crime rate in the society. Learning criminal behavior helps researchers recognize those factors, which lead young individuals to the path of criminality (Francis, Soothill, & Fligelstone, 2004). Recently many studies have been conducted by researchers in the field of criminology and applied psychology that contribute to present case studies and diversified criminal behavior of individuals based on observations and analysis. Criminological and Psychological Approaches: Criminological studies explore the criminal behavior and its relation with offender rehabilitation. Researchers have derived out some important criminological theories in order, to understand the phenomenon of crime and to find out why people commit crimes. Theories of criminology include a great number of observations to reflect upon the factors responsible for initiating criminality among young members of the society (See, 2004). Such as rational theory explains that people usually do what they want to do, and they often attempt an act for their self-centered motives. Also, they intentionally plan their criminal activity with complete analysis of risk factors and maximum chance of a successful attempt (See, 2004). In fact, they even get mentally prepared for punishment in case of being caught red handed. According to social disorganization theory physical and social environment around an individual are major contributing factors for structuring a person's choices (Putwain & Sammons, 2002). Environmental and social factors include influences of neighborhood, poor infrastructure, and high unemployment. Strain theory of criminology suggests that most people share similar aspirations, but they do not have same sorts of abilities and availabilities, which make them to think about short cut that could lead them towards their destinations without hard work and efforts (See, 2004). Furthermore, it has been noticed that most of the criminal behavior theories are of the psychological nature. While studying criminal behavior from psychological perspectives, genetic factor is considered highly responsible to generate criminal behavior among individuals (Jeffstanden., 2002). Such as Plomin study discusses that behavioral genetics is an important component of studying psychological aspects of offensive behavior. Mainly because genetic factors play very dominant role in individuals lives and contribute to form their personalities, thoughts and responses towards external stimuli (Jeffstanden., 2002). Some psychologists agree to this point that individuals attain tendency of committing crimes from their ancestors, and they simply commit a crime because they enjoy doing it. A Danish study reflected upon the matters related to genetic transmissions in the younger criminal individuals. According to researchers, role of genetic factors in determining criminality among criminals is confirmed by studying family trees of criminals (Thornberry, 2004). The study shows that 40% individuals who show criminal behavior have criminal father, while 14% criminals do not show criminal background. To further, investigate about significances of genetic factors two other important concepts have also been studied by the psychologists (Thornberry, 2004). The study related to twin and criminality suggests that identical twins are more likely to show same behaviors and when they follow the path of criminality as compare to fraternal twins. The same study also identifies that when children are adopted in early childhood by their adoptive parents, such children mostly attain characteristics from their biological parents (Jeffstanden., 2002). It is evident that genetic characteristics play a dominant role in individuals' lives and construct their thoughts and personalities. On the other hand, some theorists also consider particular physical characteristics for placing individuals on the path of criminality. In other words, it could be understood as that some innate or internal factors are responsible to force individuals take shard u-turns in life and make criminal decisions out of poor brought up environment and deprivation. A researcher presented three types of body structures that believe to be associated with the specific types of personalities (Jeffstanden., 2002). He divided body types into three forms namely ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Ectomorphs were skinny people, mesomorph are broad and muscular, while endomorph are comparatively bulky individuals. His research suggested that mesomorph individuals are usually observed involved in criminal activities. Such individuals are mostly active, energetic, risk takers and dominant in nature and are relatively more attracted towards delinquency (Jeffstanden., 2002). Other indications of the criminal minded people are that they are mostly heavy with developed jaws, projecting eyes, ears, and frequently a crooked-flat nose. Criminals are sometimes subjected as colorblind, and left-handed members (Jeffstanden., 2002). Learning Theories: Learning theories are based on the suppositions, which reflect that the offending is a set of attitude that is learned and practiced in the similar manner as other normal behaviors of life. Learning theories such as differential association theory and social learning theory highlight that family and peer influences are most potential sources of generating criminal behavior (Akers, 2009). These theories also raise the assumptions that particular kinds of anti-social attitude could be learned from media specifically television, videogames, and internet. Differential Association Theory: Differential association theory indicates that there are two types of pre-requites for an individual to absorb during cognitive development in order to become an offender. Individuals are required to learn set of norms and values along with the behaviors, which are suitable for supporting criminality (Psychlotron., 2009). Additionally, it has noticed that in order to commit crimes with great potential the criminals need to learn particular behavior, which could assist them while committing a crime. These behaviors could be learned from the family member, friends and sometimes from the people present in the surroundings. A child is usually surrounded by a variety of people, who possess differentiated characteristics and a wide range of behaviors towards crimes and law. A developing