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Key Professional Roles and Responsibilities for a Modern ICT Professional - Assignment Example

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As the paper "Key Professional Roles and Responsibilities for a Modern ICT Professional" outlines, humanity is faced with myriad development challenges. This calls for a proactive engagement by offering technological solutions that can create a balance in solving the development needs of society…
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Reflective Learning Student’s Name: Course Code: Lecture’s Name: Date of Submission: Reflective Learning Part A: Interpersonal Issues Question 1 Goal/ Motivation Humanity is faced with myriad of development challenges. This call for a proactive engagement by offering technological solutions that can create a balance in solving development needs of society. ICT offers a platform for access, store, transmit and manipulate information that can be utilized in various fields such as agriculture, commerce, Banking, industrial science, education, organizational development, transport, policing, military and public service among others. Based on this realization, I enrolled into the program with the ultimate aim of being equipped with technical skills on ICT where I can coverage multimedia contents with telephone and computer networks for value creation and added competitive advantage and ultimately serve humanity in various aspects of the economy with uttermost professionalism. Fitting of PIIT on the Overall Goal/ Motivation For a success in any professional engagement, ethics and ethical considerations are an important aspect of professionalism. In the ICT field, one encounters numerous data and information from different clients that should be held by uttermost confidential so as to ensure information integrity, individual and institutional accountability as envisioned in corporate governance/ corporate social responsibility principles thereby leading to a profession and the organization that is revered in public. This is where PIIT comes in since it informs and orients individual in relation to issues such moral philosophies & values, intellectualism, service, honesty, independence, code of conduct, diversity issues and ethical decision making & professional judgment which are rooted on deontological obligations IT experts have to the society and professionalism expectations. Unit and Re-Evaluation of Degree/ Specialization The unit was indeed an eye opener on ethical issues encountered by IT professionals in their daily operations across various divides as result of pressures and stresses/ organizational contexts that might affect individual behavior. From a pragmatic perspective, the unit did not make me have a second thought on the degree I am undertaking or the specialization. Instead, it enhanced my resolve to pursue the profession by equipping me with the prospective professional issues such as ethical considerations that are likely to be encountered and how one can navigate those issues for effective delivery of service knowing that ethical considerations are requisite aspects of all professionals irrespective of their field of operation. Change of Aspirations In earlier engagements at the start of the unit, I had a fixed paradigm that one had to be effective in technical skills and interpersonal skills so as to be employable and effective in IT profession. Nevertheless, PIIT was an eye opener that one has a wide professional obligation issues to compatriots, other professions, employer/ organization, government and public at large. This calls for adherence to ethical considerations, code of conduct and appropriate behavior at work place. Therefore, the unit has changed my aspiration from just being a mere ICT professional to one who adheres to professional expectations such as altruism, intellectual modesty and integrity. Question 2 Behavior for ICT Professional working in Group ICT projects entails working in groups/ teams that are diverse and for group to succeed there has to be teamwork (Konrad, 2003, p.5). Diversity implies difference in social/ cultural orientation, physical, demographic and biological difference in issues such as color, religion, sex, gender (Dipboye & Halverson, 2004, p.133). The behavior for an ICT professional working in a group or team is to abolish discriminatory or prejudice tendencies such as belief that male are better than female, or white is superior than black by giving equal opportunity. In this regard the engagement should be pegged on the intellectual content and possible deliveries as opposed to biased social constructs and meanings ascribed to different phenomenon in the society so as to attain professionalism. Therefore all behaviors should be geared towards inclusionary tendencies so as to limit discrimination, oppression, stigmatization and favoritism resulting from employees’ differences (Jayne & Dipboye, 2004, p.411). These can only be overcome through intellectualism, dedication, honesty, integrity, trustworthiness and interdependence. Contribution to Sound Team Performance Individuals are unique and it is this intellectual and interpersonal uniqueness that is integral in creating a diverse team for solution finding. Based on Belbin (2011, p. 9), a team roles theory that identify employees as resource investigator, coordinator, shaper, monitor evaluator, team worker, implementer, complementer finisher and specialist. Based on my interpersonal reflection, I can competently say I am a resource investigator and implementer and these constitutes my contribution to the group. The rational for my argument is based on the fact that I am a critical individual who is able to investigate issues and equally I am able to offer implementation road maps for identified problems. What could have been done better? There are various works that points at how small group evolve overtime before it becomes