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Youth Violence Issues - Essay Example

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The essay "Youth Violence Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in youth violence. As the days are passing, new generations are being raised in a more free environment. Children and teenagers are doing whatever is pleasing them…
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Youth Violence Issues
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Introduction: As the days are passing, new generations are being raised in a more free environment. Children and teenagers are doing whatever is pleasing them. There is no way to stop them, as if they are always coming up with some way. This is giving rise to crimes and corresponding stuff which generally is sending them to prison. As violence is rising, youth violence is also playing a vital role. In this report, an examination is done in which transatlantic policy transfer will take place in the shadow of globalization, ideology, and alternative practice. These crime activities can be avoided with the help of sharply recognising the fact that if they are noticed thoroughly and stopped strictly in the first place, then there are lesser chance of such crimes. Unluckily, not much study is done for the analyst of young violence. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP's) Study Group on Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders took in accommodation about 22 researchers who researched for two years to summarise the current risk of these children to decrease the chances of getting involved in criminal activities. It has been realized by the long term studies that the predictors of childhood aggression that help in cutting down the percentage of violence with the kids. It illustrates the power as well as the time limit of the factors regarding protection in the favor of the children when it is to its peak. Avoidance and involvement are the two major factors of the predictors. The violence will not rise to its peak if we keep the protecting action and protecting factors in our mind the quarrel that has been going on regarding globalization includes the points which are required to regulate the global financial system so that the people will get the advantages and the problems that they have been facing will be resolved. There are a few ones who are pressurising on getting out the blockade to international investment so that the capital will owe more competently and give the patrons a variety of choices to go with ( Abstract: Research of "international youth justice, punishment and control" are in the beginning stages but the cases of "globalisation, trans nationalisation, policy transfer and localisation are steadily being spoken about. This report talks about how transatlantic policy transfer is connected to youth justice. Though the topic of youth justice is not very advanced or developed, but steadily it is catching attention. "From a theoretical point of view it is inspired by assessments of how far individual nation states can hang on to their own sovereignty in the face of economic and political globalisation." Looking at the youngsters of English and comparing them with the ones in European countries, the question is brought up after seeing youngsters behind bars that why are there so many children under eighteen are locked up in prison in UK and Wales, but on the other hand, the European countries have a pleasant life. This report takes in a wide summary of advancements in youth justice mostly in western cultures and gives a shot to untangle how forces of "repenalisation and adulteration confronted by the apparently opposing forces of welfare protectionism, restoration, and rights." There is an extensive supposition that the number of young people who need to be punished is increasing day by day in the whole world. With the help of several steps of "adulteration", it can be supposed that nowadays young people are not getting love and care which they should be getting, they are not getting protection nor do they need any of these things instead they are more in desire of penalty due to which they will suffer from the wrong actions of their own. Due to this, the children's rights are being decreased. One noted factor is the impact of the UN Convention in the year 1989 on the Rights of the Child, which emphasizes the significance of including proper rights for such children by instead of punishing them, proper treatment is given to them which could stop them from conducting a crime in the future. "As a result, it may be singularly misleading to claim that an culture of child protectionism has all but disappeared from juvenile justice." ( The Literature Review: Globalisation: Globalisation is an absolute word for the outlook of a universal civilization in "which economic, political, environmental, and cultural events in one part of the world quickly come to have importance for people in other parts of the world." Globalisation is the outcome of the advancement in announcement, shipping, and in information technologies. It explains the increasing "economic, political, technological, and cultural linkages that connect individuals, communities, businesses, and governments around the world." Globalisation also includes the development of worldwide. The international organizations that supervise world trade and investment play a very vital part in this period of globalization (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2005). Though majority of the people spend their lives by living in just one single country, they still are getting involved somehow with the living styles of people of different countries than theirs. Globalisation consists of both negative and positive phases. The things which can be categorized as negative phase are the fast extension of illnesses, illegal drugs, crime, terrorism, and abandoned relocation. The positive phrases include sharing fundamental information skills, speculations, reserves, and moral importance. The chief remarkable proof of globalisation is the increment in "trade and the movement of capital (stocks, bonds, currencies, and other investments)." (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2005). Reasons For Globalisation: Majority of the experts think that globalisation is leading to the betterment in "communication, transportation, and information technologies." Betterment