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Work and how it has changed in the past 100 years and what effect it has had on human resource managers: Since the last couple of decades, internet has made this world a completely different place to live in. Internet has come into the approach of a common man with a very diverse range of facilities to offer him. There is email that promises communication without delay, facebook that shows the current status of friends, colleagues and peers, and skype that allows the people to interact with one another without having to visit one another or spend money on calling one another.
In the contemporary age, people do not need to pay a dime in order to communicate with one another live 24 / 7 if they pay their internet and electricity bills in time. Skype plays the role of videoconferencing in both the e-businesses as well as the brick and mortar businesses. As the name implies, the human resource department has approach to many candidates who want to be part of the firm. Human resource department is a department that supplies humans to an organization for work just like a mineral resource provides us with minerals.
From time to time, as per the need of the hour, human resource department keeps hiring new employees. The employees are hired according to the gaps identified in the existing organization structure, so that it becomes stronger and more effective when the gaps thus identified are filled in. The difference between the work culture that existed 100 years ago and that which exists today is fundamentally that of the difference between a brick and mortar business and an e-business. In the conventional brick and mortar business, candidates are necessarily interviewed before their selection into the organization.
Most of the times, interview serves as the only criterion of judgment and is not accompanied with such things as tests or demos. On the other hand, human resource professionals in the e-businesses may never need to see or interview the candidate. All they have to judge the capabilities of a candidate for selecting is the test. In some cases, interview may be taken in addition to the test, but this interview is much different from the conventional interview in a brick and mortar business. The interviewee and interviewer do not sit in a room but may be sitting in their respective homes in the modern e-business interview unlike the interview in a brick and mortar business, in which both sit in a room.
In addition to that, in the e-business, employees do not have to be provided with accommodation, food or other such facilities which were due to be provided to the employees 100 years ago. The way business has shifted in nature and style of work since the last 100 years has had some serious implications for the human resource department. The human resource department is fundamentally responsible for selecting the workforce which is the basic block with which the whole organization is built. As more and more businesses are transforming into e-businesses from the conventional brick and mortar businesses, human resource professionals are changing the ways in which candidates are recruited.
Today, candidates are not interviewed or if they are, the procedure is very different for it. Candidates are mostly tested unlike past. Moreover, the HR department does not have to provide the employees with accommodation or other facilities unlike past. Thus, since the past 100 years, there have been drastic changes in the work environment.
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