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ADHD and Violence - Research Paper Example

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD deals with impulsiveness in children. However, research reveals that it can potentially co-occur with numerous other behaviour related disarrays…
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? "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Violence" Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD deals with impulsiveness in children. However, research reveals that it can potentially co-occur with numerous other behaviour related disarrays. According to the reports issued by various mental illness related studies, 40% of the children presented with ADHD are found to display conduct disorders which involve aggressive predisposition towards humans as well as animals (Butler, 2010). These children are also found to have the propensity of violating laws and predilection of causing demolition of self or others' property. The matter is of great concern as if the condition remains untreated it culminates into criminal aptitude which is hazardous not only for the child but also for the society. The characteristic features involve distraction, hand movement in a specific manner, jiggling in chair, giving contradictory proclamation, a habit of reversing letters in words, these conditions could be related with environmental quandary, unfriendly atmosphere, learning disorders, issues of anxiety. Treatment of such state should be taken care with endurance and persistence. Professionals involving a social worker, psychotherapist or doctor of psychiatry must take care of this condition. The present article is an attempt to foster an understanding towards the psychological implications of the ADHD when it is associated with violence. The article highlights various studies that are being carried out to recognize the conditions and also the means adopted to deal with ADHD cases. Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder popularly called as ADHD, is a developmental, neurobiological state characterized by the existence of strict and persistent signs of inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impetuosity (American Psychiatric Association (APA), 1994). A child displaying symptoms of ADHD portrays a high level of distraction, impulsive temperament and hyperactivity behavior. This is well documented between the age of 6 months to 7 years (APA, 1994). There is a behavior difference prevalent between the ADHD and a normal individual. In case of ADHD individuals, a very short span of attention is observed, they are less attentive and distract very easily. They are therefore not able to focus on their work for a given length of time instead they display unthinking or disruptive temperament. The child also shows propensity of doing work without judgment which may fetch danger for the child. Moreover such children get frustrated very easily and show short temperament, they lack concentration in the class and therefore show poor academic performance. In sports, they display impatience and cannot wait for their turn and never go with the rules rather they formulate their own ways. Such children are more prone to the injuries and accidents (Web. ADHD). ADHD individuals display co-morbid issues as around 30-50% individuals have oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) as well as they display conduct disorder (CD). reports reveal that 20-30% ADHD cases show signs of anxiety while 11 to 22% ADHD individuals display bipolar disorder (Biederman, 1991). Neuro-imaging of ADHD cases display diminished prefrontal cortex thereby they lack in executing prefrontal functions with reduced operational memory (Hill, 2002). Schachar et al, (2000) defined ADHD as "a disorder of dysregulation of thoughts and actions associated with poor inhibitory control". The sociology of emotions emphasize the information that sentiments arbitrate day-to-day experiences. The incidence of ADHD is more prevalent in boys as compared to girls. It shows the sign of inheritance as it runs in family (ADHD). ADHD individuals display incapability in their reading, writing and mathematical skills. On the other hand if ADHD is associated with CD then the condition may worsen further as the issues are not confined to academics, instead they are associated with offending or disposition of criminal temperament (Daley, 2010). According to the study carried out by Dalteg and Levander (1998), when 75 advanced juvenile delinquents (AJD) were treated at a Swedish national borstal unit in 1975-76, and study was followed up till the age of 30. Observations reveal that conduct disorder was found to be present in all cases while 68% were found to be ADHD cases, the symptoms of ADHD was instituted to be present right from their pre-school or school days. Further it was highlighted that these AJD cases displayed condemnation for 12,000 crimes. When psychological background was considered, hyperactive cases displayed better psychosocial background as well as school problems. These hyperactive cases showed an elevated intensity of criminality. The criminal aptitude was found to be present right from the childhood days and persisted augmented at the later stages as adults. The study also highlight the fact that social outcome worsen further as compared to their non-hyperactive counterparts. the increase in crimes was around 250% in case of ADHD. The study forms the basis that increase in the criminal cases across the world is attributed mainly to the childhood onset of criminality, where the peak of criminal activities were recorded around the 15 years of age and hyperactivity was connected with the volume of crime over the type of crime. Study also intensify that negative childhood conditions influence personality characteristics and lead to conduct disorder. Studies carried out by Castellanos et al, (1994), suggests that ADHD children possess morphological brain abnormality which influences fronto-striatal pathways. Research carried out in the last two decades emphasize on the adults characteristics of the fact that mistrustful thoughts, suspicion and hallucination disorders, i.e. studies were carried out for the individuals belonging to the age group of 18- 24, while only a few studies have been conducted for children under-18 years of age displaying paranoid delusion. The study carried out by Bailey et