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Raising the Ante - Case Study Example

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As a member of the board within the firm there is need to engage in a proper investigation process in order to fully understand the issue before taking any action. In relation to the case study in order to ensure gender equality and avoid discrimination of women within the…
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Raising the Ante
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Raising the Ante Question One As a member of the board within the firm there is need to engage in a proper investigation process in order to fully understand the issue before taking any action. In relation to the case study in order to ensure gender equality and avoid discrimination of women within the workplace the board had settled on review salaries. However, Ms. Warren was not satisfied as she was for the idea that the salaries be backdated in order to compensate the discrimination of the previous years.

The level of gender discrimination needs to be analysed at a broader level in order to analyse the issue at a broader perspective. The cost of reimbursement of women within the firm needs be analysed in relation to the financial situation of the firm. The suffering of these women in relation to gender discrimination is important to be evaluated (Shaw, 419). As a board member within the firm accommodating the views of Ms. Warren would impact on the performance of the firm. Additionally, is considered as being wise for the firm to compensate the employees in terms of salaries for the present discriminations since the board is not accountable for the past discriminations that were levelled to women by a different board.

Hence as a board member my decision would be for the firm to make compensations in terms of salaries for the present discrimination of women in the firm (Shaw, 419). Question Two In relation to the case study the board members are facing an ethical dilemma. The ethical dilemma involves a conflict between the mental ethics and moral obligations. Discrimination in terms of gender is morally wrong and not accepted globally. Discrimination within the workplace leads to demotivation thereby affecting the productivity of the firm.

The ethical issues in the case study relates to unequal treat of workers within the firm. The theory of egoism by Adam Smith is based upon the premise that the goodness or badness of something is founded upon the satisfaction of the needs of individuals. In this case the actions of Ms. Warren can be considered as being right due to the fact that it would bring benefits to herself and other employees in the firm (Shaw, 420).Question Four Ms. Warren presentation to the board was based on the impression that the other employees in the firm supported her proposal.

However, in real sense that was not the case as other employees in the firm were of the opinion that the readjustment of salaries was unfair and were willing to forget the past and concentrate on the present. Therefore through her false impression that Ms. Warren presented to the board her integrity was questionable as she lied to the board. Additionally, Ms. Warren gave an impression that other workers within the firm supported her proposal in order to give more weight to her statements. This was considered as morally wrong as she used tricks in order to trap the board members.

It was also ethically wrong to manipulate the opinion of other employees as she miscommunicated the views of her fellow employees (Shaw, 420). Work CitedWilliam, Shaw. Business ethics: A Textbook with Cases. Cengage Learning, 2013.

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