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Dr. Casupang Phlebotomy Hypertension This report is submitted to my Phlebotomy Dr. Casupang with intent to demonstrate my knowledge in Hypertension. What is Hypertension? Hypertension is the term used to indicate high blood pressure which is the common ill health condition found in modern people. Blood pressure is measured in terms of the force against artery walls when the heart pumps bloods through arteries. Attributed to modern life style changes, blood pressure change has become an increasingly serious threat to individual health.
Various causes and symptoms of hypertension are described below. Millimeters of mercury is the measure used to represent blood pressure readings; and the normal blood pressure reading in adults is found to be 120/80mmHg (MedicinePlus). During each heartbeat, the blood pressure fluctuates between a systolic (maximum) and diastolic (minimum) pressure. The blood pressure of an individual is expressed by writing systolic pressure over diastolic pressure; for instance 130/80mmHg. The systolic pressure would be high if it is over 140 whereas it is said to be normal if the rate lies below 120.
Similarly, diastolic pressure would indicate a normal rate if it is below 80 most of the time. When a person’s systolic pressure usually indicates a value between 120 and 139 and diastolic pressure lies between 80 and 89 most of the time, he is more likely to develop high blood pressure. Causes of hypertension According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the determining factors for hypertension include the level of salt and water in the body, the level of different body hormones, and condition of kidneys, blood vessels, and nervous system.
It has been observed that older persons are more likely to develop high blood pressure since blood vessels become stiffer over time. Medical science has proved that high blood pressure may often lead to stroke, heart failure, kidney disease, and early death. Smoking, diabetes, obesity, heredity, and uncontrolled diet generally become the direct causes of hypertension. Secondary hypertension is another dangerous condition that is usually caused by another medical condition or medication. The secondary hypertension may arise due to other reasons such as alcohol abuse, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney diseases, endocrine disorder, medications, and renal artery stenosis.
Malignant hypertension is a condition that arises as a result of dangerously high blood pressure. Symptoms of hypertension Although in most times no specific indications are visible, the common symptoms include confusion, headache, fatigue, irregular heartbeat, nosebleed, vision changes, and buzzing. Tests and treatments Blood pressure checking must be repeated frequently in order to diagnose hypertension. In addition, the physician may also suggest blood tests, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, ultrasound of kidneys, and urinalysis in order to test the complication signs in heart, eyes, kidneys, and other organs.
In case of hypertension, treatment is provided to reduce blood pressure and thereby to avoid higher risk of complications. Different medicines have been developed to treat high blood pressure and they include alpha blockers, beta blockers, diuretics, calcium channel blockers, vasodilators, rennin inhibitors, and angiotensin receptor blockers. Regular exercise diet control also play an important role in treatment. Works Cited Hypertension. MedicinePlus. Web 12 June 2011 ‘May is high blood pressure education month’.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (CDC). Web 12 June 2011
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