al, (2007), draws attention towards the fact that developmental psychopathology is of paramount significance in turning an ADHD case to criminal. The paranoid thinking during the adolescence phase displays their disinclination to undertake and resolve issues in day-to-day life. According to Daley et al, (2010), there exists a correlation between academic performance as well as executive functioning. Children with ADHD along with poor EFs display poor performance in their academics in contrast to the children with ADHD and adequate executive functioning. When the results were compared with controls then poor EF does not found any co-relation with the academic accomplishments, suggesting that prevailing symptoms of ADHD and essential cognitive shortfalls and not co-morbid behavior predicaments are responsible for academic mutilation. Academic intervention suggests that academic performance does not appear to be associated to co-morbid behavior issues or the troublesome/ hyperactive symptoms. A co-ordination is required between the ADHD child, teacher, parents and the care providers. Research is being conducted across the globe and affirms that it is desirable, working memory enhancement is preferred which require parents attention and persuasion (Daley, 2010). Data related to psychological implications and criminal approach was collected by Bailey et al, (2007) and highlight the fact that seeds of the criminal predisposition are laid in the childhood itself. Conduct disorder together with oppositional disorder in childhood could be associated with substance abuse as well as antisocial personality disorder. These childhood disorders paves the way for enhanced risk of adult depression, aggression, eating disorder, schizophrenia, maniac disorder, anxiety and other mental ailments. Since behaviour and conduct is directly related with the mental health because any activity that affects the performance or behavior of an individual encompasses different cognitive operations which are essential in learning process, procuring knowledge, reasoning, memory or learning skills, perception and outlook, attention and ability to be alert and attentive, language skills and communication, thoughts and aptitude, emotions, decision making and problem solving skills, inability to perform normal deeds build frustration right from the formative years and culminating into rebellious attitude or conduct disorder. Such characteristics bring devastating consequences in later stages of development. According to Fonagy, (2003), aggression and violence onsets in early childhood or toddler age and violence hampers the normal development of the child. Violence is not learned but it disrupts mental makeup of the child, mentalization. Fonagy (2003), highlighted the relationship between mentalization and violence as "the conflicting requirements of retaining the potential for violence in environments beyond interpersonal understanding, and of inhibiting it in the context of the social group, led to the evolution of the device of making violence largely incompatible with a simultaneous representation of the subjective state of the other. The latter capacity (for mentalization) became linked to attachment so that we learn about our minds – ours and those of others – through experiencing our internal states being understood by another mind. Physical aggression gradually disappears from children’s behavioral repertoire over the early years of life. Physical aggression, the wish to control the other by damaging or disabling them becomes taboo along with incest. Attachment marks both kinds of association". A sound physical and mental health, positivity in approach leads to potentially high mental activity and enhanced mental processes and prevents from stress and other associated ailments (Leichsenring, 2003). As the age progresses the experience and perception about the situation becomes more accurate. It also depends on the family atmosphere, education level of the parents, school approach towards the developing child psychology, along with other evolutionary changes that are age and development linked encompassing language skills and memory. Medication as well as behavior interventions may act as the stimulants and bring alterations in ADHD child's behavior (Chronis, 2005). A regular modifications in tasks is desired, encompassing home-work focused interventions, training and assessment methodologies. Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy have been proved to play an imperative role in the ADHD treatment. Parents should take a lead role in boosting ADHD child and build confidence in the child for self monitoring and behavioral modifications (Daley, 2010). Psychology encompasses a thorough understanding of mental and behavior processes as it aids in being considerate towards brain functioning, communication and interpersonal predispositions, motivation and social behavior along with the physiological as well as neurological predilections.The most imperative characteristic of mental process and behavior predisposition is unconscious motives, childhood experiences, conflicts, developmental issues, nurture that defines nature of the child and hence the individual. All these factors together are responsible for a congenial development as well as intellectual and paramount mental process. It is highly imperative to have a peaceful, progressive and motivating atmosphere for the absolute development of mental process. According to the research carried out by Vincent and Grisso (2005) and Harrington et al. (2005) mental disorder in adolescents require health attention and if the problems persisted since childhood it carries a deep implication on the personality of the child. ADHD is impulsive disorder which require attention as if remain unattended in the childhood, it provides a deep impact on the psychology of the child. Paranoid beliefs and conduct disorders associated with the ADHD disorder further aggravates the violent activities. Understanding as well as utilization of research knowledge may potentially influence the characteristics of the disorder. Utmost care and prevention is desired to treat the individual with care and endurance to overcome the symptoms to a greater extent. It is therefore imperative to recognize that ADHD cases must be dealt with a lot of patience and cool temperament rather than punishing them for their disparaging attitude. Parent's affection and