in communication and information knowledge has brought changes by helping in cutting the price of the dealing business orders by over 90 percent. This improvement in communication is continuously blending people all over the world and the examples of such improvement include internet, cell phone, and the fax machines. Changes in transportation are also the components of globalization. Not just these, but also improvements in information technologies have reduced the prices of the business. Along with all these positive things, one thing which is a chief component of globalization in this time is 'migration' involving both legal and illegal means of doing it. There are three main organizations which are helping in improving the globalisation in this current time: the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization (WTO) (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2005). The Debate Over Globalisation: There are very less number of people, troops, or governments which are not in favor of globalisation totally. In fact, the opponents of globalisation have a firm belief that the features involving the working of globalisation should be altered. The argument concerning the globalisation talks about the regulations which are needed in order to rule the global financial system so that its benefits can be developed and troubles can be sorted out (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2005). Customers can get profit from low cost products as the decreased tariffs produce goods at fewer prices from some distant places. As competition is growing among the sellers, this gives rise to the new ideas and thoughts also ideas for the new technology to increase and profit others (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2005). "Globalisation raises other questions that will be central to the 21st century. What is the proper role for the IMF, WTO, and UN, and how should they be governed What is the best way to finance development How much autonomy should countries have when the economic, political, and environmental decisions they make can have global repercussions To what extent should global institutions be able to constrain what countries can and cannot do in an increasingly globalise world What is the right way to balance social and cultural values with the need for economic efficiency" (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2005). Ideology: It is an arranged cluster of thoughts. This term was coined by Count Tracy in the late 18th century. Ideology can be considered as complete image, as a means of looking at things, as in common sense, and various philosophical trends or even a cluster of thoughts given by a leading class of a society to all the other associates of that society. Ideology in Everyday Society: When there is a discussion is going, there are thoughts which are common in many people. In the same way, we can even see that at times, totally different people can think about the same thing. Social sciences clarify these things as a proof of existence of an ideology. Every civilization is made up of its own ideology that makes the foundation of the "public opinion." This should be known that ideology is not the same as philosophy. "Philosophy is a way of living life; meanwhile ideology is an almost ideal way of life for society." Politicians or group of people that want to gain strength in politics can impress people by following their ideology of what majority thinks as the right thing. David. W. Minar shows six different ways in which the word "ideology" has been used: 1- "A collection of certain ideas with certain kinds of content, usually normative; 2- As the form or internal logical structure that ideas have within a set. 3- By the role in which ideas play in human-social interaction. 4- By the role that ideas play in the structure of an organization. 5- As meaning, whose purpose is persuasion and 6- As the locus of social interaction, possibly ( Methodology: A statistical summarization was done in order to figure out force of the association between specific threat reasoning and the violence which took place. In order to make a fact sheet of this study using diverse ways, this link was shown as a "correlation coefficient, which was arrived at using standard meta-analytical procedures." The results from two or more studies were analysed as a biased "mean correlation," which counted the larger weight for large samples as compared to the small samples. "The strength of the association between a risk factor and subsequent violence can also be expressed as an odds ratio (the odds of violence in the group with a particular risk factor divided by the odds of violence in the group without that risk factor). An odds ratio expresses the degree of increased risk for violence associated with the presence of a risk factor in a population. For example, an odds ratio of 2 indicates a doubling of risk. This Bulletin provides odds ratios for predictors when they were given or could be compiled from the information provided in a study" ( Study Sample: The quantitative outcome of a huge number of studies were created using the method of meta-analysis. There were 66 studies which were checked up from Lipsey and Derzon's bibliography and increased by investigation reports given by OJJDP Study Group associates and an examination by the Seattle Social Development Project "longitudinal data set." The given below six goals were met by these studies: 1- Focused youngsters living in their society (i.e, they were not imprisoned) then they were firstly charged. 2- Focused youngsters were not selected due to having past criminal record. 3- "Studies measured interpersonal physical violence or acts resulting in physical injury or threat of physical injury to another person, excluding suicidal behavior." 4- Studies recognised an adjustable pointer of a meaningful analyst or danger factor. "Studies of interactions between multiple risk factors were excluded, as were discussions of race and gender, as predictors of violence." 5- " Studies identified a adjustable pointer of a meaningful analyst or risk factor. The study design was longitudinal, with results based on prospective or retrospective data so that exposure to risk factors preceded violence." 