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Cereal Promotion - Essay Example

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This essay "Cereal Promotion" focuses on every new product which faces the problem of people’s unawareness and low level of demand that requires an active promotion from the company. Nowadays it is hard to imagine modern production without proper advertising…
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Cereal Promotion
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Cereal Promotion Entering the market, every new product faces the problem of people’s unawareness and low level of demand that requires an active promotion from the company. Nowadays it is hard to imagine modern production without advertising because absolutely all goods and services reach potential consumers faster and ensure high sales more effectively if they are propagandized in a proper way. Some specialists believe that good advertising gives about fifty percent of success. That is why a carefully developed advertising campaign for the new product must play a significant role in the future efficiency of the innovation.

It is essential to create attractive and catchy ads, which later on will be able to influence customers’ decision-making. Before launching a promotion campaign, it can be rather useful to make an analysis of already existing advertisements. With this aim, we are going to research three randomly taken print ads for Cheerios. They are the following: Ad #1: This advertisement emphasizes the appropriateness and conveniences of Cheerios products made particularly for children. The stated ad tells that cereals are useful and healthy, proving it by mentioning that four out of five pediatricians choose exactly Cheerios.

Also, this print advertisement explains that ring-shaped flakes are very comfortable for kids to grab them, that is why, parents will not have any problems with feeding their children. Ad manages to attract people’s attention with a catchy headline and relevant picture. However, there is rather cumbersome text that can be shortened without any damage to the main idea of the print ad. Ad #2: This advertisement attracts potential consumers’ attention with a big and memorable headline that contains a piece of propagandized product, which makes it more special and acceptable.

In addition, the company emphasizes the influence of cereals on heart diseases. The provided text is very informative and appropriate. It increases the possibility of people noticing it in a newspaper or magazine drastically. Also, pleasant delicate colors make this ad noticeable. With the help of falling ring-shaped flakes, it is easy for readers from first sight to understand what exact product is advertised. Ad #3: This advertisement is rather extraordinary and extremely creative. Emphasizing the lack of cholesterol in Cheerios cereals, the main headline takes much less space in this ad than the rest elements.

Hence, the center place is taken with a picture of a heart with veins, while the headline stays aside along with a small image of the Cheerios package. All this makes the print ad hard for understanding, because at once it is impossible to realize what product is advertised until you look more carefully and notice a box of cereals there. However, in my opinion, especially the vagueness and creativity of the ad make it more attractive to viewers. Consequently, mentioned advantages of the ads above can be used in the creation of the new product’s advertisement for achieving better results.

The object of promotion is flower-shaped flakes with dried apricots, prunes, and walnuts called “24-hour energy”. This type of cereal will be aimed at adults, especially sportsmen and those people who keep on the diet. The most important thing about the promotion is to show the useful and healthy effects of the proposed cereals. That is why it is recommended to provide as much information on the package as possible to persuade consumers during their decision-making. Taking into account that dried fruits do not contain sugar, nourishing the human body with natural carbohydrates, and new cereals will not lead to obesity.

This fact will be very attractive to those people who keep their weight under thorough control. It is advised to place a picture of a running sporty girl on the front of the package along with facts about dried fruits printed on the back of the box. It should be positioned in the middle of the aisle on the top shelf. New types of cereals should be advertised on TV, point-of-sale, and print media. Creative Brief Product name: “24-hour energy” Target market: adult consumers of cereals, especially sportsmen and people, who keep on a diet; Current perceptions of product within target market: reasonably accurate; Current competitive position: strong and stable, one out of three leaders Brand personality that should be expressed through advertising: sporty girl Desired outcomes of the project: excite people’s interest and awareness to the new product and raise a level of demand; Key response action from target market: trial purchase, general recognition, strong loyalty; Message guidelines: logo, slogan, graph elements.

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