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Merit Award Application - Scholarship Essay Example

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1) Everything in life that is worthwhile must be earned and to excel one must be willing to make personal sacrifices to achieve one’s goals. In order for an individual student to distinguish themselves from the herd they must be willing to take the extra mile and excel not only in academics but also personally and professionally…
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Merit Award Application
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Everything in life that is worthwhile must be earned and to excel one must be willing to make personal sacrifices to achieve one’s goals. In order for an individual student to distinguish themselves from the herd they must be willing to take the extra mile and excel not only in academics but also personally and professionally. Joining a nationally recognized student organization such as the National Society of Collegiate Scholars can help a student achieve a higher level of personal and academic achievement in their college.

For first or second year college students there are not a lot of options for individuals looking for academic organizations that recognize outstanding academic and personal achievement, but the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) helps fulfill that role. The National Society of Collegiate Scholars is the only honor’s society in the U.S. that recognizes outstanding academic achievement among first and second year students (Illinoisstate). The NSCS can serve as a launching point for a student’s future academic career by providing a wide array of opportunities for campus student involvement, community service and encouraging student members to become involved in their communities and become leaders in their communities.

By becoming a member of the NSCS it demonstrates an individual’s drive for outstanding achievement and personal excellence. Being an active member provides the opportunity learn and grow professionally and personally by being able to share concepts, ideas and visions on how to improve our communities future through community involvement and developing our community and local economy. The scholarship opportunities are an additional benefit of joining the NSCS. Furthermore, the networking opportunities provided by the NSCS will provide members with a chance to meet and discuss important issues with business and political leaders of our community and present a platform where real professional and personal relationships can be cultivated for the future. 2) As a divorced, single mother with two children life has thrown more than a few curve balls along my way.

Thorough the years I have learned to live day by day and learn to live in the present by “living the moment”. It may sound cliche, but it is true that the journey is more important than the destination. As an undergraduate student specializing in Allied Health Science, the adversities, sacrifice and personal compromises I have had to endure in my life have provided me with the tools and personal strength to overcome any obstacle that may fall upon my way. I plan on becoming an ultrasound technician after finishing my associate degree and balancing the needs and responsibilities of being a single mother.

The fact that I have to work full time while attending school to finish my associate and maintaining a balanced work/school/home environment has been a true challenge. Regardless, I have achieved being on the Dean’s list for every semester I have been enrolled. As a hopeful college student, mother and human being, I understand the need for providing a better environment and society for not only my children, but for the future of our community as a whole. During my journey in college I have learned a lot by listening to others especially my fellow classmates.

Going to college is a unique opportunity that enables a person to grow as a person, while at the same time obtaining valuable knowledge, skills, and abilities to prepare a person to become a part of the workforce. My journey so far has been a wonderful experience. One of the best parts of this journey has been having the opportunity to meet so many brilliant and wonderful people that have similar professional aspirations. I know that at the end of the journey I will receive the ultimate reward of having a college degree which is an asset that will ensure the financial well being of myself and my family.

Work Cited Page 2005. “National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS). 18 June 2011.

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