The Difficulty of Growing Up as the Oldest Child Essay. Retrieved from
The Difficulty of Growing Up As the Oldest Child Essay.
I was required to instruct them in proper manners and social elements. I acted as a part older brother and part instructor. While I experienced pressure from my parents to act as a positive role model for my siblings, I also recognize that there were many positive elements that having siblings brought into my life. Many of our neighbors were only children and I recognize that they may have faced increased levels of loneliness and may challenge I did not face. Although I acted as a leader and role model for my siblings, they always supported me and enriched my life in many ways.
Some of my fondest memories are playing in the front yard with my brothers until nightfall. Today my brothers and sisters live in different areas and we only get together on holidays. This has made me recognize that the simple kinship bond we shared was a very special aspect of my life – something that I only truly value in its absence.
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