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Twilight the Movie - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Twilight – the Movie" tells us about the application of psychological theories in the analysis of the content film. The field of Psychology is virtually endless, encompassing numerous subjects of research and education…
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Twilight the Movie
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?Running Head: Application of Psychological Theories Application of Psychological Theories in Analysis of the Content of “Twilight – the Movie” Customer Name University Name Application of Psychological Theories in Analysis of the Content of “Twilight – the Movie” The field of Psychology is virtually endless, encompassing numerous subjects of research and education. Psychology and its library of theories try to explain the reasons for human behavior and human thought process. This subject is one of the vast fields of education, requiring extensive and laborious hours of research and training. It helps in explaining the actions of an individual and also attempts to predict his/her future course of action. Several psychological theories have been developed by observing and interrogating numerous sources, and improvements are made through information collection, information review and testing techniques. The major reason for vastness of Psychology can also be attributed to its differential nature. Each individual differs from another in many aspects. The upbringing, the environment, the cultural practices, religion and several other such factors play an important role in the formation of human brain. These differences breed difference of opinions, thinking and behavior in people. People of the same family also tend not to possess or emanate same characteristics. Due to this differentiation, Psychological theories cannot be generalized, hence forcing Psychologists to explain behaviors on individual basis. Even so, Psychologists attempt to provide generalized theories specialized according to certain demographic characteristics like gender, age, profession, region etc. From the abundant psychological theories developed through ages, several have been discarded while several continue to survive with consistent improvisations. The content to be analyzed under the numerous psychological theories is the famous romantic movie of the decade – “Twilight”. With an international fan-following, this movie poses to be the best material according to current times for psychological analysis. “Twilight” revolves around a romantic couple, the constituents of which are segregated not only by age but also through species. Numerous psychological theories can be applied on the story line of this movie. According to the psychoanalytic theory originated by Sigmund Freud, early or childhood experiences can influence human behavior (The Shrink). In the movie, we can see the same affecting Bella’s attitude. As a child, it is mentioned that Bella had witnessed her parents’ separation and the arrival of a step-father into her life. The older Bella seems reserved, not adequately vocal with both of her original parents or with any of her friends. This is evident in the scene when Bella was leaving her mother’s place to live with her father Charlie; her inexpressibility reflected her childhood experience. This theory can also be applied in contrasting Bella with her fellow mates Angela and Jessica. Angela and Jessica, belonging to similar conditions of upbringing and environment, were greatly feminine in contrast with Bella, who possessed a manly attitude. While Angela and Jessica excitedly changed dresses during their prom dress search out, Bella coolly relaxed on a bench. While they posed happily for Bella’s comments, Bella continued to skim through her research, seemingly uninterested in the chore. Bella’s loss of interest in feminine shopping can have a base in her childhood and upbringing. Another important theory of Psychology is the biological theory. This theory attempts to explain behavior considering three vital characteristics; Physiology, Inheritance/Genetics and Evolution (Mcleod). In the movie, all three characteristics can be observed. Bella seems to have inherited her father’s investigative nature. Charlie is a police officer, actively involved in investigations of numerous crime scenes. Bella, his genetic daughter, possessed the same curiosity and critical investigative skills which helped her uncover the truth of Edward’s existence. Identical to criminal investigation cases, Bella puts together the clues exhibited in numerous locations by different people, along with her personal experiences with Edward, to reach the conclusion of his existence. The second most important characteristic of Biological theory is Evolution or Comparative Study of Species. The movie encompasses three distinct species in clashes. Bella is a human, possessing all human traits. On the other hand, Jacob is a werewolf and Edward is a vampire, both deviating considerably from human characteristics due to different reasons. Edward is reserved and queer, acting weird all the time. His responses to regular stimuli are uncommon. His responses are greatly influenced by