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Air Traffic Control Security before 9/11 and after 9/11 - Thesis Proposal Example

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"Air Traffic Control Security before 9/11 and after 9/11" paper discusses the measures taken by the department of homeland security in ensuring that the air territory is well protected and avoid a repeat of the 9/11. The paper proposes the security measures taken to prevent leakage of information…
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Air Traffic Control Security before 9/11 and after 9/11
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AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SECURITY BEFORE 9/11 AND AFTER 9/11 s Department of Homeland Security has a major responsibility of taking care of the lives of every American by preventing any form of terrorist attack as witnessed in 9/11. The department of homeland security is only able to prevent these vicious acts from happening by preventing unauthorized acquisition of chemical, biological, nuclear material and any other radiological equipment that can be used by terrorist to bring down United States. Securing and protecting the US borders is the second mission of homeland security. The borders include land, air, and sea. The protection helps in preventing entry of illegal people and weapons into the country. With this protection, the country is able to lead to economic prosperity. This project aims at discussing in details the measures taken by the department of homeland security in ensuring that the air territory is well protected and avoid repeat of the 9/11. The paper also aims at discussing the fundamental stride taken by the department of homeland security in training and educating the public on any terrorist threats. The paper also proposes in details the security measures taken to prevent leakage of information especially in the cyberspace in addition to protection of information that might be of national interest. Proposal Objectives: i) Detecting any form of missile in the airspace controlling them and stopping them from hitting any part of the US. ii) Training and educating the public in responding to any form of terror attack in addition to proper monitoring and collecting of information will help in preventing air terrorism. iii) To determine the extent of security level to allow operations of drones in US air space. Cyberspace is one of the most important tools that terrorist will use while planning an attack. Department of homeland security ensures that the cyberspace is protected to prevent terrorism from hacking into their systems. Homeland security ensures that firewalls are used in detecting any form of hacking into their systems. Most of the air-controlled systems are controlled and closely monitored to prevent terrorists from hacking them. This paper discusses the possible ways in which the department of homeland security is going to deal with the threat of hacking into government-controlled systems such as that of the airspace. The paper involves discussion on how security and training of the society is improved in order to detect any kind of terrorism before it actually occurs. The research also addresses the security concern of the air space considering the rapidly increasing number of people using the air space as a means of transport. The department of homeland security has developed a program coded the blueprint for a secure cyber future. This program aims at promoting technological advancement to help the government and the private sector in protecting the infrastructure and promote a safe environment online and in the air. In the bid to promote public education and training the department launched in 2010 a stop, think, and connect awareness campaign that aims in safeguarding the airspace. Scope The scope of this project bases on the training programs provided by the department of homeland security in protecting the airspace. The scope also bases on the programs developed to train the staff and workers of planes, helicopters, private planes, and jets that use the airspace in responding to any terrorist attacks. This is only possible through training of the entire population (Feickert, 2012). The paper discusses the possible advantages related to the training and education of the public. The paper also closely looks onto the advantages offered with registration of every plane that uses the airspace in the US in addition to training to everyone using the airspace of the US. The paper also critically analyzes the proposal of the United States to allow drones to fly in its space and more so with passenger planes (Dennis Schaal, 2013). The paper critically analyzes the cost expenditure on how to educate the public on threats of terror attacks. The paper also looks at the possibilities leading to conflicts in civil aviation. Department of homeland security is facing many challenges while trying to improve US airspace (Hebert, Ongoing operations mad NORAD Response to Sept 11 Seamless iside air force, 2001). The major problem lies on the military options while planning the course of action in protecting US airspace. The research is going to discuss the challenge of surveillance, command and control, and interception. Creation of academia and research centers is one of the roles of the department of homeland security (Pasquale, 2004). The centers help in providing independent analysis of information necessary for protecting the airspace. Supporting the research institutions, developing them, testing them, and finally evaluating their success is a function of the department of homeland security. Methodology The research is going to undertake a statistical research on how education of the public is going to influence the air security of the country and quantify the extent at which the US airspace is safer after 9/11. The research will also interview the staff, crew, and owners of private planes and military to determine any cause of conflict in aviation industry thereby limiting and interfering with air business. The research will also interview the public on their views on operations of drones in US air. The paper will also go through invited proposals by FAA to launch six training sites for operations of drones. The paper will then be summarized and a detailed report written showing the challenges the department of