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Health and human service sectors are al areas that facilitate critical service to the under-privileged segment of our society. Human services are broadly defined as non profit organizations that serve the cause of human development and ensure empowerment of the people. They provide services in myriad areas like healthcare support, education, training and development for self reliance, disaster management etc. Being non profit organizations, they often face challenges from different quarter vis-a-vis funding resources: inadequate infrastructure; lack of human capital; increased requirements from funding agencies; data collation; evolving regulatory mandates etc.
The paper would be discussing the issue of data collation and how the use of technology would be able to improve and improvise it to increase work efficiency of the organization. Use of technology within the operation of the organizations can significantly improve its efficiency and help them to meet the challenges of time. At the same time, they also become critical part of fair implementation of organizational goals and objectives which cater to the needs and requirements of the needy population.
Data, information and knowledge are highly crucial element of organizational success as they facilitate decision making based on informed choices. Technology based gadgets like computer and internet provide people with strong means to gather data and manipulate them to garner vital information. The information will equip the management and organization with necessary knowledge to identify and evaluate factors whose inclusion or elimination could expedite the goals and objectives. My organization works in the area of healthcare delivery for the aged.
The assisted living facilities extended by our volunteers to the elderly population of the community had become a permanent function rather a short time aid. I took the initiative and developed software where data about the elderly was fed into the computer. Apart from demographic details like age, address, family members etc. we also encouraged them to talk about their likes and dislikes about various issues like children’s role in their present life, what they want to do and how they want to live etc.
We used large database from the neighboring communities so that our study could yield more accurate results. After analyzing the data, it was found that they were psychologically depressed which had compounded their frailty. On a pilot project, we took 10 elderly people who were in our list of assisted living facility and helped them to have regular interaction with their grandchildren as well as with other people. To our pleasant surprise, within a month, all the ten elderly people had regained their old zest for life and were able to do their daily chores without assistance.
This was the most encouraging study that was made possible through the use of computer which had greatly facilitated in identifying the factor of depression in the elderly population. We then applied this psychology with other in-house patients and used local volunteers and school children as part of the program. The interaction with the children was most successful and showed remarkable progress in the health of the elderly population. We have now spread the program across other regions and are extremely pleased with the outcome.
Indeed, technology has made it easier to identify the cause of psychological illness of elderly population. We have segmented the elderly population as per the identified psychological problem and use identified solution for optimal results. (words: 555) Reference Technology Guide for Nonprofit Leaders: Health and Human Services
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