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The Relations between the Cuba and the US - Coursework Example

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The coursework "The Relations between Cuba and the US" describes the Cuba revolution. This paper outlines economic reforms, the case of Bay of Pigs, Embargo, and trade restrictions imposed on Cuba, missile crisis, Cuban adjustment act…
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The Relations between the Cuba and the US
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UNITED S NEW CUBA RELATIONS Introduction The relations between the Cuba and the US have long remained a complicated one. The Cuba was originally one of the colonies of Spain which the US occupied in the 1898. The Cuba becomes an independent state in 1902 with Thomas Estrada Palma as its president. However the Cuba and the US government sign the Platt amendment which gives the US the right to intervene in the internal affairs of CUBA. Then in 1906-09 a rebellion is led by Jose Miguel Gomez and as a result of this rebellion Thomas Estrada Palma resigns from his post. Following the resignation of Palma US occupies CUBA (Suddath, 2009). In 1909 Mr. Gomez becomes president in an election that is held under US supervision. Then in 1912 the blacks protested against discrimination and US forces helps to quench the rebellion. In 1959 Fidel Castro assisted by Che Guevara a doctor by educational qualification overthrows Batista after waging long period of Gorilla war. Soon after Castro comes to power he enacts laws that nationalize all us business in CUBA and hikes import duty on good that are imported from America. USA retaliates in equal measure and forces embargo on all good that are imported from Cuba. The embargo is to last for 50 years and has a devastating impact on US – CUBA relations and economic condition of CUBA with estimated loss amounting to $1.126 trillion (Suddath, 2009). In 2008 Raul comes to power and relations start to slowly improve. The US led by OBAMA is now thinking of lifting of the trade embargo. In the following pages the historical relations between the two countries has been discussed and arguments are presented against the decision to lift the embargo. Discussion Cuban revolution In 1933; the then president of CUBA, Gerardo Machado was overthrown by a coup led by Fulgencio Batista (BBC news, 2012). Once Batista comes to power it got good support from the US government, the US government abandoned its right to intervene in the internal affairs of CUBA and revised the tariffs of the Sugar that it imported from CUBA in order to help CUBA. Then in 1953 Fidel Castro starts a revolution against the Batista Regime. Initially the revolt is unsuccessful however in 1956 Castro restarts a gorilla war aided by his trusted ally Che Guevara. In 1958 the US government started supporting Castro’s revolution and imposed an arms embargo to Batista regime. In 1959 Castro was successful in overthrowing Batista regime and establishes government in CUBA (Suddath, 2009). Fidel Castro became the Prime minister of Cuba. Soon after Fidel became the PM of Cuba he was invited to USA and the US government recognized the Castro led government. Economic Reforms Soon after coming to power Castro instituted economic reforms and sanctions. The reforms instituted by Castro involved imposing restrictions on goods that were being imported from USA. The taxes on the goods that were being imported from the USA were more than doubled. This resulted in the volume of US exports to Cuba being more than halved (History Channel, 2014). The Cuban government and Fidel Castro especially also nationalized all the establishments of US in Cuba. All the subsidiaries of US companies in CUBA were nationalized by the Castro led administration. By the year 1960 Castro led Cuban government had seized all private lands in CUBA and nationalized all private companies. The then US president Eisenhower responded in equal measure by imposing trade restrictions on everything excluding food and medical supplies. The main fear of the US government was that the CUBA was too much anti American and was more a communist country than an imperialist country. Eisenhower at the same time tried to raise a force of Cuban exiles and train them against Cuba (History Channel, 2014). Once the America imposed these restrictions Cuba responded by increasing trade with USSR. The Case of Bay of Pigs The case of Bay of Pig invasions has started when the CIA has started financing and has trained its group of the refugees land in Cuba and has tried or made an attempt to defeat the communist government of Fidel Castro. But the attack that was made has turned to be a failure (Jones, 2008). The attacks on the US companies by Castro and its interest on Cuba and also the movement of Cuba in establishing a closer and deep relationship with the soviet union has compelled the US force or officials to conclude or come to a conclusion that the leaders of Cuba has been a threat or barrier towards the US interests . The president John F Kennedy has inherited the program of the Bay of Pigs when he became the president of US. The failure or the defeat of the Bay of Pigs has affected significantly and severely to the US companies (Jones, 2008). Embargo and trade restrictions imposed on Cuba Embargo has imposed the prohibition of carrying out the trade and commerce on Cuba. Embargo has adopted a big diplomatic measure which is to be imposed in Cuba by imposing or enforcing the company to impose the trade restrictions that is against the national interest of the country. United States has imposed the embargo on Cuba during the year 1962. The embargo that is imposed on Cuba by US is considered as an important and longest embargo (Sullivan, 2011). By taking into consideration the economic exchanges with Cuba it is observed that the president of America Barrack Obama has reaffirmed or modified by the policy by stating that without the development of freedom and the human rights. The embargo prefers to maintain the national interest of the United States. Therefore the United States imposition of Embargo against