homeland security is facing while trying to protect US airspace. The report will also summarize the advantages related to the training of all the airspace users and make necessary recommendations and conclusion. In addition to this, the report summarizes the cost of protecting the airspace after 9/11 and makes the necessary recommendation and conclusion. Statement of the project The department of homeland security is not able to protect fully the US airspace due to surveillance, command and control, and interception challenges. The paper therefore devises strategies on how the department of homeland security will be able to deal with these eminent threats. The paper will also recommend whether the necessary programs undertaken by the department are necessary in protecting fully the US airspace after 9/11. Program Outcome 1 Students will be able to apply the fundamentals of air transportation as part of a global, multimodal transportation system, including the technological, social, environmental, and political aspects of the system to examine, compare, analyze and recommend conclusion. As we all understand, the primary goal of the department of homeland security is to protect all Americans from any form of harm especially terror attacks. Security of American is more so very crucial after the 9/11 attack. The country is a super power and therefore attracts many enemies. This program outcome will automatically train students the necessary technology relevant for protecting the nation. This program will ensure that students have the extent to access relevant information. This program will also ensure that students scale in terms of information management and technology is rising. This is because for over two decades terrorists have proved to be opportunistic, flexible, and have been learning from experience on how to launch terror attacks in US. This is the reason why the students must be taught through his program to be enhancing countermeasure strategies in terms of technology and information in the airspace. Through this program, students will have knowledge of electronic information and communication system. Students will also have access to knowledge on computer systems such as supervisory control and data acquisition systems including the internet and every part of the cyber infrastructure. Students will also apply this information by processing, communicating, and storing all types of data relevant for controlling the airspace. Students will also apply the knowledge of processing information, which entails creation of information, accessing information, modification, and destruction of any information relevant for protecting the airspace of the US. In addition to this, students will apply the knowledge of storing information in form of papers, magnetic, electronic amongst many other forms. Another knowledge that this program outcome will give is the knowledge of information technology and its critical functions necessary for protecting the airspace. The technology includes the set of processes that produce, provide, and maintain services and products. Program Outcome 2 The students will be able to identify and apply appropriate statistical analysis, to include techniques in data collection, review, critique, interpretation and inference in the aviation and aerospace industry. This program outcome will help both the students and public to protect the cyberspace. This program outcome will ensure that students and the public have a flow of accurate, timely, and relevant information and intelligence about any form of terrorist threats. The students will apply this knowledge by following established information sharing processes and protocols as established by critical infrastructure and key resources. The students will also be able to provide intelligence and information to relevant security departments. Students will also be able to analyze and share risk management strategies in terms of air security. Students and the public will also be able to provide protocols on real time threats and incidents as they arise. The students and the public will be able to protect sensitive and valuable information regarding the air space. Program Outcome 3 The students will be able across all subjects to use the fundamentals of human factors in all aspects of the aviation and aerospace industry, including unsafe acts, attitudes, errors, human behavior, and human limitations as they relate to the aviator’s adaptation to the aviation environment to reach conclusions. Identifying space and terrestrial positioning and navigation at the right time are important components of protecting US air space. Through this program, students will be able to apply these aspects not forgetting that through all these components it’s almost impossible to transport anything in the US airspace using various and almost all modes. Students will learn and apply the knowledge of navigation, air traffic control in addition to surface guidance. This could be done through communication networks that include global fiber and wireless networks not forgetting the power grids. Students must learn to operate the information to protect intentional and unintentional jamming that may lead to any form of disaster. The knowledge of risk assessment is a vital role in protecting the US airspace. The department of homeland security has invested so much in risk management and assessment. This program will enable the students to analyze terrorism goals and identify potential terrorist targets. The targets include both the air and physical resources that may be exploited. Through this knowledge, students are able to create threat and risk analysis centers, which convey any form of intelligence and information necessary information required to protect US airspace. The centers will also help the students to have a fully understanding of the threats and risks as presented by terrorists and other enemies. The students will also be able to learn and apply the necessary law enforcement procedures while navigating through potential threats and risks. This program will also help the students to analyze and apply potential consequences of attacks and efficient ways of managing them. Program Outcome 4 The students will be able to develop and/or apply current aviation and industry related research methods, including problem identification, hypothesis formulation, and