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Independent Creative Writing - Essay Example

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With the exploration of ancient cultures and living, the idea of time capsules has gained attention for scientists and archeologists all over the world. …
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Independent Creative Writing
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Running Head: INDEPENDENT CREATIVE WRITING Independent Creative Writing [The of the will appear here] [The of the will appear here] [The name of the Professor] [Course] With the exploration of ancient cultures and living, the idea of time capsules has gained attention for scientists and archeologists all over the world. Time capsules serve as mini-museums that store information of the contemporary society for the future generation. Though we cannot expect to construct the whole society, the idea is to capture the essence so as to give future archaeologists clues about the past (Jarvin, 70).

American society today is a mix of diverse cultures, people and thoughts and it would require creativity and innovation to represent its culture today. I have created my time capsule keeping this fact in mind. It would be difficult to write about the culturally diverse American society and for this reason, a DVD should be made that would record the different aspects of the American society. These different aspects would be personal, business and recreational society. For this purpose, the video recorder will have to visit different homes, business centers including the White House and popular recreational spots including fast food joints such as McDonald’s.

This DVD would be the main object of the time capsule. To ensure that the DVD is playable, a DVD player would also be included in the time capsule. Along with the DVD, an album of pictures will also be put in the time capsule. This album will have pictures of popular spots that are idolized by the society including Hollywood, fast food joints, stadiums, and theaters etc. The composition of the pictures would be such that the essence of the place is captured, that is, stadium during a football match.

I would also include a recent newspaper. This newspaper will cover most aspects of the contemporary American society including the most recent headlines and the opinions of leading journalists on the pressing problems of today’s society. From the literary point of view, I would include a book of slang including explanation, translation and origin of the slangs. As society progresses, communication language adopts to suit the style of the contemporary society. As different cultures enter into the society, they bring their own unique styles.

For example, the African American created rap style in music. The language of the style generation would be reformed to suit their needs they may be using certain slang words without having an idea of the origin of that particular slang. For this reason, it is important that the origin of a particular slang expression is known to the future generation. From a religious perspective, I would include the holy book of the major religious; these being Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. These books include Bible, Quran, Bhagvat Geeta and Dhamma.

Most of the Holy books that we have today have been rewritten and within the same religion, holy books do not have the same language and teachings. The future generation would be able to compare the holy books of today and of the future to study how they have evolved over time and the differences in teachings. Finally I would include a note explaining the purpose of the time capsule and the purpose of each item within the time capsule. This note would also excuse the future generation of the mistakes made by our generation, especially the misuse of the environment and the resulting global warming.

Once I have created the time capsule, I would place it in Antarctica. The reason for doing so is because of the increasing global warming. If global warming continues at this pace, it would only be places near the North Pole which would be worth living in the next two hundred years. Also the time capsule would remain preserved in Antarctica without human interference of any kind. I have specified North Pole as the intended place and not some other planet because scientists have studied the possibility of life on Mars but have been unable to come with conclusive evidence that another planet could support life.

References Jarvis, William A. Time Capsules: a cultural history. North Carolina: McFarland and Inc. Publications, 2003. Print

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