success. Team development can best be expressed in the forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning framework (Robbins et al., 2009, p. 220). I feel I should have done better in the forming and storming stages since we had challenging formation and stormy sessions as we were in the process of knowing each other. As resource investigator, I should have offered more information to the group so as to reduce stormy sessions. Helping others in the Team Team work is about complementing and supplementing others in their strengths so as to reduce weaknesses and performance gaps. How I could have helped others relies greatly on my team role (s) in a group. As identified earlier, I am a resource investigator and implementer. Therefore, I feel I should have offered more resourceful information that our team could have relied on to build information system/ resource centre for realization of our goals. Question 3 Key Professional Roles and Responsibilities for a Modern ICT Professional According to Murata (2005, p.3), a profession is “a highly specialized body of knowledge and technique: members of a profession have an advanced, systematic, and exclusive body of knowledge, as well as techniques acquired through long-term education and training; furthermore, they continue to derive their raw material from science and learning.”. Under ICT for development context, professional roles and responsibilities of a modern ICT professional is likely to differ depending on the organization one is in. However, this section outlines their roles in relation to the development, administration and maintenance of information systems. These responsibilities and roles can be treated in terms of technical and soft skills. Technical skills translate into roles which are requisite for task performance. On the other hand responsibilities lie on soft skills which imply contextual performance (Hosie & Sevastos, 2009, p.137). Boughton (2009, p.160) offers a wide array of professional roles for a modern ICT professional. These include issues such as conceptual modeling; software engineering & methodologies; program design & implementation; database management; data communications & networks; information system security; algorithms & data structuring; computer organization and architecture. On the other hand responsibilities relates to relational networks and interpersonal depending on one’s position and include leadership, strong communication skills, negotiation capabilities, coaching and team building among others. Impact of Roles and Responsibilities on Future Work ICT profession is a dynamic profession that requires a holistic individual who is able to engage in critical thinking. The ever expanding appreciation and application of ICT implies that in the future, I have to engage in continual improvement and constant practice so as to be abreast with developing technologies. Moreover, while in earlier years, application of technical skills dominated the ICT profession, there is the realization that responsibilities anchored on personal network and interpersonal skills is becoming integral. This implies that in the future, I have to engage more on the same so as to be an all rounded profession that is able to apply technical skills and exploit interpersonal relations so as to realize these goals. Question 4 Changes on how I perceive the work of ICT and Ways thinking have changed At the beginning of the unit, I had a mixed perception about the expected encounter and it role in my future engagement. I came in with overzealous confidence that as a budding ICT professional, I am the ultimate expert, I am highly autonomous in regard to the decision I make and that formal training is the hallmark of the profession as presented in various academic discourses. Nevertheless, after completion of the unit, there are changes that have occurred in relation to how I perceive ICT work. I see ICT work as profession impacted by various external and internal pressures that are likely to impact on the professionalism of an individual. In a nutshell, it has broadened my view on the profession and professionalism as opposed to a mere academic qualification which constitutes a fraction of ICT professionalism. Away from training where one seeks to acquire extensive knowledge through formal education, apprentice and research as way to being a professional; my way of thinking has changed positively in relation to 6 professional issues in IT and the environment we operate in. These are judgment, pride, dedication & service, intellectualism, honest and trustworthy. I now appreciate that one has to engage in critical thinking; be a dedicated individual; have pride in what one is doing; engage in non partisan decision making and provide valuable services to society. This implies that organizational and social measures should be put in place by professional, organizations and public/ to guide operations of ICT experts. Newly Learnt Knowledge and Benefits Currently I appreciate that ICT experts hold critical role in organizational success and that the previously mentioned beliefs are not the ultimate since ICT experts operate within an a given environmental context and thus has to embrace issues such as altruism, intellectualism, deontological expectations, dedication, service, appropriate judgment, honest and trustworthy because under institutional and corporate accountability and responsibility, they are responsible to community and thus, they are governed by code of ethics. Secondly, I learnt that we have intentional and unintentional power over the public owing to our critical role and this power has to be used effectively and appropriately so as to guarantee safety and security for the organization and public at large. The benefits derived from the unit are anchored on the fact that I now fully appreciate the role of professional altruism in navigating my experiences in the field. I precisely appreciate that our ultimate