interpretation of findings to present as solutions in the investigation of an aviation / aerospace related topic. Students will be able to apply R&D required to achieve the vision as provided by the President’s Physical and Cyber security CIKR protection strategies. This strategic plan helps the student to plan and address common issues facing various sectors in the air industry. This will call for revision of goals and priorities over long term to respond to changes in threat, technology, environment, and others. This program outcome critically looks at the following systems in relation to accessing data and information and critically using it. This include detection and sensor systems, protection and prevention systems, entry and access portals, insider threats, analysis and decision support systems, response and recovery tools, human and social issues and lastly new and emerging threats and vulnerabilities. Through the homeland security Act of 2002 which gives the science and technology the responsibility of air traffic advisory, students will learn several technological strategies and responsibilities in developing and integrating a safer aviation platform for all airspace users. The outcome of this program include the students to present their proposals to FAA about six training and research sites that are require opening by the FAA for unmanned aircraft systems in US. This outcome will also help students to further their research on use of drones, which have been missing in American space for decades. According to FAA the use of drones, which are normally equipped with massive high-tech, cameras will help in improving security checks and patrols in the borders. The knowledge of drones will also help in research and rescue operations. Program Outcome 8: The student will investigate, compare, contrast, analyze and form conclusions to current aviation, aerospace, and industry related topics in operations, including simulation systems, operations research, rotorcraft operations, communication and control systems, air carrier operations, and corporate operations, airport safety and certification. Students will be able to apply the knowledge of air defense by identification of all aircraft appearing in the air space of US and the international airspace boundaries. Students will be up to date with FAA protocols. After the 9/11 FAA had to change and amend most of its Acts. CFR amended 91.145, management of aircraft operations in the airspace of US. For this reason, sporting events and aerial demonstrations have faced very strict regulations. According to FAA air risk management measures are designed to prevent, deter, and mitigate the threat to reduce vulnerability to an attack or other disaster. DHS and its partners conduct exercises to identify, test, and improve coordination of the cyber incident response community. Program Outcome 9 The students will investigate, compare, contrast, analyze, and form conclusions to current aviation, aerospace, and industry related topics in safety systems, including system safety, industrial safety, accident investigation and analysis, transportation security, airport safety and certification, safety program management, and aviation psychology. Prioritizing risk management processes is vital in resource allocation, management, response and restoration of calm in terms of terror threats and attacks. This program outcome will help students to be able to identify cyber infrastructure through specific risk assessment process. The students need to identify individually or include as a cyber-element of a larger asset. The safety of the US airspace must be consistently assessed. Students will be able to study and understand terrorist and terrorist organization in addition to scrutinizing and understanding classified information. Students will also be able to have necessary information regarding the psychology of airspace and how to guide and control emergencies as they arise. While linking with DHS students will be able to understand intelligence and operations monitoring and reporting from multiple sources to provide information on threats incidents and infrastructure status. Through this program, students will be able to account for the adversary’s ability to recognize the target and the deterrence value f existing security measures. This knowledge will also help students to identify any attack methods that may be launched in US airspace. The program outcome will help the students to estimate threat as the likelihood that any adversary would attempt a given attack method against the target. References Blechman, B. (1987). The Macroeconomics of Strategic Defenses. International Security, 33-70. Charo, A. (1990). Continental Air Defense. A Neglected Dimension of Strategic Defense CSIA Occasional paper, 43. Dennis Schaal, S. (2013, Feb 13). FAA turns its aviation oversight to unmanned drones in U.S. airspace. Retrieved 2013, from Skift: Feickert, A. (2012). CRS Report. New York: CRS. G.W. Schulz. (2012, April 4). FAA Documents Raise Questions About Safety of Drones in U.S. Airspace. Retrieved 2012, from Center for Investigative Reporting: Griffin, G. (2002). Firm Design Patrol Jets. New York: Denver Post. Hebert, A. (2001). Ongoing operations mad NORAD Response to Sept 11 Seamless iside air force. New York: NORAD. Hebert, A. (2003). NORAD scarmled fighters or diverted patrols more than 1500 times. Army Times, 11. Hebert, A. (2005). DoD Weighs Air Defense options as Patrols ecom Unsupportale. Inside the Airforce, 25. Hughes, D. (2004). Capitol Hill Investigates King Air Security Incident. Washington DC: Aviation Week & Technology. Mann, P. (2005). New Air Defense Pact Provides Canadian Takeover of DEW Line. Aviation Week & Space Tehnology, 25-35. Pasquale, C. D. (2004). Air Sovereignty Alert ecomes Permanent Air guard Mission,Inside the air force. New York: Inside the Airforce. Rogers, R. W. (2001). Terrorists Exploited U.S Air Defence. New York: Newport News Daily Press. References (Hebert, 2001) (Feickert, 2012) (Rogers, 2001) (Hughes, 2004) (Pasquale, 2004) (Blechman, 1987) (Charo, 1990) (Mann, 2005) (Hebert, NORAD scarmled fighters or diverted patrols more than 1500 times, 2003) (Hebert, DoD Weighs Air Defense options as Patrols ecom Unsupportale, 2005) (Griffin, 2002) (G.W. Schulz, 2012) (Dennis Schaal, 2013) Read More
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