6- "Individual subjects served as the unit of analysis for both independent and dependent variables." ( Results: Analysts on which experiments were done were synchronised in five fields: individual, family, school, peer-related, and community and neighborhood factors. The results are discussed in details as follows: Individual Factors: Complications taken place during delivery time. The Low rating of the heart beat of the analyst. The child use in this experiment showed an unusual and strong character which can lead to the urge of violence in children. "Internalising disorders." This class of psychological attributes has a minor negative association with or is "unrelated to, later violence." Hyperactivity, meditation troubles, impatience, and danger taking. During a thorough study in Sweden, about 15 percent of the guys possessing the nature of being restlessness at the age of 13, became involved in some kind of violent activity. Boys having problems because of impatience and awareness difficulties were five times more on a risk to be arrested for fighting as compared to boys without these characteristics Strongness. "Aggressive behavior measured from ages 6 to 13 consistently predicts later violence among males. Many researchers have noted the continuity in antisocial behavior from early aggression to violent crime. A study in Orebro, Sweden, found that two-thirds of boys with high teacher-rated aggression scores at ages 10 and 13 had criminal records for violent offenses by age 26. They were more than six times more likely than boys who were not rated aggressive to be violent offenders." Starting off the brutal attitude. It has been seen through a study that violence usually begins by seeing violence from somewhere else. Engagement in other types of unsocial able attitude. Unsocial able attitude can be found due to the need of drugs, smoking etc. Myths and suppositions in favor to unusual and odd behavior. "Dishonesty, antisocial beliefs and attitudes, attitudes favorable to violence, and hostility toward police have been found to predict later violence among males. Relationships between these predictors and violence are less consistent for females. Prevention programs that help youth develop positive beliefs and standards so that they can reject violence, cheating, and rule breaking may reduce the risk for violence." Family Factors: Parents getting violent with children and not treating them properly. According to a study, the child whose parent is criminal gives a chance of 3.8 times more than to the song whose parent is not a criminal. Family is poor and therefore cannot arrange food and proper living utilities. Family organization follows "such as failure to set clear expectations for children's behavior, poor monitoring and supervision, and severe and inconsistent discipline consistently predict later delinquency and substance abuse." Not observing the child properly and putting on them the strict disciplines can also give rise to criminal activities in their mind. Parents not getting engaged with children's work and decisions. When parents are involved positively and strongly in children's affair then there are less chances of violence and crime among them. Parents showing such behavior which can lead to violence. Divorce between the parents. When parents get separated, it leaves a disturbing impact on the children which can lead to violence as well. Changing of homes. A study showed the fact that when a child gets shifted a lot, then he/she gets really disturbed and instead of making family friends, the violence become friends too. School Factors: Failing subjects in class. When a child gets real bad marks in a test or an exam, this makes the child very upset and urge to get good grades, but in girls, they can be easily caught off. Not very big fan of going to school. Researches have shown that when a child is strongly bounded with the school, then he does not get any chance for violence. Children getting absent in class or leave the school. It is discovered that youngsters getting absent a lot in school between the ages 12-14 are more likely to "engage in violence as adolescents and adults." A child continuously changing schools. When a child does not remain in a single school for long time, then the child gets unadjusted and furious, causing him to get involved in criminal activities. Peer-Related Factors: Having a sibling who is into crimes and violence. It is found out that those children having criminal siblings can give rise to criminal requirements in them as well. This reaction was stronger on girls then the boys. Having friends in class who are involved in criminal activities. This thing can also leave a strong inspiration on the youngster and then he/she could strive for the same action taken by the siblings. Getting involved in some Gang. If a child gets involved in a gang, then there is no such way out for him in a safe manner. Community and neighborhood Factors: Living in a poor atmosphere. Such atmosphere gives rise to violence because the child wants a lot more than he has been supplied off. Low family income is one of the reasons. Having an unorganised society. This includes bad housing, availability of drugs, gangs etc. Having drugs accommodated in the society. Adults of surrounding houses getting engaged in offense. If the child sees someone getting involved in some violent activity then the child will also have the charm of doing so. Open violence and racism. This means that the child sees open violence in either house or society ( Why Focus On Teens In 1990 the deliberations of the newly elected Hungarian Parliament were televised and in those early days of democracy many citizens were glued to their TV sets. FIDESZ, the youth party (membership was limited to those 35- and -under), had only a few MPs but each of them brought their laptop to the sessions. While their elders fumbled and as the Hungarian people watched, these young MPs had information on any topic of discussion literally at their fingertips. The reaction of the public was swift. Not only were many over 35-year-olds impressed with the intelligence of these relative youngsters, they pressed FIDESZ to accept "older" citizens into membership in the party. Today FIDESZ (albeit a more conservative version than the original) is a major partner in the governing coalition and IT played a key role in their political success. Adoption of IT reverses the typical direction of socialization. Kids teach their parents how to use computers or surf the Web rather than the reverse. In fact, the digital divide on television commercials is framed as an issue of