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Death Death Death means loss of life and is considered the ultimate fate of human beings. It is always regarded as unfortunate. The death of a relative is very traumatizing to the family members especially if the family depended on the deceased. Also, families lose focus on their life due to despair and grief of losing loved ones. Trauma from death has more impact if the relatives watch their patient die. I witnessed the death of a relative as a result of a road accident.My cousin was a fanatic of fast driving and was involved in a grisly accident after reckless driving.
He suffered head and chest injuries. Doctors performed several surgeries, but the internal bleeding could not stop. The deteriorating health condition resulted in a constant loss of blood. He died as we watched. I was adamant that the situation was survivable and was not prepared for the death. I was devastated and could not watch him as he breathed his last.I could not believe how delicate life was. My concerns were on how humans were prone to death and could not do anything to repel it. I felt a loss of energy and despair in life.
Life was not something that one could preserve with certainty that it would not be threatened by death. My spirit went down and found no meaning life if could disappear in seconds. My thinking was that it is worthless to concentrate on storing massive wealth, education or a family with the hope of a future that was not guaranteed.
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