Cuba is considered as an economic, financial and commercial embargo that is imposed on Cuba (Sullivan, 2011). Missile crisis During the times of Cuban missile crisis has lead to the leaders of US and also the leaders of the Soviet Union has engaged itself in the installation of the nuclear armed missiles of Cuba. The president of America John F Kennedy has explained the Americans about the existence of missiles and his decision for enacting and imposing a naval blockade around Cuba and has declared that US is already ready and prepared to apply its military force for neutralizing the threat that is being perceived for the national security (Roberts, 2012). With the publication of this news there was a situation of threat that generated in the mind of the people about the declaration of nuclear war. However to avoid the disaster there was an agreement that Cuba will remove its missiles in exchange for the promise of US as not to carry out its invasion in Cuba and hence Kennedy decided and attempted to remove the missiles of US from Turkey (Roberts, 2012). Cuban Adjustment Act The Cuban adjustment act was enacted in the year 1966 (Council of foreign relations, 2014). The act was enacted under the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson. The act which is also known as wet foot dry foot act states that if a Cuban national who is fleeing to USA from Cuba is found in water then he will be sent back to Cuba. However if the person is able to land in America then he will be granted permission to stay in the USA. He or She will be granted greed card after a year and ultimately US citizenship. However, this law has long been opposed by the Cuban government and they say that this is causing a brain drain. Even if the concern of the Cuban government regarding the issues is ignored there are two important concerns that still need to be addressed (Roberts, 2012). The first concern is that how is Cubans more special than individuals of other countries who are trying to seek exile in America in order to flee from drug cartels or death squads. The second cause of concern is that this law actually enables many mafias to commit crimes in USA and go back to Cuba before they are caught (Bardach, 2015). Mass Emigration As the Cuban economy faces economic downturn under hike in oil prices and continues sanctions by the US on economic grounds the lives of the Cuban residents becomes increasingly tough. Under these conditions increasing no. of peoples from Cuba wanted to flee to USA. Then the US president Jim carter issued a statement which stated that America will welcome the refuges from Cuba with open arms. Under these increasing pressures Castro gives his consent to establishing Mariel boatlift and 125,000 Cubans flee to Florida. Helms Burton Act In 1996 the US- Cuba relations further takes a turn for worse under the retaliation for the Cuba shooting down two civilian airplanes of USA. The USA issued the Helms Burton act which tightened embargo on Cuba. The act also tried to weaken Cuba’s ties with non- US foreign investors. The act was aimed at codifying embargo, imposing sanctions of foreign companies and penalizing them for doing business with Cuba (Bardach, 2015). The Washington also says that these restrictions will only be lifted if both Fidel and Raul be removed from office, free elections are held at Cuba, and the press is given much more freedom, and all political prisoners be removed (Bardach, 2015). Presidential change in Cuba Raul Castro comes into power after the retirement of Fidel Castro who has retired due to long illness and therefore he handed over the right and power of presidency to his brother Raul Castro and he is regarded and recognized as an important and significant power and also retained for a long time in the ministry of Armed Force. Raul has the ability and capability as the military leader at the time of revolution (Bardach, 2015). Although Raul has no remarkable or significant victories that he has conquered on his own and receives credit out of it he has removed the restriction and the barrier of the trade as it has assisted Cuba to exit its restrictions on issuing VISA (Klepak, 2012). Raul Castro has made and attempt and contributed towards removing the stringent requirement for the Cubans in order to receive the permission from the government to travel abroad. He has also conducted a two days summit between Caribbean States and Latin America for carrying out trade and promoting peace and human rights. The discussion in the Summit considered and found out a regional alternative and substitute from which the membership has been suspended or cancelled. Raul Castro has also declared the establishment and retention of tie up following US swap of an intelligence officer (Klepak, 2012). Lifting of travel restriction After Obama came to power in America he made it his top priority that he will try and improve relations with CUBA. Obama felt that the approach that the USA has led for the policy with Cuba since long is outdated and needs a reform (The Guardian, 2014). Obama felt that the policy that the US has pursued with respect to Cuban issue for 50 long years has failed to have any gainful impact and failed to serve the interest of the two countries. In a radical change to the policies he wanted to renew ties with Cuba. As a first step in this direction Obama slashed all bans on travel restrictions and even allowed all the Cuban families that were settled in the USA to send funds back to their family and whoever they wanted to back in Cuba (Klepak, 2012). Lifting of exit visa restrictions by Cuba The bureaucratic barrier or the restriction that was imposed on Cuba for carrying out its trade has been removed and abolished by President Raul Castro. The government through this attempt had encouraged and boosted the large class or sections of the Cubans to carry out their travel abroad as a result of which will facilitate them to earn money from other countries and then bringing the return to the country which as result will inject the capital into the economy (Peres, 2011). The impact of this law is mostly felt by the new immigrants of Cuba as it