age rather than one of social class. Those under 30 are savvy, smooth IT users. Those over 30 are at best timid and at worst, clueless. There is some truth to these age stereotypes. Compared to adults, the mental schema of children and teens is not so firmly structured. New knowledge does not compete with the old. Thus, young people are typically better than their elders at adopting new ideas. In the middle of the 19th century, the 4-H program was started so that young people could be a medium whereby parents would adopt new farming techniques. Today, when prevention programs convince children that smoking is bad for health, the kids get on their parents' back to give up the habit. And youth have always been at the forefront of movements for social change. From a human development point of view, adolescence is a time for exploring novel ideas and identities. Not yet saddled with the responsibilities of adulthood, teens are free to imagine-who they are and could become, what they stand for and what kind of world they want to live in. The adolescent and young adult years also are a period when political views are explored and eventually crystallize. And, given the protracted period that adolescence has become in Europe and North America (where it is now normative to delay marriage, parenthood and permanent jobs and pursue education for more years), it is an ideal time to take advantage of the democratizing possibilities of the Internet. In fact, although we are unaware of relevant research on age differences, we suspect that young people would be more likely than their elders to explore the democratic potential of IT and less likely to focus on efficiency and customization. In sum, if promoting the democratic potential of IT is a goal, there are good developmental arguments for a focus on teens. Global Citizens The civic role of schools has long been recognized. But in the past decade, as evidenced by their mission statements, that role has increasingly been interpreted as one that prepares "global citizens." Whether that phrase means maximizing the competitive edge of their students in the global marketplace or broadening the community to which their students are responsible we do not know. It is clear, however, that for current and future generations of teens, loyalty and citizenship are ill defined by the borders of nation states, as members of the EU know better than those of us in North America. Malcolm Cross, who has directed the European Migration and Ethnic Studies program in the U.K., recently summarized some of their data gathered from teens across Europe. He described two kinds of what he calls "stateless citizens"-one that enjoys the freedom to travel, learn and work unencumbered by national borders, and another that departed a homeland for work in another country but lives in limbo with little sense of membership or belonging in either state. Such reports raise questions of values in our view. How do global citizens develop a sense of place To what entities do they feel a sense of responsibility What do they mean by the "common good," or does it ever even cross their mind Information technology is a content-neutral medium. The Internet can be used to spread hate as easily as tolerance. It can be another place to shop or a new forum for airing public issues. But the Web has unique potential for democracy because it is difficult to dominate and allows information and opinion to crisscross communities that would otherwise not encounter one another. The teen years are a time when young people both want to be unique and want to fit in. They want to have a voice but also want to find groups and values with which they identify. If these young citizens are to develop a sense of obligation to their communities, whether local or global, they need to feel that they matter, that their voice counts in community affairs. The most consistent result in youth development and prevention studies is that feeling connected to adults and community institutions protects kids from a host of risky choices. IT offers young people new ways to "get connected" and to have a voice. For adolescents who are figuring out what they want to do with their lives and what kind of world they want to live in, the Internet provides a free space where the younger generation can explore who a global citizen might be ('transatlantic%20policy%20in%20youth) Conclusion: More and more research should be done on youth violence and proper steps should be taken in order to finish this up. Along with research, further studies should be done too that could show a difference between "violent offenders" and "non violent offenders." This investigation is also important to get a better comprehension and defensive parameters that can reduce the results of danger experience. Many analysts if criminal attitude are themselves analysts of other troubles and worries, for example, "substance abuse, delinquency, school dropout, and teen pregnancy." The danger of brutality is also multiparted by the number of danger parameters included. The Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development discovered that "the percentage of youth found guilty for violent crimes increased from only 3 percent for those with no risk factors to 31 percent for those with four risk factors (low family income, large family size, low nonverbal IQ at ages 8-19, and poor parental childrearing behavior)." The better the amount of danger factors to which an entity is shown, the greater the probability that the individual will engage in violent behavior. "Multicomponent interventions targeting identification of shared predictors and constellations of risk factors may be more effective in preventing violence than those that target single risk factors." ( References Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2005 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved Wikipedia, 11 May 2006, Ideology: John Muncie, February 2006, Repenalisation and Rights: Explorations in Comparative Youth Criminology: Juvenile Justice Bulletin, April 2000, Methodology: Juvenile Justice Bulletin, April 2000,Introduction: Juvenile Justice Bulletin, April 2000, Study Sample: Juvenile Justice Bulletin, April 2000, Results: Juvenile Justice Bulletin, April 2000, Conclusion: Benton Foundation, 1999, Toward Digital Inclusion for Deserved Youth:'transatlantic%20policy%20in%20youth Read More
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