grounding is service to humanity and this should guide my judgment and decision making. Secondly I now see intellectual modesty as a hallmark for ICT professionalism as I appreciate role of acquired knowledge on quality of work and thus, would engage in continual improvement and constant practice. Lastly, I now take cognizance for my future engagement for the need for integrity and assuming responsibility for all decision undertaken by being honest to all stakeholders. Part B Lecture 1 The paper assesses the utilization of social media by various group of community of practices to disburse information about flood that hit Queensland in 2010-2011. Indeed, this article had a positive impact on how I perceive an ICT professional faced with certain issue. The ultimate re-orientation in this study is the realization that ICT are developed to solve humanitarian problems in various aspects of human life anchored on communication process and platform. This new knowledge was able to change my thinking. The first is based on realization that development of information system/ computer based networks is not only linked to development of technical networks, but also exploitation of existing platforms so as to create a new phenomenon. This shows that an ICT profession should not only exist to utilize and maintain existing systems, but to be innovative enough to improve these systems for betterment of society and organizations. Secondly, it changed my thinking based on the realization that ICT professions play an integral role of coordination and collaboration by directing public on available help options as seen with community of practices; informing & educating the public; real time communication; issuance of early alerts; platform for gaining feedback and platform for receiving feedback. I learnt that the ability of social networks as an example of networked computerized information system is rooted on its ability to solve humanitarian problem anchored on the fact that ICT enhances decision making on real time basis as post can be read by millions instantly without following the institutional hierarchies in traditional media; reduces cost of disseminating information as one post or tweet can be viewed by million; a post/ massage can be tailored to specific group and within a given geographical group and lastly through web metrics, the number who have accessed the information/ hits can be determined so as to evaluate the successfulness of the information. The benefits I derived on this study lies on possible application of the same phenomenon to disburse information since it offers connectedness to friends and larger community. In this regard, apart from emergency, I can use the same platform for dissemination of information and coordination in an organization through online advertisement, creation of community of practice so as to drive change, discussion boards for other professionals on important discourses, citizen journalism and enhancement of democratic space. Secondly, I can employ the same for organizations to receive feedback and thus, enhance level of interaction, customer experience and create interpersonal relationship oriented customer care. Lecture 2 Sustainable development has been brought into limelight owing to the realization that humanity has responsibility of ensuring proper use for current generation and future one since human survival is anchored on ecology/ environment. The lecture influenced how I perceive an ICT professional faced with certain issue by equipping me with the know how that IT is a contributor to environmental issues and that it can be equally exploited in reducing environmental issues such as global warming. The topic changed my thinking based on the two paradigms (IT as a cause and IT as a solution). Under green IT which examines IT a cause of environmental problem, I was able to build a conceptual framework on how these impacts can be remedied through attitude, policy, practice, technology and the metrics can be established. Related to the same is on what are impeding green IT such as unclear business value on green ICT, lack of skills & expertise and lack of senior management leadership. On the other hand, I was able to appreciate the role green information system can play in reducing global warming by addressing issues such as exploitation of natural resources such as trees for paper works, energy consumption through systems that optimizes consumption related to idling such as fleet management system. This lecture introduces students on the position of IT on environmental/ product sustainability in a two pronged approach. It examines how sustainable IT can be used to minimize ITs environmental footprint. This is also known as green IT. Secondly, it engages on using IT & IS to curtail environmental footprint. This is also known as green IS. Thus, I have learnt that ICT can be a solution and a problem to the environment depending on how it is formulated to address environmental problems. As a problem, IT and IS consist of electronic hardware which are consumers of energy and the same hardware once aged are source of electronic waste which contributes to environmental degradation. On the other hand, it constitutes part of a smart / intelligent system of managing sustainability. The benefit I derived from the topic is possible scenarios for applying the two concepts. I am indeed delighted on how sustainability has been tied to ICT. Sustainable development being a the in thing in most organization, the topic empowers me as an ICT expert to work on sustainability reporting/ disclosure relating to ICT department and how the same system can be used to monitor partners adherence to company’s sustainability policy. Lecture 3 This lecture inducts students to what communication entails. It defines and conceptualizes communication. Moreover, it creates an insight that communication is not a unidirectional process, but a dyadic relationship that is