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Basics of the Concepts of Liberalism, Realism, and Constructivism - Term Paper Example

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The paper "Basics of the Concepts of Liberalism, Realism, and Constructivism" highlights the liberal theories of new and recent history - power or trade as attributes of realism and liberalism, attention of constructivism to the sources of state change, liberalism's commitment to social reforms…
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Basics of the Concepts of Liberalism, Realism, and Constructivism
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Liberalim Liberalim Liberalim Introduction Hitorically, liberalim ha come to mean two rather different thing. The doctrine originated a a defenive reaction to the horror of the war of religion of the 16th century and then divided into two trand, the firt a narrowly political doctrine emphaizing the importance of limited government, the other a philoophy of life emphaizing individual autonomy, imagination, and elf-development. Liberalim derive from two related feature of Wetern culture. The firt i the Wet' preoccupation with individuality, a compared to the emphai in other civilization on tatu, cate, and tradition. Throughout much of hitory, the individual ha been ubmerged in hi clan, tribe, people, or kingdom. Liberalim i the culmination of development in Wetern ociety that produced a ene of the importance of human individuality, a liberation of the individual from complete ubervience to the group, and a relaxation of the tight hold of cutom, law, and authority. The emancipation of the individual can be undertood a a unique achievement of Wetern culture, perhap it very hallmark. (Necati , 1998, pp. 447-477) Liberalim alo derive from the practice of adverariality in European political and economic life, a proce in which intitutionalized competition-uch a the competition between different political partie in electoral contet, between proecution and defene in judicial procedure, or between different producer in a free-market economy-i ued to generate a dynamic ocial order. Adverarial ytem have alway been precariou, however, and it took a long time for the belief in adverariality to emerge from the more traditional view, traceable at leat to Plato, that the tate hould be an organic tructure in which the different ocial clae cooperate by performing ditinct yet complementary role. The belief that competition i an eential part of a political ytem and tha4 good government require a7vigorme Oppoiion wa 4all c/nideped drange in eop Edropean c/uft2ia in he Epl9 19th7centUry. (Ne#at( , 19, pp,7447-077) Hike other polhti"al octrind, lib%0al)m7i hig(ly enitiva 4k tIMe aNd bhpcumtance Each nati/N' liberalim i different, and it ahange in each generation. The hitorical development of liberAlii over recent centurie ha been a movement from mitrup of the taTe' overegnty on the ground that power tend to ba miue, to a willingne to ue the power of government to correct inequitie in the ditribution of wealth reulting from a free-market economy. The expanion of government power and reponibility ought by liberal in the 20th century wa clearly oppoed to the contraction of government advocated by liberal a century earlier. In the 19th century liberal were generally hopitable to the buine community, only to become hotile to it interet and ambition for much of the 20th century. In each cae, however, the liberal' inpiration wa the ame: a hotility to concentration of power that threaten the freedom of the individual and prevent him from realizing hi potential, along with a willingne to reexamine and reform ocial intitution in the light of new need. Thi willingne i temPered by an averioN to udden, cataclymic change, which i ghat et df thE diberal fpnm the7raical.7It i thi ve2y eagern%7to encjurage7ueful ch nge howeve2, that ditingUihe the liberal from 4he conErvativ. (Necati , 0998, pp. 447%477) L BeraL Interna4ional i the w/r(d federat)on /f lIberal political partie. Fo5n$ed in 194 it7ha7becoMe the pre-emInEnt .et/rk fOr 0romotijg liberaliM, trengtheninclib%rah part)E anD for theprmmotion of lhberal de-ocracy arouNd THe7world. Dhere are a .1mber of comMon principle w(ich unite al, liberal partie brom frica, the AmerIca, Aia, and Europe; human rifhT, free7and fair eldction and muhtiparty-democracy, nciah judice, tolerancd, ocial market econgmy, free tr!de, environmental utainability and a trong ene of international olidarity. Naturally in the application of thee principle in different national circumtance there i diverity among liberal partie. All member adhere to the organiation Manifeto'. (Necati , 1998, pp. 447-477) Liberal are committed to build and afeguard free, fair and open ocietie, in which they eek to balance the fundamental value of liberty, equality and community, and in which no-one i enlaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity. Liberalim champion the