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Acrylic Nails: Where they started and who invented them - Essay Example

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Acrylic nails are fake nails that are pressed on the original nails so as to enhance their look and beauty. Unlike most cosmetic products that are produced by cosmetics companies, modern Acrylic nails were invented by a dentist named Dr. Stuart Nordstrom…
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Acrylic Nails: Where they started and who invented them
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23 May, Acrylic Nails: Where they started and who invented them? Acrylic nails arefake nails that are pressed on the original nails so as to enhance their look and beauty. Unlike most cosmetic products that are produced by cosmetics companies, modern Acrylic nails were invented by a dentist named Dr. Stuart Nordstrom. The nails were invented in his garage lab. Dr. Stuart Nordstrom had a patient who was a manicurist. As the Dr. Stuart Nordstrom formed a temporary crown for the patient, the patient recognized that it was made from the same compounds that she fashioned her nails with.

Upon hearing the complaint made by the patient, Dr. Stuart Nordstrom worked in the garage lab and in 1978, found even better compounds to make the nails with. In this way, Nordstrom developed the “Creative Nail Design Systems” (Postrel). These systems offered many training courses. Their courses and products were later made use of by many innovators to improve the tips of plastic nails and enhance the quality of glues. Since then, acrylic nails have been in use all over the world. They add a lot of charm and beauty to the nails and can be styled as per the desire of the user.

Originally, the acrylic nails were simple pieces of plastic. Their look was far from natural and they did not nourish the real nails. With the passage of time, such acrylic nails have been formed which not only appear natural, but also are beneficial for the real nails hidden therein. Thus, the acrylic nails invented in a doctor’s garage lab are now available all over the world. Works Cited: Postrel, Virginia. “The Nail File.” 1997. Web. 23 May 2011. .

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