love plays a vital role in fulfilling the child with confidence. Discussion with a child, making the child understand the repercussions of anger and bad temperament, making the child understand what is good and what are the other better ways to express views and demands may prove to be beneficial. ADHD profoundly relates with the ignorance from the parents, abuse of any kind witnessed in childhood, inability to discriminate between good and bad, no proper guidance from elders, no appropriate communication with the child, no social interaction, isolation, watching and getting influenced with the media and television serials or cartoons or movies, drawing pleasure after breaking off things. All these childhood features lead to the rebellious temperament, build dejected temper in the child the child remains emotionally disturbed, to make everyone around understand and register his/ her presence a child may start performing deeds which draws attention and thus an attention seeking behaviour builds up. Since there is no room for emotions and attachment in the characteristics of the child, detachment prevails and this prolonged detachment and unemotional temperament is responsible for inculcating violence in the mentally disturbed child. In cases where the normal psychology of the individual is disturbed, the personality is altered and hence the self-esteem, the ego is also modified. Such cases are considered to be of abnormal psychology and hence require appropriate psychoanalysis. According to Sigmund Freud's Theory, personality of the individual is shaped by diverse factors that enable an individual to react with the situation and respond to the world. The theory states that every individual is born with an identity. The personality of the individual revolves around this identity comprising gender, annoyance and appetite. Personality of the individual facilitates growth as it expresses the congregation of basic needs and how well they are met. This familiarity and considerable approach enables the individual to rely on the analyst and transfer the hidden painful emotions from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind. According to Freud, this act is influential and provides the access to the analyst about the relevant issue bothering the individual. It is also observed that Freud's theory works well with males as compared to females (Models of Understanding Human Behavior). Conclusion ADHD is a neurological condition which is accompanied by Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), this may or may not be associated with the conduct disorder (CD). ADHD cases may display obliterations in all aspects of life they may encounter mutilation in social, behavior encompassing violence, poor academic skills which hampers their cognitive development and the consequences may prevail till adulthood which affects their personality, outlook, memory, reasoning, mathematical ability along with the cognitive abilities culminating into criminal predilection in life. Psychology is the Science that create an understanding towards a logical thinking, an ability in keeping humane in concise. It is the way where an understanding is built up about the behaviour of a person, and methods could be devised to enhance what is lacking in the personality and how well an individual be groomed to have a sound and congenial influence on the society or influence social ambience of the individual. Besides the fact that a lot of research has been carried out we are still at the tip of the iceberg to further dwell towards the understanding of psychology. So far an immense collection of theories that have been postulated over the years have been made and studied along with various protocols and experiments that have been performed to resolve diverse behaviour issues. The Behavioural Model emphasize on the fact how the environment shapes the personality of the individual, it emphasizes on the fact that there are certain motivational factors that provide an impact on the individual's behaviour, it came into picture when introspection and psychoanalysis were prevalent and laid prominence on observed stimuli and behaviour responses. The present article highlights the fact that psychology of the individual is the amalgamation of various aspects involving neural perspectives, cognitive as well as social perspectives. All these are responsible to shape the personality and behaviour of the individual as well as social predicament. Based on these parameters the social predisposition of the individual is decided to be social or anti-social. For the cognitive development of the society it is essential to analyze the neuronal perspectives of the ADHD so that appropriate social as well as cognitive measures could be formulated to alter the behaviour. Such an approach is highly desired in the current social scenario to eliminate terrorism and violence, as well as to built a congenial and progressive social environment not only for anti-social individuals but also to prevent individuals from turning anti-social. Promoting a healthy environment of learning, education, competition leaves little room for the anguish and agony. Behavioral interventions along with academic interventions could support cognitive development which could be implemented by co-ordination of peer and parents and act as a motivation for the child to overcome ADHD. Although medical science is performing studies to establish the appropriate strategy in dealing with ADHD cases it is highly important that nurture and upbringing of the parents and care providers is highly significant in preventing the build-up anger and aggression that paves the way for violent aptitude. Psychological intervention however, plays a vital role in preventing such mental conditions and to overcome criminal temperament. In today's scenario it is essential that parents must discuss everything with their kids so as to maintain transparency as well as generating a friendly relationship with the child. A help from pediatrician could also be beneficial. As the child grows various changes takes place both physically and mentally it is essential for the parents to keep a constant watch on the behaviour pattern of the child and direct appropriately to have a timely prevention together with clinical and psychological interventions. References American Psychiatric Association. 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