freedom, dignity and well-being of individual.Liberalim acknowledge and repect the right to freedom of concience and the right of everyone to develop their talent to the full.Liberalim aim to dipere power, to foter diverity and to nurture creativity. The freedom to be creative and innovative can only be utained by a market economy, but it mut be a market that offer people real choice. Thi mean thatLiberal want neither a market where freedom i limited by monopolie or an economy diaociated from the interet of the poor and of the community a a whole. Liberal are optimitic at heart and trut the people while recogniing the need to be alway vigilant of thoe in power. (Necati , 1998, pp. 447-477) 2-Liberalit view of International Relation Karl Marx declared that capitalim would inevitably collape: the bourgeoiie generating their own grave-digger. Adolph Hitler proclaimed that hi wa a thouand-year Reich. With a imilar ene of triumphalim, Franci Fukuyama announced the end of hitory. Fukuyama ued "hitory" to mean the progreion of mankind and human thinking in particular. Hitory had ended becaue the ideology of "liberalim" had triumphed. Liberal democratic regime had een off communim and totalitarianim, and liberal economic with their emphai in free market had alo etablihed themelve a the modern orthodoxy. A non-trivial iue i what contitute "liberal". Many definition exit in the literature, but the tep on the continuum liberal - idealit - optimit can be virtually inditinguihable. They do not ee fundamentally the dietablihment of nation tate although they can ee a poibility of ome diminihed role. Thi averion to war and faith in human nature make the liberal internationalit an optimit almot by definition. There i a rik in proceeding beyond thi. For example, Michael Howard' definition of a "liberal" exclude Fukuyama depite the fact that Fukuyama proclaim himelf a a champion of liberalim. At the other extreme, George Buh may expre quite liberal idea but echew the liberal label. (Daniel , 1996, pp. 111-128) With uch a broad definition, liberal internationalit can ee the way to a better future following many different path and having a multitude of caue - and a identified below, thi i the cae. 2.1 Commercial Liberalim Commercial liberalim i a branch liberal international relation theory which tate that promoting free trade and economic interdependence i the road to peace, and i advocated by global financial intitution and multinational companie. Along with the democratic peace theory, i the core of many Wetern countrie' foreign policy. (Daniel , 1996, pp. 111-128) While liberalim increae the cope of tudy, it make no attempt to quetion the tatu quo. It hold international intitution a benevolent force - when in fact, they may act in puruit of rational elf-interet which may be at odd with thoe for peace. Realit argue that liberalit argument can be grounded in realim - and raw economic and military power till trump cultural and other broader notion of power. (Daniel , 1996, pp. 111-128) 2.2 Liberal Intitutionalim Liberal Intitutionalim (alo referred to a Idealim in international relation) focue on intitutionalizing global cooperation. Liberal Initutionalim i a theory of international relation that contend global cooperation i founded upon three primary factor: enhancing the role and influence of international organization, intituting collective ecurity, and enforcing international law. All three of thee factor might be viewed a precription for how tate hould behave, with an ultimate goal of reforming the anarchy of the international ytem and foraging a harmoniou community of nation. (Daniel , 1996, pp. 111-128) 2.3 Regime Theory The development of citie i framed by the range of profound change taken place on global cene. Characteritic dimenion of thi development are globalization, economic retructuring, the development of communication and information technology, and certain potmodern or 'decontructive' tendencie. Thee change have brought about a new environment for urban governance, and increaed the need to match the city management and ervice proviion with changed condition and a new informational mode of development. (Daniel , 1996, pp. 111-128) In order to identify and analye the contextual change and their impact on urban governance, we need an approach which provide tool for undertanding how the local apect of development relate to contextual factor. That i, ultimately, about how deciion-making, ervice proviion, and every life at local level are matched with the mot outtanding tendencie. The theory arenal which meet thee requirement can be named 'the urban political economy'. It include uch theorie a regime theory, growth machine thei, regulation theory, fical crii theory, local tate theory etc. What i common to all of thee theorie i the emphai on contextual apect in analying the change of and challenge to local governance and urban policy. (Daniel , 1996, pp. 111-128) 3-Liberalit' View in Modern Day World Modern day