his capability to read minds; like his instincts to kill the bunch of bullies that surrounded Bella on her way to the Restaurant. His attitude was greatly influenced by his personal blessing, and was very different from a humanistic response. The behavioral theory in Psychology suggests that all behaviors result from conditioning (Cherry). This implies that behaviors and thinking can be modified through the imposition of restrictions. A major example from daily routine life of this theory’s application is the “grounding” of children by their parents in response to an ill-activity. Through this conditioning, parents believe their children’s activities can be controlled and conditioned into good ones. This theory can be seen implemented in the movie, creating a visible contrast between the regular vampires – Victoria, James and Laurent – and the Cullen family. The Cullen family was allegedly “conditioned” to consume only animals in order to live peacefully with nature. It is mentioned in the movie that according to a contract signed upon by the vampires, the Cullen family of vampires had been restrained from attacking humans. Therefore, they did not harm humans in spite of their natural inclination for human blood. However, the James’s Coven freely attacked and sucked blood of any human they could corner in a lonely state. Hence conditioning proved to be governing the course of action the vampires employed. The cognitive theory is also a part of the psychological theories currently believed upon. This theory focuses on the mental processes like learning, remembering, thinking and perceiving. Therefore this theory is closely related to other disciplines like neuroscience, philosophy and linguistics. It particularly focuses on how people tend to acquire, process and retain information (Cherry). As the name suggests, a major part of this theory focuses on brain functions and reasoning. In the movie series, a major example of this theory is observed in the subsequent part. In the first edition of the “Twilight Saga” as it is named, Bella is shown searching numerous resources and piecing together evidences for Edward’s identity. This search also includes Jacob’s narrative describing the supposedly fictional story of the werewolves and vampires. At the moment, Bella had processed and stored the information regarding Edward only. However, in the subsequent edition, when the identity of Jacob as werewolf is revealed, it is clearly shown that although Bella had acquired the knowledge regarding werewolves already, and it is evident to the viewers that Jacob is a werewolf, Bella subconsciously chose not to remember the part concerning them. A major reason for this was Bella’s lack of interest in the subject concerning werewolves. Hence Cognitive Theory forms the basis of devising newer techniques for improving the educational learning of students in real life. Last but not the least, Emotions play a leading role in defining the actions of a person. Many scholars like Abraham Maslow have attempted to devise a general structure for the hierarchy of emotional needs, but these tend to differ individually. However, a general structure follows the trend with ascending importance: 1. Physiological needs – food, shelter etc. 2. Safety and security needs. 3. Belongingness and Love needs. 4. Esteem needs. 5. Cognitive needs. 6. Aesthetic needs. 7. Need for Self-Actualization (Cliffnotes). According to the movie, it can be observed that Bella had approached and tried to satisfy her need for belongingness and love in the form of her affiliation with Edward. Her basic physiological needs and safety needs were fulfilled. Her father worked to provide for her well-being; she lived in a house, studied at a good college, ate at will and had ample wearable choices in her wardrobe. Additionally, while the house also provided her security, her father was a police officer, reinforcing her sense of being safe and secure. The next stage is therefore the need for being loved, which was affectively provided for by Edward. All pieces of entertainment, in the form of book or motion pictures, without ample integration of Psychology tend to lose sense and logic. Psychology induces a feeling of relatedness in the audience, which implies viewers and readers can better understand the occurrences in a story if these are closer to real-life expectations. Many of the failed movies and books include occurrences that cannot be explained by any average human and are definitely not supported by Psychological Theories. Hence Psychology not only induces meaning in a tale, but also integrates logic which helps people in understanding without questioning. References Godfrey, W. Mooradian, G. (Producer), & Hardwicke, C. (Director). (2008). Twilight [Motion Picture]. United States: Summit Entertainment. Mooradian, G. (Producer), & Weitz, C. (Director). (2009). Twilight: New Moon [Motion Picture]. United States: Summit Entertainment. Cherry, K. (2011). Psychology Theories. Retrieved from Mcleod, S. (2007). Biological Psychology. Retrieved from The Shrink. n.d. The Psychoanalytic Theory. Retrieved from CliffsNotes. (2011). The Need Hierarchy. Retrieved from,articleId-25362.html. Read More
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