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It is true that global changes are making women more independent - the economic independence for women brings with it equality but also creates new issues such as divorce and broken families. For kids, this is not a healthy situation as their existence is split between the parents. They do not get support like the kids used to get 30 years back. Working women do pass through more stress as they have to share the double responsibilities of family and job.
Person# 2
Society has changed a lot in the last 30-40 years. Marriages are like social institutions to provide us joys, and sorrows. We find our identity in our families and families are there to fulfill our hopes and aspirations. It is quite possible that at times, the family becomes a disappointment. Nevertheless, it can be said that in their current form, they are more like proving equality rather than erstwhile happy families where members were tied with some bond of belonging.
Person# 3
It can be said for sure that global changes are making more equal families but not with certainty that it makes happier families too. Kids don't get enough time from their parents. Ever since women are working in the offices, men have also worked at home. Women across all communities and classes are involved in the business. Cross marriages between members of different religious and ethnic groups have created families with multi-ethnic and multi-religious backgrounds. Obviously, kids are likely to pick multi-cultural values from their parents. Old cultural values are dying and new sets of cultural values – rather mixed set of cultural values are taking shape. If the new set of cultural values does not suit either member and further since women are not dependent on men, divorce is a quick-fire solution. The new value system has made families smaller with mostly single kids and even without kids. Old cultural values are surely on the path of decay replacing them with new phenomena.
Person# 4
The rules in a company are always uniform for everybody; otherwise, rules cannot be enforced. When lower staff is supposed to arrive in time in the office; boss should also follow the suit. Otherwise, it is likely to have a demoralizing effect on other staff. Boss needs to be a model employee and should show respect to the rules of the company that will certainly help establish work culture among all staff members.
Person# 5
It is not appropriate to differentiate between lower and higher-level staff. The thriving organizations do not have any such discrimination. The rule of punctuality brings discipline and work ethics to the organization and that should be implemented evenly.
Person# 6
Past punctuality doesn’t grant someone a license to violate it in the future. Seniors are always role models for juniors and their conduct is of utmost importance. Freshers need not imitate what their seniors do because it is none of their business. They should strictly adhere to the rules of punctuality.
Person# 7
All the same, it is of utmost necessity for a new employee to adhere to the time schedule. Ultimately, a new employee has to prove themselves in the company and they cannot imitate seniors. A new employee has to see their own conduct first because they have to prove their worth in the company. They cannot take the liberty of observing the ground rules of the organization. Strictly following the rules of the company enhances their value among seniors and gives them a chance for promotion.
Person# 8
It is a fact that human nature is to dictate things and most bosses tend to behave in that way. There are the persons who themselves don't follow the rules that they want their subordinates to follow. All the same, it is for the benefit of juniors to understand this basic tenet, and regardless of what their seniors do they must obey the rules of punctuality.
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