mind of a younger kid observes every activity with great interest that take place in the surrounding (Hagan, 2010). Differential association theory also suggests that if a young kid observes favorable attitude of adults towards crime then he/she also get attracted towards such crimes and illegal actions. For instance if a child observe his brother or any other relative who enjoy breaking traffic laws then an observant child will also consider it as an enjoyable activity and will attempt to do so as soon as he will learn driving (Hagan, 2010). It is shows that before learning driving, a kid has learned a particular behavior towards traffic laws and regulation. Younger kids can also learn particular methods and tricks of committing crimes. Consequently, the type of crime that an individual adopt in his early adulthood entirely depend upon on his natural interest and the other criminal practice he has frequently observed in his childhood (Hagan, 2010). Social Learning Theory: Bandura presented his theory of social learning, which suggests that the diversified sort of behavior is developed via learning based on observation models. These models are chosen on the basis of a variety of attitudes involving charisma, social class, and distinguishing behavior with the viewer (Psychlotron., 2009). This theory suggests that when a person's attractiveness towards crime highly depends upon the success or outcomes of the committed crimes. It simply means that if a model observes someone gets success after a committing crime, the model will also develop an interest to do so. However, if a model observes that a criminal ha got sever punishment for breaking law then he might not tend to adopt the similar illegal activity. Bandura's theory also suggests that behaviors are controllable when they depend upon the consequence of crimes (Psychlotron., 2009). Such as if a younger child is observed behaving aggressively with his toy doll he should not be rewarded or appreciated, but instead he/she should be delicately scolded and teach not to do so again. This behavior of adults give children idea that the way they have behaved was not good and they will never get any reward for it. It is also indicated that criminal behavior in the young adolescents can be controlled if all influential factors are considerably observed and removed that promote criminal behavior among individuals (Psychlotron., 2009). Psychological Theories: Psychological theories study many factors in relation with the offensive behavior of the criminals. For instance, (CPI) California Psychological Inventory test has been designed to identify the personality characteristics, which could play a major role in deterring cognitive developments and personalities of the offenders (See, 2004). At first place, ego factor has been analyzed that show that ego is a dominating trait of an individual's life that could make him/her chose the path of criminality at any turn of life. This usually develops when an egoistic person faces defeat, insult or deprivation is life that made him to take revenge from a particular human being or system of the state. Similarly, complex especially Oedipus complex develops in a kid aged 3 to 6, due to aggressive and irresponsible behavior of father or older brother in home. This type of complex generates aggression and desire of revenge from his own father and brother when he will grow up (See, 2004). This notion also linked up with the personality theory, which believes that criminal behavior is the outcome of a defective or inadequate personality. According to another psychological theory mostly individuals adopt criminal activities due to emotional imbalance and mental issues, which are considered as the fundamental parts of personality and in severe cases that turned out be high dangerous for other societal members present around (See, 2004). Multiagency Actions: A multiagency organization aims to prevent crimes and increasing crime rates in the societies through strategic plans and policies. At large scale it has observed that inter-organizational relationships between different partners having a same aim of reducing crime rata are mostly appreciated for their strategic efforts and implementation of complex designs. Researchers have been searching for more efficient methods to prevent criminality activities at the global level (Rosenbaum, 2006). They have discovered that government tendency and investment play key role in strengthening functions and aims of multiagency organizations working to prevent crimes. Researchers have also pinpointed that partnership between two or more sincere partners can also tend to contribute and bring out positive outcomes in terms of observing types of crimes and sources of motivation for the emerging criminals (Rosenbaum, 2006). A strong bond between crime prevention partners and approach of observing criminal behavior based on various social, biological or psychological factors can help practitioners sort out effective methods of dealing with differentiated delinquents (Rosenbaum, 2006). Decreased in racial discrimination is considered at first place as an effective approach of stopping criminality in multicultural societies, where individuals move towards crime due to discrimination and unjust behavior of other members of the community. Also, the multiagency aimed to look over attitude to police towards those who are caught in minor crimes, but unjust and highly aggressive behavior of police compel them to commit more serious crimes out of frustration and revenge. Similarly, inadequate criminal justice system also provokes individuals towards crimes and other illegal activities that ruin their entire life (Rosenbaum, 2006). Additionally, these multitasking organizations also aim to improve social and environmental factors that are responsible for generating criminals. They promote positive change in individuals, family and neighborhood situation by working for the betterment of the physical, economic and social circumstances. These organizations work for bringing together all institutions that play vital role during socialization processes of individuals such as the family, educational and religious institutes along with housing, social services, leisure activities and justice system of the regions (Rosenbaum, 2006). This approach has been frequently adopted in the US, Canada and