influenced by meaning making process which is a function of issues such as culture and gender among others. Indeed, the topic goes deeper to describe how language games can be used to contextualize meaning making process for effective communication to take place. Lastly, the section outlines various theoretical constructs developed in attempt of explaining communication process. Indeed, the topic had an influence on my way of thinking about being an ICT profession faced with an issue. I have realized communication is an integral aspect in influencing, mobilizing, informing and problem solving and that communication does not occur just for its sake, but requires two parties/ entities as contextualized within various defining factors such as language games. The topic greatly shaped my current thinking by inculcating a paradigm shift about the essence of communication and communication process. The foremost influence is on meaning making and language games. I initially harbored the thought that communication entails speaking to an individual, but this has changed since I have come to appreciate that communication is a function of many factors and thus how I perceive a problem might not be the same with the client/ problem owner. I have learned two critical lessons from the topic. The first is based on the fact that while we rely on various un-discussed & unspoken assumptions, we do not operate under the same assumptions. Our communication and understanding is influenced by our world view which is a function of beliefs, culture, gender, level of education and so on. Thus, communication is a function of receiver’s interpretation and sender’s intention as moderated by the named factors. This realization is critical in organizational problem solving where different parties are likely to perceive the problem differently. Secondly, I learnt that communication is co-production of meaning and this is what effective communicator should be concerned of as it influences the end result of the whole process since not any situation in the process is identical. Specifically integral is the language game which is a function of social creation and contextual issues. I have benefited from the lecture based on the realization that the topic will go a long way incapacitating me in my problem solving capability, influencing capability, negotiation skills and mobilization prowess since I am now able to fine tune communication within my context and the context of the recipient so as to make meaning for him based on the realization that whole process is a factor of co-production. Lecture 4 This topic addresses ethical concerns for individuals who are professionals. It goes deep to contextualize it within the domain of ICT profession. The above discussions influenced my perception about being an ICT profession faced with an issue that ethical decision making process is an important engagement. This if not adhered in certain circumstances can result into organizational losses or risks or punishments anchored on law. Moreover, I saw the necessity of how these processes can be inculcated into an organization & individuals and the dilemmas one faces owing to diverse theoretical constructs on ethical propositions. My thinking has changed during the course to develop a two pronged perception since there are ethical issues that are not outright. This is especially right if one is influenced by consequentialism ethical theories such as utilitarianism. However, I have developed a critical view on how to engage in ethical decision making process. From the course, I have various concepts, models, constructs and propositions. The lecture outlines issues relating to ethical and unethical behavior. It first assess unethical behavior as source of business risk; broadly defines ethics; narrows down on professional code of ethic; does a comparative study on ethics v law; policy vacuum that necessitated emergence of cyberethics; what does not entail ethics; influences on ethics; ethical concepts; role of perception and assumptions on ethics; ethical principles; ethical dilemmas; ethical issues in ICT; ethical scandals in business and responses to the same; significance of ethics in business; code of ethics in organization; ethical decision making and employee sensitization. The befit that I feel I have derived from the topic is how to navigate ethically ethical dilemmas that faces ICT experts through rational ethical decision making process. Moreover, I have been equipped with knowledge of various constructs and models of ethics and how such issues can be translated into a code of conduct. References Belbin 2011, Method, Reliability & Validity, Statistics & Research: A comprehensive review of Belbin’s team roles. Retrieved on 8th Feb. 2014 from: Boughton, C 2009, What is an ICT Professional anyway? Australasian journal of information systems, 16(1), p.12-56. Dipboye, R & Halverson, S 2004, Subtle (and Not So Subtle): Discrimination in Organizations’ in Griffin, R. and O’Leary-Kelly, A. (Eds). The Dark Side of Organizational Behavior, San Francisco, Wiley. Hosie, P & Sevastos, P 2009, Does the “happy-productive worker” thesis apply to managers? International Journal of Workplace, 2(2), p. 131-160. Jayne, M & Dipboye, R 2004, Leveraging Diversity to Improve Business Performance: Research Findings and Recommendations for Organizations, Human Resource Management, 43(4), 409-424. Konrad, A 2003, Special issue introduction: defining the domain of workplace diversity scholarship, Group & Organization Management, 28(1), p.4-17. Murata, K2005, ICT Workers and Professional Attitudes: Construction of an Appropriately Professional Working Environment, Proceedings of ETHICOMP 2005. Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A., Odendaal, A & Roodt, G 2009, Organizational behavior: global and southern Africa perspectives, Cape Town, Pearson Education South Africa. Read More
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