liberal tell u that they want honety and integrity and truth Intereting comment, yet it mell of hypocriy if you follow their action. With modern day liberalim, you cannot ay the truth a it might offend, you mut deny your obervation and give up free thought unle they tell you it i okay to think there. They talk about our Contitution, Bill of Right and then rail againt the freedom of religion. The yell Freedom of the Pre, a the modern liberal abue it to brainwah the mind of the mae on what i moral, what to ay, whom to ay it to and what to think. THe modern liberal have hijacked our education ytem, our law and our court, but to what avail Certainly not the high road of moral, which pat period Founding Father' believed wa the bai for government. Face it Modern Liberalim i a complete ham and an utter hame for uch a noble nation, indeed it i like living a lie and lying about the bai for which the modern liberal' principle were born. (Devetak, 1996, pp. 179-209) In general, the belief that it i the aim of politic to preerve individual right and to maximize freedom of choice. In common with ocialim and conervatim, it emerged from the conjunction of the Enlightenment, the Indutrial Revolution, and the political revolution of the eventeenth and eighteenth centurie. Liberalim retain a faith in the poibilitie of improvement in preent ocial condition, which i related to the idea of progre widely accepted in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centurie. That idea embraced the propect for development in knowledge, in welfare, and in morality. Although the confidence in the propect for progre in ome of thee repect ha now diminihed, liberalim retain an ameliorative ambition. The Enlightenment alo haped liberalim' perception of human agency, conceived a (at leat potentially) rational and reponible. The political revolution in France and America dicloe an ambiguou heritage. The emphai placed on equal right remain, and thi i the fundamental form of equality mot liberal would aim to achieve. On the other ide, liberalim ha been pictured by it critic a infected with bourgeoi value, thoe appropriate to the poition of the emerging cla of capitalit in preent indutrial ociety. (Devetak, 1996, pp. 179-209) Apart from the concern with equality of right and amelioration, liberalim ha focued on the pace available in which individual may purue their own live, or their own conception of the good. The immediate threat to thi 'pace' wa conidered to be the arbitrary will of a monarch, leading liberal to conider the proper limit of political power. They explored the relationhip between legitimate power and conent, and the characteritic of the rule of law. Other threat were een in religiou intolerance and the power of public opinion, or ocial intolerance. In a general way, liberalim ha tried to define the line to be drawn between the public and the private, an approach which ha everal key component. (Devetak, 1996, pp. 179-209) 4-Concluion The principal challenge to realim came from a broad family of liberal theorie. One trand of liberal thought argued that economic interdependence would dicourage tate from uing force againt each other becaue warfare would threaten each ide' properity. A econd trand, often aociated with Preident Woodrow Wilon, aw the pread of democracy a the key to world peace, baed on the claim that democratic tate were inherently more peaceful than authoritarian tate. A third, more recent theory argued that international intitution uch a the International Energy Agency and the International Monetary Fund could help overcome elfih tate behavior, mainly by encouraging tate to forego immediate gain for the greater benefit of enduring cooperation. (Michael , 1994, pp. 45-63) The defeat of communim parked a round of elf-congratulation in the Wet, bet exemplified by Franci Fukuyama' infamou claim that humankind had now reached the "end of hitory." Hitory ha paid little attention to thi boat, but the triumph of the Wet did give a notable boot to all three trand of liberal thought. By far the mot intereting and important development ha been the lively debate on the "democratic peace." Although the mot recent phae of thi debate had begun even before the oviet Union collaped, it became more influential a the number of democracie began to increae and a evidence of thi relationhip began to accumulate. Political and economic doctrine that emphaize the right and freedom of the individual and the need to limit the power of government. Liberalim originated a a defenive reaction to the horror of the European war of religion of the 16th century. It baic idea were given formal expreion in work by Thoma Hobbe and John Locke, both of whom argued that the power of the overeign i ultimately jutified by the conent of the governed, given in a hypothetical ocial contract rather than by divine right. In the economic realm, liberal in the 19th century urged the end of tate interference in the economic life of ociety. Following