Western European countries. United Nation sources emphasize on the role of non-governmental organizations, to prevent crime up to the considerable level. Despite, strict laws, punishment, crime and justice system and efforts of NGOs, crime rate is increasing in every corner of the world that is imposing threats to lives of innocent citizens (Rosenbaum, 2006). Treatment Models of Offending Behavior: A great number of treatment models and programs are designed and implemented in societies with the aim of handling offending attitude among serious criminals. Recovery management model is highly appreciated for its efficiency and sustainable behavioral changes among delinquents. The recovery model includes three levels namely pre-recovery, recovery initiation and recovery maintenance (Ross, 2008). As the names of these levels indicate that the criminals are handled with strategic designed models, through which they mentally get prepared for the change, then there are motivated along with the provision of encouraging environment and then they are provided with such facilities that made them never return towards the path of criminality (Ross, 2008). On the other hand, we observe some offender behavior programs such as accredited programs these programs include a series of activities targeted to work with the criminals to reduce their offending attitude. Accreditation indicates that these approaches are evidence-based and match with the" What Work" literature. Such methods vary in size and perplexity and style of functioning with the observations of risks and need of the programs (Ross, 2008). Aggression replacement training (ART) is programs for offenders who are highly violent in nature and easily lose control over their temperament. This program force offenders to accept the challenge of controlling their violent behavior with responsibility. This program mainly aims to reduce offences of assault and public protection needed at international level (Justice, 2012). Additionally, Alcohol Related Violence Program has an aim to decrease consumption of alcohol among youth ultimately to reduce crimes that take place due to over dosage of alcohol and other drugs that made individuals lose control over minds and actions. This program works to intense cognitive behavioral group specifically designed for highly addictive drinkers. It faced the manner addicts behave towards drugs, crimes and other life activities (Justice, 2012). ASRO is another offence behavior controlling program that also assists those criminals, which commit crimes out of addiction and due to substance addiction. These programs aim to change behavioral characteristics of those who are addicts, but alcohol or drug addiction is not a single reason that generates criminal behavior. Moreover, some programs also work to deal with the psychological reasons behind offensive behaviors such as BSR (Building Skills for Recovery). This is a psychological program that is mostly delivered in a group sitting. It targets to decrease offensive attitude and highly addictive substance over-use with the eventual aim of recovery. This method requires exploration of traditional and current drug use and initiatives that are needed to alter patterns and behaviors of offenders (Justice, 2012). The offence control programs and models that have been observed show that mostly models are designed for treating behavior of addicts of psychologically disturbed individuals. However, it is evident from the above-mentioned theories that there are numbers of reason behind a criminal mind. But, no such effective model has been noticed that could claim to treat the criminals who are born in the society due to social, environmental, media, or genetic factors (Justice, 2012). Conclusion: From the above discussion, it has noticed that various studies have been conducted to explain the phenomenon of criminality and theories have been presented to explain the theoretical aspect of offending behavior. Theories that are presented by the researchers have adequately explained a great number of factors and reason behind the birth of an offensive individual member in the society. Crimes and offensive behaviors of individuals are highly negative for the societies that endangered the life security of all citizens and reduction in crime is a serious matter. Different multiagency organizations are working to reduce the crime rate through strategic plans and designs. Also, concerned authorities are working to control offending behavior through psychological and social factors consideration. Despite, such programs and multiagency organizational effort no considerable reduction in crime has been observed. Therefore, it could be concluded that more research is required to control offending behavior rather than learning different aspect of crime and behavior because adequate researches have already been done to present theoretical aspect, but behavior control models and programs are needed to reduce crime at the global level. Reference List Akers, R. (2009). Social Learning and Social Structure: A General Theory of Crime and Deviance. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers. Francis, B., Soothill, K., & Fligelstone, R. (2004). Identifying Patterns and Pathways of Offending Behaviour. European Journal of Criminology, 1(1), 47-78. Hagan, F. (2010). Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods, and Criminal Behavior. New York: SAGE. Jeffstanden. (2002). Explanations of Criminal Behavior. Retrieved from Justice. (2012). Offender Behaviour Programmes (OBPs). Retrieved from Psychlotron. (2009). Learning theories of offending. Retrieved from Putwain, D., & Sammons, A. (2002). Psychology and Crime. London: Routledge. Rosenbaum, D. (2006). Evaluation Multiagency Anti-Crime Partnerships :Theory, Design, Measurement Issues. Crime Prevention Studies,, 14(1), 171-225. Ross, F. (2008). Recovery and Change from Offending Behaviour Using a Recovery Management Model under a Recovery Oriented Systems of Care. Retrieved from See, E. (2004). Ronald L. Akers and Christine S. Sellers’ Criminological Theories:Introduction, Evaluation, and Applications. California: Roxbury Publishing Company. Thornberry, T. (2004). Developmental Theories Of Crime And Delinquency. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers. Read More
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