facilitated the immigrants to live abroad for a period of two years and they can also obtain the legal residency of America which is not easy to obtain very easily. The decision of lifting the exit of Visa restriction will lead to the large outflow of the people to United States and also the flow of people to Cuba which will enhance the economy of Cuba and will result in increase in the opening opportunity of the island (Bolender, 2012). Restoration of full diplomatic ties with USA One of US citizens Alan Gross went to America in order to work on telephone lines and restore internet connectivity in Cuba. However the Cuban administration accused him of spying and arrested him. In 2009, Alan Gross the US citizen was released from prison after serving for 5 years. The two countries, that is America and Cuba has since resumed talks. The two countries aim to restore the diplomatic ties between them. Pope Francis has played a major role in convincing the two countries to come together (Peres, 2011). Under restoration of diplomatic ties Obama wants to remove trade restrictions, open an embassy in Havana and open diplomatic talks with Cuba. However for that to happen it requires approval of the congress. Arguments against lifting of embargo As the Obama led US government move towards a policy that gives greater emphasis on engagement rather than sanctions and restriction the debate between the two tactics is slated to continue. Obama himself feels that the America has for too long pursued the policy of sanction with the Cuba but has failed to bring any positive result or outcome to the Cuba led government. He feels that the sanctions could not force Castro to step down from his post. The latest issue when he step down was not due to external pressures but due to his failing health. His brother Raul has more or less pursued the same policies as of Fidel. John Kerry described the policy that US has followed for all these years as virtually frozen. He is of the view that these policies have done virtually little promote a prosperous, democratic and more stable CUBA (Peres, 2011). Although Obama feels that engagement will America achieve its desired goal of making Cuba more democratic, critics actually oppose this move. Critics of the policy state that if America now pursues the policy of engagement then it will actually be a sign of victory for Castro. This is because the Castro led administration has not relaxed its grip on Cuba; neither has it improved human life conditions for the people of Cuba (Peres, 2011). The critics argue that economic benefits that will be accrued out of the move will actually fuel the communist regime (Borger, 2014). Although many cite the example of Vietnam as a country with which the America had once wedged a war but is now having good relations, critic’s state the examples do not tally. In Cuba it is said that there is no freedom of expression, association and public assembly. Even religious activists are imprisoned and harassed. The critics state that if America now removes all the sanctions and restrictions then it will be a boost to the Castro regime and they will more aggressively pursue their policies (Peres, 2011). Conclusion The US and Cuba relations has been very complex. The relations between these two countries that are separated by not more than 100 miles have faced several ups and downs since its inception. The Cuba was originally occupied by Spain who controlled it as one of their colony. The USA fought a war with Spain and acquired Cuba from their control. After Cuba became independent America continued to have the right to intervene in the internal affairs of Cuba. The America however gave up this right with coming of Batista in power. However things changed quickly and Fidel Castro aided by Che forged a guerrilla war against the Batista regime and defeated the same. The US government though apprehensive of the new change recognized the newly formed government with Castro as its head. However USA soon feared that Castro’s government will be a communist one, an idea which was not liked by America. America tried making plans to overthrow or kill Castro. Castro responded to the plans by imposing higher taxes on good that were imported from the USA. He also nationalized all the private properties that were held by the US companies or US government in Cuba. This move was not liked by the US and they cut of all ties with CUBA. Now after 5 and half decades of these restrictions the new government of the two countries wants to reopen ties. After discussing this turn of events in the context of the historical relation between these two countries and the relative merits and demerits of engagement versus sanctions it can be said that the us policy is not a good idea to follow and some restrictions should still be in place to make the Cuban government be more humanitarian in its approach. References Bardach, A. L. (2015). Why Are Cubans So Special? Retrieved from BBC news. (2012). Timeline: US- Cuba relations. Retrieved from Bolender, K., (2012). Cuba under Siege: American Policy, the Revolution and Its People. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Borger, J. (2014). As door opens to Cuba the sanctions versus engagement debate revives. Retrieved from Council of foreign relations, (2014). Interactive timeline of US-Cuba relation. Retrieved from History Channel, (2014). United States severs diplomatic relations with Cuba. Retrieved from Jones, H., (2008). The Bay of Pigs. Cape Town: Oxford University Press. Klepak, H., (2012). Raúl Castro and Cuba: A Military Story. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Peres, L. (2011). Cuba and the United States: Ties of Singular Intimacy. Georgia: University of Georgia Press. Roberts, P., (2012). Cuban Missile Crisis. New York: ABC-CLIO. Suddath, C. (2009). US- Cuba relations. Retrieved from,8599,1891359,00.html Sullivan, M.P. (2011). Cuba: U. S. Restrictions on Travel and Remittances. New York: Diane Publishing. The guardian, (2014). Obama and Raúl Castro thank pope for breakthrough in US-Cuba relations. Retrieved from Read More
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