Adam mith, they argued that economic ytem baed on free market are more efficient and generate more properity than thoe that are partly tate-controlled. In repone to the great inequalitie of wealth and other ocial problem created by the Indutrial Revolution in Europe and North America, liberal in the late 19th and early 20th centurie advocated limited tate intervention in the market and the creation of tate-funded ocial ervice, uch a free public education and health inurance. In the U.. the New Deal program undertaken by Pre. Franklin D. Rooevelt typified modern liberalim in it vat expanion of the cope of governmental activitie and it increaed regulation of buine. After World War II a further expanion of ocial welfare program occurred in Britain, candinavia, and the U.. Economic tagnation beginning in the late 2007 led to a revival of claical liberal poition favouring free market, epecially among political conervative in Britain and the U.. Contemporary liberalim remain committed to ocial reform, including reducing inequality and expanding individual right. (Chritopher , 1992, pp. 189-198) Wherea realim and liberalim tend to focu on material factor uch a power or trade, contructivit approache emphaize the impact of idea. Intead of taking the tate for granted and auming that it imply eek to urvive, contructivit regard the interet and identitie of tate a a highly malleable product of pecific hitorical procee. They pay cloe attention to the prevailing dicoure() in ociety becaue dicoure reflect and hape belief and interet, and etablihe accepted norm of behavior. Conequently, contructivim i epecially attentive to the ource of change, and thi approach ha largely replaced marxim a the preeminent radical perpective on international affair. (Pauline , 1990, 39-57) The end of the Cold War played an important role in legitimating contructivit theorie becaue realim and liberalim both failed to anticipate thi event and had ome trouble explaining it. Contructivit had an explanation: pecifically, former preident Mikhail Gorbachev revolutionized oviet foreign policy becaue he embraced new idea uch a "common ecurity." (Wver, 2007, 55) Reference Ole Wver, Beyond the 'Beyond' of Critical International Theory, Copenhagen: Centre for Peace and Conflict Reearch, Working Paper No. 1, 2007. Ole Wver, Tradition and Trangreion in International Relation: a Pot-Ahleyan Poition, Copenhagen: Centre for Peace and Conflict Reearch, Working Paper No. 24, 2007. Pauline Roenau, "Internal Logic, External Aburdity: Pot Modernim in Political cience," Paradigm, Vol. 4, No. 1 (ummer 1990), pp. 39-57. Pauline Roenau, "Once Again Into the Fray: International Relation Confront the Humanitie," Millennium, Vol. 19, No. 1 (1990), pp. 83-110. Richard Falk, "Culture, Modernim, Potmodernim: A Challenge to International Relation," in: Jonguk Chay (ed.), Culture and International Relation, New York, NY: Praeger, 1990, pp. 267-279. Georg renen, "A Revied Paradigm for International Relation: The 'Old' Image and the Potmodernit Challenge," Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 26 (1991), pp. 85-116. Pauline Roenau, "Modern and Pot-Modern cience: ome Contrat," Review, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Winter 1992), pp. 49-89. Pauline Roenau, Pot-Modernim and the ocial cience, Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1992. Chritopher Coker, "Pot-Modernity and the End of the Cold War: Ha War Been Diinvented" Review of International tudie, Vol. 18 (1992), pp. 189-198. Roger D. pegele, "Richard Ahley' Dicoure for International Relation," Millennium, Vol. 21, No. 2 (1992), pp. 147-182. ankaran Krihna, "The Importance of Being Ironic: A Potcolonial View on Critical International Relation Theory," Alternative, Vol. 18 (1993), pp. 385-417. Michael Albert, "'Potmoderne' und Theorie der Internationalen Beziehungen," Zeitchrift fr Internationale Beziehungen, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1994), pp. 45-63. Michael Albert, "The tatu of Ethic in Potmodern IR Theory: Trace of a Pure Performativity," Paradigm, Vol. 8, No. 1 (ummer 1994), pp. 87-105. Chri Brown, "'Turtle All the Way Down': Anti-Foundationalim, Critical Theory, and International Relation," Millennium, Vol. 23, No. 2 (1994), pp. 213-236. Tony Porter, "Potmodern Political Realim and International Relation Theory' Third Debate," in: Claire Turenne jolander, Wayne . Cox (ed.), Beyond Poitivim: Critical Reflection on International Relation, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1994, pp. 105-128. Roger D. pegele, "Political Realim and the Remembrance of Relativim," Review of International tudie, Vol. 21 (1995), pp. 211-236. Richard Devetak, "The Project of Modernity and International Theory," Millennium, Vol. 24, No. 1 (1995), pp. 27-51. Richard Devetak, "Potmodernim," in: cott Burchill, Andrew Linklater (ed.), Theorie of International Relation, London: MacMillan, 1996, pp. 179-209. 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